1 secure authentication
Безопасность: аутентификация в системе безопасности, надёжная аутентификация -
2 secure authentication
Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > secure authentication
3 user automatic secure authentication
автоматическая идентификация пользователя
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > user automatic secure authentication
4 unconditionally secure authentication scheme
безусловно стойкая схема аутентификации
Стойкость безусловно стойкой схемы аутентификации не зависит ни от вычислительной мощности, ни от времени, которыми может располагать противник.
[ http://www.rfcmd.ru/glossword/1.8/index.php?a=index&d=4934]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > unconditionally secure authentication scheme
5 authentication
аутентификация, установление подлинности (идентичности) (личности, документа, объекта), отождествлениеАнгло-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > authentication
6 secure socket layer (encryption and authentication protocol)
уровень безопасных соединений (протокола кодирования и аутентификации)
(МСЭ-Т Y.1314).
[ http://www.iks-media.ru/glossary/index.html?glossid=2400324]Тематики
- электросвязь, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > secure socket layer (encryption and authentication protocol)
1) Общая лексика: институт системного статистического анализа (statistical analysis system institute)2) Компьютерная техника: Search And Sort, Serial Attached SCSI (SCSI с последовательным интерфейсом), satellite information service3) Авиация: система улучшения устойчивости5) Американизм: Senior Advisory Staff, Signature Authorization Sheet, описание аудиторских стандартов (Statement on Auditing Standards)6) Французский язык: акционерное общество упрощённого типа8) Военный термин: School of Air Support, Secret Attack Squad, Service, Artistry, Skill, Simultaneous Analog Stimulation, Small Arms School, Special Air Service, Special Air Services, Special Armed Services, Special Assault Squad, Speed Aggression And Surprise, Strategic Aerospace Summary, Strategic Area Study, Support to Analyst Subsystem, Survivable Adaptive Systems, System Analysis and Simulation, satellite attack sensor, sealed authentication system, secondary alarm station, security agency study, selection and appointment system, self-adaptive system, semiautomatic segment, separation assurance system, ship alongside service, signal analysis system, single audio system, small applications satellite, snap action switch, space activity suit, special activities squadron, special ammunition section, special ammunition site, special ammunition stockage, special ammunition storage, stability augmentation system, staff administrative specialist, survival avionics system, system analysis section, system analysis study, САС, Специальная авиационная служба9) Психиатрия: Simpson-Angus Scale (шкала для оценки паркинсонических явлений), шкала Симпсона-Ангуса (шкала для оценки паркинсонических явлений)10) Техника: Segment Arrival Storage, safeguards and security, safety assessment system, service air system, solar array subsystem, spacecraft antenna system, special advertising section, speech activity simulator, station air system, strong aircraft signature, surface-active substance, suspended array system, система аварийной стабилизации ((в области производства погрузчиков) Верещагин), Supercritical anti-solvent сверхкритический антирастворитель11) Шутливое выражение: Sissies And Solo12) Химия: University of St. Andrews - 6, ПАВ (Поверхностно-активное вещество - superficially active substance.)13) Математика: Side Angle Side14) Религия: Save A Soul, Strength Attitude And Spirit15) Юридический термин: Second Amendment Sisters, Surround and Shake16) Экономика: ССА, система статистического анализа17) Бухгалтерия: Scandinavian Airline System, Semi Annual Statement, Statement of Auditing Standards, Statements on Auditing Standards, Statistical Analysis Systems, Положения по стандартам аудита (Statements on Auditing Standards)18) Биржевой термин: Savings Assortment Satisfaction19) Грубое выражение: Scummy Arsed Student, Shaft The Arseholes Of Shareholders, Shitty Ass Satellite, Stupid Ass Sucker20) Оптика: self-alignment structure21) Телекоммуникации: Single Attachment Station (FDDI)22) Сокращение: Scandinavian Air Lines System, Schnellbrucke auf Stutzen (Germany), Sea-Air-Space, Second Acoustic Source, Signature Augmentation Subsystem, Signature Augmentation System, Situation Awareness System (US Marine Corps), Situational Awareness System, Small Astronomy Satellite, Smart Armour System (USA), South African Ship, Speaker Authentication System, Special Air Service (UK), Special Ammunition Site (USA), Statistical Analysis System, Supplier Assessment Survey, Synthetic Aperture Sonar, Systems Acquisition School (USA)23) Университет: School For Advanced Studies, School For Advanced Study, Student Administrative Services, Students Association Of Singapore24) Физика: Small Angle Scattering25) Физиология: Short arm splint, Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis26) Электроника: Secondary Antenna System, Support Amplifier Station27) Вычислительная техника: Simulation Automation System, Single Attached Station; Secure Authentication Services, Session Active Screen (IBM), Space Activity Suit (Space), serial attached SCSI, системное прикладное программное обеспечение, станция с единственным подключением28) Нефть: Surface Acquisition System29) Связь: SS7 Application Server30) Космонавтика: Small Astronomical Satellite31) Транспорт: Salisbury Air Service, Inc., Scandinavian Airlines System, Special Airlift Summary32) Фирменный знак: San Antonio Shoes, Scandinavian Airline Systems, Service Above Self, Siegfried Advanced System, Spectrum Apartment Search33) СМИ: Semicolon After Semicolon34) Деловая лексика: Sudden Available Space, описание требований к ревизии (Statement on Auditing Standards)35) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: seismic amplitude studyies, АСА (seismic amplitude study), анализ сейсмических амплитуд (seismic amplitude study)36) Образование: School Age Services, School Assessed Subject, Self Assessment System37) Сетевые технологии: Single Attach Station, single attachment station, system application software38) Сахалин Р: seismic amplitude study39) Химическое оружие: status account system40) Авиационная медицина: space adaptation syndrome41) Безопасность: Safety Alert System = Безопасная Система Предупреждения об Опасности42) Расширение файла: SAS source code file, Sales Accounting System, Single Attached Station43) Энергосистемы: система автоматизации подстанции44) Нефть и газ: автономный( противопесчаный) фильтр, автономно-стоящий (противопесчаный) фильтр (сокр. от stand-alone screen)45) Электротехника: silicon asymmetrical switch, state after switching46) Общественная организация: Sounds Across Seas, Student Assistance Services47) Чат: Sadly Another Submission48) НАСА: Solar Acquisition Sensor49) Программное обеспечение: Statistical Analysis Software50) Федеральное бюро расследований: Special Agents -
