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См. также в других словарях:

  • Scurrility — Scur*ril i*ty, n. [L. scurrilitas: cf. F. scurrilit[ e].] 1. The quality or state of being scurrile or scurrilous; mean, vile, or obscene jocularity. [1913 Webster] Your reasons . . . have been sharp and sententious, pleasant without scurrility.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • scurrility — index aspersion, bad repute, contempt (disdain), contumely, diatribe, disapprobation, expletive, slande …   Law dictionary

  • scurrility — *abuse, billingsgate, invective, vituperation, obloquy Analogous words: vilifying or vilification, maligning, traducing, calumniation (see corresponding verbs at MALIGN): reviling, berating, upbraiding, rating, scolding (see SCOLD) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • scurrility — [skə ril′ə tē] n. [L scurrilitas] 1. the quality of being scurrilous; coarseness or indecency of language, esp. in invective or joking 2. pl. scurrilities a scurrilous act or remark …   English World dictionary

  • scurrility — scurrilous ► ADJECTIVE ▪ making scandalous claims about someone in order to damage their reputation. DERIVATIVES scurrility noun (pl. scurrilities) . ORIGIN Latin scurrilus, from scurra buffoon …   English terms dictionary

  • scurrility — noun (plural ties) Date: 1508 1. the quality or state of being scurrilous 2. a. scurrilous or abusive language b. an offensively rude or abusive remark …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • scurrility — /skeuh ril i tee/, n., pl. scurrilities for 2. 1. a scurrilous quality or condition. 2. a scurrilous remark or attack. [1500 10; < L scurrilitas. See SCURRILE, ITY] Syn. 2. vituperation, abuse, vilification, invective; indecency, vulgarity. * * * …   Universalium

  • scurrility — noun Something that is scurrilous …   Wiktionary

  • scurrility — I (Roget s IV) n. Syn. coarseness, indecency, vulgarity, slander, sarcasm, defilement; see also abuse 1 . II (Roget s Thesaurus II) noun 1. The quality or state of being obscene: bawdiness, coarseness, dirtiness, filthiness, foulness, grossness,… …   English dictionary for students

  • scurrility — scur·ril·i·ty || skÊŒ rɪlÉ™tɪ n. crudeness, obscenity, vulgarity …   English contemporary dictionary

  • scurrility — n 1. abusiveness, blackguardism, pro faneness, scurrilousness; vulgarity, vulgarness, ob sceneness, lewdness, salaciousness; grossness, rankness, vileness, foulness, filthiness, nastiness, Sl. raun chiness; indecency, immorality, shamelessness,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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