1 schlieren method
теневой метод, метод Теплера, шлирен-методБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > schlieren method
2 schlieren method
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > schlieren method
3 schlieren method
1) Техника: метод полос, метод свилей, теневой метод, шлирен-метод2) Космонавтика: метод теневой фотографии3) Макаров: метод Теплера -
4 schlieren method
метод Теплера, шлирен-метод ( скоростной фотографии) -
5 schlieren method
метод Теплера, шлирен-метод -
6 schlieren method
метод Теплера, шлирен-методThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > schlieren method
7 Schlieren method
шлирен-метод, метод Теплера -
8 schlieren method
аэрд. шлирен-метод, метод теневой фотографииEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > schlieren method
9 schlieren method
————————English-Russian dictionary of electronics > schlieren method
10 laser schlieren method
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > laser schlieren method
11 method
1) метод; приём; способ2) методика3) технология4) система•- accelerated strength testing method-
benching method-
bullhead well control method-
electrical-surveying method-
electromagnetic surveying method-
long-wire transmitter method-
operational method-
rule of thumb method-
straight flange method of rolling beams-
symbolical method-
tee-test method-
testing method-
triangulation method-
value-iteration method -
12 method
метод; способ- method of moments
- method of spin-density functional
- access method
- aluminum resist method
- angle-lapping method
- aperture field method
- B-method
- balanced method
- basic direct access method
- basic sequential access method
- basic telecommunication access method
- batch method
- Bayesian methods
- box-diffusion method
- Box-Wilson method
- Bridgman method
- Bridgman-Stockbarger method
- bright-field method
- cavity method
- Chalmers method
- chemical-reaction method
- chemical vapor infiltration method
- Cochran-Orcutt method
- coherent-pulse method
- collocation method
- common access method
- compensation method
- conditional maximum likelihood method
- conjugate gradients method
- constant-temperature method
- contact method
- convex combination method
- critical path method
- crucibleless method
- crystal-pulling method
- cylinder method
- Czochralski method
- dark-field method
- decoupled method
- Delphi method
- deposition method
- derivate approximation method
- desiccant packing method
- destructive method
- differential-conductivity method
- differential Doppler method
- diffraction method
- diffused-collector method
- diffused-meltback method
- diffusion method
- direct method
- dispersion and mask method
- dispersion and mask template method
- distribution-free method
- dot-alloying method
- double-doping method
- double-exposure method
- dynamic bubble collapse method
- edge enhancement method
- electronic-recording method
- electron-lithography method
- electron-orbit method
- Engle-Granger method
- epitaxial-diffused method
- equisignal-zone method
- equivalent-current-sheet method
- estimation method
- etching method
- etch-pit method
- evaporation method
- event-driven method
- FDTD method
- field matching method
- filter method of single-sideband signals generation
- finite-difference method
- finite-difference time domain method
- finite-element method
- flame-fusion method
- flip-chip method
- floating-probe method
- floating-zone method
- four-point probe method
- frequency-domain method
- fusion method
- fuzzy method
- Galerkin's method
- Gauss-Newton method
- Gauss-Seidel method
- generalized method of moments
- generalized instrumental variables method
- geometrical optics method
- goal-driven method
- gradient method
- Green function method
- growth method
- heavy ball method
- heuristic method
- hierarchical direct access method
- hierarchical indexed direct access method
- hierarchical indexed sequential access method
- hierarchical sequential access method
- Horner method
- hot-probe method
- hypothetico-deductive method
- incomplete Choleski-decomposition method
- indexed sequential-access method
- indirect method
- induced electromotive force method
- induced EMF method
- induced magnetomotive force method
- induced MMF method
- insertion method
- in situ method
- instrumental variables method
- intaglio method
- intelligent decision support method
- interference method
- introspective method
- ion-drift method
- ion-implantation method
- isothermal method
- isothermal dipping method
- jack-knife method
- Jackson method
- Johansen method
- Kiefer-Wolfowitz method
- k-means method
- k-partan method
- Krüger-Finke method
- Kyropoulos method
- laborious method
- learning subspace method
- least distance method
- least-squares method
- Levenberg-Marquardt method
- lithographic method
- lobe switching method
