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  • 1 bid

    v наддава, нуди, лицитира
    n понуда, влог (во картање)
    поканува, заповедува, пожелува (добар ден)
    * * *
    n. 1. понуда; to make a bid поднесување на понуда; the highest bid најголема (највисока) понуда; a sealed bid понуда во запечатен омот (see also tender I);
    2. обид; to make a bid for first place правење на обид за завземање на првото место; bid II bade (baed) for 1, 2, 3 and bid for 4, 5; bidden or bid for 1, 2, 3; bid for 4, 5; v
    1.tr (lit.) наредување;
    2. tr посакување; to bid smb. good night посакување некому лека ноќ; to bid farewell to smb. збогување со некого;
    3. tr (lit.) повикување;
    4. tr понудување (особено на лицитација; he bid fifty dollars for it понуд педесет долари за ова;
    5. intr учествување на лицитација, натпреварување, поддавање на понуда; понудување; he was bidding наддавање; to bid on smt. понудување на пари за нешто; 6. misc.; to bid defiance давање на отпор; to bid fair ветување; поднесува понуда, (се) нуди, конкурира; понуда; наддава; обид; понуда bid and asked (цена на) побарувачка и (цена на) понуда bid for contract учествува на лицитација за добивање на работа и сл.; понуда

    English-Macedonian dictionary > bid

  • 2 SWALK

    English-Macedonian dictionary > SWALK

См. также в других словарях:

  • sealed — [si:ld] adj 1.) shut or protected with something that prevents air, water etc from getting in or out ▪ a sealed container 2.) sealed documents are closed so that they can only be read by a certain person or at a certain time ▪ Sealed bids… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • sealed — [ sild ] adjective * closed with a lid, cover, etc. so that nothing can get in or out: a sealed box/bag/envelope …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • sealed — sealed; un·sealed; …   English syllables

  • sealed — index blind (impassable), impervious, necessary (inescapable), undisclosed Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • sealed — Authenticated by a seal; executed by the affixing of a seal @ sealed and delivered These words, followed by the signatures of the witnesses, constitute the usual formula for the attestation of conveyances @ sealed bid @ sealed instrument An… …   Black's law dictionary

  • sealed — adjective 1. established irrevocably his fate is sealed • Syn: ↑certain • Ant: ↑unsealed 2. closed or secured with or as if with a seal my lips are sealed the package is still sealed …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sealed — Seal Seal, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Sealed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Sealing}.] [OE. selen; cf. OF. seeler, seieler, F. sceller, LL. sigillare. See {Seal} a stamp.] 1. To set or affix a seal to; hence, to authenticate; to confirm; to ratify; to establish;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sealed (up) — mod. settled; secured; cinched. □ The matter was sealed by Monday morning. □ The contract was sealed up just in time …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • sealed — adj. Sealed is used with these nouns: ↑bid, ↑container, ↑envelope, ↑jar, ↑lid, ↑order, ↑tube …   Collocations dictionary

  • sealed — Synonyms and related words: able, accepted, acknowledged, admitted, affirmed, agreed, airtight, allowed, approved, arranged, auricular, authenticated, avowed, between us, certified, close, compact, compacted, conceded, confessed, confidential,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • sealed — adjective shut with something that prevents air, water etc from getting in or out: Keep all dressings in a sealed sterile pack …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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