8 sas
1) Общая лексика: институт системного статистического анализа (statistical analysis system institute)2) Компьютерная техника: Search And Sort, Serial Attached SCSI (SCSI с последовательным интерфейсом), satellite information service3) Авиация: система улучшения устойчивости5) Американизм: Senior Advisory Staff, Signature Authorization Sheet, описание аудиторских стандартов (Statement on Auditing Standards)6) Французский язык: акционерное общество упрощённого типа8) Военный термин: School of Air Support, Secret Attack Squad, Service, Artistry, Skill, Simultaneous Analog Stimulation, Small Arms School, Special Air Service, Special Air Services, Special Armed Services, Special Assault Squad, Speed Aggression And Surprise, Strategic Aerospace Summary, Strategic Area Study, Support to Analyst Subsystem, Survivable Adaptive Systems, System Analysis and Simulation, satellite attack sensor, sealed authentication system, secondary alarm station, security agency study, selection and appointment system, self-adaptive system, semiautomatic segment, separation assurance system, ship alongside service, signal analysis system, single audio system, small applications satellite, snap action switch, space activity suit, special activities squadron, special ammunition section, special ammunition site, special ammunition stockage, special ammunition storage, stability augmentation system, staff administrative specialist, survival avionics system, system analysis section, system analysis study, САС, Специальная авиационная служба9) Психиатрия: Simpson-Angus Scale (шкала для оценки паркинсонических явлений), шкала Симпсона-Ангуса (шкала для оценки паркинсонических явлений)10) Техника: Segment Arrival Storage, safeguards and security, safety assessment system, service air system, solar array subsystem, spacecraft antenna system, special advertising section, speech activity simulator, station air system, strong aircraft signature, surface-active substance, suspended array system, система аварийной стабилизации ((в области производства погрузчиков) Верещагин), Supercritical anti-solvent сверхкритический антирастворитель11) Шутливое выражение: Sissies And Solo12) Химия: University of St. Andrews - 6, ПАВ (Поверхностно-активное вещество - superficially active substance.)13) Математика: Side Angle Side14) Религия: Save A Soul, Strength Attitude And Spirit15) Юридический термин: Second Amendment Sisters, Surround and Shake16) Экономика: ССА, система статистического анализа17) Бухгалтерия: Scandinavian Airline System, Semi Annual Statement, Statement of Auditing Standards, Statements on Auditing Standards, Statistical Analysis Systems, Положения по стандартам аудита (Statements on Auditing Standards)18) Биржевой термин: Savings Assortment Satisfaction19) Грубое выражение: Scummy Arsed Student, Shaft The Arseholes Of Shareholders, Shitty Ass Satellite, Stupid Ass Sucker20) Оптика: self-alignment structure21) Телекоммуникации: Single Attachment Station (FDDI)22) Сокращение: Scandinavian Air Lines System, Schnellbrucke auf Stutzen (Germany), Sea-Air-Space, Second Acoustic Source, Signature Augmentation Subsystem, Signature Augmentation System, Situation Awareness System (US Marine Corps), Situational Awareness System, Small Astronomy Satellite, Smart Armour System (USA), South African Ship, Speaker Authentication System, Special Air Service (UK), Special Ammunition Site (USA), Statistical Analysis System, Supplier Assessment Survey, Synthetic Aperture Sonar, Systems Acquisition School (USA)23) Университет: School For Advanced Studies, School For Advanced Study, Student Administrative Services, Students Association Of Singapore24) Физика: Small Angle Scattering25) Физиология: Short arm splint, Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis26) Электроника: Secondary Antenna System, Support Amplifier Station27) Вычислительная техника: Simulation Automation System, Single Attached Station; Secure Authentication Services, Session Active Screen (IBM), Space Activity Suit (Space), serial attached SCSI, системное прикладное программное обеспечение, станция с единственным подключением28) Нефть: Surface Acquisition System29) Связь: SS7 Application Server30) Космонавтика: Small Astronomical Satellite31) Транспорт: Salisbury Air Service, Inc., Scandinavian Airlines System, Special Airlift Summary32) Фирменный знак: San Antonio Shoes, Scandinavian Airline Systems, Service Above Self, Siegfried Advanced System, Spectrum Apartment Search33) СМИ: Semicolon After Semicolon34) Деловая лексика: Sudden Available Space, описание требований к ревизии (Statement on Auditing Standards)35) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: seismic amplitude studyies, АСА (seismic amplitude study), анализ сейсмических амплитуд (seismic amplitude study)36) Образование: School Age Services, School Assessed Subject, Self Assessment System37) Сетевые технологии: Single Attach Station, single attachment station, system application software38) Сахалин Р: seismic amplitude study39) Химическое оружие: status account system40) Авиационная медицина: space adaptation syndrome41) Безопасность: Safety Alert System = Безопасная Система Предупреждения об Опасности42) Расширение файла: SAS source code file, Sales Accounting System, Single Attached Station43) Энергосистемы: система автоматизации подстанции44) Нефть и газ: автономный( противопесчаный) фильтр, автономно-стоящий (противопесчаный) фильтр (сокр. от stand-alone screen)45) Электротехника: silicon asymmetrical switch, state after switching46) Общественная организация: Sounds Across Seas, Student Assistance Services47) Чат: Sadly Another Submission48) НАСА: Solar Acquisition Sensor49) Программное обеспечение: Statistical Analysis Software50) Федеральное бюро расследований: Special Agents -
