1 screen printed circuit
trigger circuit — триггер; триггерная схема; спусковая схема
2 screen printed circuit
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > screen printed circuit
3 screen printed circuit
Вычислительная техника: схема, изготовленная методом трафаретной печатиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > screen printed circuit
4 screen printed circuit
схема, изготовленная методом трафаретной печатиEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > screen printed circuit
5 screen-printed circuit
English-Russian dictionary of microelectronics > screen-printed circuit
6 screen-printed integrated circuit
Микроэлектроника: толстоплёночная ГИСУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > screen-printed integrated circuit
7 circuit
2) канал3) т. граф. простая цепь, контур•- active circuit
- acyclic circuit
- adding circuit
- add circuit
- addressing circuit
- advancing circuit
- alarm circuit
- amplifying circuit
- analogous circuit
- analog circuit
- AND-to-OR circuit
- antialiasing circuit
- anticoincidence circuit
- antihunting circuit
- antihunt circuit
- aperiodic circuit
- arithmetic circuit
- arithmetical circuit
- astable circuit
- averaging circuit
- balanced circuit
- basis circuit
- beam-lead integrated circuit
- benchmark circuit
- binary-valued digital circuit
- binary-valued circuit
- bipolar circuit
- bistable circuit
- blanking circuit
- bleeder circuit
- bridge circuit
- buffer circuit
- carry circuit
- character selection circuit
- checking circuit
- check circuit
- clamping circuit
- clocked circuit
- clock-recovery circuit
- closed circuit
- code disjoint circuit
- coincidence circuit
- combinational circuit
- combinatorial circuit
- communication circuit
- comparator circuit
- compare circuit
- comparison circuit
- complementary circuit
- complementary integrated circuit
- complementary transistor logic circuit
- complex function circuit
- computer circuit
- computer test circuit
- computing circuit
- control circuit
- core-diode circuit
- core-transistor circuit
- correcting circuit
- correction circuit
- counter circuit
- counting circuit
- coupling circuit
- current-limit circuit
- current-operated circuit
- current-summation circuit
- custom product integrated circuit
- custom integrated circuit
- custom-wired integrated circuit
- cutoff circuit
- cycle circuit
- cyclic circuit
- dead-on-arrival integrated circuit
- decode circuit
- decoding circuit
- deenergizing circuit
- deflection circuit
- delay circuit
- densely packed circuit
- differentiating circuit
- digital computing circuit
- diode circuit
- diode-coupled circuit
- diode-transistor logic circuit
- direct-coupled circuit
- direct-coupled transistor logic circuit
- direct-current circuit
- discrete component circuit
- discrete logic-level
- discrete wired circuit
- display circuit
- divide-by-two circuit
- dividing circuit
- double-sided printed circuit
- doubling circuit
- drive circuit
- dry circuit
- dual circuit
- duplex circuit
- Eccles-Jordan circuit
- edge-activated circuit
- emitter-coupled circuit
- emitter-coupled logic circuit
- emitter-emitter-coupled logic circuit
- equality circuit
- equivalent circuit
- etched circuit
- Euler circuit
- except circuit
- fanout-free circuit
- fast-switching circuit
- fault detection circuit
- fault-free circuit
- fault-secure circuit
- faulty circuit
- feedback circuit
- ferrite-diode circuit
- ferrite-transistor circuit
- ferroresonant computing circuit
- film integrated circuit
- flag-testing circuit
- flat-pack integrated circuit
- flexible printed circuit
- flexible circuit
- flip-chip integrated circuit
- flip-flop circuit
- frame-grounding circuit
- frequency-halving circuit
- function circuit
- gate circuit
- Goto-pair circuit
- half-duplex circuit
- halving circuit
- Hamilton circuit
- hand-designed circuit
- hardwired circuit
- high-speed circuit
- high-threshold logic circuit
- holding circuit
- hybrid circuit
- idler circuit
- imbedded circuit
- IMOS circuit
- impulse circuit
- inhibit circuit
- input circuit
- integrated circuit
- integrating circuit
- integro-differential circuit
- interchange circuit
- interface circuit
- interfacing circuit
- interlock circuit
- invert circuit
- ion-implanted MOS circuit
- irredundant circuit
- Josephson integrated circuit
- junction transistor circuit
- ladder circuit
- lag-lead circuit
- laminar circuit
- large arithmetic circuit
- large-scale integrated circuit
- large-scale integration circuit
- latch circuit
- lead-lag circuit
- leased circuit
- level circuit
- linear circuit
- linear integrated circuit
- linearity circuit
- liquid logic circuit
- load circuit
- locked pair circuit
- locking circuit
- logic circuit
- logical circuit
- low-threshold integrated circuit
- LSI circuit
- lumped circuit
- magnetic circuit
- magnetic-core circuit
- majority circuit
- match circuit
- material equivalence circuit
- matrix circuit
- maximum-remembering circuit
- measuring circuit
- medium-scale integration circuit
- memory circuit
- memory-decoder circuit
- message circuit
- metal-oxide-semiconductor circuit
- microamp circuit
- microelectronic integrated circuit
- microminiature circuit
- microwave circuit
- mil spec integrated circuit
- milliwatt circuit
- miniature circuit
- minimum-remembering circuit
- mixed-level circuit
- mixing circuit
- modularized circuit
