Перевод: со всех языков на английский

с английского на все языки


  • 101 drugi

    1) (po pierwszym) second
    2) (strona, koniec itp.) the other

    z drugiej strony... — on the other hand...

    druga klasa (kolejowa) second class, Szkol second year of primary school BRIT, second grade US

    po drugie,... — second(ly),...

    drugie śniadanie (o posiłku) midmorning snack, (kanapki) packed lunch BRIT, box lub bag lunch US

    Nowy słownik polsko-angielski > drugi

  • 102 театральный

    1) относящийся к театру theatre attr, theatrical

    театра́льный биле́т — theatre ticket

    театра́льная тру́ппа — theatre/theatrical company

    театра́льная ка́сса — box office

    театра́льная постано́вка — dramatic/stage/theatrical production, performance

    театра́льное учи́лище — drama school

    2) деланный histrionic, theatrical

    театра́льный жест — histrionic/theatrical gesture

    Русско-английский учебный словарь > театральный

  • 103 entitle

    [ɪnˈtaɪtl] verb
    1) to give (a person) a right (to, or to do, something):

    He was not entitled to borrow money from the cash box.

    يُعْطي حَقّا، يُخَوِّلُ
    2) to give to (a book etc) as a title or name:

    a story entitled "The White Horse".

    يُعْطي عُنْوانا

    Arabic-English dictionary > entitle

  • 104 открывать

    Английские соответствия в отличие от их русского эквивалента открывать конкретизируют данное действие по характеру объекта.
    1. to open — (глагол to open многозначен, и все его значении являются эквивалентами разных значений русского глагола открывать/ открыть): а) открывать, открыть (что-либо закрытое, запертое): to open the door (window, gate) — открыть/раскрыть дверь (окно, калитку); to open a box (barrel, can) — открыть ящик (бочку, консервную байку); to open a book — открыть книгу; to open an egg — разбить яйцо; to open one's eyes — открыть глаза It is so hot in the room and the window is closed. — Oh, sorry I'll go and open it right away. — В комнате так жарко, а окно закрыто. — О, прости, я пойду и открою его сейчас же. В предложениях с глаголом to open и одушевленным подлежащим за глаголом обязательно следует прямое дополнение, если нет реального прямого дополнения, то обязательно употребляется местоимение it. Put the bottle on the table, but don't open it. — Поставь бутылку на стол, но не открывай. b) начинать, открывать ( какое-либо официальное мероприятие): to open a new school — открывать новую школу; to open a meeting — открывать собрание; to open an account with the bank — открыть счет в банке c) открыть, сделать явным, сделать видимым: to open a secret — открыть секрет; to open smb's eyes to the truth — открыть кому-либо глаза на правду
    2. to uncover — открыть, снять покрывало, снять завесу ( снять покрывало и сделать предмет видимым): to unveil a monument (statue, memorial plague) — открыть памятник (статую, мемориальную доску) After a long period of silence he unveiled his plans. — После долгого периода молчания он предал гласности свои планы.
    4. to turn on — открыть, включить: to turn on the cold-water tap — открыть кран холодной воды; to turn on the light — включить свет; to turn on the TV — включить телевизор
    5. to reveal — открывать, раскрывать, обнаруживать, выявить, открыться взору, сделать ( что-либо) видимым (убрав препятствие; употребляется как в прямом, так и в переносном смысле: открыть физически и открыть секрет/тайну): He drew the curtain aside to reveal a beautiful garden. — Он раздвинул шторы, и мы увидели прекрасный сад./Он раздвинул шторы, и нашему взору открылся прекрасный сад. He still didn't reveal what he had felt about me. — Он все еще никак не проявлял своих чувств ко мне. The slant of her eyes and the line of her lips revealed her contempt. — Прищур ее глаз и поджатые губы обнаруживали ее презрение./Прищур ее глаз и поджатые губы говорили о ее презрении. His gaiety had revealed itself as fear of solitude. — За его наигранной веселостью скрывался страх одиночества./За его неестественной веселостью скрывался страх одиночества. They were not ready to reveal the details of their arrest. — Они были не готовы открыть подробности их ареста. A Sunday paper had once revealed that he'd wanted to marry his cousin. — Одна из воскресных газет как-то раз предала гласности факты, говорящие о том, что он намеревался жениться на своей кузине./Одна из воскресных газет однажды раскрыла факты, говорящие о том, что он хотел жениться на своей кузине. Howard now revealed a certain talent for fixing things. — Говард вдруг обнаружил способности улаживать конфликты. It was the first time I had seen him reveal any emotion in his face. — Я впервые увидел, как на его лице отразились хоть какие-то чувства. A slight trembling of his hand revealed his growing excitement. — Легкое дрожание рук выдавало его растущее возбуждение./Легкое дрожание рук обнаруживало его растущее возбуждение./Его растущее возбуждение проявлялось в дрожании рук. Не revealed an unexpected talent for dancing while on vacation in Spain. — Когда он проводил каникулы в Испании, он неожиданно обнаружил способности к танцам. The screen fell back with a crash and revealed a yawing opening in the wall. — Ширма с грохотом упала, и в стене открылось зияющее отверстие.
