1 scraper body
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > scraper body
2 scraper body
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > scraper body
3 scraper body
4 scraper body
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > scraper body
5 scraper body
1) Геология: корпус скрепера2) Нефть: корпус скребка -
6 scraper body
7 scraper body
8 scraper body liner group
Техника: обшивка кузова скрепераУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > scraper body liner group
9 body
1. тело; корпус, станина2. кузов, остов— bit body— mud body— ore body
* * *
1. орган; организация2. корпус; станина— bit body
* * *
тело, масса; корпус, станина; кузов ( автомобиля)
* * *
1) орган; организация2) тело; корпус (/i]); главная часть; станина3) кузов; остов4) консистенция (смазочного материала)•- bearing body
- bit body
- blowout preventer body
- bullet gun body
- bullet perforator body
- casing hanger body
- casing head body
- certification body
- cutter body
- drilling bit body
- elastic body
- elevator body
- erosion resistant matrix body
- hole opener body
- gate body
- geological body
- inspection body
- iron body
- jar body
- main body
- mud body
- oil-pump body
- pipe body
- piston body
- plastic body
- reamer body
- sand body
- scraper body
- sealing cup body
- semisolid body
- solid body
- state regulatory body
- supervisory body
- swivel body
- twin pin body
- underreamer body
- valve body
- wellhead body* * *• корпус -
10 body
тело, вещество; породная масса; массив; месторождение; пласты; основная или главная часть; остов, стойка; корпус машины, кузов•
- bog body
- car body
- conductive body
- coupler body
- dumping body
- end-dump body
- gravity dump body
- legislative body
- ore body
- plough body
- rear-dump body
- scraper body
- screen body
- side-dump body
- solid body
- tipping body
- tumbling body
- union body
- wagon body -
11 body bag
похоронный мешок, мешок с молнией для перевозки трупа -
12 корпус скребка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > корпус скребка
13 truck
грузовой автомобиль; небольшое колесо; тележка для перевозки грузов; товарная платформа; каток; II перевозить на грузовых автомобилях; амер. водить грузовик; работать водителем грузовика- truck chassis - truck-drawn artillery - truck driver - truck hauling - truck park - truck scales - truck scraper - truck shortage - truck shovel - truck standing - truck tyre - truck tyre casing - truck with bottom dump body - truck with end dump body - cesspoolage truck - Diesel-powered truck - insulated food tank truck - kitchen truck - lift truck - platform truck - ration truck - refrigerated tank truck - utility truck - waggon truck - water truck - welding truck - winch truck - workshop truck - wrecker truck -
14 hoist
1) подъём•-
air-operated hoist
bell hoist
bell jar hoist
boat hoist
body hoist
boom hoist
builder's hoist
cable hoist
cage hoist
chain hoist
construction hoist
derrick-erection frame hoist
double drum hoist
dragout hoist
dressing hoist
drum hoist
electric chain hoist
electric hoist
electric rope hoist
electric wire hoist
electrical mine hoist
fish hoist
fixed hoist
freight hoist
friction hoist
gasoline hoist
gate hoist
geared hoist
gib hoist
glass hoist
hand chain hoist
hand hoist
hydraulic hoist
jib hoist
lance hoist
landing hoist
lever hoist
log hoist
man hoist
material hoist
mine hoist
mobile hoist
monorail hoist
movable hoist
multiple-rope hoist
permanent hoist
platform hoist
pneumatic hoist
portable hoist
power hoist
ratchet hoist
rope hoist
scraper loading hoist
service hoist
skip hoist
stage hoist
stationary hoist
temporary hoist
tower hoist
tractor-attached hoist
traveling hoist
trolley hoist
truck-body hoist
two-stage hoist
well perforating truck hoist
well perforating hoist -
15 machine
1) машина2) станок || подвергать механической обработке3) установка; устройство; агрегат4) механизмАнгло-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > machine
16 drag