- molecular integrated circuit
- monitoring circuit
- monolithic integrated circuit
- monostable circuit
- MOS circuit
- MOS integrated circuit
- MOS LSI circuit
- MSI circuit
- multichip integrated circuit
- multifunction integrated circuit
- multilayer circuit
- multilevel circuit
- multiple output circuit
- multiplying circuit
- multipoint circuit
- multistable circuit
- multistage circuit
- nanosecond circuit
- n-channel circuit
- network circuit
- noise-balancing circuit
- noncoincidence circuit
- noncutoff circuit
- non-self-checking circuit
- one-core-per-bit circuit
- one-generator equivalent circuit
- one-out-of-four selecting circuit
- one-shot circuit
- open circuit
- optical commutation circuit
- optical memory circuit
- optically coupled circuit
- optoelectronic circuit
- output circuit
- packaged circuit
- packed circuit
- p-channel circuit
- phantom circuit
- phase-comparison circuit
- phase-inverting circuit
- picosecond circuit
- pilot circuit
- plastic-embedded circuit
- point-to-point circuit
- power circuit
- power monitoring circuit
- power-fail circuit
- printed circuit
- priority circuit
- propagation circuit
- protection circuit
- pulse circuit
- pulse-actuated circuit
- pulse-broadening circuit
- pulse-regenerating circuit
- pulse-shaping circuit
- pulse-stretching circuit
- pulse-switching circuit
- pumped tunnel-diode transistor logic circuit
- pumping circuit
- quenching circuit
- race-free circuit
- radio-frequency circuit
- random-logic circuit
- ratioed circuit
- reading circuit
- received-data circuit
- receiving circuit
- reconfigurable integrated circuit
- redundant circuit
- reference circuit
- refreshing circuit
- relaxation circuit
- reset circuit
- retriggerable circuit
- rewriting circuit
- ring circuit
- rounding circuit
- sample-hold circuit
- saturated circuit
- scale-of-N circuit
- scale-of-two circuit
- scaling circuit
- schematic circuit
- Schmitt trigger circuit
- Schmitt circuit
- screen printed circuit
- selection circuit
- select circuit
- self-checking circuit
- self-testing circuit
- self-timed circuit
- semiconductor circuit
- send-request circuit
- sequential circuit
- shifting circuit
- shift circuit
- short circuit
- shunt-peaking circuit
- sign-controlled circuit
- silicon integrated circuit
- silicon-on-sapphire integrated circuit
- simplex circuit
- single-chip circuit
- single-ended circuit
- single-level circuit
- single-phase circuit
- single-shot circuit
- small-scale integration circuit
- solid-state circuit
- solid circuit
- SOS integrated circuit
- squaring circuit
- SSI circuit
- stabilizing circuit
- stamped circuit
- start-stop circuit
- steering circuit
- storage circuit
- storage-selection circuit
- strongly fault-secure circuit
- subtraction circuit
- summing circuit
- sweep circuit
- switching circuit
- symbolic circuit
- synchronizing circuit
- synthesis circuit
- thick-film circuit
- thin-film circuit
- threshold circuit
- time-anticoincidence circuit
- time-base circuit
- time-coincidence circuit
- time-delay circuit
- toll circuit
- totally self-checking circuit
- transistor circuit
- transistor-core circuit
- transistor-resistor circuit
- transistor-transistor-logic circuit
- translation circuit
- transmitted-data circuit
- transmitting circuit
- tree circuit
- trigger -action circuit
- trigger circuit
- trunk circuit
- tunnel diode circuit
- twin-tunnel-diode circuit
- twin circuit
- two-cores-per-bit circuit
- two-input circuit
- two-level circuit
- two-way circuit
- ultra-large-scale integration circuit
- unidirectional circuit
- unpackaged circuit
- unpacked circuit
- very-high-speed integrated circuit
- very-large-scale integration circuit
- virtual circuit
- VLSI circuit
- voice circuit
- voice-grade circuit
- voltage-control circuit
- voltage-doubling circuit
- voltage-multiplying circuit
- voltage-summation circuit
- voter circuit
- wave-shaping circuit
- whole-wafer circuit
- wired AND circuit
- wired OR circuit
- wire-wrapped circuit
- writing circuit
- zero circuitEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > circuit
8 pattern
1) рисунок; изображение; узор; картина; рельеф || формировать рисунок или изображение2) образ4) лекало5) метал. форма6) моделировать; копировать7) вчт. графический шаблон8) мн. ч. аппликации( в ЦМД ЗУ)12) схема; диаграмма13) сетка ( размещения скважин)14) диаграмма направленности ( антенны)15) рентгенограмма16) схема (сейсмической) группы; (сейсмическая) группа; расстановка в (сейсмической) группе17) последовательность ( импульсов)18) код; кодовая комбинация20) промежуточный оригинал ( фотошаблона)•-
abrasion pattern
acoustic pattern
aerial search pattern
air traffic pattern
annular drainage pattern
antenna pattern
approach traffic pattern
approved pattern
arborescent pattern
azimuth pattern
back-reflection Laue pattern
backscattering pattern
bar test pattern
bar pattern
basic pattern
beam pattern
behavioral pattern
bidirectional pattern
bit pattern
blasthole pattern
block pattern
bubble patterns
buckle pattern
camera-scanning pattern
cardioid pattern
casting pattern
centrifugal drainage pattern
charge pattern
charging pattern
checkerboard pattern
chip pattern
circuit pattern
circular pattern
circulation pattern
circumferential rib tread pattern
code pattern
color pattern
color-bar test pattern
color-bar pattern
columnar freezing pattern