    6. to disclose — открывать, раскрывать, предавать гласности ( употребляется в прямом и переносном смысле): Не attempted to disclose that the truth was systematically blocked. — Он попытался открыть тот факт, что правду систематически скрывали./Он сделал попытку раскрыть тот факт, что правду систематически скрывали./Он сделал попытку придать гласности тот факт, что правду систематически скрывали. The curtain rose and disclosed a beautiful landscape. — Занавес поднялся, и глазам открылся прекрасный пейзаж./Занавес раскрылся, и глазам представился прекрасный пейзаж.
    7. to discover — открывать, открыть, раскрывать, обнаруживать, обнаружить, узнать, найти (выявить то, что было неизвестно; сделать открытым до сих пор никому неизвестное): to discover a new star — открыть новую звезду; to discover the truth — обнаружить истину; to discover a plot — раскрыть заговор The two men decided to discover the truth for themselves. — Эти двое решили сами узнать правду./Эти двое решили сами обнаружить правду. Не became very friendly when he discovered that she was my sister. — Он стал весьма дружелюбным, когда узнал, что она моя сестра. Checks are made to discover whether applicants have a criminal record. — Проверки проводятся для того, чтобы обнаружить, нет ли за претендентами криминального прошлого./Провсрки проводятся для того, чтобы выявить, нет ли у претендентов криминального прошлого. I have only recently discovered the benefits of meditation. — Я только недавно постиг все прелести медитации./Я только недавно понял всю пользу медитации. The planet Pluto was discovered in 1930. — Планета Плутон была открыта в 1930 году. The scientists discovered radioactivity in uranium salt. — Учеными была обнаружена радиоактивность в урановых солях. Did you discover what company he worked for? — Вы обнаружили, на какую компанию он работал?/Вы узнали, на какую компанию он работал? She has never been able to discover her father's true identity. — Она так и не смогла узнать, кем на самом деле был ее отец. New organizations need to discoverthe most efficient ways of operating. — Новым организациям надо выяснить наиболее эффективные методы работы. When she discovered she had been taken on, she was really pleased. — Когда она узнала, что ее приняли на работу, она была очень довольна/Когда она выяснила, что ее приняли на работу, она была очень довольна. Has your mother never discovered, why you are out late every night? — Неужели ваша мать не выяснила, куда вы уходите допоздна каждый вечер? Не decided to discover the truth himself. — Он решил разузнать правду сам. New antimalarial drugs have been discovered. — Были открыты новые препараты против малярии. Why not spend a week discovering the beauty of the Caucasus. — Почему бы не провести неделю на Кавказе, открывая для себя его красоты? Police discovered his body yesterday. — Полиция вчера обнаружила его труп. I finally discovered the letter at the back of the drawer. — Я наконец обнаружил это письмо в глубине ящика. Действие глагола to discover сравнимо с тщательным раскапыванием земли в поисках чего-либо, в данном случае каких-либо фактов, новых или неожиданных сведений, что выражено в словосочетаниях, фигурально передающих значение глагола to discover — найти, открывать, обнаруживать: Let me know if you dig up anything about it. — Дай мне знать, если ты что-нибудь об этом раскопаешь. I unearthed some useful facts and figures. — Я раскопал несколько полезных фактов и цифр. The facts only came to light after a long investigation. — Факты увидели свет только после длительного расследования. We left no stone unturned in our search for the truth. — Мы камня на кнмне не оставили в поисках истины./Мы сделали все возможное, чтобы докопаться до истины. The book is a mine/goldmine of information. — Книга прямо кладезь информации. You need to put in a lot of spadework. — Тебе еще предстоит много черновой работы./Тебе еще придется покопаться. It took me a long time to find it, but I finally struck gold/oil. — У меня ушло много времени на поиски, но в конце концов я нашел, что искал./У меня ушло много времени на поиски, но в конце концов мои поиски увенчались успехом. She racked up a lot of scandal. — Она раскопала уйму скандальных фактов.

