1 sector-shaped beam
2 sector-shaped beam
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > sector-shaped beam
3 sector shaped beam
4 sector-shaped beam
5 sector-shaped beam
beam sea — волны, почти перпендикулярные курсу судна; волна с траверза
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > sector-shaped beam
6 sector-shaped beam
главный лепесток секторной диаграммы направленностиБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > sector-shaped beam
7 sector-shaped beam
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > sector-shaped beam
8 sector-shaped beam
2) Телекоммуникации: главный лепесток секторной ДНА, секторная ДНА3) Электроника: главный лепесток диаграммы направленности секторной формы -
9 sector-shaped beam
10 sector-shaped beam
English-Russian dictionary of modern telecommunications > sector-shaped beam
11 sector-shaped beam
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > sector-shaped beam
12 sector-shaped beam
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > sector-shaped beam
13 sector-shaped
14 sector beam
= sector-shaped beam главный лепесток секторной диаграммы направленности антенны -
15 sector beam
= sector-shaped beam главный лепесток секторной диаграммы направленности антенныThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > sector beam
16 beam
1) луч; пучок || излучать; испускать; формировать луч или пучок2) главный лепесток ( диаграммы направленности антенны), радиолуч || формировать диаграмму направленности антенны3) производить направленную передачу или направленный приём5) ориентировать ( вещательную программу) на определённую аудиторию6) ребро; балка; брус; поперечина7) ребро, вязка ( в нотной записи) || группировать ( ноты), объединять ( ноты) с помощью ребра, снабжать ( ноты) вязкой8) вчт проф. корпорация IBM•- aiming beambeam a-copy — передавать копию (напр. файла) (электронным способом)
- annular beam
- antenna beam
- antiparallel beams
- astigmatic beam
- axially asymmetric beam
- axially symmetric beam
- back beam
- beavertail beam
- blue beam
- bunched electron beam
- cathode beam
- cathode-ray beam
- channeled beam
- charge-particle beam
- chopped beam
- circular beam
- cluster beam
- coherent beam
- cold-electron beam
- collimated beam
- concentrated beam
- cone-shaped beam
- conical beam
- contour beam
- control beam
- controlling beam
- convergent beam
- cosecant-squared beam
- counter-propagating beam
- defocused beam
- density modulated beam
- diffracted beam
- diffused beam
- directed beam
- directional beam
- directive beam
- divergent beam
- E-beam
- electron beam
- emergent beam
- energy beam
- erasing beam
- fanning beam
- fan-shaped beam
- fixed beam
- flat-top beam
- flat-top flared beam
- flooding beam
- focused beam
- Gaussian beam
- glide-path beam
- glide slope beam
- green beam
- guidance beam
- Hermite-Gaussian beam
- high-directivity beam
- holding beam
- hollow beam
- I-beam
- illuminating beam
- incident beam
- injected beam
- intensity-modulated light beam
- ion beam
- landing beam
- laser beam
- light beam
- line-focus beam
- low-altitude beam
- low-divergence beam
- main beam
- metastable-atom beam
- modulated beam
- monochromatic beam
- monoenergetic beam
- multilobed beam
- narrow beam
- neutral beam
- n-th-order diffracted beam
- object beam
- off-axis beam
- offset beam
- on-axis beam
- optical beam
- parallel beam
- paraxial beam
- pencil beam
- polarized beam
- polychromatic beam
- probing laser beam
- projecting light beam
- pumping beam
- radar beam
- radio beam
- radio-landing beam
- radio-range beam
- reading beam
- readout beam
- receive beam
- reconstructed beam
- reconstructing beam
- red beam
- reentrant beam
- reference beam
- reflected beam
- refracted beam
- relativistic electron beam
- return beam
- ribbon beam
- rotating electron beam
- SAW beam
- scanning beam
- scattered beam
- sector beam
- sector-shaped beam
- shaped beam
- sharp beam
- sheet beam
- sheetlike beam
- single-lobed beam
- single-velocity beam
- space-charge focused electron beam
- speckle beam
- spiraling electron beam
- split beam
- spot beam
- stacked beam
- steadily injected electron beam