9 system
- computationally secure system- abuse-free system- algebraic code system- analog system- asymmetric system- asymmetric key system- authentication/secrecy system- binary system- block system- broadcast system- broadcasting system- cipher-feedback system- classical system- common-key system- communication system- compromised system- computationally secure system- conference system- conventional system- DES-based system- DES-like system- deterministic system- DH system- Diffie and Hellman system- discrete-exponentiation system- discrete log system- E3 system- effectively unbreakable system- elliptic curve system- endomorphic system- end-to-end encryption system- error propagating system- factorization system- finite system- finite automation system- Galois field system- general system- generalized system- Goppa-code system- hardware-implemented system- hidden key system- high-grade system- high-speed system- hybrid public-secret key system- hybrid stream/block system- identity-based system- system immune to cryptoanalysis- indecipherable system- intractable system- iterated system- key escrow system- keyed system- key escrow system- key-minimal system- knapsack-based system- knapsack public key system- matrix system- McEliece' system- Merkle-Hellman system- MH system- microprocessor based system- minuend system- multiple access system- multiple destination system- multiplicative knapsack system- network system- non-linear system- number theoretic system- one-key system- one-master-key system- one-time-key system- one-time-pad system- one-time-tape system- perfect secrecy system- practical security system- private key system- proprietary system- public key system- public key distribution system- public key signature system- rapid system- reciprocal number system- residue system- Rivest-Shamir-Adleman system- rotor system- RSA public key system- r-th residue system- secret-key system- secure system- shared key system- shift register system- single-key system- sophisticated system- split key system- strong system- subtractive system- symmetric system- theoretically unbreakable system- threshold system- transposition system- trap-door-knapsack public key system- transient key system- threshold system- two-key system- unbreakable system- voice system -
10 terminal
терминал, оконечное (абонентское) устройство- telex terminalАнгло-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > terminal
11 cryptosystem
криптографическая система, криптосистема; шифросистема- abuse-free cryptosystem- algebraic code cryptosystem- analog cryptosystem- asymmetric cryptosystem- asymmetric key cryptosystem- authentication/secrecy cryptosystem- bijective public key cryptosystem- binary cryptosystem- block cryptosystem- broadcast cryptosystem- broadcasting cryptosystem- cipher-feedback cryptosystem- classical cryptosystem- common-key cryptosystem- communication cryptosystem- compromised cryptosystem- computationally secure cryptosystem- conference cryptosystem- conventional cryptosystem- DES-based cryptosystem- DES-like cryptosystem- deterministic cryptosystem- DH cryptosystem- Diffie and Hellman cryptosystem- discrete-exponentiation cryptosystem- discrete log cryptosystem- E3 cryptosystem- effectively unbreakable cryptosystem- elliptic curve cryptosystem- endomorphic cryptosystem- end-to-end encryption cryptosystem- error propagating cryptosystem- factorization cryptosystem- finite cryptosystem- finite automation cryptosystem- Galois field cryptosystem- general cryptosystem- generalized cryptosystem- Goppa-code cryptosystem- hardware-implemented cryptosystem- hidden key cryptosystem- high-grade cryptosystem- high-speed cryptosystem- hybrid public-secret key cryptosystem- hybrid stream/block cryptosystem- identity-based cryptosystem- intractable cryptosystem- indecipherable cryptosystem- iterated cryptosystem- keyed cryptosystem- key escrow cryptosystem- key-minimal cryptosystem- knapsack-based cryptosystem- knapsack public key cryptosystem- matrix cryptosystem- McEliece' cryptosystem- Merkle-Hellman cryptosystem- MH cryptosystem- microprocessor based cryptosystem- minuend cryptosystem- multiple access cryptosystem- multiple destination cryptosystem- multiplicative knapsack cryptosystem- network cryptosystem- non-linear cryptosystem- number theoretic cryptosystem- one-key cryptosystem- one-master-key cryptosystem- one-time-key cryptosystem- one-time-pad cryptosystem- one-time-tape cryptosystem- perfect secrecy cryptosystem- practical security cryptosystem- private key cryptosystem- proprietary cryptosystem- provable secure cryptosystem- public key cryptosystem- public key distribution cryptosystem- public key signature cryptosystem- rapid cryptosystem- reciprocal number cryptosystem- residue cryptosystem- Rivest-Shamir-Adleman cryptosystem- rotor cryptosystem- RSA public key cryptosystem- r-th residue cryptosystem- secret-key cryptosystem- secure cryptosystem- shared key cryptosystem- shift register cryptosystem- single-key cryptosystem- sophisticated cryptosystem- split key cryptosystem- strong cryptosystem- subtractive cryptosystem- symmetric cryptosystem- theoretically unbreakable cryptosystem- threshold cryptosystem- transposition cryptosystem- trap-door-knapsack public key cryptosystem- transient key cryptosystem- threshold cryptosystem- two-key cryptosystem- unbreakable cryptosystem- voice cryptosystem- cryptosystem immune to cryptoanalysisАнгло-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > cryptosystem
12 protocol
Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > protocol
13 device
прибор; аппарат; устройство; (техническое) средство- wireless bugging device -
14 channel
канал (связи, передачи информации)Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > channel
15 AS