    Русско-английский объяснительный словарь > открывать

  • 105 открыть

    Английские соответствия в отличие от их русского эквивалента открывать конкретизируют данное действие по характеру объекта.
    1. to open — (глагол to open многозначен, и все его значении являются эквивалентами разных значений русского глагола открывать/ открыть): а) открывать, открыть (что-либо закрытое, запертое): to open the door (window, gate) — открыть/раскрыть дверь (окно, калитку); to open a box (barrel, can) — открыть ящик (бочку, консервную байку); to open a book — открыть книгу; to open an egg — разбить яйцо; to open one's eyes — открыть глаза It is so hot in the room and the window is closed. — Oh, sorry I'll go and open it right away. — В комнате так жарко, а окно закрыто. — О, прости, я пойду и открою его сейчас же. В предложениях с глаголом to open и одушевленным подлежащим за глаголом обязательно следует прямое дополнение, если нет реального прямого дополнения, то обязательно употребляется местоимение it. Put the bottle on the table, but don't open it. — Поставь бутылку на стол, но не открывай. b) начинать, открывать ( какое-либо официальное мероприятие): to open a new school — открывать новую школу; to open a meeting — открывать собрание; to open an account with the bank — открыть счет в банке c) открыть, сделать явным, сделать видимым: to open a secret — открыть секрет; to open smb's eyes to the truth — открыть кому-либо глаза на правду
    2. to uncover — открыть, снять покрывало, снять завесу ( снять покрывало и сделать предмет видимым): to unveil a monument (statue, memorial plague) — открыть памятник (статую, мемориальную доску) After a long period of silence he unveiled his plans. — После долгого периода молчания он предал гласности свои планы.
    4. to turn on — открыть, включить: to turn on the cold-water tap — открыть кран холодной воды; to turn on the light — включить свет; to turn on the TV — включить телевизор
    5. to reveal — открывать, раскрывать, обнаруживать, выявить, открыться взору, сделать ( что-либо) видимым (убрав препятствие; употребляется как в прямом, так и в переносном смысле: открыть физически и открыть секрет/тайну): He drew the curtain aside to reveal a beautiful garden. — Он раздвинул шторы, и мы увидели прекрасный сад./Он раздвинул шторы, и нашему взору открылся прекрасный сад. He still didn't reveal what he had felt about me. — Он все еще никак не проявлял своих чувств ко мне. The slant of her eyes and the line of her lips revealed her contempt. — Прищур ее глаз и поджатые губы обнаруживали ее презрение./Прищур ее глаз и поджатые губы говорили о ее презрении. His gaiety had revealed itself as fear of solitude. — За его наигранной веселостью скрывался страх одиночества./За его неестественной веселостью скрывался страх одиночества. They were not ready to reveal the details of their arrest. — Они были не готовы открыть подробности их ареста. A Sunday paper had once revealed that he'd wanted to marry his cousin. — Одна из воскресных газет как-то раз предала гласности факты, говорящие о том, что он намеревался жениться на своей кузине./Одна из воскресных газет однажды раскрыла факты, говорящие о том, что он хотел жениться на своей кузине. Howard now revealed a certain talent for fixing things. — Говард вдруг обнаружил способности улаживать конфликты. It was the first time I had seen him reveal any emotion in his face. — Я впервые увидел, как на его лице отразились хоть какие-то чувства. A slight trembling of his hand revealed his growing excitement. — Легкое дрожание рук выдавало его растущее возбуждение./Легкое дрожание рук обнаруживало его растущее возбуждение./Его растущее возбуждение проявлялось в дрожании рук. Не revealed an unexpected talent for dancing while on vacation in Spain. — Когда он проводил каникулы в Испании, он неожиданно обнаружил способности к танцам. The screen fell back with a crash and revealed a yawing opening in the wall. — Ширма с грохотом упала, и в стене открылось зияющее отверстие.
    6. to disclose — открывать, раскрывать, предавать гласности ( употребляется в прямом и переносном смысле): Не attempted to disclose that the truth was systematically blocked. — Он попытался открыть тот факт, что правду систематически скрывали./Он сделал попытку раскрыть тот факт, что правду систематически скрывали./Он сделал попытку придать гласности тот факт, что правду систематически скрывали. The curtain rose and disclosed a beautiful landscape. — Занавес поднялся, и глазам открылся прекрасный пейзаж./Занавес раскрылся, и глазам представился прекрасный пейзаж.
    7. to discover — открывать, открыть, раскрывать, обнаруживать, обнаружить, узнать, найти (выявить то, что было неизвестно; сделать открытым до сих пор никому неизвестное): to discover a new star — открыть новую звезду; to discover the truth — обнаружить истину; to discover a plot — раскрыть заговор The two men decided to discover the truth for themselves. — Эти двое решили сами узнать правду./Эти двое решили сами обнаружить правду. Не became very friendly when he discovered that she was my sister. — Он стал весьма дружелюбным, когда узнал, что она моя сестра. Checks are made to discover whether applicants have a criminal record. — Проверки проводятся для того, чтобы обнаружить, нет ли за претендентами криминального прошлого./Провсрки проводятся для того, чтобы выявить, нет ли у претендентов криминального прошлого. I have only recently discovered the benefits of meditation. — Я только недавно постиг все прелести медитации./Я только недавно понял всю пользу медитации. The planet Pluto was discovered in 1930. — Планета Плутон была открыта в 1930 году. The scientists discovered radioactivity in uranium salt. — Учеными была обнаружена радиоактивность в урановых солях. Did you discover what company he worked for? — Вы обнаружили, на какую компанию он работал?/Вы узнали, на какую компанию он работал? She has never been able to discover her father's true identity. — Она так и не смогла узнать, кем на самом деле был ее отец. New organizations need to discoverthe most efficient ways of operating. — Новым организациям надо выяснить наиболее эффективные методы работы. When she discovered she had been taken on, she was really pleased. — Когда она узнала, что ее приняли на работу, она была очень довольна/Когда она выяснила, что ее приняли на работу, она была очень довольна. Has your mother never discovered, why you are out late every night? — Неужели ваша мать не выяснила, куда вы уходите допоздна каждый вечер? Не decided to discover the truth himself. — Он решил разузнать правду сам. New antimalarial drugs have been discovered. — Были открыты новые препараты против малярии. Why not spend a week discovering the beauty of the Caucasus. — Почему бы не провести неделю на Кавказе, открывая для себя его красоты? Police discovered his body yesterday. — Полиция вчера обнаружила его труп. I finally discovered the letter at the back of the drawer. — Я наконец обнаружил это письмо в глубине ящика. Действие глагола to discover сравнимо с тщательным раскапыванием земли в поисках чего-либо, в данном случае каких-либо фактов, новых или неожиданных сведений, что выражено в словосочетаниях, фигурально передающих значение глагола to discover — найти, открывать, обнаруживать: Let me know if you dig up anything about it. — Дай мне знать, если ты что-нибудь об этом раскопаешь. I unearthed some useful facts and figures. — Я раскопал несколько полезных фактов и цифр. The facts only came to light after a long investigation. — Факты увидели свет только после длительного расследования. We left no stone unturned in our search for the truth. — Мы камня на кнмне не оставили в поисках истины./Мы сделали все возможное, чтобы докопаться до истины. The book is a mine/goldmine of information. — Книга прямо кладезь информации. You need to put in a lot of spadework. — Тебе еще предстоит много черновой работы./Тебе еще придется покопаться. It took me a long time to find it, but I finally struck gold/oil. — У меня ушло много времени на поиски, но в конце концов я нашел, что искал./У меня ушло много времени на поиски, но в конце концов мои поиски увенчались успехом. She racked up a lot of scandal. — Она раскопала уйму скандальных фактов.

    Русско-английский объяснительный словарь > открыть

  • 106 open

    [niet dicht, toegankelijk, ook figuurlijk] openniet op slot ook unlocked, niet bezet vacant
    [geldwezen, handel] open
    1   de deur staat open the door is open/ajar
         open gevangenis prison without bars, open prison
         een open gezicht an open face
         een open graf an open grave
         een open hals an open neck
         fonetiekeen open klinker an open vowel
         de kraan is open the tap is (turned) on
         met open ogen with one's eyes open
         een open plaats/betrekking a vacancy
         een open plek in het bos a clearing in the woods
         open schoolsysteem open school system
         open water open water
         tot hoe laat zijn de winkels open? what time do the shops close?
         open en bloot openly, for all (the world) to see
         het kan open en dicht it opens and shuts
         mijn huis is altijd voor jou open my door will always be open to you
         hij kreeg de doos meteen open he had the box open in an instant
         open tot zes uur open till six o'clock
    2   een open krediet an open/a blank credit
         open NV a public company
         een open rekening an open/unsettled account
    ¶   ik zal heel open met je zijn I'll be frank/open with you