completely atomized spray pattern
concentrated ring pattern
conductor pattern
confronted drainage pattern
consumable pattern
contact pattern
coverage pattern
crack pattern
crosshatch pattern
cross-polarized pattern
cross-polar pattern
crystal pattern
dark streak pattern
dendritic drainage pattern
dendritic pattern
diamond tread pattern
diamond-shaped well pattern
difference pattern
diffraction pattern
directional pattern
direction pattern
directional radiation pattern
directive pattern
domain pattern
dot pattern
drafting pattern
drainage pattern
drilling pattern
electron transmission diffraction pattern
electron-diffraction pattern
electrostatic-charge pattern
E-plane pattern
error pattern
etch pattern
eye pattern
fan pattern
feed pattern
field distribution pattern
field pattern
fine speckle pattern
five-spot well pattern
flooding pattern
flood pattern
flow pattern
flux pattern
four-spot well pattern
fracture pattern
fracture radiation pattern
freckle pattern
fringe pattern
geophone pattern
grain pattern
ground grip tread pattern
ground-echo pattern
ground-wave pattern
growth pattern
H hum pattern
hail pattern
heating pattern
hexagonal well pattern
holding pattern
holdsite pattern
hole pattern
holographic pattern
horizontal deflection spray pattern
H-plane pattern
idle pattern
ignition pattern
illumination pattern
image pattern
industrial pattern
ingot pattern
intarsia pattern
interconnection pattern
interdigital pattern
interference pattern
interlocking pattern
investment pattern
isobaric pattern
laminate pattern
lattice drainage pattern
layout pattern
lead pattern
light pattern
line pattern
line well pattern
Lissajous patterns
load pattern
loading pattern
lobed pattern
lost pattern
low sidelobe pattern
magnetic field pattern
magnetization pattern
master pattern
match-all pattern
match-plate pattern
metallization pattern
metal pattern
mirror repeat jacquard pattern
mode pattern
moire pattern
movement pattern
multibasinal drainage pattern
multiple pattern
negative pattern
nine-spot well pattern
nodal pattern
noise pattern
notched pattern
nulled pattern
optical pattern
oscilloscope pattern
parallel drainage pattern
pattern of end or side crops
pattern of measuring instrument
pattern of wear
pencil-beam pattern
permalloy propagation patterns
permalloy patterns
photoetched pattern
polarization pattern
positive pattern
potential pattern
powder pattern
pressure pattern
primary pattern
printed-circuit pattern
pseudorandom pattern
pulse pattern
quiescent pattern
race track holding pattern
radial drainage pattern
radial drilling pattern
radiation pattern
rainfall pattern
raster pattern
rectangular approach traffic pattern
rectangular drainage pattern
reference pattern
reflected scattering pattern
resolution pattern
rigid cycle pattern
river-system pattern
rolling pattern
rotating crystal pattern
routing pattern
runback pattern
scan pattern
scattering pattern
screen pattern
screen-type pattern
secondary pattern
sector-shaped pattern
selected area diffraction pattern
shaped pattern
shot pattern
sound pattern
space pattern
speaker reference pattern
speckle pattern
spidery interconnection pattern
spiral repeat jacquard pattern
split pattern
spray pattern
square well pattern
stacking pattern
staggered line well pattern
staggered well pattern
stitch transfer pattern
straight repeat jacquard pattern
stream pattern
stress pattern
support pattern
synchronization pattern
takeoff pattern
teeth row to row pattern
temperature pattern
temporary pattern
test pattern
traffic pattern
training pattern
transmission pattern
tread pattern
tree pattern
trellis drainage pattern
triangular well pattern
two-dimensional pattern
type test pattern
unidentifiable flow pattern
vocabulary reference pattern
wafer pattern
wave pattern
wear pattern
weather pattern
wedge pattern
well pattern
Widmanstatten pattern
wiring pattern
word pattern
X-ray diffraction pattern
X-ray pattern -
9 technique
2) технология; (технологический) приём3) алгоритм4) оборудование; технические средства; техника•-
active neutron technique
Afmag technique
airborne technique
air-conditioning technique
alignment technique
alloy-diffusion technique
anchoring technique
angled-lapping technique
angle-lapping technique
angled-lap technique
angle-lap technique
apertured-detector technique
arc-melting technique
assembly technique
audio record cutting technique
audio-frequency magnetic technique
batch-fabrication technique
batch technique
beam-lead microcircuit technique
birefringent coating technique
bonding technique
brittle coating technique
broadside technique
BTR technique
carbon extraction technique
cementing technique
check summation technique
check sum technique
chemiluminescence technique
cine technique
circuit technique
CM technique
collector-diffusion isolation technique
computer simulation techniques
computing technique
conformable masking technique
coring technique
cryogenic technique
crystal growth technique
crystal-pulling technique
curing technique
curve-fitting technique
Czochralski growth technique
Czochralski technique
decoration technique
design technique
destructive inspection technique
diffusion technique
direct writing technique
diversity technique
doping technique
dot-and-dash technique
double-specimen technique
double-theodolite technique
drilling technique
dry etching technique
dry etch technique
echo-sounding technique