- surface-acoustic-wave beam
- switched beams
- tracking beam
- ultrasonic beam
- unidirectional beam
- useful beam
- variable-shape beam
- wave beam
- wide beam
- wide-angle beam
- writing beam
- X-ray beam -
17 beam
1) луч; пучок || излучать; испускать; формировать луч или пучок2) главный лепесток ( диаграммы направленности антенны), радиолуч || формировать диаграмму направленности антенны3) производить направленную передачу или направленный приём5) ориентировать ( вещательную программу) на определённую аудиторию6) ребро; балка; брус; поперечина7) ребро, вязка ( в нотной записи) || группировать ( ноты), объединять ( ноты) с помощью ребра, снабжать ( ноты) вязкой8) вчт.; проф. корпорация IBM•- aiming beambeam a copy — передавать копию (напр. файла) (электронным способом)
- annular beam
- antenna beam
- antiparallel beams
- astigmatic beam
- axially asymmetric beam
- axially symmetric beam
- back beam
- beavertail beam
- blue beam
- bunched electron beam
- cathode beam
- cathode-ray beam
- channeled beam
- charge-particle beam
- chopped beam
- circular beam
- cluster beam
- coherent beam
- cold-electron beam
- collimated beam
- concentrated beam
- cone-shaped beam
- conical beam
- contour beam
- control beam
- controlling beam
- convergent beam
- cosecant-squared beam
- counter-propagating beam
- defocused beam
- density modulated beam
- diffracted beam
- diffused beam
- directed beam
- directional beam
- directive beam
- divergent beam
- E beam
- electron beam
- emergent beam
- energy beam
- erasing beam
- fanning beam
- fan-shaped beam
- fixed beam
- flat-top beam
- flat-top flared beam
- flooding beam
- focused beam
- Gaussian beam
- glide slope beam
- glide-path beam
- green beam
- guidance beam
- Hermite-Gaussian beam
- high-directivity beam
- holding beam
- hollow beam
- I-beam
- illuminating beam
- incident beam
- injected beam
- intensity-modulated light beam
- ion beam
- landing beam
- laser beam
- light beam
- line-focus beam
- low-altitude beam
- low-divergence beam
- main beam
- metastable-atom beam
- modulated beam
- monochromatic beam
- monoenergetic beam
- multilobed beam
- narrow beam
- neutral beam
- n-th-order diffracted beam
- object beam
- off-axis beam
- offset beam
- on-axis beam
- optical beam
- parallel beam
- paraxial beam
- pencil beam
- polarized beam
- polychromatic beam
- probing laser beam
- projecting light beam
- pumping beam
- radar beam
- radio beam
- radio-landing beam
- radio-range beam
- reading beam
- readout beam
- receive beam
- reconstructed beam
- reconstructing beam
- red beam
- reentrant beam
- reference beam
- reflected beam
- refracted beam
- relativistic electron beam
- return beam
- ribbon beam
- rotating electron beam
- SAW beam
- scanning beam
- scattered beam
- sector beam
- sector-shaped beam
- shaped beam
- sharp beam
- sheet beam
- sheetlike beam
- single-lobed beam
- single-velocity beam
- space-charge focused electron beam
- speckle beam
- spiraling electron beam
- split beam
- spot beam
- stacked beam
- steadily injected electron beam
- surface-acoustic-wave beam
- switched beams
- tracking beam
- ultrasonic beam
- unidirectional beam
- useful beam
- variable-shape beam
- wave beam
- wide beam
- wide-angle beam
- writing beam
- X-ray beamThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > beam
18 beam
2) машиностр. поперечина; траверса4) машиностр. балансир5) горн. верхняк6) возд. лонжерон7) мор. бимс8) ширина судна9) траверз ( направление)11) наводить по лучу12) главный лепесток ( диаграммы направленности антенны), радиолуч13) навой ( основовязальной машины)14) швейн. ударник ( вырубочного пресса)•beam for sheet piles — насадка шпунтовой стенки,beam is 25 m long between supports — пролет балки составляет 25 м;beam on waterline — ширина судна по ватерлинии,beam overall — габаритная ширина судна,beam over deck — ширина судна по палубе,beam over foils — ширина судна по крыльям,to built in a beam at one end — заделывать балку одним концов,to capture the beam — захватывать луч ( курсового маяка);to clamp a beam — закреплять коромысло,to follow the beam — выдерживать направление по лучу ( курсового маяка),to hinge a beam to support — опирать балку шарнирно;to intercept the beam — выходить на ось луча ( курсового маяка),to steady a beam — арретировать (останавливать) коромысло,-