    Van Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > open

  • 107 vak

    [begrensd vlak] section square, space parkeerplaats, vakje box formulier, puzzel
    [deel van een kast/doos] compartmentin het bijzonder postvak pigeonhole, shelf winkel, bibliotheek
    [beroep] lager trade; hoger profession
    [tak van wetenschap/bedrijf] subjectvoornamelijk met betrekking tot hoger onderwijs course
    [perk] bed
    [afgeperkt deel] section
    2   de vakken van een aktetas the compartments of a briefcase
         een kast met geheime vakken a cupboard with secret compartments
         de vakken bijvullen fill the shelves
         post in iemands vakje stoppen put mail in someone's pigeonhole
         figuurlijkaltijd alles in vakjes willen stoppen always want to put a label on things
    3   een man van het vak zijn be an expert/a specialist
         hij beoefent dit vak al 20 jaar he has been in this business for 20 years
         een vak leren learn a trade
         zijn vak maken van make a business/trade of
         een vak uitoefenen practise/be in a trade/business
         zijn vak verstaan understand one's business
         ieder zijn vak every man to his trade
    4   exacte vakken science, (exact) sciences; op school ook science and maths
         in acht vakken eindexamen doen take eight subjects in one's final exams

    Van Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > vak

  • 108 Brunel, Isambard Kingdom

    b. 9 April 1806 Portsea, Hampshire, England
    d. 15 September 1859 18 Duke Street, St James's, London, England
    English civil and mechanical engineer.
    The son of Marc Isambard Brunel and Sophia Kingdom, he was educated at a private boarding-school in Hove. At the age of 14 he went to the College of Caen and then to the Lycée Henri-Quatre in Paris, after which he was apprenticed to Louis Breguet. In 1822 he returned from France and started working in his father's office, while spending much of his time at the works of Maudslay, Sons \& Field.
    From 1825 to 1828 he worked under his father on the construction of the latter's Thames Tunnel, occupying the position of Engineer-in-Charge, exhibiting great courage and presence of mind in the emergencies which occurred not infrequently. These culminated in January 1828 in the flooding of the tunnel and work was suspended for seven years. For the next five years the young engineer made abortive attempts to find a suitable outlet for his talents, but to little avail. Eventually, in 1831, his design for a suspension bridge over the River Avon at Clifton Gorge was accepted and he was appointed Engineer. (The bridge was eventually finished five years after Brunel's death, as a memorial to him, the delay being due to inadequate financing.) He next planned and supervised improvements to the Bristol docks. In March 1833 he was appointed Engineer of the Bristol Railway, later called the Great Western Railway. He immediately started to survey the route between London and Bristol that was completed by late August that year. On 5 July 1836 he married Mary Horsley and settled into 18 Duke Street, Westminster, London, where he also had his office. Work on the Bristol Railway started in 1836. The foundation stone of the Clifton Suspension Bridge was laid the same year. Whereas George Stephenson had based his standard railway gauge as 4 ft 8½ in (1.44 m), that or a similar gauge being usual for colliery wagonways in the Newcastle area, Brunel adopted the broader gauge of 7 ft (2.13 m). The first stretch of the line, from Paddington to Maidenhead, was opened to traffic on 4 June 1838, and the whole line from London to Bristol was opened in June 1841. The continuation of the line through to Exeter was completed and opened on 1 May 1844. The normal time for the 194-mile (312 km) run from Paddington to Exeter was 5 hours, at an average speed of 38.8 mph (62.4 km/h) including stops. The Great Western line included the Box Tunnel, the longest tunnel to that date at nearly two miles (3.2 km).
    Brunel was the engineer of most of the railways in the West Country, in South Wales and much of Southern Ireland. As railway networks developed, the frequent break of gauge became more of a problem and on 9 July 1845 a Royal Commission was appointed to look into it. In spite of comparative tests, run between Paddington-Didcot and Darlington-York, which showed in favour of Brunel's arrangement, the enquiry ruled in favour of the narrow gauge, 274 miles (441 km) of the former having been built against 1,901 miles (3,059 km) of the latter to that date. The Gauge Act of 1846 forbade the building of any further railways in Britain to any gauge other than 4 ft 8 1/2 in (1.44 m).
    The existence of long and severe gradients on the South Devon Railway led to Brunel's adoption of the atmospheric railway developed by Samuel Clegg and later by the Samuda brothers. In this a pipe of 9 in. (23 cm) or more in diameter was laid between the rails, along the top of which ran a continuous hinged flap of leather backed with iron. At intervals of about 3 miles (4.8 km) were pumping stations to exhaust the pipe. Much trouble was experienced with the flap valve and its lubrication—freezing of the leather in winter, the lubricant being sucked into the pipe or eaten by rats at other times—and the experiment was abandoned at considerable cost.
    Brunel is to be remembered for his two great West Country tubular bridges, the Chepstow and the Tamar Bridge at Saltash, with the latter opened in May 1859, having two main spans of 465 ft (142 m) and a central pier extending 80 ft (24 m) below high water mark and allowing 100 ft (30 m) of headroom above the same. His timber viaducts throughout Devon and Cornwall became a feature of the landscape. The line was extended ultimately to Penzance.
    As early as 1835 Brunel had the idea of extending the line westwards across the Atlantic from Bristol to New York by means of a steamship. In 1836 building commenced and the hull left Bristol in July 1837 for fitting out at Wapping. On 31 March 1838 the ship left again for Bristol but the boiler lagging caught fire and Brunel was injured in the subsequent confusion. On 8 April the ship set sail for New York (under steam), its rival, the 703-ton Sirius, having left four days earlier. The 1,340-ton Great Western arrived only a few hours after the Sirius. The hull was of wood, and was copper-sheathed. In 1838 Brunel planned a larger ship, some 3,000 tons, the Great Britain, which was to have an iron hull.
    The Great Britain was screwdriven and was launched on 19 July 1843,289 ft (88 m) long by 51 ft (15.5 m) at its widest. The ship's first voyage, from Liverpool to New York, began on 26 August 1845. In 1846 it ran aground in Dundrum Bay, County Down, and was later sold for use on the Australian run, on which it sailed no fewer than thirty-two times in twenty-three years, also serving as a troop-ship in the Crimean War. During this war, Brunel designed a 1,000-bed hospital which was shipped out to Renkioi ready for assembly and complete with shower-baths and vapour-baths with printed instructions on how to use them, beds and bedding and water closets with a supply of toilet paper! Brunel's last, largest and most extravagantly conceived ship was the Great Leviathan, eventually named The Great Eastern, which had a double-skinned iron hull, together with both paddles and screw propeller. Brunel designed the ship to carry sufficient coal for the round trip to Australia without refuelling, thus saving the need for and the cost of bunkering, as there were then few bunkering ports throughout the world. The ship's construction was started by John Scott Russell in his yard at Millwall on the Thames, but the building was completed by Brunel due to Russell's bankruptcy in 1856. The hull of the huge vessel was laid down so as to be launched sideways into the river and then to be floated on the tide. Brunel's plan for hydraulic launching gear had been turned down by the directors on the grounds of cost, an economy that proved false in the event. The sideways launch with over 4,000 tons of hydraulic power together with steam winches and floating tugs on the river took over two months, from 3 November 1857 until 13 January 1858. The ship was 680 ft (207 m) long, 83 ft (25 m) beam and 58 ft (18 m) deep; the screw was 24 ft (7.3 m) in diameter and paddles 60 ft (18.3 m) in diameter. Its displacement was 32,000 tons (32,500 tonnes).
    The strain of overwork and the huge responsibilities that lay on Brunel began to tell. He was diagnosed as suffering from Bright's disease, or nephritis, and spent the winter travelling in the Mediterranean and Egypt, returning to England in May 1859. On 5 September he suffered a stroke which left him partially paralysed, and he died ten days later at his Duke Street home.
    Further Reading
    L.T.C.Rolt, 1957, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, London: Longmans Green. J.Dugan, 1953, The Great Iron Ship, Hamish Hamilton.