editing technique
electrodeless technique
electron channeling technique
electron-ion storage technique
electroplating technique
encapsulation technique
energy conservation technique
energy conversion technique
epitaxial growth technique
epitaxial technique
etching technique
etch technique
evaporation technique
expanding-spread technique
fabrication technique
face-down technique
Fane knit technique
figure-of-eight technique
film technique
film-carrier technique
fine-line technique
fixed-abrasive machining technique
flip-chip technique
floating-zone technique
float-zone technique
floating-charge technique
flood routing technique
fluidization technique
folded-spectrum technique
forecasting technique
fracture replica technique
freezing technique
gamma-ray technique
geomagnetic induction technique
graphical design technique
gravity anchoring technique
growing technique
head space technique
heat pulse technique
heuristic technique
high-speed motion-picture technique
high-tech machining technique
high-vacuum technique
high-voltage technique
high-voltage testing technique
high-voltage test technique
holographic technique
horizontal stacking technique
hyperflow technique
imaging technique
in-cycle gaging technique
infrared nondestructive technique
in-process gaging technique
integrated-circuit technique
integrated technique
interconnection technique
interference technique
ion implantation technique
ion-exchange technique
isolation technique
isotope correlation technique
job setting technique
junction isolation technique
ladle-degassing technique
layout technique
lift-off technique
lithographic technique
long-hole technique
loose-abrasive machining technique
manufacturing technique
mask technique
masking technique
mass-flow technique
mass-spectrometric technique
matrix technique
microalloy technique
microelectronic technique
microfabrication technique
microprobe technique
microscopic technique
microstructure fabrication technique
microstructure technique
mid-depth tow technique
motion-picture technique
mounting technique
multicamera technique
multichip bonding technique
multiple seismometer technique
multiple-access technique
near-bottom tow technique
nondestructive inspection technique
normal-freezing technique
observing technique
optimizing technique
ordered elimination technique
overlay technique
packaging technique
parallel-line technique
parts classification technique
pattern recognition technique
pattern-defining technique
phase separation and leaching technique
photoelastic technique
photofinishing technique
photographic technique
photolithographic technique
photoprocessing technique
photoresist-processing technique
piled anchoring technique
piled/gravity anchoring technique
pilot technique
potential-drop-ratio technique
preferential etching technique
preferential etch technique
printed-circuit technique
probe technique
processing technique
production technique
program production technique
programming technique
projection technique
pulse-echo technique
pyrometric technique
radioactive tracer technique
radio-echo technique
ramp assisted toil casting technique
refrigeration technique
registration technique
reocasting technique
replica technique
river-basin simulation technique
robotic handling techniques
roll-and-scroll technique
roll technique
round-robin technique
screen-printing technique
selective ion etching technique
selective ion etch technique
self-synchronization technique
side-wall neutron technique
silk-screening technique
simulation technique
spill-cleaning technique
spin-on technique
sputtering technique
stimulation technique
strain anneal technique
structural arrest technique
suction anchoring technique
surface passivation technique
tape-automated-bonding technique
technique of directional crystallization
technique of mold reciprocation
television production technique
television technique
testing technique
thermocompression technique
through-flow line servicing technique
time-lapse technique
touch trigger probing technique
tribometric technique
two-point technique
ultrahigh-vacuum technique
unmanned production technique
vacuum technique
vapor-phase epitaxial technique
vertical crystal pulling technique
vertical pulling technique
video tape editing technique
voltage balancing technique
water allocation technique
water injection-fume exhaustion technique
water-system optimization technique
wet etching technique
wet etch technique
wire-line technique
zone-melting technique -
10 contact
1) контакт, касание, соприкосновение || контактировать, соприкасаться2) эл. контакт4) установление связи, вступление (вхождение) в связь || выходить на связь6) рлк обнаружение; захват ( цели)•-
actual contact
adhesive contact
adjustable contact
adjustable touching contact
alloyed contact
all-round contact
all-wheel ground contact
amateur contact
anvil contact
approach contact
arcing contact
arm contact
armature contact
auxiliary contact
back contact
ball contact
base contact
bayonet contact
beam-lead contact
bellows contact
bifurcated contact
bimetallic contact
blade contact
blocking contact
body contact
bouncing contacts
bow contact
break contact
break-before-make contact
break-make contact
bridge-type contact
bridge contact
bridging contact
brush contact
bump contact
buried contact
butt contact
change-over contact with neutral position
change-over contact
chattering contacts
circumferential contact