землечерпалка; землечерпальный снаряд; драга; дорожный утюг; утюжка дороги; скрепер; скрепер-волокуша; (с.х., лес.) волокуша; шлейф; борона; волочение; задержка (движения); медленное или тяжелое движение; захватывание (тормоза); движение вследствие неполного расцепления (фрикционного сцепления, гидравлической муфты); торможение; тормоз; тормозной башмак; сила торможения (среды); лобовое сопротивление (среды); гидравлическое сопротивление; гидродинамическое сопротивление; аэродинамическое сопротивление; перевоз материалов; скольжение при высоком коэффициенте трения; II тащить; подтаскивать (напр. брёвна); тянуть; буксировать; передвигаться с сильным трением; волочить; боронить с помощью тяжёлой бороны; утюжить (дорожное покрытие)- drag area- drag bar- drag bit- drag brake - drag cable - drag carriage - drag chip conveyor - drag coefficient - drag-cup rotor - drag device - drag disk - drag drill - drag factor - drag-flow extruder - drag force - drag friction - drag harrow - drag-line - drag lines - drag link - drag link body - drag link end - drag logs - drag link mechanism - drag loss - drag magnet - drag marks - drag of spindle - drag-over - drag pan - drag pavement - drag penalty - drag pipe - drag planer - drag power - drag race - drag racer - drag racing - drag reaction of viscosity - drag-reducing fluid - drag road - drag rod - drag roll - drag saddle - drag scraper - drag shoe - drag shovel - drag spring - drag strip - drag-strip traffic lights - drag test - drag torque - drag-type conveyor - drag-type eddy current tachometer - aerodynamic drag- air drag- copper drag - eddy drag - external drag - form drag - friction drag - hump drag - gridiron drag - induction drag - launching drag - low drag - momentum drag - oil drag - plank drag - pressure drag - profile drag - ram drag - road drag - seal drag - side drag - sidewall drag - skin frictional drag - skirt drag - spillage drag - split-log drag - structural drag - surface contact drag - takeoff drag - timber drag - total drag - traffic during the rush hour just drags - trim drag - viscous drag - vortex drag - water-washing drag - wheel drag -
17 hoist
подъёмник; подъёмный механизм; подъёмное устройство (кузова-самосвала); лебёдка; ворот; тали; блок; подъёмная башня; полиспаст; II поднимать; поднимать при помощи подъёмного механизма- hoist casing - hoist engine - hoist gear - hoist hook - hoist link - hoist operation chain - hoist out - hoist pulley - hoist pump - hoist ratchet - hoist ring - hoist rope - hoist-tipper - hoist transport system - hoist travelling trolley - hoist traverse mrchanism - hoist unit - hoist winch - hoist wireline - ash hoist - body hoist - boom hoist - builder's hoist - construction hoist - gasoline hoist - geared hoist - hydraulic hoist - jib hoist - liftabout hoist - man hoist - material hoist - mine hoist - monorail hoist - mountain hoist - overhead-track hoist - pneumatic hoist - portable hoist - rope hoist - scraper loading hoist - single-drum hoist - skip hoist - stationary hoist - steam hoist - tower hoist - tractor-attached hoist - travelling hoist - trolley hoist - truck-body hoist - tugger hoist -
18 oil pump
насос для масла; масляный насос; нефтяной насос; маслонасос; смазочный насос- oil pump capacity - oil pump case - oil pump cover - oil pump drive gear - oil pump drive spindle - oil pump driven gear - oil pump driving gear - oil pump gear - oil pump plunger - oil-pump safety valve - oil pump shaft - oil pump shaft gear - oil pumper - oil-pumping - oil purifier - oil-quenched - oil quenching - oil rectifier - oil relief valve - oil reservoir - oil reservoir drain cock - oil residue - oil resistance - oil resistant - oil-resisting - oil retainer - oil-retaining ability - oil retaining property - oil retaining rim - oil retaining ring - oil return line - oil return pipe - oil ring - oil-ring groove - oil scoop - oil scraper piston ring - oil-scraping ability - oil screen - oil seal - oil seal housing - oil seal remover - oil seal ring - oil seal torque - oil separator - oil siphon - oil slinger - oil sludge - oil smoke - oil-soaked - oil spurts -
19 floor
1) пол; настил || настилать пол; устраивать настил2) этаж4) ездовое полотно ( автодорожного моста); мостовое полотно ( железнодорожного моста); мостовой настил6) подошва ( горной выработки)7) гидр. основание; подстилающий слой8) флютбет; водобой9) днище (камеры судоходного шлюза, дока)10) мор. флор12) площадка; участок; отделение14) уровень шума; фон17) порция зерна ( для солодоращения)•floorsqueaks — пол скрипит-
alloy-dressing floor
approach floor
basement floor
beam and girder floor
bin-top floor
blind floor
body floor
bolting floor
bridge floor
by-products floor
cellular floor
cement floor
cement-wood floor
channel floor
charging floor
checker floor
clad floor
clinker floor
composite floor
composition floor
concrete floor
continuous floor
cutoff floor
dead floor
derrick floor
Diagrid floor
distributing floor
double floor
double-framed floor
double-joisted floor
downstream floor
drilling rig floor
factory floor
false floor
filler-joist floor
finished floor
finish floor
finishing floor