    Biographical history of technology > Brunel, Isambard Kingdom

  • 109 إلى

    إلى \ to: showing possession or position: It belongs to them. It was stuck to the wall, in expressions of place and time; showing where sb. or sth. goes; showing an aim or limit; showing a point that is reached: We walked to school. He jumped on to the table. I was away from June to October. against: touching (usually sth. upright): He pressed his nose against the glass. for: towards: We set off for home. into: showing a change of condition: The castle was turned into a hotel. till, until: up to (a certain time): We waited from 6.30 till midnight. \ إلى \ there: in or to that place: Let’s go there; we line there. \ See Also في ذلك المكان \ إلى \ somewhere: in or to some place (but usu. anywhere in negative sentences and questions): I’ve met him somewhere before. Let’s go somewhere peaceful (to some peaceful place). \ See Also أو في مَكانٍ ما \ إلى الأبَد \ forever: (also two words: (for ever) for always; endlessly: I can’t wait forever. \ إلى أَبْعَد حَدّ \ exceedingly: very: He’s exceedingly clever. extremely: very: You’re extremely kind. \ إلى أَبْعَد الحُدود \ ever so: very: It’s ever so easy. \ إلى أَبْعَد مِن \ farther: at or to a greater distance: I was too tired to go farther. \ إلى اتّجاه آخر \ round: so as to face in a different or opposite direction: The wind went round from east to north. He turned the car round and went back. \ إلى الاتّجاه المُضادّ \ round: so as to face in a different or opposite direction: The wind went round from east to north. He turned the car round and went back. \ إلى الآخِر \ right: all the way: Go right to the end of the road. Go right back to the beginning. \ إلى أَسْفَل \ down: from a higher level to a lower one: The aeroplane came down slowly, from a higher level to a lower one: I climbed down the tree. The rope hung down the wall. downward, downwards: in a downward direction: He lay, face downwards, on the grass. over: to from an upright (or straight) position to a flat (or bent) position: I fell over. He knocked me over. \ إلى أَعْلَى \ up: towards the top of: We climbed up the hill, in or to higher position: She lives up in the hills. She looked up at the stars. He got up from his chair. Prices often go up. uphill: up a slope: The road winds uphill for a mile. upward: in an upward direction: The aeroplane flew upwards. \ إلى أَعْلَى وإلى أسفل \ up and down: off the ground and back to it; higher and lower: He was jumping up and down. He waved his stick up and down. \ إلى أَقْصَى ما أعرِفه عنه \ to the best of sb.’s knowledge: as far as I know: To the best of my knowledge, he is honest (I have no reason to doubt his honesty). \ إلى الأَمام \ along: on; forward: She hurried along. forth: old use forwards; onwards. forward: also forwards towards the front: He stepped forward(s) to greet me. \ إلى أَن \ (prep. fml.) pending: until: I put his letter in a drawer, pending his arrival. till: up to the time when: I waited till he was ready. until: up to the time that: She stayed until I returned. \ إلى الآن \ hitherto: up to now: Hitherto, he had never been absent from work. \ إلى أو بارتفاع الرُّكبة \ knee-deep: up to the knees: The river was only knee-deep. \ إلى أو في الاتِّجاه المُعَاكِس \ about: facing the opposite way: The ship turned about and came back to harbour. \ إلى أو في داخِل \ into: (showing direction) in: He fell into a hole. She came into the house. \ إلى أو نحو الأرض \ down: on to the ground: I fell down. He knocked me down. \ إلى أو نَحْوَ الدّاخِل \ inwards: towards the inside: The door opened inwards. \ إلى أيّ حَدّ \ any: (with comparative words) at all; in any way: Do you feel any better?He’s too old to go any faster. \ إلى أَيْنَ؟ \ where: in or to what place: Where do you live? Where are you going?. \ إلى الجانِب الآخر \ over: across, from one side to the other: The gate was locked, so he climbed over. \ إلى الجهة الأخرى \ the other way round: in the opposite direction; happening in another order or relationship: Turn the chair the other way round so that you can see out of the window. George didn’t hit John - it was the other way round (John hit George). \ إلى الجهة أو الناحية الأخرى \ over: so that a different side is upwards: Turn the page over. Roll the body over. \ إلى حَدّ أنّهُ \ so: showing an effect: It was so cold that the water froze. He’s not so ill as to need a doctor. \ إلى حَدٍّ بعيد \ by far: by a long way or very much: He is by far the better player of the two. He plays better by far. largely: mostly: The accident was largely his own fault. quite: (often followed by but) not very, but reasonably; fairly: She’s quite tall, but not as tall as you. He’s quite a nice boy, but he’s lazy. stiff: (with the verbs bore, scare, worry) to a state of tiredness; nearly to death: Long speeches bore me stiff. \ إلى حَدٍّ كبير \ enormously: very greatly: I enjoyed myself enormously. madly: in a mad way; very much: He’s madly keen on football. much: greatly: I don’t much like it. such: of a kind that produces a certain result: It was such a heavy box that I could not lift it. Its weight was such that I could not lift it. \ إلى حَدٍّ ما \ fairly: (with an adj. or adv.) slightly; not completely: a fairly easy job; fairly well done. moderately: reasonably; quite, but not very: I’m moderately sure about it. It was a moderately warm day. more or less: about, but not exactly: She’s more or less ready, but she can’t find her handbag. partially: not wholly; not completely: He’s partially blind. partly: not completely; in regard to a part: It was partly my fault, and partly his. rather: not very, but fairly: I was rather sorry to miss that meeting. We arrived rather (slightly) earlier than we expected. reasonably: fairly; enough, but not completely: I’m reasonably certain of success. slightly: a little: He’s slightly taller than I am. somewhat: rather: He’s somewhat older than you are. to a certain degree: not completely: To a certain degree, it was my fault. pretty: fairly; comparatively: a pretty cheap car (cheaper than most cars). \ See Also جزئيا (جزئيًّا)، باعتدال، تقريبا (تقريبًا)‏ \ إلى حَيْثُ \ where: in or to the place in which: I’m going where I always go. Leave him where he is. \ See Also حيث (حَيْثُ)‏ \ إلى الخَارج \ abroad: in or to another country: I spent my holiday abroad. out: from inside: The door opened and a man came out. \ See Also في الخَارِج \ إلى الخَلْف \ back: away from the front: Stand back from the fire. backward(s): towards the back: He fell over backwards. \ إلى داخِل \ in: showing entrance or direction: He looked in through the window. He came in. He threw a stone in. inside: on (or to) the inside of: Please wait inside the room. \ See Also في داخِل \ إلى درجة أَقَلّ \ down: less; to a weaker or lower state: First heat the metal up, then cool it down. We must cut down our costs. \ إلى الطَّابق الأَسْفَل \ down: downstairs: He’s out of bed and he’ll be down in a minute. downstairs: down the stairs: He hurried downstairs. \ إلى غير رَجْعَة \ for good: for ever: I’ve stopped smoking for good. \ إلى فَوْق \ up: towards the top of: We climbed up the hill. \ See Also فوق (فَوْق)‏ \ إلى قِطع صغيرة \ to bits: (after verbs like come, go, fall, blow, cut, tear) into little pieces: My glasses fell to bits on the floor. \ إلى ما قبلَ (وقت محدد)‏ \ hitherto: up to now; up to the past time already spoken of: Hitherto, he had never been absent from work. \ إلى النِّهاية \ out: completely: I was tired out. right: all the way: Go right to the end of the road. up: (with verbs) completely; to the end: Finish up your food. \ إلى هذا الحَدّ \ so far: until now: We’ve won six games so far. this: so: I didn’t expect him to be this late (so late as he is) The fish was only this big (the size that I’m showing you). \ See Also حتّى الآن \ إلى هُنا \ here: at, in or to this place: I live here. Come here! He lives near here. Is the hospital far from here?. \ See Also هنا (هُنا)‏ \ إلى هُناك \ there: to that place: Let’s go there. \ See Also هناك (هُناك)‏ \ إلى اليَمين \ clockwise: in the direction taken by the hands of a clock: To open this lock, turn the key clockwise (or in a clockwise direction).