accelerated beam
accelerator beam
aiming beam
anchorage beam
angle beam
angular beam
annular beam
antiparallel beams
arched beam
astigmatic beam
asymmetrical beams
asymmetrical beam
asymmetrical lower beam
asymmetrically flared beam
axle beam
back beam
beam of variable cross section
beavertail beam
betlehem beam
bidirectional beam
binding beam
body bolster beam
bogie beam
bond beam
bottom beam
box-section beam
box beam
brake beam
breast beam
brick beam
bridge beam
bridle beam
broad-flanged beam
broad-radiation pattern beam
bucket beam
buffer beam
built-in beam
built-up beam
bumper beam
bunched electron beam
bunched beam
camber beam
cambered beam
cantilever beam
cased beam
cathode beam
channel beam
channeled beam
charged beam
city beam
Clarke beam
coherent light beam
collapsible beam
collimated beam
combination beam
composite beam
compound beam
concentrated beam
conically scanned beam
constrained beam
continuous beam
continuous wing beam
contour beam
convergent beam
cosecant-squared beam
counter propagating beams
crane runway beam
crane beam
crownblock beam
dam beam
deck beam
deep beam
defocused beam
density-modulated beam
diffraction-limited beam
diffuse beam
directed beam
directional beam
directive beam
divergent beam
doubly reinforced beam
downward beam
dragon beam
drop beam
E beam
edge beam
electron beam
elevating beam
emergent beam
engine mount beam
erasing beam
even-arm beam
extreme beam
false beam
fanning beam
fan-shaped beam
fascia beam
fender beam
fiber spinning beam
fiberglass beam
fish-bellied beam
fixed beam
fixed tie beam
fixed-ended beam
flat-top beam
flitched beam
floor beam
focused beam
folding beam
fork beam
framing beam
free-ended beam
free beam
front-axle beam
gantry beam
glide slope beam
glued laminated beam
graduated beam
grating beam
grillage beam
guidance beam
hammer beam
hatch way beam
hatch-end beam
haunched beam
high beam
high-directivity beam
highly bunched beam
high-velocity beam
hinged beam
hold beam
hold-down beam
hollow beam
homogeneous beam
illuminating beam
image beam
incident beam
injected beam
intensity-modulated beam
intermediate beam
ion beam
jesting beam
joggle beam
junior beam
keyed beam
king-posted beam
laced beam
laser beam
lifting beam
light beam
load beam
locked-on beam
longitudinal beam
loom beam
low-altitude beam
lower beam
low-velocity beam
main beam
main landing gear beam
marginal beam
midship beam
modulated beam
molded beam
molecular beam
monochromatic beam
monoenergetic beam
monorail beam
multilobed beam
multispan beam
needle beam
negative beam
neutral beam
nonreentrant beam
nonuniform beam
object-bearing beam
object beam
off-axis beam
off-path beam
on-axis beam
optical beam
O-type beam
outermost beam
overhanging beam
panting beam
parallel flange beam
paraxial beam
passing beam
pencil beam
photon beam
pile beam
pin-ended beam
plane-polarized beam
play-off beam
polarized beam
port beam
portable beam
positive beam
pressure beam
prestressed concrete beam
primary beam
probe beam
propped cantilever beam
propped beam
pulsed guidance beam
pumping beam
pump beam
pusher beam
quasi-monochromatic beam
queen-trussed beam
radar beam
radio beam
reading beam
recording beam
reentrant beam
reference beam
reflected beam
refracted beam
register beam
relativistic beam
restrained beam
return beam
rigid beam
ring beam
ripper beam
riveted beam
roof beam
rotary support beam
rotary beam
sandwich beam
scanning beam
scattered beam
scene beam
secondary beam
section beam
sector-shaped beam
shallow beam
sharp beam
sheet beam
shifting beam
simple beam
single beam
skeleton-form triangular beam
slasher beam
slay beam
sliding batch beam
soldier beam
space-coherent beam
spandrel beam
spatially coherent beam
spent beam
spider beam
spinning beam
split beam
spot beam
spreader beam
spring beam
squinted beam
stanchion beam
standard beam
starboard beam
statically determinate beam
statically indeterminate beam
steered beam
stiffening beam
stop beam
straining beam
strut-framed beam