closed contact
collector contact
concentrated contact
concentric contact
conformal contact
continuous contact
convex-concave contact
convex-convex contact
coplanar contact
crimp contact
dead contact
direct refrigerant contact
discrete contact
distributed contact
docking ring contact
double tooth contact
double-break contact
double-throw contact
dressed contact
dry contact
dry-reed contact
EHD contact
elastic contact
elastic-plastic contact
elastohydrodynamic contact
electric contact
elementary contact
emitter contact
external contact
face contact
female contact
ferreed contact
filter contact
finger contact
firm contact
first contact
fixed contact
flight visual contact
floating contact
frictional contact
frictionally heated contact
front contact
grinding contact
ground contact
hard contact
head-to-oxide contact
heavily stressed contact
hermaphroditic contact
high-resistance contact
indirect refrigerant contact
initial contact
initial docking contact
injecting contact
instantaneous contact
intercell ohmic contact
interdigitated back contact
internal contact
intimate contact
jack-in contact
keep-alive contact
knife- type contact
knife contact
line contact
linear contact
liquid contact
live contact
localized contact
locking contact
loose contact
low-impedance contact
low-level contact
low-resistance contact
lubricated contact
magnetically operated contact
make contact
make-before-break contact
make-break contact
male contact
mechanical contact
mercury-wetted contact
mid-position contact
movable contact
multiple contact
multiple-point contact
needle pinion contact
nominal contact
nonbridging contact
nonrectifying contact
nonshorted contact
nonsliding contact
normally closed contact
normally open contact
normally-off contact
normally-on contact
off-limit contacts
ohmic contact
one-pair contact
physical contact
pin contact
pinpoint contact
plastic contact
plug contact
plunger hermetically sealed contact
point contact
polarized contacts
poor contact
pressed contact
press-fit contact
pressure contact
printed contact
push-button contact
push contact
push-on contact
quick-action contact
radar contact
radio contact
rail contact
real contact
rear contact
rectifying contact
reed contact
relay contact
removable contact
rendezvous contact
resilient contact
retaining contact
rocking contact
rolling contact
rotor contact
screen printed contact
sealed contact
sealing contact
self-aligned contact
self-holding contact
self-registered contact
sequence contacts
shared contact
short-circuit contact
shorting contact
single contact
single tooth contact
slider contact
slow-action contact
snap-action contact
snap-on contact
socket contact
soft contact
solder contact
soldered contact
solderless contact
space station/spacecraft initial contact
spitted contacts
spring contact
spring-loaded contact
stake contact
static contact
steady state contact
strip contact
surface contact
switching contact
switch contact
target contact
thermocouple contact
thermoelastic contact
throwable contact
tool/work contact
train-to-wayside contact
transfer contact
transient thermoelastic contact
transition contact
tuning fork contact
twin-break contact
two-way contact
uniform contact
unlubricated contact
vacuum sealed contact
viscoelastic contact
wet contact
wiping contact
wire-to-wire contact
wrap contact -
11 mount
1) крепление
2) вставлять в оправу
3) микропрепарат
4) надевать
5) окантовывать
6) станина
7) станинный
8) опора
9) <engin.> оправа
10) взбираться
11) восходить
12) карабкаться
13) устанавливать
14) монтировать
15) станок
16) держатель
17) смонтировать
18) закреплять
19) заделывать
20) поднимать
21) преодолевать
– altazimuth mount
– diode mount
– form mount
– German mount
– gypsum mount
– lens mount
– metal mount
– mount a stairway
– mount an implement
– mount mosaic
– mount on center
– mount tire
– mount volume
– parallactic mount
– screen mount
– shock mount
– sleeve mount
– thermistor mount
– waveguide mount
12 PC
1) сокр. от parameter checkout контроль параметра2) сокр. от personal computer персональная ЭВМ, ПЭВМ, персональный компьютер3) сокр. от phase comparator фазовый компаратор4) сокр. от photocell фотоэлемент5) сокр. от photoconductive фотопроводящий6) сокр. от plug control цикловое ПУ7) сокр. от printed circuit печатная схема, печатный монтаж8) сокр. от program counter счётчик команд9) сокр. от programmable controlа) программное управление, ПУ10) сокр. от programmable controller программируемый контроллер, программируемый командоаппарат, ПК11) сокр. от programming center центр подготовки УП12) сокр. от pulse code импульсный код13) сокр. от pulse controller импульсный контроллер14) сокр. от punched card перфорированная карта, перфокарта•- DOS-based PC
- integral PC
- notebook PC
- notebook-style PC
- portable PC
- small PC
- station's PC
- touch-screen PCEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > PC
13 wire
1) проволока || скреплять [связывать\] проволокой2) трос4) монтировать ( (электро) проводку или провода); прокладывать провода5) эл., вчт. шина6) проволочное соединение; проводное соединение || соединять [монтировать\] проволокой7) формировать (меж)соединения; выполнять разводку ( межсоединений)9) связь передавать по проводам•wire in coils — проволока в бухтах-
active wires
address wire
aerial contact wire
aerial wire
aluminum wire
aluminum-clad wire
alumoweld wire
ampere wires