    Arabic-English dictionary > إلى

  • 110 انتقى

    اِنْتَقَى \ choose, (chose, chosen): to pick out what one wants: The captain chose his team. As the shop was closing I had no time to choose. pick: to choose: Have you picked the books you want?. pick out: to recognize and separate (with one’s eyes or hands): Can you pick out your child in this school photograph? Pick out the bad ones from that box of fruit. select: to choose carefully: He selected a book from the shelf.

    Arabic-English dictionary > انتقى

  • 111 حتى

    حَتَّى \ even: showing a fact from which one may guess other facts: I invited him, but he didn’t even answer my letter (so, clearly, he did not come). It’s cold here, even in summer (so, clearly, it is very cold in winter), showing an unexpected fact: He was very kind; he even lent me some money, (used to give more force to a comparative word): He knows even less than I do. He’s even lazier than you are. in order that: so that; with the purpose that: We hurried in order that we should not arrive late. in order to: so as to; with the intention to: He saved his money in order to buy a bicycle. (no sooner)... than: as soon as: No sooner had I found the key than I lost it again (I lost it very soon after I had found it). so that: used for showing purpose: He helped me with the work so that we’d finish earlier. till: up to the time when: I waited till he was ready. till: up to (a certain time): We waited from 6.30 till midnight. We can’t go till Monday. to: in expressions of place and time; showing where sb. or sth. goes; showing an aim or limit; showing a point that is reached: We walked to school. I was away from June to October. until: up to the time that: She stayed until I returned. \ حَتَّى (مَع أَفْعَل التفضيل)‏ \ still: (with comparative adj. or adv.) even: He’s clever, but his brother is still cleverer (or cleverer still). She ran fast, but he ran still faster (or faster still). \ حَتَّى \ up to: as far as: Can you count up to 100? Up to now he has been living abroad. \ See Also إلى... \ حَتَّى أَنَّ \ that: used for showing result: It was so cold that the water froze. \ حَتَّى أنَّ... \ such: of a kind that produces a certain result: It was such a heavy box that I could not lift it. Its weight was such that I could not lift it. \ حَتَّى الآن \ as yet: up to now: I’ve had no answer as yet. hitherto: up to now; up to the past time already spoken of: Hitherto, he had never been absent from work. so far: until now: We’ve won six games so far. still: up till now: Are you still unmarried?. yet: up to now; by this time: Isn’t she ready yet? It’s the biggest car I’ve yet seen. \ حَتَّى أنَّه \ to: (after enough or too): It’s big enough to fit me. He’s too lazy to work. \ حَتَّى ذلك الوَقْت \ yet: up to then: She said that it wasn’t cooked yet. \ حَتَّى لا \ lest: (old use) for fear that: He ran away lest you should punish him. \ حَتَّى لَوْ \ even if, even though: although: I’m going home, even if I have to walk there. I went home, even though I had to walk. \ حَتَّى النّهاية \ through: all the way: Does this train go right through (to London)?. see through: to last or be enough until the end of something: This food I’ve bought should see us through the weekend. \ حَتَّى الوَقْت الحاضِر \ up to date: up to the present moment; modern; knowing or showing the latest facts: Give me an up-to-date report on political events in South America.