- logistic method
- Marquardt method
- masking method
- matrix method
- maximum entropy method
- maximum likelihood method
- meltback method
- melt-freeze method
- melt-quench method
- memory operating characteristic method
- modified partan method
- molecular-field method
- Monte Carlo method
- morphological method
- Newton method
- Newton-Raphson method
- nodal method
- nondestructive method
- null method
- offset carrier method
- offset subcarrier method
- OLS method
- operations research method
- ordered elimination method
- ordinary least squares method
- orthogonalized plane wave method
- outer product of gradient method
- overcompensated method
- over-under probe method
- oxide resist method
- pair-exchange method
- partan method
- path compression method
- path-of-steepest-ascent method
- path sensitizing method
- pedestal method
- perturbation method
- phase-contrast method
- phase-plane method
- phasing method of single-sideband signals generation
- photoconductive decay method
- photolithographic method
- planographic method
- powder method
- principal components method
- probe method
- pseudopotential method
- queued access method
- queued indexed sequential access method
- queued sequential access method
- queued telecommunication access method
- random-walk method
- ray-optics method
- recalculation method
- receiver operating characteristic method
- recrystallization method
- rejection-mask method
- resonance method
- rotary-crystallizer method
- rotating crystal method
- roulette wheel method
- schlieren method
- scientific method
- sector method
- sequential-access method
- silk-screening method
- simplex method
- simulated annealing method
- skip-field method
- slow-cooling method
- solder-reflow method
- solid-state diffusion method
- speckle method
- spectral-domain method
- spray-processing method
- staining method
- state-space method
- static baycenter method
- stationary-phase method
- strain-annealed method
- sublimation-condensation method
- surface-potential equilibration method
- symbolic layout method
- symmetric displacement method
- temperature differential method
- temperature-variation method
- thermal-gradient method
- time-domain method
- Todama method
- traveling-solvent method
- trial-and-error method
- two-wattmeter method
- van der Pol method
- vapor-liquid-solid method
- variable-metric method
- vector-potential method
- Verneuil method
- vernier pulse-timing method
- virtual storage access method
- virtual telecommunications access method
- VLS method
- Warnier-Orr method
- wire-wrap method
- zero method -
13 method
метод; способ- aluminum resist method
- angle-lapping method
- aperture field method
- balanced method
- basic direct access method
- basic sequential access method
- basic telecommunication access method
- batch method
- Bayesian methods
- B-method
- box-diffusion method
- Box-Wilson method
- Bridgman method
- Bridgman-Stockbarger method
- bright-field method
- cavity method
- Chalmers method
- chemical vapor infiltration method
- chemical-reaction method
- Cochran-Orcutt method
- coherent-pulse method
- collocation method
- common access method
- compensation method
- conditional maximum likelihood method
- conjugate gradients method
- constant-temperature method
- contact method
- convex combination method
- critical path method
- crucibleless method
- crystal-pulling method
- cylinder method
- Czochralski method
- dark-field method
- decoupled method
- Delphi method
- deposition method
- derivate approximation method
- desiccant packing method
- destructive method
- differential Doppler method
- differential-conductivity method
- diffraction method
- diffused-collector method
- diffused-meltback method
- diffusion method
- direct method
- dispersion and mask method
- dispersion and mask template method
- distribution-free method
- dot-alloying method
- double-doping method
- double-exposure method
- dynamic bubble collapse method
- edge enhancement method
- electronic-recording method
- electron-lithography method
- electron-orbit method
- Engle-Granger method
- epitaxial-diffused method
- equisignal-zone method
- equivalent-current-sheet method
- estimation method
- etching method
- etch-pit method
- evaporation method
- event-driven method
- FDTD method
- field matching method
- filter method of single-sideband signals generation
- finite-difference method
- finite-difference time domain method
- finite-element method
- flame-fusion method
- flip-chip method
- floating-probe method
- floating-zone method
- four-point probe method
- frequency-domain method
- fusion method
- fuzzy method
- Galerkin's method
- Gauss-Newton method
- Gauss-Seidel method
- generalized instrumental variables method
- generalized method of moments
- geometrical optics method
- goal-driven method
- gradient method
