1 secondary accelerator
accelerator pump — насос — ускоритель
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > secondary accelerator
2 secondary accelerator
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > secondary accelerator
3 secondary accelerator
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > secondary accelerator
4 secondary accelerator
вспомогательный ( дополнительный) ускорительАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > secondary accelerator
5 secondary accelerator
6 secondary accelerator
Англо русский политехнический словарь > secondary accelerator
7 secondary accelerator
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > secondary accelerator
8 secondary accelerator
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > secondary accelerator
9 secondary accelerator
вспомогательный ускоритель, дополнительный ускорительEnglish-Russian dictionary of leather and footwear industry > secondary accelerator
10 accelerator
1) ускоритель, катализатор2) ускоритель ( устройство)3) авто акселератор; педаль управления дроссельной заслонкой или рейкой насоса5) электрон. ускоряющий электрод6) пищ. гонок ( в рассеве)•-
acidic-type accelerator
annular accelerator
arc-driven accelerator
basic-type accelerator
cathode ray accelerator
charged particle accelerator
coaxial magnetic accelerator
collective field accelerator
development accelerator
electromagnetic accelerator
electron accelerator
emergency braking accelerator
final accelerator
Hall current accelerator
helical postdeflection accelerator
ignition accelerator
ion accelerator
linear accelerator
linear electron accelerator
link accelerator
liquid accelerator
magnetic plasma accelerator
medium accelerator
mixed accelerator
moderate accelerator
nuclear waste disposal rail accelerator
particle accelerator
postdeflection accelerator
primary accelerator
proton accelerator
rail accelerator
rapid accelerator
ripening accelerator
rubber accelerator
secondary accelerator
setting accelerator
slow-acting accelerator
stationary-target accelerator
storage accelerator
sulfur-free accelerator
ultimate accelerator
ultra accelerator
vatting accelerator
vulcanization accelerator -
11 accelerator
ускоритель; ускоряющий электрод; катализатор; катапульта ( авианосца) ; ускоритель затвора -
12 accelerator
1. катализатор2. ускоряющая добавка3. ускорительThe English-Russian dictionary general scientific > accelerator
13 secondary
1. n подчинённый2. n представитель, действующий по поручению3. n сановник второго ранга4. n эл. вторичная обмоткаsecondary emission — вторичная эмиссия; вторичное излучение
5. n физ. вторичная частица; вторичный электрон6. a второй7. a средний8. a второстепенныйa very secondary matter — второстепенный вопрос; дело, не представляющее важности
9. a вторичный; производный10. a побочный, неглавный; второстепенный11. a дополнительный, добавочный12. a вспомогательный, подсобный13. a геол. мезозойскийСинонимический ряд:1. alternate (adj.) alternate; auxiliary; subsidiary2. indirect (adj.) consequent; derivate; derivational; derivative; derived; following; indirect; proximate; resultant; subsequent3. small (adj.) dinky; insignificant; lesser; low; minor; minor-league; small; small-fry; small-time4. subordinate (adj.) ancillary; collateral; dependent; inferior; lower; petty; second; sub; subject; subordinate; subservient; tributary; under5. inferior (noun) inferior; junior; poor relation; scrub; subaltern; subordinate; underling; understrapperАнтонимический ряд:major; preceding; primary -
14 secondary electron
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > secondary electron
15 secondary electron
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > secondary electron
16 logic simulation accelerator
English-Russian base dictionary > logic simulation accelerator
17 particle accelerator
физ. с ускоритель частиц -
18 colliding-beam accelerator
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > colliding-beam accelerator
19 laser accelerator
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > laser accelerator
20 linear electron accelerator
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > linear electron accelerator
См. также в других словарях:
secondary beam — Physics. a beam of particles of one kind selected from the group of particles produced when a beam of particles from an accelerator (primary beam) strikes a target. * * * … Universalium
secondary beam — Physics. a beam of particles of one kind selected from the group of particles produced when a beam of particles from an accelerator (primary beam) strikes a target … Useful english dictionary
particle accelerator — accelerator (def. 7). [1945 50] * * * Device that accelerates a beam of fast moving, electrically charged atoms (ions) or subatomic particles. Accelerators are used to study the structure of atomic nuclei (see atom) and the nature of subatomic… … Universalium
Particle accelerator — Atom smasher redirects here. For other uses, see Atom smasher (disambiguation). A 1960s single stage 2 MeV linear Van de Graaff accelerator, here opened for maintenance A particle accelerator[1] is a device that uses electromagnetic fields to… … Wikipedia
Carburetor — Bendix Technico (Stromberg) 1 barrel downdraft carburetor model BXUV 3, with nomenclature A carburetor (American spelling), carburettor, or carburetter (Commonwealth spelling) is a device that blends air and fuel for an internal combustion engine … Wikipedia
spectroscopy — spectroscopist /spek tros keuh pist/, n. /spek tros keuh pee, spek treuh skoh pee/, n. the science that deals with the use of the spectroscope and with spectrum analysis. [1865 70; SPECTRO + SCOPY] * * * Branch of analysis devoted to identifying… … Universalium
radiation — radiational, adj. /ray dee ay sheuhn/, n. 1. Physics. a. the process in which energy is emitted as particles or waves. b. the complete process in which energy is emitted by one body, transmitted through an intervening medium or space, and… … Universalium
mass spectrometry — or mass spectroscopy Analytic technique by which chemical substances are identified by sorting gaseous ions by mass using electric and magnetic fields. A mass spectrometer uses electrical means to detect the sorted ions, while a mass spectrograph … Universalium
OBD-II PIDs — (On board diagnostics Parameter IDs) are codes used to request data from a vehicle, used as a diagnostic tool. SAE standard J/1979 defines many PIDs, but manufacturers also define many more PIDs specific to their vehicles. All cars sold in North… … Wikipedia
dating — I In geology and archaeology, the process of determining an object s or event s place within a chronological scheme. Scientists may use either relative dating, in which items are sequenced on the basis of stratigraphic clues (see stratigraphy) or … Universalium
Framebuffer — Overhead photo of a Sun TGX Framebuffer A framebuffer is a video output device that drives a video display from a memory buffer containing a complete frame of data. The information in the memory buffer typically consists of color values for every … Wikipedia