    Arabic-English dictionary > حتى

  • 112 داخل

    داخِل \ inside: (often attrib.) the inner side; the enclosed part: I painted the inside of the box. \ داخِل (لِبّ) جَوْزَة الهِنْد \ coconut: the white edible part inside the nut. \ داخِل البِناء \ on the premises: children may not smoke on the school premises. \ See Also الدار، إلخ \ داخِل المَبنى \ within: inside; not beyond; within reach; within one’s powers.

    Arabic-English dictionary > داخل

  • 113 نحو

    نَحْوَ \ about: not exactly; a little before or after; a little more or less: about 9 o’clock; about 50 boys. approximately: nearly, but not exactly: The box weighed approximately 10 kilos. for: towards: We set off for home. more or less: about, but not exactly: It’s 20 miles away, more or less. She’s more or less ready, but she can’t find her handbag. on: (showing a direction) towards: She turned her back on me. His eyes were on the door. some: (with numbers) about: Some 70 people attended the meeting. something like: (with numbers) about: He owns something like 400 cattle, about It cost something like $3. to: in expressions of place and time; showing where sb. or sth. goes; showing an aim or limit; showing a point that is reached: We walked to school. He jumped on to the table. towards: in the direction of: My window faced towards the east., in regard to What are your feelings towards her?. \ نَحْو \ outward(s): towards the outside: The door opened outwards. \ See Also إلى الخَارج \ نَحْو \ southerly: towards the south; (of winds) from the south. \ See Also مِن جِهَة الجَنوب \ نَحْو (بَعْدَ صِفَة)‏ \ to: (after an adj.): to be kind to her. He was not known to us. \ نَحْوَ الأَعْلَى \ upward: in an upward direction: The aeroplane flew upwards. boys of 15 upwards (of 15 or more years). \ نَحْوَ البَيت \ homeward: towards home: On the homeward journey, we stopped several times. homewards: towards home. \ See Also الوَطَن \ نَحْوَ الجَنوب \ southward(s): towards the south. \ نَحْوَ الخارج \ out: from inside: The door opened and a man came out. \ نَحْوَ الشرق \ eastward: towards the east. \ نَحْوَ الغَرْب \ west: towards the west: We sailed west into the sunset. westward(s): ( westwards adv. only) towards the west. \ نَحْوَ المُتَكَلِّم \ up: to the speaker; to the person or place that is concerned: He rushed up and asked for my help. \ نَحْوَ المَصَبّ \ downstream: (moving) in the way the water flows, towards the mouth of a river, etc.: I threw a stick into the water and watched it float downstream. \ نَحْو وَصَرْف \ grammar: the proper use of words in forming sentences. \ See Also قَواعِد اللُّغة

    Arabic-English dictionary > نحو

  • 114 about

    نَحْوَ \ about: not exactly; a little before or after; a little more or less: about 9 o’clock; about 50 boys. approximately: nearly, but not exactly: The box weighed approximately 10 kilos. for: towards: We set off for home. more or less: about, but not exactly: It’s 20 miles away, more or less. She’s more or less ready, but she can’t find her handbag. on: (showing a direction) towards: She turned her back on me. His eyes were on the door. some: (with numbers) about: Some 70 people attended the meeting. something like: (with numbers) about: He owns something like 400 cattle, about It cost something like $3. to: in expressions of place and time; showing where sb. or sth. goes; showing an aim or limit; showing a point that is reached: We walked to school. He jumped on to the table. towards: in the direction of: My window faced towards the east., in regard to What are your feelings towards her?.

    Arabic-English glossary > about

  • 115 approximately

    نَحْوَ \ about: not exactly; a little before or after; a little more or less: about 9 o’clock; about 50 boys. approximately: nearly, but not exactly: The box weighed approximately 10 kilos. for: towards: We set off for home. more or less: about, but not exactly: It’s 20 miles away, more or less. She’s more or less ready, but she can’t find her handbag. on: (showing a direction) towards: She turned her back on me. His eyes were on the door. some: (with numbers) about: Some 70 people attended the meeting. something like: (with numbers) about: He owns something like 400 cattle, about It cost something like $3. to: in expressions of place and time; showing where sb. or sth. goes; showing an aim or limit; showing a point that is reached: We walked to school. He jumped on to the table. towards: in the direction of: My window faced towards the east., in regard to What are your feelings towards her?.

    Arabic-English glossary > approximately

  • 116 for

    نَحْوَ \ about: not exactly; a little before or after; a little more or less: about 9 o’clock; about 50 boys. approximately: nearly, but not exactly: The box weighed approximately 10 kilos. for: towards: We set off for home. more or less: about, but not exactly: It’s 20 miles away, more or less. She’s more or less ready, but she can’t find her handbag. on: (showing a direction) towards: She turned her back on me. His eyes were on the door. some: (with numbers) about: Some 70 people attended the meeting. something like: (with numbers) about: He owns something like 400 cattle, about It cost something like $3. to: in expressions of place and time; showing where sb. or sth. goes; showing an aim or limit; showing a point that is reached: We walked to school. He jumped on to the table. towards: in the direction of: My window faced towards the east., in regard to What are your feelings towards her?.