1) Общая лексика: англосаксонский2) Компьютерная техника: Activity Start, Amateur Satellite3) Биология: ammoniacal silver4) Авиация: accomplishment summary, aerospatiale, auto stabilization5) Медицина: aortic stenosis (стеноз аортального клапана)6) Латинский язык: Anno Societatis7) Военный термин: Aerial Surveillance, Air Service, Air Staff, Air Surveillance, Armed Services, Armed Services Committee, Army Security, Army Staff, Assault Shotgun, FAADC2I Simplified Handheld Terminal Unit, admiral superintendent, aerospace studies, air speed, air station, air superiority, air support, air-to-surface, ammunition storage, ammunition store, angle of sight, antenna site, apprentice seaman, area surveillance, arm of service, armament supplies, armor school, armored shop, army surplus, arsenal section, assistant secretary, atomic strike, automatic switching, Access System (JOPES)8) Техника: Automatically Switching, acquisition sensor, action statement, adaptive system, aerial shot, air glow spectrum, air supply, air-seasoned, alto-stratus, ampere-second, angle shot, anisotropic semiconductor, antenna systems, antisubmarine search, arithmetically symmetrical, asdic search, astronomical spectroscopy, atmosphere and space, audio sensitivity, auto sequential, automatic search, Австралийский стандарт (Australian Standard)9) Сельское хозяйство: astigmatic10) Шутливое выражение: After Sperry11) Химия: Ammonium Sulphate12) Математика: почти наверное (almost sure)13) Юридический термин: Alaska Statute, Alaska Statutes14) Коммерция: anticipated sales15) Экономика: aggregate supply16) Грубое выражение: Absolutely Stupid17) Оптика: angular sensitivity18) Политика: Australia19) Телекоммуникации: Autonomous System, Application System (SNA, APPN)20) Сокращение: Acquisition Strategy, Advanced Sensors, Aeronautical Standard, Air Search, Aircraft Standard, Aircraft Survivability, Airlift Squadron, Anglo-Saxon, Anti-Spoofing, Anti-Submarine, Assamese, Australia (NATO country code), Automatic Sprinkler, Submarine Tender (USA), airscoop, airspeed, ammeter switch, antisubmarine, artificial satellite, Academy of Science, aortic stenosis, (USN Rating) Aviation Support Equipment Technician, ATM Switch, Aanstaande, Abandon Ship, Ablaufsprache (German: Sequential Function Chart), Abstract Syntax, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), Access Stratum (3GPP), Access System, Acquisition/Application System, Acrylonitrile Styrene, Action Script (scripting language used in flash, similar to Java), Activesync (Microsoft software), Activity Start (ITU-T), Acute Sinusitis, Adam Sandler (actor), Additional Shift (used on overtime forms), Additive Solution (preservative to extend life of red blood cells), Address Strobe, Administrative Simplification, Administrative Site, Administrative Support, Administrative System (Bellcore), Adopted Son, Adult Situations, Adult Swim (Cartoon Network programming block), Advanced Schottky, Advanced Server (Microsoft Windows), Advanced Subsidiary level (UK), Advanced Switching, Aeronautical Science (Flight Major), Aerospace Corporation, Aerospace Society, Aerospace Standards, Aes Sedai (Wheel of Time book series), Aft Shroud, After-Sales Service, AfterStep (Window Manager for X), Agency Services, Agent Society (International Society on Intelligent Agent Technologies), Aggregate Subbase (construction), Aggregate Supply (economics), Aggressor Squadron, Agrarian System, Air Sampling (station), Air Sealed, Air Seasoned Timber, Airfield Services, Aksje Selskap (Norwegian: Limited Company), Alarm Surveillance, Alaska Airlines, Inc., Alaska (IATA airline code), Alessandro Scarlatti (classical composer), Alignment Signal (ITU-T), Alka-Seltzer, All Source, All Star (sports), All Stars (Disney resort), Allowance Standard, Alpha Smart (electronic keyboard), Alto Saxophone, Altostratus (cloud formation), American Samoa (US postal abbreviation), American Singles, Amino Salicylic Acid, Ammunition Specialist, Ampere Sensor, Ampere Switch, Anaerobic Seeder, Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars Character), Anal Seepage, Analog Switch, Analysis Subsystem, Anatolian Studies, Ancillary Services, Angel Sanctuary (Manga), Angelman Syndrome, Angle Slam (wrestling finishing move), Angled Single, Ankylosing Spondylitis (chronic inflammatory form of arthritis affecting the spine), Anno Satanas, Annual Summary, Anonim Sirketi (Turkish: Joint Stock Company), Anonymous Sender, Another Subject, Answer Supervision, Anti Static, Anti Surge (type of electric fuse), Anti Sweat, Anti-Scintillation, Anti-Social, Antichrist Superstar (Marilyn Manson album), Aperture Stop, AppleScript, AppleShare, Applicability Statement, Application Software (NEC), Application System, Applied Science, Approaches Standards (school grading system), Aqueous Solution, Archive Server, Area Security, Area Source, Area Supervisor (FAA ARTCC Area Supervisor 1 or more Sector Suites), Arme'e du Salut (Salvation Army), Arnold Schwarzenegger (body builder, actor, politician), Arsenal Ship, Articulation Score, Artificial Stupidity, As Stated, Asbestos Survey, Ascent Stage, Asian Sensation, Asperger Syndrome (Asperger's Disorder), Aspheric Subassembly, Assassin/Assassination, Assault Support, Assault at Selonia (Star Wars novel), Assigned (Telabs), Assistant Referee (Soccer), Associate in Science, Associate of Science, Associated Students, Associated Support, Associazione Sportiva (Italian: sports club), Athletics (Oakland baseball team), Attachment Sheet, Audioslave (band), Auger Spectroscopy, Auris Sinister (Latin: Left Ear), Austin Servers (online gaming community), Australia (including Ashmore, Cartier & Coral Sea Islands), Australian Shepherd (dog breed), Australian Standard, Authentication Server, Authentication Service, Author Space (webcomic), Authorization Subsystem, Automation Specialist, Autonomous System (ATM), Autosavants.com (car enthusiasts), Auxiliary Steam, Auxiliary Submarine, Aviation Safety, Complex Antenna, Submarine Tender, Wait (logging abbreviation), analog secure (US DoD), aviation ship (US DoD), active substance21) Физиология: Anal sphincter, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arteriosclerosis, Auris Sinistra (left Ear)22) Вычислительная техника: Architectural Simulator, add-subtract, automated software distribution, Authentication Service (DCE), Autonomous System (IP, Internet, RFC 1930), Advanced Server (MS, Windows, NT), (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Advanced Server (RedHat, Linux), архитектурный имитатор23) Нефть: absorption spectroscopy, after shot, anhydrite stringer, после перфорирования, после торпедирования (after shot), пропласток