1 secure payment
1) Экономика: обеспечивать платеж2) Деловая лексика: гарантировать платеж -
2 secure payment technology
Вычислительная техника: технология защищённых электронных платежейУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > secure payment technology
3 secure payment technology
English-Russian information technology > secure payment technology
4 to secure payment
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > to secure payment
5 to secure payment
6 payment
n1) погашение (долга)2) взнос4) pl платежный оборот
- additional payment
- advance payment
- alimony payment
- allowance payment
- amortization payment
- annual payment
- annuity payment
- anticipated payment
- average payment
- back payment
- balloon payment
- benefit payment
- bi-annual payment
- bilateral payments
- bonus payment
- budgetary payments
- cash payment
- cash down payment
- cash payments in advance
- cashless payment
- cheque payment
- clearing payment
- collection payment
- commercial payments
- commission payment
- compensation payment
- compensatory payment
- compulsory payment
- consignment payments
- contractual payments
- contractual termination payments
- coupon payments
- credit payments
- cross-border payments
- currency payments
- current payments
- cyclic interest payment
- debt service payment
- deductible alimony payment
- deferred payment
- delayed payment
- demurrage payment
- direct payment
- direct bonus payment
- direct financial payment
- dividend payment
- dividend payments on equity issues
- down payment
- due payment
- early bird payment
- easy payments
- electronic payments for goods and services
- encouragement payment
- end-of-year payment
- entitlement payment
- excess payment
- exchange payments
- excise payment
- ex gratia payment
- extended payment
- external payments
- extra payment
- facilitation payments
- final payment
- financial payment
- first payment
- fixed payments
- fixed-rate payment
- foreign payment
- franked payments
- freight payment
- full payment
- golden parachute payment
- guarantee payment
- guaranteed payment
- hire payments from leasing of movable property
- housing and communal utilities payments
- immediate payment
- incentive payment
- inclusive payment
- incoming payments
- initial payment
- installment payment
- insufficient payment
- insurance payment
- interest payment
- interim payment
- intermediate payment
- internal payments
- international payments
- irregular payments
- job work payment
- late payment
- lease payment
- licence fee payment
- lump-sum payment
- minimum payment
- monetary payment
- monthly payment
- multilateral payments
- mutual payments
- net payment
- noncash payment
- noncommercial payment
- nontax payment
- obligatory payment
- one-off payment
- one-time payment
- onward payment
- other payments
- outstanding payment
- overdue payment
- overtime payment
- paperless payment
- partial payment
- past due payment
- patent licence payments
- payroll payment
- pension payment
- periodical payments
- preferential payment
- premium payment
- pressing payment
- previous payment
- principal payment
- progress payments
- prolonged payment
- prompt payment
- proportionate payments
- public welfare payments
- punctual payment
- quarter payment
- quarterly payment
- recovering payment
- redundancy payment
- rental payment
- requited payment
- royalty payment
- semi-annual payment
- seniority benefits payment
- separation payment
- settlement payments
- severance payment
- short payment
- sight payment
- single payment
- sinking fund payment
- social payments
- social security payments
- stop payment
- stopped payment
- subsequent payment
- subsidy payment
- successive payments
- sundry payments
- superannuation payments
- supplementary payment
- tax payment
- taxable payments
- terminal payment
- threshold payment
- time payment
- timely payment
- token payment
- transfer payments
- unpaid payment
- unreimbursed payment
- up-front payment
- wage payment
- warranty payment
- weekly payment
- welfare payment
- wrongful payments
- yearly payment
- payment after delivery
- payment against a bank guarantee
- payment against delivery of documents
- payment against dock receipt
- payment against documents
- payment against drafts
- payment against an invoice
- payment against a L/C
- payment against indebtedness
- payment against payment documents
- payment against presentation of documents
- payment against shipping documents
- payment against statement
- payment ahead of schedule
- payment ahead of time
- payment as per tariff
- payment at destination
- payment at sight
- payment before delivery
- payment by acceptance
- payment by cable transfers
- payment by cash
- payment in cash
- payment by cheque
- payment by deliveries of products
- payment by drafts
- payment by the hour
- payment in installments
- payment by installments
- payment by the job
- payment by a L/C