anchor wire
annealed wire
antenna wire
armature binding wire
armoring wire
baling wire
barbed wire
bare wire
bead wire
bell wire
bethanized wire
bimetallic wire
binding wire
bit wire
black-drawn wire
black wire
bond wire
bonding wire
bracing wire
braided wire
brazing wire
bright wire
broken wire
bundle wires
busbar wire
carrying wire
catenary wire
ceramic wire
clad wire
clipped wire
coarse wire
coated wire
coils wire
cold-drawn wire
common wire
composite ground wire with optical fibers
composite wire
connecting wire
contact wire
control wire
copper wire
copper-clad wire
copper-coated wire
coppered wire
core wire
cotton-covered wire
cotton-enamel covered wire
covered wire
current-carrying wire
dead wire
dead-drawn wire
diamond impregnated wire
diamond wire
drawn wire
drop wire
dumet wire
duplex wire
earth wire
electrode wire
enameled wire
equipment wire
exploding wire
fastening wire
fiber-optic cored shield wire
field wire
filamentary wire
filler wire
finer wire
fishing wire
fixture wire
flameproof wire
flat wire
flexible shafting wire
flexible wire
flux-cored wire
fly wire
four-draft wire
fully galvanized wire
fuse wire
galvanized iron wire
galvanized wire
glazed wire
ground wire
guy wire
hard-drawn wire
heavy-gage wire
heavy wire
hookup wire
hot wire
idle wires
igniting wire
indented wire
inhibit wire
inlet wire
insulated ground wire
insulated wire
interconnecting wire
ionizer wire
iron-conduit wire
jumper wire
killed wire
knitting needle wire
lashing wire
latch guard wire
lead wire
lead-covered wire
lead-in wire
line wire
litzendraht wire
litz wire
live wire
magnet wire
magnetic wire
merchant wire
messenger wire
metallizing wire
metal-shielded wire
multifilament wire
nail wire
neutral wire
nichrome wire
nickeline wire
office wire
open wire
order wire
overhead wire
pan wire
paper-insulated wire
parallel wires
piano wire
pilot wire
plain wire
plow steel wire
plug wire
point wire
presser foot wire
prestressed concrete wire
printed wire
profiled wire
protective earth wire
pulling wire
radio wire
rectangular wire
reinforcing wire
relay wire
resistance wire
retrieving wire
return wire
rivet wire
rolled wire
rope wire
route wire
rubber-covered wire
screen wire
screened wire
screw wire
section wire
sheathed wire
shielded wire
shield wire
short-circuiting wire
signal wire
silicone wire
silk-covered wire
sky wire
slide wire
slow-burning wire
soft-down wire
solid wire
staple forming wire
static wire
stay wire
steel-aluminum wire
strain-sensitive wire
stranded wire
strand wire
stranded welding wire
stretching wire
superconducting wire
suspension wire
switch wire
tension wire
thermocouple wire
three-draft wire
tie wire
tinned wire
track-circuit wire
trapezoidal wire
trolley wire
tube wire
twin wire
twisted wire
uncoated wire
uninsulated wire
varnished wire
varnished-cambric wire
vent wire
welding wire
well measuring wire
wet-drawn wire
winding wire
woven wire
zinc-coated wire -
14 element
= elem1) элемент; компонент; составная часть; деталь3) pl основы; фундамент; исходные принципы; первые принципы (напр. науки)4) pl природные явления•- acoustic radiating element
- active element - antenna array element
- antenna radiating element
- array element
- asynchronous element
- base functional element
- basic functional element
- beam-shaping element
- bender element
- bilateral element
- bistable element
- branch element
- branching element
- bubble-domain readout element
- C-element
- capacitive-storage element
- charge-transfer element
- chevron propagating element
- circuit element
- code element
- collimating element - computer element
- control element
- correction element
- coupling element
- current-stable element
- data element
- data transmitting element
- decision element
- decoupling element
- delay element
- depletion element
- destructive readout element
- detector array element
- diagonal matrix element
- diagonal tensor element
- diffused element
- director element
- discrete element
- display element
- distributed element
- distributed-constant element
- domain tip readout element
- doping element
- driven element
- driving element
- dummy element
- EL element
- electrical element
- electroluminescence element
- electronegative element
- electropositive element - Faraday element
- fast element
- feed element
- ferroelectric element - final controlling element
- floating-gate element
- foreign element
- Friele line element
- fusing element
- fuze-setting element
- generating element
- Goto-pair memory element
- governing element
- heat element
- heating element
- Helmholtz line element
- high-speed element
- holographic element
- hook-up wiring element
- IC element
- idempotent element
- identity element
- image element
- impurity element
- inactive element
- initial element
- intracavity laser tuning element
- intracavity laser frequency tuning element
- Kerr element
- key element
- L-element
- lexical element
- light-dividing element
- line element
- linear electric current element
- linear magnetic current element
- logic element
- luminous element
- lumped element
- lumped-constant element
- M element
- magnetoresistance bubble readout element
- marking element
- master element
- matrix element
- memory element
- MEMS optical element
- MEMS-based optical element
- message key element
- META element
- microelectromechanical system optical element