ангидрита (anhydrite seam), Array Sonic24) Связь: Access Switch / Access Server25) Банковское дело: по предъявлении (after sight)26) Деловая лексика: Allocation Status, после предъявления (after sight), отчёт о продаже товара (account sales)27) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: amine sewer (system), (LSS) array sonic (long-spaced sonic), (LSS) многозондовый акустический каротаж (с большим радиусом исследования), (WFT) array sonic (full waveform tool)28) Образование: American Standard Code for Safety Glazing Materials29) Инвестиции: after sight30) Сетевые технологии: Add Subnet, Appliance Server, Application Server, сервер приложений, (autonomus system) АС (автономная система) (объединение сетей с одинаковой маршрутизационной политикой и общей администрацией; состоит из одной или нескольких систем), (autonomus system) автономная система (АС)31) Полимеры: American standard32) Программирование: Add Sideways33) Автоматика: Automation System (система автоматизации)34) Контроль качества: aerospace standard35) Макаров: active space, активные пространства, (active space) активное пространство36) Золотодобыча: Alex Stewart Assayers, компания Alex Stewart Assayers (AS)37) Расширение файла: Autonomous System (Internet)38) Электротехника: amperemeter switch39) США: American Samoa40) Программное обеспечение: Advanced Solutions -
16 As
1) Общая лексика: англосаксонский2) Компьютерная техника: Activity Start, Amateur Satellite3) Биология: ammoniacal silver4) Авиация: accomplishment summary, aerospatiale, auto stabilization5) Медицина: aortic stenosis (стеноз аортального клапана)6) Латинский язык: Anno Societatis7) Военный термин: Aerial Surveillance, Air Service, Air Staff, Air Surveillance, Armed Services, Armed Services Committee, Army Security, Army Staff, Assault Shotgun, FAADC2I Simplified Handheld Terminal Unit, admiral superintendent, aerospace studies, air speed, air station, air superiority, air support, air-to-surface, ammunition storage, ammunition store, angle of sight, antenna site, apprentice seaman, area surveillance, arm of service, armament supplies, armor school, armored shop, army surplus, arsenal section, assistant secretary, atomic strike, automatic switching, Access System (JOPES)8) Техника: Automatically Switching, acquisition sensor, action statement, adaptive system, aerial shot, air glow spectrum, air supply, air-seasoned, alto-stratus, ampere-second, angle shot, anisotropic semiconductor, antenna systems, antisubmarine search, arithmetically symmetrical, asdic search, astronomical spectroscopy, atmosphere and space, audio sensitivity, auto sequential, automatic search, Австралийский стандарт (Australian Standard)9) Сельское хозяйство: astigmatic10) Шутливое выражение: After Sperry11) Химия: Ammonium Sulphate12) Математика: почти наверное (almost sure)13) Юридический термин: Alaska Statute, Alaska Statutes14) Коммерция: anticipated sales15) Экономика: aggregate supply16) Грубое выражение: Absolutely Stupid17) Оптика: angular sensitivity18) Политика: Australia19) Телекоммуникации: Autonomous System, Application System (SNA, APPN)20) Сокращение: Acquisition Strategy, Advanced Sensors, Aeronautical Standard, Air Search, Aircraft Standard, Aircraft Survivability, Airlift Squadron, Anglo-Saxon, Anti-Spoofing, Anti-Submarine, Assamese, Australia (NATO country code), Automatic Sprinkler, Submarine Tender (USA), airscoop, airspeed, ammeter switch, antisubmarine, artificial satellite, Academy of Science, aortic stenosis, (USN Rating) Aviation Support Equipment Technician, ATM Switch, Aanstaande, Abandon Ship, Ablaufsprache (German: Sequential Function Chart), Abstract Syntax, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), Access Stratum (3GPP), Access System, Acquisition/Application System, Acrylonitrile Styrene, Action Script (scripting language used in flash, similar to Java), Activesync (Microsoft software), Activity Start (ITU-T), Acute Sinusitis, Adam Sandler (actor), Additional Shift (used on overtime forms), Additive Solution (preservative to extend life of red blood cells), Address Strobe, Administrative Simplification, Administrative Site, Administrative Support, Administrative System (Bellcore), Adopted Son, Adult Situations, Adult Swim (Cartoon Network programming block), Advanced Schottky, Advanced Server (Microsoft Windows), Advanced Subsidiary level (UK), Advanced Switching, Aeronautical Science (Flight Major), Aerospace Corporation, Aerospace Society, Aerospace Standards, Aes Sedai (Wheel of Time book series), Aft Shroud, After-Sales Service, AfterStep (Window Manager for X), Agency Services, Agent Society (International Society on Intelligent Agent Technologies), Aggregate Subbase (construction), Aggregate Supply (economics), Aggressor Squadron, Agrarian System, Air Sampling (station), Air Sealed, Air Seasoned Timber, Airfield Services, Aksje Selskap (Norwegian: Limited Company), Alarm Surveillance, Alaska Airlines, Inc., Alaska (IATA airline code), Alessandro Scarlatti (classical composer), Alignment Signal (ITU-T), Alka-Seltzer, All Source, All Star (sports), All Stars (Disney resort), Allowance Standard, Alpha Smart (electronic keyboard), Alto Saxophone, Altostratus (cloud formation), American Samoa (US postal abbreviation), American Singles, Amino Salicylic Acid, Ammunition Specialist, Ampere Sensor, Ampere Switch, Anaerobic Seeder, Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars Character), Anal Seepage, Analog Switch, Analysis Subsystem, Anatolian Studies, Ancillary Services, Angel Sanctuary (Manga), Angelman Syndrome, Angle Slam (wrestling finishing move), Angled Single, Ankylosing Spondylitis (chronic inflammatory form of arthritis affecting the spine), Anno Satanas, Annual Summary, Anonim Sirketi (Turkish: Joint Stock Company), Anonymous Sender, Another Subject, Answer Supervision, Anti Static, Anti Surge (type of electric fuse), Anti Sweat, Anti-Scintillation, Anti-Social, Antichrist Superstar (Marilyn Manson album), Aperture Stop, AppleScript, AppleShare, Applicability Statement, Application Software (NEC), Application System, Applied Science, Approaches Standards (school grading system), Aqueous Solution, Archive Server, Area Security, Area Source, Area Supervisor (FAA ARTCC Area Supervisor 1 or more Sector Suites), Arme'e du Salut (Salvation Army), Arnold