first floor
flat plate floor
flat-slab floor
floating wood floor
floating floor
framed floor
furnace floor
garner floor
girderless floor
grating floor
grinding floor
ground floor
growing floor
hard floor
heated floor
jointless floor
joist floor
lock floor
matched floor
meat cutting floor
mezzanine floor
mill floor
mine floor
moving floor
mushroom floor
noise floor
offal floor
one-way ribbed floor
open bridge floor
open floor
operating floor
parquet floor
pivoting floor
plant floor
purifier floor
raised floor
reactor floor
reservoir floor
resilient floor
ribbed floor
rough floor
scale floor
scraper sliding floor
sea floor
seam floor
sieve floor
silo-top floor
single floor
slab and girder floor
slab-band floor
slag pocket floor
slaughter floor
sloping floor
soft floor
solid bridge floor
solid floor
suspended floor
tile floor
top floor
triple floor
two-way ribbed floor
upstream floor
white phase floor
working floor -
20 flat
1) плоскость
2) вялый
3) лыска
4) отлогий
5) перовой
6) планарный
7) плашмя
8) плосковязальный
9) равнинный
10) уплощенный
11) флатовый
12) шляпка чесальной машины
13) <scient.> пологий
14) плоский
15) ровный
16) настильный
17) плоско
18) ровно
19) точно
20) как раз
21) делать плоским
22) плоскостной
23) тусклый
24) матовый
25) недодержанный
26) <acoust.> бемоль
– be flat
– conformally flat
– flat body
– flat cable
– flat car
– flat drill
– flat extension
– flat foundation
– flat gain
– flat gradient
– flat graph
– flat ground
– flat key
– flat negative
– flat paper
– flat pass
– flat response
– flat rolling
– flat rope
– flat scraper
– flat seam
– flat spin
– flat spot
– flat trajectory
– flat varnish
– optical flat
– tire is flat
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Card scraper — A card scraper (also known as a cabinet scraper) is a woodworking shaping and finishing tool. It is used to manually remove small amounts of material and excels in tricky grain areas where hand planes would cause tear out. Card scrapers are most… … Wikipedia
Sky scraper — Sky Sky (sk[imac]), n.; pl. {Skies} (sk[imac]z). [OE. skie a cloud, Icel. sk[=y]; akin to Sw. & Dan. sky; cf. AS. sc[=u]a, sc[=u]wa, shadow, Icel. skuggi; probably from the same root as E. scum. [root]158. See {Scum}, and cf. {Hide} skin,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
корпус скребка — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN scraper body … Справочник технического переводчика
Horse grooming — For other types of grooming see Groom Common tools used for grooming a horse Horse grooming is hygienic care given to a horse, or a process by which the horse s physical appearance is enhanced for horse shows or other types of competition … Wikipedia
orthopteran — /awr thop teuhr euhn/, adj. 1. orthopterous. n. 2. an orthopterous insect. [1895 1900; < NL Orthopter(a) (see ORTHOPTERON) + AN] * * * ▪ insect Introduction broadly, any member of one of four insect orders. Orthopteran has come to be regarded… … Universalium
printing — /prin ting/, n. 1. the art, process, or business of producing books, newspapers, etc., by impression from movable types, plates, etc. 2. the act of a person or thing that prints. 3. words, symbols, etc., in printed form. 4. printed material. 5.… … Universalium
hand tool — any tool or implement designed for manual operation. * * * Introduction any of the implements used by craftsmen in manual operations, such as chopping, chiseling, sawing, filing, or forging. Complementary tools, often needed as auxiliaries to… … Universalium
Stridulation — is the act of producing sound by rubbing together certain body parts. This behavior is mostly associated with insects, but other animals are known to do this as well, such as a number of species of fishes, snakes and spiders. The mechanism is… … Wikipedia
percussion instrument — a musical instrument, as the drum, cymbal, triangle, xylophone, or piano, that is struck to produce a sound, as distinguished from string or wind instruments. [1870 75] * * * A musical instrument that is struck (or sometimes shaken or scraped) to … Universalium
Milling cutter — Milling cutters are cutting tools typically used in milling machines or machining centres (and occasionally in other machine tools). They remove material by their movement within the machine (e.g., a ball nose mill) or directly from the cutter s… … Wikipedia
List of Bakugan Battle Brawlers characters — This is a list of characters from the Japanese anime series Bakugan Battle Brawlers. Contents 1 Heroes 1.1 Battle Brawlers … Wikipedia