- payment by money transfers
- payment by the piece
- payment by postal transfers
- payment by remittance
- payment by results
- payment by the time
- payment by transfers
- payment for auditing services
- payment for breakage
- payment for carriage of goods
- payment for collection
- payments for credits
- payment for deliveries
- payment for documents
- payment for goods
- payment for honour
- payment for services
- payment for shipments
- payment for technical documentation
- payment forward
- payment for work
- payment from abroad
- payment in advance
- payment in and out of the current account
- payment in anticipation
- payment in arrears
- payment in cash
- payment in clearing currency
- payment in dollars
- payment in due course
- payment in favour of smb
- payment in foreign currency
- payment in full
- payment in gold
- payment in kind
- payment in lieu of vacation
- payment in local currency
- payment in national currency
- payment in part
- payments in settlement
- payment in specie
- payment into an account
- payment into the bank
- payment in total
- payment of an account
- payment of an advance
- payment of an amount
- payment of arrears
- payment of arrears of interest
- payment of an award
- payment of the balance
- payment of a bill
- payment of a bonus
- payment of charges
- payment of charter hire
- payment of a cheque
- payment of claims
- payment of a collection
- payment of a commission
- payment of compensation
- payment of costs
- payment of coupon yield
- payment of customs duties
- payment of damages
- payment of a debt
- payment of demurrage
- payment of a deposit
- payment of dismissal wage
- payment of dispatch
- payment of dividends
- payment of a draft
- payment of dues
- payment of a duty
- payment of expenses
- payment of fees
- payment of a fine
- payment of freight
- payment of gains obtained
- payment of a guarantee sum
- payment of hospital expenses
- payment of an indemnity
- payment of the initial fee
- payment of insurance indemnity
- payment of insurance premium
- payment of interest
- payment of interest on coupons
- payment of interest on deposits
- payment of an invoice
- payment of a margin
- payment of medical expenses
- payment of money
- payment of a note
- payment of past-due interest
- payment of the penalty
- payment of a premium
- payment of principal
- payment of principal and interest
- payment of profits
- payment of property taxes
- payment of remuneration
- payment of restitution
- payment of retention money
- payment of royalty
- payment of salary
- payment of a sum
- payment of taxes
- payment of transportation charges
- payment of unemployment benefits
- payment of wages
- payment on account
- payment on cheque
- payment on a clearing basis
- payment on a collection basis
- payment on a deferred basis
- payment on delivery
- payment on demand
- payment on dividends
- payment on due date
- payment on an invoice
- payment on mortgages
- payment on an open account
- payment on open account billing
- payments on orders
- payment on presentation
- payment on request
- payment on the spot
- payment supra protest
- payment through a bank
- payment through clearing
- payment to the state budget
- payments under a contract
- payments under loans
- failing payment
- in payment
- payment received
- accelerate payment
- accept as payment
- adjust payments
- anticipate payment
- apply for payment
- approve payment
- arrange payment
- authorize payment
- be behind with one's payments
- cease payments
- claim payment
- collect payment
- complete payments
- default on mortgage payments
- defer payment
- delay payment
- demand payment
- do payment
- effect payment
- enforce payment
- exempt from payment
- expedite payment
- fix payment
- forgo payment of a dividend
- forward payment
- fulfil payment
- guarantee payment
- hold up payment
- impose payment
- make payment
- make a cash payment
- miss interest and dividend payments
- negotiate payment of fees
- outlaw payment of bribes
- pass for payment
- postpone payment
- present for payment
- press for payment
- process payment
- prolong payment
- put off payment
- receive payment
- refuse payment
- release from payment
- remit payment
- request payment
- require payment
- reschedule pledged payments
- restructure payments
- resume payments
- secure payment
- settle payments
- speed up payment
- spread payments
- stop payments
- stretch out payments
- suspend payments
- transact payment
- transfer payment
- waive dividend payments
- withhold paymentEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > payment
7 payment
1) платеж, плата, уплата, оплата; погашение (долга)2) взнос4) pl платежный оборот•- make payments "by the first run"There are various internet projects to provide B2B payments without bank intermediation. — Существуют различные проекты использования интернета для осуществления межфирменных платежей без посредничества банков.