Schwarzenegger (body builder, actor, politician), Arsenal Ship, Articulation Score, Artificial Stupidity, As Stated, Asbestos Survey, Ascent Stage, Asian Sensation, Asperger Syndrome (Asperger's Disorder), Aspheric Subassembly, Assassin/Assassination, Assault Support, Assault at Selonia (Star Wars novel), Assigned (Telabs), Assistant Referee (Soccer), Associate in Science, Associate of Science, Associated Students, Associated Support, Associazione Sportiva (Italian: sports club), Athletics (Oakland baseball team), Attachment Sheet, Audioslave (band), Auger Spectroscopy, Auris Sinister (Latin: Left Ear), Austin Servers (online gaming community), Australia (including Ashmore, Cartier & Coral Sea Islands), Australian Shepherd (dog breed), Australian Standard, Authentication Server, Authentication Service, Author Space (webcomic), Authorization Subsystem, Automation Specialist, Autonomous System (ATM), Autosavants.com (car enthusiasts), Auxiliary Steam, Auxiliary Submarine, Aviation Safety, Complex Antenna, Submarine Tender, Wait (logging abbreviation), analog secure (US DoD), aviation ship (US DoD), active substance21) Физиология: Anal sphincter, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arteriosclerosis, Auris Sinistra (left Ear)22) Вычислительная техника: Architectural Simulator, add-subtract, automated software distribution, Authentication Service (DCE), Autonomous System (IP, Internet, RFC 1930), Advanced Server (MS, Windows, NT), (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Advanced Server (RedHat, Linux), архитектурный имитатор23) Нефть: absorption spectroscopy, after shot, anhydrite stringer, после перфорирования, после торпедирования (after shot), пропласток ангидрита (anhydrite seam), Array Sonic24) Связь: Access Switch / Access Server25) Банковское дело: по предъявлении (after sight)26) Деловая лексика: Allocation Status, после предъявления (after sight), отчёт о продаже товара (account sales)27) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: amine sewer (system), (LSS) array sonic (long-spaced sonic), (LSS) многозондовый акустический каротаж (с большим радиусом исследования), (WFT) array sonic (full waveform tool)28) Образование: American Standard Code for Safety Glazing Materials29) Инвестиции: after sight30) Сетевые технологии: Add Subnet, Appliance Server, Application Server, сервер приложений, (autonomus system) АС (автономная система) (объединение сетей с одинаковой маршрутизационной политикой и общей администрацией; состоит из одной или нескольких систем), (autonomus system) автономная система (АС)31) Полимеры: American standard32) Программирование: Add Sideways33) Автоматика: Automation System (система автоматизации)34) Контроль качества: aerospace standard35) Макаров: active space, активные пространства, (active space) активное пространство36) Золотодобыча: Alex Stewart Assayers, компания Alex Stewart Assayers (AS)37) Расширение файла: Autonomous System (Internet)38) Электротехника: amperemeter switch39) США: American Samoa40) Программное обеспечение: Advanced Solutions -
1) Медицина: spontaneous positive airway pressure (ИВЛ)2) Вычислительная техника: Secure Password Authentication Protocol, Shiva PAP, Shiva Password Authentication Protocol (PAP, 3Com)3) Безопасность: Shiva Password Authentication Protocol4) Майкрософт: протокол SPAP -
18 as
1) Общая лексика: англосаксонский2) Компьютерная техника: Activity Start, Amateur Satellite3) Биология: ammoniacal silver4) Авиация: accomplishment summary, aerospatiale, auto stabilization5) Медицина: aortic stenosis (стеноз аортального клапана)6) Латинский язык: Anno Societatis7) Военный термин: Aerial Surveillance, Air Service, Air Staff, Air Surveillance, Armed Services, Armed Services Committee, Army Security, Army Staff, Assault Shotgun, FAADC2I Simplified Handheld Terminal Unit, admiral superintendent, aerospace studies, air speed, air station, air superiority, air support, air-to-surface, ammunition storage, ammunition store, angle of sight, antenna site, apprentice seaman, area surveillance, arm of service, armament supplies, armor school, armored shop, army surplus, arsenal section, assistant secretary, atomic strike, automatic switching, Access System (JOPES)8) Техника: Automatically Switching, acquisition sensor, action statement, adaptive system, aerial shot, air glow spectrum, air supply, air-seasoned, alto-stratus, ampere-second, angle shot, anisotropic semiconductor, antenna systems, antisubmarine search, arithmetically symmetrical, asdic search, astronomical spectroscopy, atmosphere and space, audio sensitivity, auto sequential, automatic search, Австралийский стандарт (Australian Standard)9) Сельское хозяйство: astigmatic10) Шутливое выражение: After Sperry11) Химия: Ammonium Sulphate12) Математика: почти наверное (almost sure)13) Юридический термин: Alaska Statute, Alaska Statutes14) Коммерция: anticipated sales15) Экономика: aggregate supply16) Грубое выражение: Absolutely Stupid17) Оптика: angular sensitivity18) Политика: Australia19) Телекоммуникации: Autonomous System, Application System (SNA, APPN)20) Сокращение: Acquisition Strategy, Advanced Sensors, Aeronautical Standard, Air Search, Aircraft Standard, Aircraft Survivability, Airlift Squadron, Anglo-Saxon, Anti-Spoofing, Anti-Submarine, Assamese, Australia (NATO country code), Automatic Sprinkler, Submarine Tender (USA), airscoop, airspeed, ammeter switch, antisubmarine, artificial satellite, Academy of Science, aortic stenosis, (USN Rating) Aviation Support Equipment Technician, ATM Switch, Aanstaande, Abandon Ship, Ablaufsprache (German: Sequential Function Chart), Abstract Syntax, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), Access Stratum (3GPP), Access System, Acquisition/Application System, Acrylonitrile Styrene, Action Script (scripting language used in flash, similar to Java), Activesync (Microsoft software), Activity Start (ITU-T), Acute Sinusitis, Adam Sandler (actor), Additional Shift (used on overtime forms), Additive Solution (preservative to extend life of red blood cells), Address Strobe, Administrative Simplification, Administrative Site, Administrative Support, Administrative System (Bellcore), Adopted Son, Adult Situations, Adult Swim (Cartoon Network programming block), Advanced Schottky, Advanced Server (Microsoft Windows), Advanced