- Green function method
- growth method
- heavy ball method
- heuristic method
- hierarchical direct access method
- hierarchical indexed direct access method
- hierarchical indexed sequential access method
- hierarchical sequential access method
- Horner method
- hot-probe method
- hypothetico-deductive method
- in situ method
- incomplete Choleski-decomposition method
- indexed sequential-access method
- indirect method
- induced electromotive force method
- induced EMF method
- induced magnetomotive force method
- induced MMF method
- insertion method
- instrumental variables method
- intaglio method
- intelligent decision support method
- interference method
- introspective method
- ion-drift method
- ion-implantation method
- isothermal dipping method
- isothermal method
- jack-knife method
- Jackson method
- Johansen method
- Kiefer-Wolfowitz method
- k-means method
- k-partan method
- Krüger-Finke method
- Kyropoulos method
- laborious method
- learning subspace method
- least distance method
- least-squares method
- Levenberg-Marquardt method
- lithographic method
- lobe switching method
- logistic method
- Marquardt method
- masking method
- matrix method
- maximum entropy method
- maximum likelihood method
- meltback method
- melt-freeze method
- melt-quench method
- memory operating characteristic method
- method of edge waves
- method of moments
- method of spin-density functional
- modified partan method
- molecular-field method
- Monte Carlo method
- morphological method
- Newton method
- Newton-Raphson method
- nodal method
- nondestructive method
- null method
- offset carrier method
- offset subcarrier method
- OLS method
- operations research method
- ordered elimination method
- ordinary least squares method
- orthogonalized plane wave method
- outer product of gradient method
- overcompensated method
- over-under probe method
- oxide resist method
- pair-exchange method
- partan method
- path compression method
- path sensitizing method
- path-of-steepest-ascent method
- pedestal method
- perturbation method
- phase-contrast method
- phase-plane method
- phasing method of single-sideband signals generation
- photoconductive decay method
- photolithographic method
- planographic method
- powder method
- principal components method
- probe method
- pseudopotential method
- queued access method
- queued indexed sequential access method
- queued sequential access method
- queued telecommunication access method
- random-walk method
- ray-optics method
- recalculation method
- receiver operating characteristic method
- recrystallization method
- rejection-mask method
- resonance method
- rotary-crystallizer method
- rotating crystal method
- roulette wheel method
- schlieren method
- scientific method
- sector method
- sequential-access method
- silk-screening method
- simplex method
- simulated annealing method
- skip-field method
- slow-cooling method
- solder-reflow method
- solid-state diffusion method
- speckle method
- spectral-domain method
- spray-processing method
- staining method
- state-space method
- static baycenter method
- stationary-phase method
- strain-annealed method
- sublimation-condensation method
- surface-potential equilibration method
- symbolic layout method
- symmetric displacement method
- temperature differential method
- temperature-variation method
- thermal-gradient method
- time-domain method
- Todama method
- traveling-solvent method
- trial-and-error method
- two-wattmeter method
- van der Pol method
- vapor-liquid-solid method
- variable-metric method
- vector-potential method
- Verneuil method
- vernier pulse-timing method
- virtual storage access method
- virtual telecommunications access method
- VLS method
- Warnier-Orr method
- wire-wrap method
- zero methodThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > method
14 method
метод; способсм. тж. method,method for predictionmethod of acceleration with conjugate gradientsmethod of assumed modesmethod of characteristicsmethod of dynamic causticsmethod of feasible directionsmethod of generalized coordinatesmethod of imagesmethod of linesmethod of momentsmethod of separation of variablesmethod of splittingmethod of weighted residualsaccelerometer methodacoustic methodAdams-Bashforth methodadjoint variable methodaerodynamic methodair bubbles methodALM methodanthropometric scaling methodanti-g methodanti-g protective methodassumed stress methodaugmented Lagrange multiplier methodback of the envelope methodBayesian estimation methodbirefringent coating methodBirnbaum's methodblock-bidiagonal methodBode methodboundary collocation methodboundary element methodboundary force methodboundary integral methodboundary integral equation methodboundary point methodboundary layer methodBroydon-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno methodchina-clay