Перевод: с английского на норвежский

с норвежского на английский


См. также в других словарях:

  • Scunner — Scun ner, n. A feeling of disgust or loathing; a strong prejudice; abhorrence; as, to take a scunner against some one. [Scot. & Prov. Eng.] Carlyle. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • scunner — [skun′ər] vi. [LME (Northern dial.) < ?] [Scot. or North Eng.] to feel disgust or strong aversion n. Chiefly Brit. a strong dislike: often in the phrase take a scunner …   English World dictionary

  • Scunner — Scun ner, v. t. [Cf. {Shun}.] To cause to loathe, or feel disgust at. [Scot. & Prov. Eng.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Scunner — Scun ner, v. i. To have a feeling of loathing or disgust; hence, to have dislike, prejudice, or reluctance. [Scot. & Prov. Eng.] C. Kingsley. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • scunner — I Scottish Vernacular Dictionary verb: to sicken, disgust, to bore to the point of annoyance. Example: Wid thon Peruvian Nose Flute music no jist scunner ye? noun: That which sickens, disgusts or bores.... also the state of being scunnered… …   English dialects glossary

  • Scunner — Basisdaten Land UdSSR russ. Bezeichnung R 1 Alternative Namen SS 1A Scunner, Jedinitschka (russ. die Erste) Klasse Kurzstreckenrakete Nutzlast 1000 kg Gefechtskopf hochexplosiv Länge 14,6 m …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • scunner — /skun euhr/, n. 1. an irrational dislike; loathing: She took a scunner to him. v.i. 2. Scot. and North Eng. to feel or show violent disgust, esp. to flinch, blanch, or gag. v.t. 3. Scot. and North Eng. to disgust; nauseate. [1325 75; ME (Scots)… …   Universalium

  • scunner — v. & n. Sc. v.intr. feel disgust or nausea. n. 1 a strong dislike (esp. take a scunner at or against). 2 an object of loathing. Etymology: 14th c.: orig. uncert …   Useful english dictionary

  • scunner — I. intransitive verb Etymology: Middle English (Scots) skunniren Date: 14th century chiefly Scottish to be in a state of disgusted irritation II. noun Date: circa 1520 an unreasonable or extreme dislike or prejudice …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Scunner — noun The Nato reporting name of the R 1 ballistic missile built by the Soviet Union …   Wiktionary

  • scunner — 1. verb a) To be sick of. b) To dislike. 2. noun a) Dislike or aversion. b) North Yorkshire term for an urban youth and usually associated with trouble or pett …   Wiktionary

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