- microelectromechanical system-based optical element
- monolithic element
- motor element
- moving meter element - negative resistance element
- nondestructive readout element - off-diagonal matrix element
- off-diagonal tensor element
- optical fiber element
- optoelectronic element
- parasitic element
- pass element
- passive element - piezoelectric-crystal element
- piezoresistive element
- planar Hall-effect bubble readout element
- plug-in element
- point-to-point wiring element
- polarization determining element
- position-finding element
- positioning element
- primary element
- primitive element
- print element
- printed element
- processing element
- propagating element
- propagation element
- R-element
- radiating element
- rare-earth element
- rectifying element
- reference element
- reference input element
- reflecting element
- reflector element
- refracting element - resistive element
- resistor element
- resolvable elements
- resonant element
- sampling element
- scheduling processing element
- Schrödinger line element
- screen element
- semiconductor element
- sensing element
- sequential logic element
- signal element - standard element
- start element
- stop element
- storage element
- S-type element
- suppression element - telegraph signal element
- temperature element
- temperature-compensated reference element
- tensor element - thick-film element
- thin-film element
- threshold element
- time-varying element
- timing element
- tracer element
- transition element
- tree-branch element
- trimming element
- tse processing element
- tuning element
- two-terminal element
- ultor element
- undriven element
- unidirectional element
- unit element
- voltage-stable element -
15 element
1) элемент; компонент; составная часть; деталь3) pl. основы; фундамент; исходные принципы; первые принципы (напр. науки)4) pl. природные явления•- acoustic radiating element
- active element
- adaptive linear element
- aligning element
- antenna array element
- antenna radiating element
- array element
- asynchronous element
- base functional element
- basic functional element
- beam-shaping element
- bender element
- bilateral element
- bistable element
- branch element
- branching element
- bubble-domain readout element
- C element
- capacitive-storage element
- charge-transfer element
- chevron propagating element
- circuit element
- code element
- collimating element
- common management information service element
- compensating element
- computer element
- control element
- correction element
- coupling element
- current-stable element
- data element
- data transmitting element
- decision element
- decoupling element
- delay element
- depletion element
- destructive readout element
- detector array element
- diagonal matrix element
- diagonal tensor element
- diffused element
- director element
- discrete element
- display element
- distributed element
- distributed-constant element
- domain tip readout element
- doping element
- driven element
- driving element
- dummy element
- EL element
- electrical element
- electroluminescence element
- electronegative element
- electropositive element
- essential elements of information
- excitable element
- Faraday element
- fast element
- feed element
- ferroelectric element
- field-alterable control element
- final control element
- final controlling element
- floating-gate element
- foreign element
- Friele line element
- fusing element
- fuze-setting element
- generating element
- Goto-pair memory element
- governing element
- heat element
- heating element
- Helmholtz line element
- high-speed element
- holographic element
- hook-up wiring element
- IC element
- idempotent element
- identity element
- image element
- impurity element
- inactive element
- initial element
- intracavity laser frequency tuning element
- intracavity laser tuning element
- Kerr element
- key element
- L element
- lexical element
- light-dividing element
- line element
- linear electric current element
- linear magnetic current element
- logic element
- luminous element
- lumped element
- lumped-constant element
- M element
- magnetoresistance bubble readout element
- marking element
- master element
- matrix element
- memory element
- MEMS optical element
- MEMS-based optical element
- message key element
- META element
- microelectromechanical system optical element
- microelectromechanical system-based optical element
- monolithic element
- motor element
- moving meter element
- multi-layer adaptive linear element
- multi-wire element
- negative resistance element
- nondestructive readout element
- nonlinear charge-storage element
- nonlinear element
- N-type element
- off-diagonal matrix element
- off-diagonal tensor element
- optical fiber element
- optoelectronic element
- parasitic element
- pass element
- passive element
- picture element
- piezoelectric element
- piezoelectric-crystal element
- piezoresistive element
- planar Hall-effect bubble readout element
- plug-in element
- point-to-point wiring element
- polarization determining element
- position-finding element
- positioning element
- primary element
- primitive element
- print element
- printed element
- processing element
- propagating element
- propagation element
- R element
- radiating element
- rare-earth element
- rectifying element
- reference element
- reference input element
- reflecting element