Subsidiary level (UK), Advanced Switching, Aeronautical Science (Flight Major), Aerospace Corporation, Aerospace Society, Aerospace Standards, Aes Sedai (Wheel of Time book series), Aft Shroud, After-Sales Service, AfterStep (Window Manager for X), Agency Services, Agent Society (International Society on Intelligent Agent Technologies), Aggregate Subbase (construction), Aggregate Supply (economics), Aggressor Squadron, Agrarian System, Air Sampling (station), Air Sealed, Air Seasoned Timber, Airfield Services, Aksje Selskap (Norwegian: Limited Company), Alarm Surveillance, Alaska Airlines, Inc., Alaska (IATA airline code), Alessandro Scarlatti (classical composer), Alignment Signal (ITU-T), Alka-Seltzer, All Source, All Star (sports), All Stars (Disney resort), Allowance Standard, Alpha Smart (electronic keyboard), Alto Saxophone, Altostratus (cloud formation), American Samoa (US postal abbreviation), American Singles, Amino Salicylic Acid, Ammunition Specialist, Ampere Sensor, Ampere Switch, Anaerobic Seeder, Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars Character), Anal Seepage, Analog Switch, Analysis Subsystem, Anatolian Studies, Ancillary Services, Angel Sanctuary (Manga), Angelman Syndrome, Angle Slam (wrestling finishing move), Angled Single, Ankylosing Spondylitis (chronic inflammatory form of arthritis affecting the spine), Anno Satanas, Annual Summary, Anonim Sirketi (Turkish: Joint Stock Company), Anonymous Sender, Another Subject, Answer Supervision, Anti Static, Anti Surge (type of electric fuse), Anti Sweat, Anti-Scintillation, Anti-Social, Antichrist Superstar (Marilyn Manson album), Aperture Stop, AppleScript, AppleShare, Applicability Statement, Application Software (NEC), Application System, Applied Science, Approaches Standards (school grading system), Aqueous Solution, Archive Server, Area Security, Area Source, Area Supervisor (FAA ARTCC Area Supervisor 1 or more Sector Suites), Arme'e du Salut (Salvation Army), Arnold Schwarzenegger (body builder, actor, politician), Arsenal Ship, Articulation Score, Artificial Stupidity, As Stated, Asbestos Survey, Ascent Stage, Asian Sensation, Asperger Syndrome (Asperger's Disorder), Aspheric Subassembly, Assassin/Assassination, Assault Support, Assault at Selonia (Star Wars novel), Assigned (Telabs), Assistant Referee (Soccer), Associate in Science, Associate of Science, Associated Students, Associated Support, Associazione Sportiva (Italian: sports club), Athletics (Oakland baseball team), Attachment Sheet, Audioslave (band), Auger Spectroscopy, Auris Sinister (Latin: Left Ear), Austin Servers (online gaming community), Australia (including Ashmore, Cartier & Coral Sea Islands), Australian Shepherd (dog breed), Australian Standard, Authentication Server, Authentication Service, Author Space (webcomic), Authorization Subsystem, Automation Specialist, Autonomous System (ATM), Autosavants.com (car enthusiasts), Auxiliary Steam, Auxiliary Submarine, Aviation Safety, Complex Antenna, Submarine Tender, Wait (logging abbreviation), analog secure (US DoD), aviation ship (US DoD), active substance21) Физиология: Anal sphincter, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arteriosclerosis, Auris Sinistra (left Ear)22) Вычислительная техника: Architectural Simulator, add-subtract, automated software distribution, Authentication Service (DCE), Autonomous System (IP, Internet, RFC 1930), Advanced Server (MS, Windows, NT), (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Advanced Server (RedHat, Linux), архитектурный имитатор23) Нефть: absorption spectroscopy, after shot, anhydrite stringer, после перфорирования, после торпедирования (after shot), пропласток ангидрита (anhydrite seam), Array Sonic24) Связь: Access Switch / Access Server25) Банковское дело: по предъявлении (after sight)26) Деловая лексика: Allocation Status, после предъявления (after sight), отчёт о продаже товара (account sales)27) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: amine sewer (system), (LSS) array sonic (long-spaced sonic), (LSS) многозондовый акустический каротаж (с большим радиусом исследования), (WFT) array sonic (full waveform tool)28) Образование: American Standard Code for Safety Glazing Materials29) Инвестиции: after sight30) Сетевые технологии: Add Subnet, Appliance Server, Application Server, сервер приложений, (autonomus system) АС (автономная система) (объединение сетей с одинаковой маршрутизационной политикой и общей администрацией; состоит из одной или нескольких систем), (autonomus system) автономная система (АС)31) Полимеры: American standard32) Программирование: Add Sideways33) Автоматика: Automation System (система автоматизации)34) Контроль качества: aerospace standard35) Макаров: active space, активные пространства, (active space) активное пространство36) Золотодобыча: Alex Stewart Assayers, компания Alex Stewart Assayers (AS)37) Расширение файла: Autonomous System (Internet)38) Электротехника: amperemeter switch39) США: American Samoa40) Программное обеспечение: Advanced Solutions -
19 key
1) (криптографический) ключ2) ключ к замку или запирающему устройству, механический ключ- base key- candidate key- card key- code key- data key- DES key- fake key- file key- good key- hex key- host key- link key- lost key- node key- numeric key- numerical key- pass key- PRN key- safe key- seed key- test key- true key- used key- user key- weak key- work key- zone key -
20 system
система; комплекс; средство; способ; метод; сеть (напр. дорог) ;aiming-navigation system (analog, digital) — прицельно-навигационная система (аналоговая, цифровая)
air observation, acquisition and fire control system — (бортовая) система воздушной разведки, засечки целей и управления огнем
air support aircraft ECM (equipment) system — (бортовая) система РЭП для самолетов авиационной поддержки
airborne (ground) target acquisition and illumination laser system — ав. бортовая лазерная система обнаружения и подсветки (наземных) целей
airborne (ground) targeting and laser designator system — ав. бортовая лазерная система обнаружения и целеуказания (наземных целей)
airborne laser illumination, ranging and tracking system — ав. бортовая система лазерной подсветки, определения дальности и сопровождения цели
artillery (nuclear) delivery system — артиллерийская система доставки (ядерного) боеприпаса (к цели)