supporting beam
swing beam
tamping beam
temporal coherent beam
test beam
thermal beam
through beam
tie beam
top-trolley beam
toroidal beam
torque divider installation beam
towing beam
transverse beam
traveling hatchway beam
traveling hatch beam
trussed beam
ultrasonic beam
undecked beam
unidirectional beam
uniform beam
uniform-strength beam
universal beam
variable-elevation beam
variable-shape beam
walking beam
wall beam
wave beam
way beam
wear beam
web beam
welded beam
wide-angle beam
wide beam
wide-flange beam
wooden beam
writing beam
X-ray beam
zee beam -
19 beam
1) луч, пучок2) балка ( вывод СВЧ-транзистора)•- bunched beam
- bunched-electron beam
- cathode beam
- cathode-ray beam
- circular beam
- component beam
- conically-scanned beam
- conical-shell beam
- consistent beam
- cosecant-squared beam
- dipped beam
- Eastern area beam
- electronic beam
- fan beam
- Gaussian beam
- global beam
- holding beam
- lower beam
- main beam
- monochromatic beam
- multilobed beam
- multiple beam
- pencil beam
- radio beam
- return beam
- rotary beam
- scanning beam
- sector-shaped beam
- spot beam
- tubular beam
- upper beam
- variable-shaped beam
- Western area beamEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > beam
20 sector beam
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Sector antenna — OverviewSector antenna is a kind of directional antenna with a sector shaped radiation pattern. In mobile communications, these antennas are typically installed in base station sites for point to multipoint connections.tructure, Materials and… … Wikipedia
Lorenz beam — The Lorenz beam blind landing system was an air radio navigation system in use from the late 1930s. The name refers to the company that produced the system; Lorenz referred to it simply as the Ultrakurzwellen Landefunkfeuer, German for ultra… … Wikipedia
Parabolic antenna — A parabolic satellite communications antenna at Erdfunkstelle Raisting, the biggest facility for satellite communication in the world, in Raisting, Bavaria, Germany. It has a Cassegrain type feed. A parabolic antenna is an antenna that uses a… … Wikipedia
Radar — For other uses, see Radar (disambiguation). A long range radar antenna, known as ALTAIR, used to detect and track space objects in conjunction with ABM testing at the Ronald Reagan Test Site on Kwajalein Atoll … Wikipedia
Horn antenna — Pyramidal microwave horn antenna, with a bandwidth of 0.8 to 18 GHz. A coaxial cable feedline attaches to the connector visible at top. This type is called a ridged horn; the curving fins visible inside the mouth of the horn increase the antenna… … Wikipedia
Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… … Universalium
particle accelerator — accelerator (def. 7). [1945 50] * * * Device that accelerates a beam of fast moving, electrically charged atoms (ions) or subatomic particles. Accelerators are used to study the structure of atomic nuclei (see atom) and the nature of subatomic… … Universalium
Mass spectrometry — (MS) is an analytical technique that measures the mass to charge ratio of charged particles.[1] It is used for determining masses of particles, for determining the elemental composition of a sample or molecule, and for elucidating the chemical… … Wikipedia
arts, East Asian — Introduction music and visual and performing arts of China, Korea, and Japan. The literatures of these countries are covered in the articles Chinese literature, Korean literature, and Japanese literature. Some studies of East Asia… … Universalium
china — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. a translucent ceramic material, biscuit fired at a high temperature, its glaze fired at a low temperature. 2. any porcelain ware. 3. plates, cups, saucers, etc., collectively. 4. figurines made of porcelain or ceramic material … Universalium
China — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. People s Republic of, a country in E Asia. 1,221,591,778; 3,691,502 sq. mi. (9,560,990 sq. km). Cap.: Beijing. 2. Republic of. Also called Nationalist China. a republic consisting mainly of the island of Taiwan off the SE coast … Universalium