    Arabic-English glossary > for

  • 117 more or less

    نَحْوَ \ about: not exactly; a little before or after; a little more or less: about 9 o’clock; about 50 boys. approximately: nearly, but not exactly: The box weighed approximately 10 kilos. for: towards: We set off for home. more or less: about, but not exactly: It’s 20 miles away, more or less. She’s more or less ready, but she can’t find her handbag. on: (showing a direction) towards: She turned her back on me. His eyes were on the door. some: (with numbers) about: Some 70 people attended the meeting. something like: (with numbers) about: He owns something like 400 cattle, about It cost something like $3. to: in expressions of place and time; showing where sb. or sth. goes; showing an aim or limit; showing a point that is reached: We walked to school. He jumped on to the table. towards: in the direction of: My window faced towards the east., in regard to What are your feelings towards her?.

    Arabic-English glossary > more or less

  • 118 on

    نَحْوَ \ about: not exactly; a little before or after; a little more or less: about 9 o’clock; about 50 boys. approximately: nearly, but not exactly: The box weighed approximately 10 kilos. for: towards: We set off for home. more or less: about, but not exactly: It’s 20 miles away, more or less. She’s more or less ready, but she can’t find her handbag. on: (showing a direction) towards: She turned her back on me. His eyes were on the door. some: (with numbers) about: Some 70 people attended the meeting. something like: (with numbers) about: He owns something like 400 cattle, about It cost something like $3. to: in expressions of place and time; showing where sb. or sth. goes; showing an aim or limit; showing a point that is reached: We walked to school. He jumped on to the table. towards: in the direction of: My window faced towards the east., in regard to What are your feelings towards her?.

    Arabic-English glossary > on

  • 119 some

    نَحْوَ \ about: not exactly; a little before or after; a little more or less: about 9 o’clock; about 50 boys. approximately: nearly, but not exactly: The box weighed approximately 10 kilos. for: towards: We set off for home. more or less: about, but not exactly: It’s 20 miles away, more or less. She’s more or less ready, but she can’t find her handbag. on: (showing a direction) towards: She turned her back on me. His eyes were on the door. some: (with numbers) about: Some 70 people attended the meeting. something like: (with numbers) about: He owns something like 400 cattle, about It cost something like $3. to: in expressions of place and time; showing where sb. or sth. goes; showing an aim or limit; showing a point that is reached: We walked to school. He jumped on to the table. towards: in the direction of: My window faced towards the east., in regard to What are your feelings towards her?.

    Arabic-English glossary > some

  • 120 something like

    نَحْوَ \ about: not exactly; a little before or after; a little more or less: about 9 o’clock; about 50 boys. approximately: nearly, but not exactly: The box weighed approximately 10 kilos. for: towards: We set off for home. more or less: about, but not exactly: It’s 20 miles away, more or less. She’s more or less ready, but she can’t find her handbag. on: (showing a direction) towards: She turned her back on me. His eyes were on the door. some: (with numbers) about: Some 70 people attended the meeting. something like: (with numbers) about: He owns something like 400 cattle, about It cost something like $3. to: in expressions of place and time; showing where sb. or sth. goes; showing an aim or limit; showing a point that is reached: We walked to school. He jumped on to the table. towards: in the direction of: My window faced towards the east., in regard to What are your feelings towards her?.

    Arabic-English glossary > something like

См. также в других словарях:

  • Box Hill, Victoria — Infobox Australian Place | type = suburb name = Box Hill city = Melbourne state = vic caption = The White Horse, Whitehorse Road lga = City of Whitehorse postcode = 3128 pop = 8616 (2006)Census 2006 AUS | id = SSC21095 | name = Box Hill (State… …   Wikipedia

  • Box Hill Institute of TAFE — Box Hill Institute is a secondary and tertiary education institute based in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne in Victoria, Australia, with additional campuses overseas. It has three campuses in Box Hill (Elgar, Whitehorse and Nelson), one in… …   Wikipedia

  • Box Hill North, Victoria — Box Hill North Melbourne, Victoria …   Wikipedia

  • Box social — is a term with varying definitions in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. American usageA box social in the United States is a form of fundraiser, wherein donated lunch boxes are auctioned off for a cause (often a civic, church …   Wikipedia

  • Box Hill Senior Secondary College — (BHSSC), formerly Box Hill Technical School, is a state run co educational senior secondary school. The school has a three year curriculum, composed of years ten, eleven, and twelve.Box Hill Senior Secondary College is a highly technical and… …   Wikipedia

  • Box (Wiltshire) — Box ist ein englisches Dorf in der Grafschaft Wiltshire. Es liegt etwa 8 km östlich von Bath und 11 km westlich von Chippenham. Durch weit auseinander liegende Ortsteile bedeckt das Dorf eine große Fläche. Die Gegend ist reich an Natursteinen und …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Box Hockey — is a school yard game played by two people. The object of the game is to move a hockey puck from the center of the box out through a hole placed at the end of the box (known as the goal). Each player faces one another on either side of the box,… …   Wikipedia

  • School Days (visual novel) — School Days Box art of the visual novel スクールデイズ (Sukūru Deizu) Genre Drama …   Wikipedia

  • School District 61 Greater Victoria — British Columbia Region Vancouver Island Board office location 556 Boleskine Road, PO Box 700, Victoria BC Canada V8W 2R1 Communities served Victoria,Esquimalt, Oak Bay Number of schools 56 Budget: CAD$ (millions) …   Wikipedia

  • Box-Office France des Années 2000 — Box office français de 2000 à 2009 Article principal : Box office français. Aucun film américain ne dépasse les 10 millions d entrées au Box office français entre les années 2000 et 2009. Rang Titre Année Entrées[1] Natonalité 1 Bienvenue… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • School-at-home (educational philosophy) — School at home, also known as The Traditional Approach or The Structured Approach, is a method of homeschooling in which the curriculum and homework of the student are similar or identical to what would be taught in a public or private school; as …   Wikipedia

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