methodClmax prediction methodCohen and Reshotko methodcollocation methodcomplex variable boundary element methodcomplex-variable methodcompliance methodconfigurational methodconjugate directions methodconstant pressure panel methodcontinuation methodcorrection storage methodcorrelation methodcycle counting methodcyclic reduction methodDavidon-Fletcher-Powell methoddeferred correction methoddescribing function methoddesign method for reliabilitydesign to constraints methoddetection methoddifference methoddifferencing methoddiscrete vortex methoddisplacement methodDorodnitsyn finite element methoddoublet lattice methoddynamic condensation methodeigenfunction expansion methodeigenvalue methodelectrical discharge methodenergy methodenergy management methodequivalent control methodequivalent linearization methodEuler methodevaluation methodexplicit-implicit methodextrapolation methodFAS methodfeedback methodfinite difference methodfinite element methodfinite element method with splittingfinite element displacement methodfinite strip methodfinite volume methodFletcher-Reeves methodflexibility methodflutter experimental methodflux-difference/splitting methodforce methodFourier transform methodfractional steps methodfractographic methodfrequency methodfrequency-domain methodfull-approximation storage methodfull-potential methodGalerkin methodGauss elimination methodGauss-Seidel methodgeneralized methodGodunov methodgrid methodharmonic balance methodhelium-bubble methodhigher order methodHorner's methodhose-drogue methodhybrid vortex methodhydrogen bubbles methodinfra-imaging methodintegral methodintegral equation methodinterferometric methodinverse methodJ-integral methodkernel-function methodKhachian's methodLagrange multiplier methodLagrangian methodLanczos methodlaser induced fluorescence methodlaser light sheet methodleast-cost methodleast-square methodleast-squares methodleast-squares estimation methodLyapunov's second methodlift-analysis methodlinear quadratic methodlinear quadratic Gaussian methodlinear regulator methodlinear quadratic regulator methodLQ methodLQG methodlumped-parameter methodMacCormack's methodMach box methodmaintenance methodmarching methodmatrix methodmaximum likelihood methodmechanized methodML methodmodel-following methodmoment methodmoving finite element methodmultisurface methodmultigrid methodmultiple grid methodMyklestad methodNavier-Stokes methodNeal-Smith analysis methodNewton's methodNewton-Raphson methodnonconservative methodnumerical methodNyquist methodoil-flow methodoperational methodPade approximant methodpanel methodpaneling methodparameter methodperturbation methodphotoelastic methodpower methodPrandtl-Munk methodprediction methodpressure-splitting methodprobabilistic methodpseudo-spectral methodpseudospectral methodpseudotransient methodquasi-Newton methodR-curve methodrainflow methodrandom decrement methodrandomdec methodRayleigh methodRayleigh-Ritz methodrecovery methodreduction methodreliability methodrigid-plastic finite-element methodrobustness enhancing methodroot-locus methodRunge-Kutta methodsawtooth methodSchlieren methodsecant methodsemianalytic methodshadowgraph methodshock-capturing methodshock-expansion methodshock-fitting methodshooting methodsimplex methodsingular perturbation methodsingular value methodsizing methodsmoke-wire methodSouthwell methodspace-marching methodsplit-coefficient methodsplit-coefficient matrix methodsplitting methodsquare root methodstate space methodsteepest-ascent methodsteepest-descent methodstiffness methodstress relaxation methodsublimation methodsubspace iteration methodsubstitutional methodsubstructure synthesis methodsubstructuring methodsuper-characteristics methodsuperelement methodsuperposition methodsurface tracer methodsynthesis methodTheodorsen methodthrust methodthrust efficient methodtime-domain methodtransfer matrix methodtransfer-function methodTrefftz`s methodtuft methodunit load methodupwind methodupwind differencing methodV-g methodvapor-screen methodvariational methodvector methodvelocity-split methodviscous/inviscid interacting methodvon Schlippe methodvortex methodvortex panel methodvortex-lattice methodWalsh-function methodweight fraction methodX-ray diffraction methodz-transform methodzonal method -
15 method
метод, способ, см. тж. techniquecamera fly-over (calibration) method — метод тарировки высотомера фотосъёмкой пролетающего над камерой самолёта
formation method of calibration — метод тарировки ПВД в полете строем (в строю с эталонным самолётом)
line-of-sight method (of guidance) — ркт. метод совмещения [трёх точек] (метод наведения)
matching-curve method (of guidance) — ркт. метод совмещения [трёх точек] (метод наведения)
pacer aircraft (calibration) method — метод тарировки (систем статического давления) в полете строем с эталонным самолётом
