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  • 1 sierra

    1. n исп. планинска верига с остри върхове
    2. вид испанска скумрия (Scomberomorus)
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    {si'erъ} n исп. 1. планинска верига с остри върхове; 2. вид ис
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    1. n исп. планинска верига с остри върхове 2. вид испанска скумрия (scomberomorus)
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    sierra[si´ɛərə] n исп. геогр. планински гребен.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > sierra

См. также в других словарях:

  • Scomberomorus sierra —   Scomberomorus sierra …   Wikipedia Español

  • Scomberomorus sierra — noun a Spanish mackerel of western North America • Syn: ↑sierra • Hypernyms: ↑Spanish mackerel …   Useful english dictionary

  • Scomberomorus — Scomberomorus …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Scomberomorus — munroi …   Wikipédia en Français

  • sierra — s f 1 Herramienta que consiste en una hoja de acero provista de dientes y sostenida por un mango o armazón; se emplea para cortar cosas duras, como madera, piedra o metal: sierra de mano, sierra circular 2 Cadena de montañas: Sierra Madre… …   Español en México

  • Sierra — Mountains and mountain ranges *Sierra mountains *Sierra Juárez, mountain range in Baja California, Mexico *Sierra Madre, various mountain ranges Place names *Sierra (Ecuador) *Sierra (Peru) *Sierra County, California, in the north of the states… …   Wikipedia

  • sierra — [sē er′ə] n. [Sp < L serra, a saw] 1. a range of hills or mountains having a saw toothed appearance from a distance 2. any of several marine scombroid fishes (genus Scomberomorus), valued for sport and as food …   English World dictionary

  • Scomberomorus caballa — Cero Ce ro, n. [Corrupt. fr. Sp. sierra saw, sawfish, cero.] (Zo[ o]l.) A large and valuable fish of the Mackerel family, of the genus {Scomberomorus}. Two species are found in the West Indies and less commonly on the Atlantic coast of the United …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Scomberomorus regalis — Cero Ce ro, n. [Corrupt. fr. Sp. sierra saw, sawfish, cero.] (Zo[ o]l.) A large and valuable fish of the Mackerel family, of the genus {Scomberomorus}. Two species are found in the West Indies and less commonly on the Atlantic coast of the United …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sierra — /see er euh/, n. 1. a chain of hills or mountains, the peaks of which suggest the teeth of a saw. 2. any of several Spanish mackerels of the genus Scomberomorus, esp. S. sierra, found in western North America. 3. a word used in communications to… …   Universalium

  • Scomberomorus maculatus — ispaninė dėmėtoji skumbrė statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Scomberomorus maculatus angl. Atlantic Spanish mackerel; sierra mackerel; Spanish mackerel; spotted Spanish mackerel rus. испанская пятнистая… …   Žuvų pavadinimų žodynas

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