8 Secure Electronic Payment Protocol
Сетевые технологии: протокол SEPP, протокол безопасных электронных платежейУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Secure Electronic Payment Protocol
9 secure the payment of the money borrowed and still due
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > secure the payment of the money borrowed and still due
10 Secure Electronic Payment Protocol (SEPP)
протокол безопасных электронных платежейEnglish-Russian dictionary of modern telecommunications > Secure Electronic Payment Protocol (SEPP)
11 Secure Electronic Payment Protocol
протокол безопасных электронных платежей; протокол SEPPEnglish-Russian information technology > Secure Electronic Payment Protocol
12 tax lien imposed on all assets to secure the payment of taxes
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > tax lien imposed on all assets to secure the payment of taxes
13 sepp secure electronic payment protocol
English-Russian dictionary of computer science > sepp secure electronic payment protocol
14 SPN
1) Компьютерная техника: Separation Program Number2) Американизм: Security Publication Number, Special Paper Number, Sponsor Program Notice, Sponsor Program Number3) Военный термин: Secure Private Network, Separation Program Numbers, special program number, standard precision navigation4) Математика: Simpliest Possible Number5) Юридический термин: System Person Number6) Бухгалтерия: Secure Payment Network7) Автомобильный термин: Suspect Parameter Number8) Телекоммуникации: Service Panel Number9) Электроника: Sequential Phase Number, Shift Pulse Network, Signal Plus Noise, Signal Processor Network, Single Pole Network, Switch Panel Network10) Вычислительная техника: Substitution Permutation Network (Verschluesselung)11) Транспорт: Shipment Performance Notice12) Деловая лексика: Simple Purchasing Network13) Сетевые технологии: Service Principal Names, service protection network, сеть с автоматической защитой от несанкционированного доступа14) Океанография: Shared Processing Network15) Майкрософт: имя участника-службы16) Общественная организация: State Policy Network17) NYSE. Superior Energy Services, Inc.18) Аэропорты: Saipan International Airport, Saipan, Mariana Islands20) AMEX. Security Pennsylvania Financial Corporation -
15 SPS
1) Общая лексика: СПС (The Moscow Times (Союз правых сил)), Standard Procurement System (U.S. Department of Defense)2) Компьютерная техника: Sensor Port Signal conditioning, Serial Peripheral System, Speed Pad System, Superscript, satellite-power system, standart position service3) Медицина: spontaneous pressure support (ИВЛ), Scheduled Procedure Step, Single Parameter Score, single-port surgery4) Спорт: Speed Pure Speed5) Военный термин: Scratch Pad Store, Self Preservation System, Software Product Specification, Special PSYOP Study, Supplemental Programs and Services, System Performance Simulation, secondary power system, security police squadron, self-protection system, signal processing system, spares, special service, special-purpose system6) Техника: Shuttle primary software, Special Purpose Synthetic, Structural Panel Systems, safety protection subsystem, samples-per-second, secondary plant system, shotpoint seismometer, source-point seismometer, spectrum planning subcommittee, speech processor set, spotpoint seismometer, standard project storm, submerged production system, super proton synchrotron, supplementary protection system, surface photovoltage spectroscopy7) Математика: полупроницаемая поверхность (semipermeable surface)8) Железнодорожный термин: Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company9) Юридический термин: Self Preservation Society10) Экономика: санитарные и фитосанитарные меры (Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (WTO))11) Автомобильный термин: service programming system12) Грубое выражение: Small Penis Syndrome13) Металлургия: sticking prevention system14) Музыка: Synthetic Percussion Sequencer15) Оптика: solar power satellite16) Сокращение: Designation for Soviet airborne jammer facility, Seconds per Scan, Self-Protection Subsystem, Simplified Processing Station, Solar Powered Satellite, Standard Positioning Service (GPS), Standard Positioning Service, Statistical Programs Specialist, special services17) Университет: The Society Of Physics Students19) Физиология: Small Polyp Stony20) Электроника: Surface Preparation System, Switching Power Supply21) Вычислительная техника: String Processing System, Symbolic Programming System, standby power supply, Solar Power Satellite (Space), Secure Payment System, Sharepoint Portal Server22) Нефть: satellite well production system, shot point seismometer, subsea production system, подводная система эксплуатации скважин (submerged production system), сейсмоприёмник вертикального времени (shotpoint seismometer)23) Микробиология: sodium polyanetholesulfonate (полианетолсульфонат натрия)24) Космонавтика: Shuttle Pallet Satellite25) Картография: salt pans station26) Транспорт: Shock Protection System, Specific Pavement Studies, Sport Production Special, Street Performance And Styling, Super Power Stock, System Performance Simulator27) Фирменный знак: Specialized Pharmacy Services, Stop Pet Shops, Superior Pool Structures28) Деловая лексика: Scaleable Platform Solution, Solutions Projects And Services, Strategic Products And Services, Sustained Performance System29) Сетевые технологии: Series Parallel Star, standby power system30) Солнечная энергия: спектроскопия поверхностного напряжения31) Сахалин Р: Surface Process Shutdown32) Химическое оружие: secondary power distribution system, site piping system33) Макаров: solar power system34) Расширение файла: OS/2 Database, SPSS language source code file, Secure Packet Shield, Sprint Screen driver35) Нефть и газ: Наземная Насосная Система (Surface Pumpming System), (subsea production system) подводный добычной комплекс36) Электротехника: single phase switching, solar power station, supplementary power supply37) Правительство: State Park Service38) Аэропорты: Wichita Falls, Texas USA39) НАСА: Solar Power Satellites, Symbols per second40) Единицы измерений: Shots Per Second41) AMEX. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Company -
16 Spn
1) Компьютерная техника: Separation Program Number2) Американизм: Security Publication Number, Special Paper Number, Sponsor Program Notice, Sponsor Program Number3) Военный термин: Secure Private Network, Separation Program Numbers, special program number, standard precision navigation4) Математика: Simpliest Possible Number5) Юридический термин: System Person Number6) Бухгалтерия: Secure Payment Network7) Автомобильный термин: Suspect Parameter Number8) Телекоммуникации: Service Panel Number9) Электроника: Sequential Phase Number, Shift Pulse Network, Signal Plus Noise, Signal Processor Network, Single Pole Network, Switch Panel Network10) Вычислительная техника: Substitution Permutation Network (Verschluesselung)11) Транспорт: Shipment Performance Notice12) Деловая лексика: Simple Purchasing Network13) Сетевые технологии: Service Principal Names, service protection network, сеть с автоматической защитой от несанкционированного доступа14) Океанография: Shared Processing Network15) Майкрософт: имя участника-службы16) Общественная организация: State Policy Network17) NYSE. Superior Energy Services, Inc.18) Аэропорты: Saipan International Airport, Saipan, Mariana Islands20) AMEX. Security Pennsylvania Financial Corporation -
17 Sps
1) Общая лексика: СПС (The Moscow Times (Союз правых сил)), Standard Procurement System (U.S. Department of Defense)2) Компьютерная техника: Sensor Port Signal conditioning, Serial Peripheral System, Speed Pad System, Superscript, satellite-power system, standart position service3) Медицина: spontaneous pressure support (ИВЛ), Scheduled Procedure Step, Single Parameter Score, single-port surgery4) Спорт: Speed Pure Speed5) Военный термин: Scratch Pad Store, Self Preservation System, Software Product Specification, Special PSYOP Study, Supplemental Programs and Services, System Performance Simulation, secondary power system, security police squadron, self-protection system, signal processing system, spares, special service, special-purpose system6) Техника: Shuttle primary software, Special Purpose Synthetic, Structural Panel Systems, safety protection subsystem, samples-per-second, secondary plant system, shotpoint seismometer, source-point seismometer, spectrum planning subcommittee, speech processor set, spotpoint seismometer, standard project storm, submerged production system, super proton synchrotron, supplementary protection system, surface photovoltage spectroscopy7) Математика: полупроницаемая поверхность (semipermeable surface)8) Железнодорожный термин: Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company9) Юридический термин: Self Preservation Society10) Экономика: санитарные и фитосанитарные меры (Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (WTO))11) Автомобильный термин: service programming system12) Грубое выражение: Small Penis Syndrome13) Металлургия: sticking prevention system14) Музыка: Synthetic Percussion Sequencer15) Оптика: solar power satellite16) Сокращение: Designation for Soviet airborne jammer facility, Seconds per Scan, Self-Protection Subsystem, Simplified Processing Station, Solar Powered Satellite, Standard Positioning Service (GPS), Standard Positioning Service, Statistical Programs Specialist, special services17) Университет: The Society Of Physics Students19) Физиология: Small Polyp Stony20) Электроника: Surface Preparation System, Switching Power Supply21) Вычислительная техника: String Processing System, Symbolic Programming System, standby power supply, Solar Power Satellite (Space), Secure Payment System, Sharepoint Portal Server22) Нефть: satellite well production system, shot point seismometer, subsea production system, подводная система эксплуатации скважин (submerged production system), сейсмоприёмник вертикального времени (shotpoint seismometer)23) Микробиология: sodium polyanetholesulfonate (полианетолсульфонат натрия)24) Космонавтика: Shuttle Pallet Satellite25) Картография: salt pans station26) Транспорт: Shock Protection System, Specific Pavement Studies, Sport Production Special, Street Performance And Styling, Super Power Stock, System Performance Simulator27) Фирменный знак: Specialized Pharmacy Services, Stop Pet Shops, Superior Pool Structures28) Деловая лексика: Scaleable Platform Solution, Solutions Projects And Services, Strategic Products And Services, Sustained Performance System29) Сетевые технологии: Series Parallel Star, standby power system30) Солнечная энергия: спектроскопия поверхностного напряжения31) Сахалин Р: Surface Process Shutdown32) Химическое оружие: secondary power distribution system, site piping system33) Макаров: solar power system34) Расширение файла: OS/2 Database, SPSS language source code file, Secure Packet Shield, Sprint Screen driver35) Нефть и газ: Наземная Насосная Система (Surface Pumpming System), (subsea production system) подводный добычной комплекс36) Электротехника: single phase switching, solar power station, supplementary power supply37) Правительство: State Park Service38) Аэропорты: Wichita Falls, Texas USA39) НАСА: Solar Power Satellites, Symbols per second40) Единицы измерений: Shots Per Second41) AMEX. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Company -
18 spn
1) Компьютерная техника: Separation Program Number2) Американизм: Security Publication Number, Special Paper Number, Sponsor Program Notice, Sponsor Program Number3) Военный термин: Secure Private Network, Separation Program Numbers, special program number, standard precision navigation4) Математика: Simpliest Possible Number5) Юридический термин: System Person Number6) Бухгалтерия: Secure Payment Network7) Автомобильный термин: Suspect Parameter Number8) Телекоммуникации: Service Panel Number9) Электроника: Sequential Phase Number, Shift Pulse Network, Signal Plus Noise, Signal Processor Network, Single Pole Network, Switch Panel Network10) Вычислительная техника: Substitution Permutation Network (Verschluesselung)11) Транспорт: Shipment Performance Notice12) Деловая лексика: Simple Purchasing Network13) Сетевые технологии: Service Principal Names, service protection network, сеть с автоматической защитой от несанкционированного доступа14) Океанография: Shared Processing Network15) Майкрософт: имя участника-службы16) Общественная организация: State Policy Network17) NYSE. Superior Energy Services, Inc.18) Аэропорты: Saipan International Airport, Saipan, Mariana Islands20) AMEX. Security Pennsylvania Financial Corporation -
19 sps
1) Общая лексика: СПС (The Moscow Times (Союз правых сил)), Standard Procurement System (U.S. Department of Defense)2) Компьютерная техника: Sensor Port Signal conditioning, Serial Peripheral System, Speed Pad System, Superscript, satellite-power system, standart position service3) Медицина: spontaneous pressure support (ИВЛ), Scheduled Procedure Step, Single Parameter Score, single-port surgery4) Спорт: Speed Pure Speed5) Военный термин: Scratch Pad Store, Self Preservation System, Software Product Specification, Special PSYOP Study, Supplemental Programs and Services, System Performance Simulation, secondary power system, security police squadron, self-protection system, signal processing system, spares, special service, special-purpose system6) Техника: Shuttle primary software, Special Purpose Synthetic, Structural Panel Systems, safety protection subsystem, samples-per-second, secondary plant system, shotpoint seismometer, source-point seismometer, spectrum planning subcommittee, speech processor set, spotpoint seismometer, standard project storm, submerged production system, super proton synchrotron, supplementary protection system, surface photovoltage spectroscopy7) Математика: полупроницаемая поверхность (semipermeable surface)8) Железнодорожный термин: Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company9) Юридический термин: Self Preservation Society10) Экономика: санитарные и фитосанитарные меры (Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (WTO))11) Автомобильный термин: service programming system12) Грубое выражение: Small Penis Syndrome13) Металлургия: sticking prevention system14) Музыка: Synthetic Percussion Sequencer15) Оптика: solar power satellite16) Сокращение: Designation for Soviet airborne jammer facility, Seconds per Scan, Self-Protection Subsystem, Simplified Processing Station, Solar Powered Satellite, Standard Positioning Service (GPS), Standard Positioning Service, Statistical Programs Specialist, special services17) Университет: The Society Of Physics Students19) Физиология: Small Polyp Stony20) Электроника: Surface Preparation System, Switching Power Supply21) Вычислительная техника: String Processing System, Symbolic Programming System, standby power supply, Solar Power Satellite (Space), Secure Payment System, Sharepoint Portal Server22) Нефть: satellite well production system, shot point seismometer, subsea production system, подводная система эксплуатации скважин (submerged production system), сейсмоприёмник вертикального времени (shotpoint seismometer)23) Микробиология: sodium polyanetholesulfonate (полианетолсульфонат натрия)24) Космонавтика: Shuttle Pallet Satellite25) Картография: salt pans station26) Транспорт: Shock Protection System, Specific Pavement Studies, Sport Production Special, Street Performance And Styling, Super Power Stock, System Performance Simulator27) Фирменный знак: Specialized Pharmacy Services, Stop Pet Shops, Superior Pool Structures28) Деловая лексика: Scaleable Platform Solution, Solutions Projects And Services, Strategic Products And Services, Sustained Performance System29) Сетевые технологии: Series Parallel Star, standby power system30) Солнечная энергия: спектроскопия поверхностного напряжения31) Сахалин Р: Surface Process Shutdown32) Химическое оружие: secondary power distribution system, site piping system33) Макаров: solar power system34) Расширение файла: OS/2 Database, SPSS language source code file, Secure Packet Shield, Sprint Screen driver35) Нефть и газ: Наземная Насосная Система (Surface Pumpming System), (subsea production system) подводный добычной комплекс36) Электротехника: single phase switching, solar power station, supplementary power supply37) Правительство: State Park Service38) Аэропорты: Wichita Falls, Texas USA39) НАСА: Solar Power Satellites, Symbols per second40) Единицы измерений: Shots Per Second41) AMEX. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Company -
1) Компьютерная техника: Smart Personal Object Technologies2) Авиация: spot wind3) Военный термин: speed, position and track, Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre (French)4) Техника: satellite positioning and tracking system5) Шутливое выражение: Sim Pon Obsessed Teens6) Юридический термин: Self Protection Option Tool, Single Point Of Truth7) Бухгалтерия: Secure Payment For Online Transactions8) Биржевой термин: Single Payment Option Trading, single property ownership trust9) Сокращение: Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre, Small Portable Operation Terminal, Speed, Position, Track, Systeme Probatoire pour l'Observation de la Terre, Systиme Probataire d'Observation de la Terre (French commercial earth-observation satellites), Sustainable Performance Operation Tool10) Университет: Stanford Pre Orientation Trips11) Вычислительная техника: Smart Personal Object Technology (MS, Internet), технология умных персональных предметов (сокр. от Smart Personal Object Technology), УПП-технология12) Нефть: an unmanned French orbiting remote-sensing satellite (The satellite has a high-resolution visible imaging system)13) Космонавтика: Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre (France), (satellite pour l'observation de la Terre, France) французская система СПОТ (спутники наблюдения Земли)14) Деловая лексика: Smart Personal Object Technology15) Океанография: Earth Observation Satellite, Satellite Positioning and Tracking16) Дорожное движение: System for Priority and Optimisation of Traffic17) Расширение файла: SPOT satellite image file - Bitmap graphics, Shared Product Object Tree (IBM)18) НАСДАК: PanAmSat Corporation (Pan American Satellite)19) Программное обеспечение: Scientific Programmer's Object Toolkit
См. также в других словарях:
secure payment — index collect (recover money) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Secure electronic transaction — (SET) is a standard protocol for securing credit card transactions over insecure networks, specifically, the Internet. SET is not itself a payment system, but rather a set of security protocols and formats that enables users to employ the… … Wikipedia
secure — se·cure vt se·cured, se·cur·ing 1: to put beyond hazard of losing or not receiving secure the blessings of liberty U.S. Constitution preamble 2 a: to protect or make certain (as by lien) make a just and equitable partition and secure the parties… … Law dictionary
Secure Mobile Payment Service — (SEMOPS) is a project for developing a secure, universal electronic payment service, which allows real time payment transactions independently of the type and value of the purchase. See also : Mobile PaymentExternal links* [http://www.semops.com… … Wikipedia
Secure Electronic Transaction — (SET) ist ein Sicherheitsprotokoll für den elektronischen Zahlungsverkehr mit Kreditkarten, im besonderen über das Internet. SET wurde 1996 von VISA und MasterCard, unter Beteiligung von GTE, IBM, Microsoft und Netscape, entwickelt. Die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Secure Electronic Transfer — Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) ist ein Sicherheitsprotokoll für den elektronischen Zahlungsverkehr mit Kreditkarten, im besonderen über das Internet. SET wurde 1996 von VISA und MasterCard, unter Beteiligung von GTE, IBM, Microsoft und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
secure — ► ADJECTIVE 1) certain to remain safe and unthreatened. 2) fixed or fastened so as not to give way, become loose, or be lost. 3) feeling free from fear or anxiety. 4) protected against attack, burglary, etc. 5) (of a place of detention) having… … English terms dictionary
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard — The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is an information security standard for organizations that handle cardholder information for the major debit, credit, prepaid, e purse, ATM, and POS cards. Defined by the Payment Card… … Wikipedia
Secure Option ARM — A type of payment option adjustible rate mortgage with a fixed interest rate period. The mechanics of a secure option arm are very similar to a payment option arm except that it has a fixed interest rate period similar to fixed period or hybrid… … Investment dictionary
secure — securable, adj. securely, adv. secureness, n. securer, n. /si kyoor /, adj., securer, securest, v., secured, securing. adj. 1. free from or not exposed to danger or harm; safe … Universalium
secure — se•cure [[t]sɪˈkyʊər[/t]] adj. cur•er, cur•est, 1) free from danger or harm; safe 2) not liable to fail, yield, etc., as a support or fastening; firm 3) affording safety, as a place 4) kept in safe custody 5) free from care or anxiety 6) firmly… … From formal English to slang