C2 system — система оперативного управления; система руководства и управления
C3 system — система руководства, управления и связи; система оперативного управления и связи
channel and message switching (automatic) communications system — АСС с коммутацией каналов и сообщений
country-fair type rotation system (of instruction) — метод одновременного обучения [опроса] нескольких учебных групп (переходящих от одного объекта изучения к другому)
dual-capable (conventional/nuclear) weapon delivery system — система доставки (обычного или ядерного) боеприпаса к цели
electromagnetic emitters identification, location and suppression system — система обнаружения, опознавания и подавления источников электромагнитных излучений [излучающих РЭС]
field antimissile (missile) system — полевой [войсковой] ПРК
fire-on-the-move (air defense) gun system — подвижный зенитный артиллерийский комплекс для стрельбы в движении [на ходу]
fluidic (missile) control system — ркт. гидравлическая [струйная] система управления полетом
forward (area) air defense system — система ПВО передового района; ЗРК для войсковой ПВО передового района
graduated (availability) operational readiness system — Бр. система поэтапной боевой готовности (частей и соединений)
high-resolution satellite IR detection, tracking and targeting system — спутниковая система с ИК аппаратурой высокой разрешающей способности для обнаружения, сопровождения целей и наведения средств поражения
ICBM (alarm and) early warning satellite system — спутниковая система обнаружения пусков МБР и раннего предупреждения (средств ПРО)
information storage, tracking and retrieval system — система накопления, хранения и поиска информации
instantaneous grenade launcher (armored vehicle) smoke system — гранатомет (БМ) для быстрой постановки дымовой завесы
Precision Location [Locator] (and) Strike system — высокоточная система обеспечения обнаружения и поражения целей; высокоточный разведывательно-ударный комплекс
rapid deceleration (parachute) delivery system — парашютная система выброски грузов с быстрым торможением
real time, high-resolution reconnaissance satellite system — спутниковая разведывательная система с высокой разрешающей способностью аппаратуры и передачей информации в реальном масштабе времени
received signal-oriented (output) jamming signal power-adjusting ECM system — система РЭП с автоматическим регулированием уровня помех в зависимости от мощности принимаемого сигнала
sea-based nuclear (weapon) delivery system — система морского базирования доставки ядерного боеприпаса к цели
small surface-to-air ship self-defense (missile) system — ЗРК ближнего действия для самообороны корабля
Status Control, Alerting and Reporting system — система оповещения, контроля и уточнения состояния [боевой готовности] сил и средств
surface missile (weapon) system — наземный [корабельный] РК
target acquisition, rapid designation and precise aiming system — комплекс аппаратуры обнаружения цели, быстрого целеуказания и точного прицеливания
— ABM defense system— antimissile missile system— central weapon system— countersurprise military system— laser surveying system— tank weapon system— vertical launching system— weapons system
- 1
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См. также в других словарях:
Secure Shell — or SSH is a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two networked devices. RFC 4252] Used primarily on Linux and Unix based systems to access shell accounts, SSH was designed as a replacement for TELNET… … Wikipedia
Authentication — (from Greek αυθεντικός; real or genuine, from authentes; author) is the act of establishing or confirming something (or someone) as authentic , that is, that claims made by or about the thing are true. This might involve confirming the identity… … Wikipedia
Secure messaging — is a server based approach to protect sensitive data when sent beyond the corporate borders and provides compliance with industry regulations such as HIPAA, GLBA and SOX. Advantages over classical secure e Mail are that confidential and… … Wikipedia
Secure electronic transaction — (SET) is a standard protocol for securing credit card transactions over insecure networks, specifically, the Internet. SET is not itself a payment system, but rather a set of security protocols and formats that enables users to employ the… … Wikipedia
Secure Password Authentication — is a protocol used to authenticate with a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server. The protocol is attributed to Microsoft, but it is not an original protocol, but based on the NTLM authentication scheme.NTLM Authentication Scheme for… … Wikipedia
Secure communication — includes means by which people can share information with varying degrees of certainty that third parties cannot know what was said. Other than communication spoken face to face out of possibility of listening, it is probably safe to say that no… … Wikipedia
Secure Network Communications — (SNC) is a software layer in the SAP system [ [http://help.sap.com/saphelp nw04s/helpdata/EN/0a/0a2e0fef6211d3a6510000e835363f/content.htm SAP Library Secure Network Communications (SNC)] ] [ [http://secude.com/htm/867/en/SNC FAQ.htm Secure… … Wikipedia
Secure Messaging — (englisch für „Sicheres Mailen“) bezeichnet ein serverbasiertes sicheres E Mail System. E Mails sind dabei bei der Übermittlung vor Einsichtnahme Dritter geschützt, Vertraulichkeit ist gewährleistet. Secure Messages haben eine hohe… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Secure by default — Secure by default, in software , means that the default configuration settings are the most secure settings possible, which are not necessarily the most user friendly settings. In many cases, security and user friendliness is waged based on both… … Wikipedia
Secure voice — (alternatively secure speech or ciphony) is a term in cryptography for the encryption of voice communication over a range of communication types such as radio, telephone or IP. Contents 1 History 2 Analog Secure Voice technologies 3 Di … Wikipedia
Secure messaging — (englisch für „Sicheres Mailen“) bezeichnet ein serverbasiertes sicheres E Mail System. E Mails sind dabei bei der Übermittlung vor Einsichtnahme Dritter geschützt, Vertraulichkeit ist gewährleistet. Secure Messages haben eine hohe… … Deutsch Wikipedia