- reflector element
- refracting element
- remote operations service element
- resistance element
- resistive element
- resistor element
- resolvable elements
- resonant element
- sampling element
- scheduling processing element
- Schrödinger line element
- screen element
- semiconductor element
- sensing element
- sequential logic element
- signal element
- signal processing element
- spacing element
- standard element
- start element
- stop element
- storage element
- S-type element
- suppression element
- tactile element
- target element
- telegraph signal element
- temperature element
- temperature-compensated reference element
- tensor element
- texture element
- thermoelectric element
- thick-film element
- thin-film element
- threshold element
- time-varying element
- timing element
- tracer element
- transition element
- tree-branch element
- trimming element
- tse processing element
- tuning element
- two-terminal element
- ultor element
- undriven element
- unidirectional element
- unit element
- voltage-stable element
- volume picture elementThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > element
16 pattern
1. образец, образчик; служить образцом2. модель; шаблон; трафарет; выкройка3. рисунок; узор4. растровая структура; изображение5. диаграмма; схема6. структура; строениеexpenditure pattern — структура издержек; структура расходов
7. точечная структура8. изображение, образованное точкамиdot matrix pattern — изображение, образованное точками матрицы или матричной системы
halftone pattern — растровая структура; растровое изображение
latent electrostatic charge pattern — скрытое электростатическое изображение; скрытый зарядный рельеф
9. линейный муар10. штриховой тест-объект11. узор, образуемый линованиемchessboard pattern — шахматный узор, рисунок в клетку
12. шаблон для линованияsplitting pattern — «структура расщепления»
test pattern — испытательный эталон, контрольный образец
toner pattern — рисунок, проявленный красителем-тонером
pattern search — поиск по шаблону; поиск по эталону
Paisley pattern — рисунок, характерный для такой шали
См. также в других словарях:
screen-printed circuit — storasluoksnis hibridinis grandynas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. screen printed circuit; thick film hybrid vok. Dickschichthybridschaltung, f rus. толстоплёночная гибридная микросхема, f pranc. circuit hybride à couches… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Screen printed circuit — (электронная) схема, изготовленная методом трафаретной печати … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Printed circuit board — Part of a 1983 Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer board; a populated PCB, showing the conductive traces, vias (the through hole paths to the other surface), and some mounted electrical components A printed circuit board, or PCB, is used to… … Wikipedia
circuit hybride à couches épaisses — storasluoksnis hibridinis grandynas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. screen printed circuit; thick film hybrid vok. Dickschichthybridschaltung, f rus. толстоплёночная гибридная микросхема, f pranc. circuit hybride à couches… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
circuit intégré hybride créé par sérigraphie — storasluoksnis hibridinis grandynas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. screen printed circuit; thick film hybrid vok. Dickschichthybridschaltung, f rus. толстоплёночная гибридная микросхема, f pranc. circuit hybride à couches… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Screen-printing — is a printing technique that uses a woven mesh to support an ink blocking stencil. The attached stencil forms open areas of mesh that transfer ink as a sharp edged image onto a substrate. A roller or squeegee is moved across the screen stencil… … Wikipedia
Printed electronics — is the term for a relatively new technology that defines the printing of electronics on common media such as paper, plastic, and textile using standard printing processes. This printing preferably utilizes common press equipment in the graphics… … Wikipedia
Hybrid integrated circuit — A hybrid integrated circuit, HIC, hybrid microcircuit, or simply hybrid is a miniaturized electronic circuit constructed of individual devices, such as semiconductor devices (e.g. transistors and diodes) and passive components (e.g. resistors,… … Wikipedia
Electronic circuit simulation — uses mathematical models to replicate the behavior of an actual electronic device or circuit. Simulation software allows for modeling of circuit operation and is an invaluable analysis tool. Due to its highly accurate modeling capability, many… … Wikipedia
Dickschichthybridschaltung — storasluoksnis hibridinis grandynas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. screen printed circuit; thick film hybrid vok. Dickschichthybridschaltung, f rus. толстоплёночная гибридная микросхема, f pranc. circuit hybride à couches… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
storasluoksnis hibridinis grandynas — statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. screen printed circuit; thick film hybrid vok. Dickschichthybridschaltung, f rus. толстоплёночная гибридная микросхема, f pranc. circuit hybride à couches épaisses, m; circuit intégré hybride… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas