1 second bill of exchange
Вексельное право: второй экземпляр переводного векселяУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > second bill of exchange
2 second bill of exchange
Англо-русский экономический словарь > second bill of exchange
3 second bill of exchange
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > second bill of exchange
4 second bill
фин. = second of exchange -
5 second bill
фин. = second of exchangeThe new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > second bill
6 clean bill of exchange
7 bill
8 bill
n1) счет2) список3) документ (удостоверение, свидетельство и т.п.)4) вексель; тратта5) амер. банкнота, казначейский билет6) законопроект
- acceptance bill of exchange
- accepted bill
- accommodation bill
- account bill
- addressed bill
- advance bill
- after date bill
- after sight bill
- air bill
- air bill of lading
- aircraft bill of lading
- airfreight bill
- airway bill
- appropriation bill
- auction bill
- backed bill
- balance bill
- bank bill
- bankable bill
- banker's bill
- bearer bill
- bearer bill of lading
- blank bill
- budget bill
- claused bill of exchange
- claused bill of lading
- clean bill of exchange
- clean bill of health
- clean bill of lading
- clearance bill
- collateral bill
- collective bill of lading
- commercial bill of exchange
- counter bill
- credit bill
- cross bill
- currency bill
- customs bill
- demand bill
- demand bill of exchange
- dirty bill of lading
- discount bill
- discountable bill
- dishonoured bill
- documentary bill
- documentary bill of exchange
- domestic bill
- domiciliated bill of exchange
- draft bill
- drawn bill
- due bill
- eligible bill
- endorsed bill
- exchequer bill
- expired bill
- extended bill
- ficticious bill
- finance bill
- fine bill
- fine bank bill
- fine trade bill
- first bill of exchange
- first-rate bill
- foreign bill of exchange
- forged bill
- foul bill of health
- foul bill of lading
- freight bill
- Freight Collect bill of lading
- Freight Paid bill of lading
- garage bill
- gilt-edged bill
- grouped bill of lading
- guarantee bill
- guaranteed bill
- hand bill
- honoured bill
- hot treasury bills
- in-clearing bill
- ineligible bill
- inland bill
- inscribed bill
- interim bill
- investment bill
- inward bill of lading
- local bill
- long bill
- long-dated bill
- long-range bill
- long-term bill
- master bill of materials
- matured bill
- mercantile bill
- negotiable bill
- nonnegotiable bill
- noted bill
- ocean bill of lading
- omnibus bill of lading
- on board bill of lading
- order bill
- order bill of lading
- ordinary bill
- original bill
- out-clearing bill
- outland bill
- outstanding bill of exchange
- outward bill of lading
- overdue bill
- paid bill of exchange
- past-due bill
- pawned bill
- payment bill
- port bill of lading
- prime bill
- proforma bill
- prolonged bill
- protested bill
- provisional bill
- raised bill
- received for shipment bill of lading
- rediscounted bill
- renewal bill
- repairs bill
- returned bill
- second bill
- secured bill
- security bill
- shipped bill of lading
- shipping bill
- short bill
- short-dated bill
- short-termed bill
- sight bill
- single bill
- sola bill
- sole bill
- straight bill of lading
- suspected bill of health
- tax bill
- telephone bill
- term bill
- third bill
- through bill of lading
- time bill
- touched bill of health
- trade bill
- transhipment bill of lading
- treasury bill
- truck bill of lading
- unclean bill of lading
- uncollectible bill
- uncovered bill
- undiscountable bill
- unexpired bill
- uniform bill of lading
- unpaid bill
- unprotected bill
- unsecured bill
- upcoming bill
- usance bill
- victualling bill
- wage bill
- window bill
- bill after date
- bill after sight
- bill at short date
- bill at sight
- bill at usance
- bill for collection
- bills in circulation
- bills in hand
- bills in a set
- bill of acceptance
- bill of adventure
- bill of charges
- bill of clearance
- bill of costs
- bill of credit
- bill of entry
- bill of exchange
- bill of expenses
- bill of fare
- bill of goods
- bill of health
- bill of indictment
- bill of lading
- bill of materials
- bill of parcels
- bill of products
- bill of quantities
- bill of redraft
- bill of review
- bill of sale
- bill of sight
- bill of store
- bill of stores
- bill of sufference
- bill of victualling
- bill to bearer
- bill to the order of another person
- bill to one's own order
- bill with recourse
- bills discounted
- bills payable
- bills receivable
- bill drawn against commodity
- bills drawn in a set
- bill noted for protest
- accept a bill
- accept a bill for collection
- accept a bill for discount
- advise a bill
- amend a bill
- back a bill
- cancel a bill
- cash a bill
- collect a bill
- cover a bill
- discharge a bill
- discount a bill
- dishonour a bill
- domicile a bill
- draw a bill of exchange
- draw a bill on a bank
- endorse a bill
- endorse a bill in blank
- fill the bill
- foot the bill
- get a bill protested
- give a bill of exchange
- give a bill on discount
- give security for a bill
- guarantee a bill
- have a bill noted
- have a bill protested
- honour a bill
- issue a bill of exchange
- make a bill payable to order
- make out a bill
- meet a bill
- negotiate a bill of exchange
- note a bill for protest
- pay a bill
- pay a bill at maturity
- pay by means of a bill
- prepare a bill
- present a bill for acceptance
- present a bill for payment
- prolong a bill of exchange
- protect a bill of exchange
- rediscount a bill of exchange
- redraw a bill
- remit a bill for collection
- renew a bill of exchange
- retire a bill
- return a bill under protest
- settle a bill
- sign a bill of exchange per procuration
- take a bill on discount
- take up a bill of exchange
- withdraw a bill
- write out a bill -
9 bill
1) счёт к оплате2) перечисление сумм, подлежащих выплате3) разг. затраты по счетам (на приобретённые товары, услуги)4) торг. счёт, фактура || выписывать счёт [фактуру]5) торговый контракт; свидетельство, декларация6) накладная, список || выписывать накладную7) вексель; тратта8) долговое обязательство9) опись товаров (при перевозках по железной дороге)10) амер. банкнота11) законопроект, билль12) рекламное объявление в афише || объявлять в афишах- due bill- solebill- tax bill- way bill -
10 exchange
1. n обмен, менаexchange of goods, commodity exchanges — товарообмен
exchange of civilities — обмен любезностями, светская беседа
2. n фин. размен3. n замена, смена4. n иностранная валюта; переводный вексель, траттаexchange permit — валютное разрешение; разрешение на перевод валюты
exchange restrictions — валютные ограничения; ограничения в переводе иностранной валюты
exchange transactions — валютные операции, операции в валюте
5. n курс6. n расчёты посредством девиз; расплата посредством переводов векселей7. n биржа8. n телефонная станция; коммутатор9. n гарнизонный магазин, магазин военно-торговой службы10. n обменная книга, обменный экземпляр11. n физиол. обращение, обмен12. n мат. физ. обмен местами; перестановка13. v менять, обмениватьto exchange farm products for manufactured goods — обменивать продукты сельского хозяйства на промышленные товары
to exchange shots — переругиваться, обмениваться колкостями
14. v обмениваться; менятьсяto exchange greetings — приветствовать друг друга, обменяться приветствиями
15. v променять16. v разменивать17. v обмениватьСинонимический ряд:1. barter (noun) barter; business; change; commerce; replacement; resale; shift; substitute2. dialogue (noun) dialogue; interchange; talk3. market (noun) market4. retort (noun) intercourse; repartee; reprisal; retaliation; retort5. trade (noun) commutation; substitution; switch; trade; transaction; transposition6. bandy (verb) bandy; give and take; reciprocate; requite; retaliate; retort; return; transact7. convert (verb) change; commute; convert; counterchange; interchange; substitute; transpose8. trade (verb) bargain; barter; swap; switch; trade; traffic; truckАнтонимический ряд: -
11 second of exchange
фин. второй экземпляр переводного векселяSyn:See:* * ** * *. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
12 second of exchange
The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > second of exchange
13 duplicate of exchange
14 first of exchange
фин. первый экземпляр векселя [тратты\] (первый, оригинальный, экземпляр переводного векселя; векселя могут выписываться в 2-3 экземплярах, но оплачивается только один)See:
* * *
первый экземпляр векселя: первый оригинальный экземпляр переводного векселя; векселя могут выписываться в 2-3 экземплярах, но оплачивается только один; в случае, если должен оплачиваться первый экземпляр, делается надпись "pay this first of exchange, second/third unpaid" (после его предъявления и оплаты копии уничтожаются); см. bills in set.* * ** * *. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
15 first of exchange
фин. первый экземпляр векселя [тратты] (первый, оригинальный, экземпляр переводного векселя; векселя могут выписываться в 2-3 экземплярах, но оплачивается только один)See:The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > first of exchange
16 issue
1. n1) выпуск, издание2) номер (газеты, журнала)3) выдача, выписка (документа); выставление (тратты)4) выпуск, эмиссия (ценных бумаг)5) pl ценные бумаги; доходы, прибыль
- above par issue
- additional issue of shares
- authorized issue
- bank card issue
- bank-eligible issues
- below par issue
- benchmark issue
- blue-chip issue
- bond issue
- bonus issue
- burning issue
- capital issue
- capitalization issue
- closed issue
- complex tax issue
- conversion issue
- credit issue
- credit card issue
- currency issue
- current issue
- debenture issue
- disputed issue
- equity issue
- Eurobond issue
- external bond issue
- fiduciary issue
- first issue
- foreign bond issue
- fresh issue
- fringe issue
- government issue
- government issue of securities
- government agency issue
- guaranteed cheque issue
- hot issue
- hung-up issue
- industrial issue
- internal issue
- international debt issue
- maiden issue
- new issue
- note issue
- open issue
- outstanding issue
- oversubscribed issue
- par issue
- par-priced issue
- patent issue
- presold issue
- pressing issue
- previous issue
- public issue
- public bond issue
- red herring issue
- rights issue
- scrip issue
- seasoned issue
- second issue
- secondary issue of securities
- senior issue
- share issue
- stock issue
- uncovered issue
- unresolved issue
- unsettled issue
- unsolved issue
- issue at a discount
- issue at par
- issue at a premium
- issue below par
- issue by tender
- issue of an acceptance
- issue of an author's certificate
- issue of bank notes
- issue of a bill
- issue of a bill of exchange
- issue of bonds
- issue of capital stock
- issue of a certificate
- issue of a cheque
- issue of currency
- issue of debentures
- issue of debt evidenced by certificates
- issue of depositary receipts
- issue of a document
- issue of a draft
- issue of guarantee
- issue of an invoice
- issue of a law
- issue of a letter of credit
- issue of a loan
- issue of money
- issue of a patent
- issue of a permit
- issue of securities
- issue of shares
- issue of short-term bonds
- issue of stocks
- issue of a visa
- at issue
- be at issue with
- be in issue
- float a bond issue
- place an issue in two tranches
- reopen an issue
- resolve an issue
- restrict the issue of paper money
- settle an issue
- submit an issue for the agenda
- tackle an issue
- underwrite an issue2. v1) выпускать, пускать в обращение2) выписывать, выдавать, выставлять
- when issued -
17 issue
1.1) выпускать, пускать в обращение2) выписывать, выдавать, выставлять2.1) выпуск, эмиссия (ценных бумаг)2) выдача, выписка (документа)6) номер (газеты, журнала)• -
18 protection
1) защита, охрана3) акцептование•US Airways is enjoying Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection (which keeps creditors at bay while the business goes on) for the second time in recent years. — Американская авиакомпания US Airways использует главу 11 Закона о банкротствах (которая сдерживает кредиторов, пока компания продолжает функционировать) уже вторично за последние годы.
19 paper
1. n бумага2. n лист бумагиmachine-glazed paper — бумага, глазированная с одной стороны
3. n пакетpaper bag — пакет; бумажный мешок
4. n листок5. n документfalsified paper — подложный, фальшивый документ
6. n личные или служебные документыboxed paper — бумага, уложенная или упакованная в коробку
7. n собир. бумажные деньги, бумажные денежные знаки, банкноты, кредитные билетыpaper shale — листоватый глинистый сланец, бумажный сланец
paper web — лента бумаги, бумажная лента; бумажный рулон
8. n собир. векселяpaper is as good as ready money — вексель — всё равно что наличные деньги
9. n собир. газета, журнал10. n собир. экзаменационный билет11. n собир. письменная работа12. n собир. научный доклад, статьяinvited paper — заказная статья; заказной доклад
13. n собир. обои14. n разг. контрамарка15. n разг. контрамарочникhow much paper there was yesterday we do not know but the hall was full — мы не знаем, сколько вчера было контрамарочников, но театр был полон
16. n разг. амер. сл. краплёные карты17. n разг. амер. сл. доллар18. n разг. папье-машеcases, stands, tea-boards all of paper finely varnished and painted — коробки, подставки, чайные подносы из папье-маше, искусно разрисованные и покрытые лаком
19. a бумажный; сделанный из бумаги20. a существующий только на бумаге; фиктивныйpaper profits — доходы, имеющиеся только на бумаге, фиктивные доходы
21. a газетный22. a тонкий как бумага23. a канцелярский24. a театр. заполненный контрамарочниками25. v завёртывать в бумагу26. v оклеивать обоями27. v снабжать бумагой28. v тех. обрабатывать наждачной бумагой29. v полигр. подклеивать форзацСинонимический ряд:1. commercial paper (noun) bank note; bill; bill of exchange; commercial paper; draft; money; note2. document (noun) certificate; document; legal paper; official document; proof; record3. newspaper (noun) daily; daily journal; journal; newspaper; publication; tabloid4. report (noun) article; composition; essay; exposition; report; theme; writing5. hang wallpaper (verb) decorate; hang; hang wallpaper; line; overlay; paste up; plaster; refinish; wallpaper -
20 sight draft
вексель на предъявителя
тратта на предъявителя
Вексель, оплачиваемый при предъявлении трассату
[Упрощение процедур торговли: англо-русский глоссарий терминов (пересмотренное второе издание) НЬЮ-ЙОРК, ЖЕНЕВА, МОСКВА 2011 год]EN
sight draft
A draft payable upon presentation to the drawee
[Trade Facilitation Terms: An English - Russian Glossary (revised second edition) NEW YORK, GENEVA, MOSCOW 2772]Тематики
предъявительский вексель
Вексель (bill of exchange), подлежащий оплате при предъявлении вне зависимости от того, когда он был выписан.
[ http://www.vocable.ru/dictionary/533/symbol/97]Тематики
тратта срочная по предъявлении
[Англо-русский словарь сокращений транспортно-экспедиторских и коммерческих терминов и выражений ФИАТА]Тематики
- S/d
- sight draft
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > sight draft
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
bill of exchange — see bill 7 Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. bill of exchange … Law dictionary
bill — As a legal term, this word has many meanings and applications, the most important of which are set forth below: Bill of Rights. A formal and emphatic legislative assertion and declaration of popular rights and liberties usually promulgated upon a … Black's law dictionary
bill — As a legal term, this word has many meanings and applications, the most important of which are set forth below: Bill of Rights. A formal and emphatic legislative assertion and declaration of popular rights and liberties usually promulgated upon a … Black's law dictionary
exchange — A voluntary association or corporation organized for the purpose of furnishing its members a convenient and suitable place to transact their business, of promoting uniformity in the customs and usages of merchants, of inculcating principles of… … Ballentine's law dictionary
second of exchange, first unpaid — A notation appearing on the face of a bill of exchange for the purpose of indicating that it is one of a set of the same bill. 11 Am J2d B & N § 61 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Bill Frist — United States Senator from Tennessee In office January 3, 1995 – January 3, 2007 Preceded by … Wikipedia
Bill Brasky — was the subject of a series of sketches on the television sketch comedy program Saturday Night Live between 1996 and 1998. The sketches were written by cast member Will Ferrell and writer Adam McKay. FormatThe format of the sketches resembles the … Wikipedia
Bill Lipschutz — is a foreign exchange market (forex) trader and the co founder and Director of Portfolio Management at Hathersage Capital Management. Early Life and Education Lipschutz was born and raised in Farmingdale, New York. He earned outstanding grades… … Wikipedia
Bill Raftery — (born April 19, 1943) is an American basketball analyst and former college basketball coach.Despite a long and successful college basketball coaching career, Raftery is today probably best known for his enthusiastic play by play coverage of… … Wikipedia
Bill Carroll (musician) — Bill Carroll (born December 29, 1966 in Wilmington, Delaware) is an American singer, songwriter, record producer, bassist and guitarist. He has been a professional musician since the mid 1980s, and has been a member of the groups No Such Thing,… … Wikipedia
Bill Gates — For other people named Bill Gates, see Bill Gates (disambiguation). Bill Gates … Wikipedia