radar tracking calibration method — метод тарировки (систем статического давления) с использованием наземной РЛС
semiactive method of homing — ркт. полуактивный метод самонаведения
successive spark tracing method with multielectrodes — метод визуализации (течения) с помощью многоэлектродного электроразрядного устройства
tower fly-by (calibration) method — (барометрический) метод тарировки (систем статического давления) пролетом мимо башни [вышки] с измерительными приборами
trailing cone (calibration) method — метод тарировки (систем статического давления) с помощью буксируемого конуса (с эталонным TIBR), метод конуса
16 method
метод, способ; технология; система method of finite differences метод ко нечных разностей method of foaming метод вспенивания method of least squares метод наименьших квадратов method of successive approximations метод последовательных приближений method of successive corrections метод последовательных поправок method of waterproofing метод гидроизоляции method American standard test - американский стандартный метод испытаний method analog(ue) - метод аналогий method approximation - приближенный метод; метод последовательных приближений method blasting - метод тушения лесных пожаров взрывами method calibrating - метод тарировки method calorimetric - калориметрический способ (измерения расхода) method chemical-analytical control - химико-аналитический метод контроля method china-clay - метод каолина (в изучении перехода ламинарного течения в турбулентное вокруг вращающегося диска) method cut-and-try - метод последовательных приближений method direct - метод непосредственного тушения лесного пожара (применением огнетушащих средств) method enthalpy potential - метод потенциала энтальпии method extinguishing - метод или способ пожаротушения method densimeter (densitometric) - денсптометрическпй метод, способ определения плотности method error - метод проб и ошибок method experimental-analogic - метод аналогов (в моделировании) method fire-fighting -s методы или способы тушения пожаров method F-S - метод F-S, метод определения цетанового числа дизельного топлива, метод оценки самовоспламеняемости дизельного топлива method graphic(al) - графический ме-тод method guarded-plate - метод охранных (защитных) пластин (для определения коэффициента теплопроводности } method hanging-drop -метод висящей капли (для измерения поверхностного натяжения с помощью висящей капли) method heat pole - метод линейного теплового источника method hot penetration - способ горячей пропитки method indirеct - метод косвенного тушения лесного пожара (созданием пожарных разрывов и встречными палами без применения огнетушащих веществ) method individual assignment - метод персональных назначений при тушении лесного пожара (при котором каждый пожарный работает на определенном участке пожарно-контрольной полосы) method ionization gap - метод ионизационных промежутков (для изучения процессов горения) method iteration - метод итераций, итерационный метод method materials test - метод испытания материалов method mixed-in place - способ составления смеси на месте работ method move-up - последовательный метод сооружения пожарно-контрольной полосы method net radiation - метод результирующего излучения method numerical - численный метод, метод численного расчета (определения напряжений) method one-lick - метод создания пожарно-контрольной полосы, при которой пожарные двигаются одной шеренгой на расстоянии около 4,5 м друг от друга method parallel - метод борьбы с лесным пожаром путем создания пожарно-контрольной полосы параллельно границе пожара со скоростью, превышающей его распространение method penetration - способ проникновения method physicochemical control - физико-химический метод контроля method progressive - последовательный метод сооружения пожарно-контрольной полосы method reiterative - метод последовательных приближений method relaxation - способ расчета с учетом релаксации (пластического последействия) method safety -s техника безопасности; способы защиты method schlieren - метод полос, шлирен-метод method sequential - метод последовательных приближений method sessile drop - метод лежащей капли (для измерения поверхностного натяжения с помощью лежащей капли) method similarity - метод подобия method soap bubble - метод мыльного пузыря (для определения скорости пламени по скорости перемещения мыльной пленки) method soap suds - метод обнаружения утечки газа с помощью мыльной пены method spectral line reversal - метод обращения спектральных линий method starting - метод (за)пуска method step-by-step - метод последовательных приближений method superposition - метод наложения method thermal - of determining of combustion efficiency тепловой метод определения полноты сгорания method trial-and-error - метод проб и ошибок method volumetric - объемный способ (измерения расхода) -
17 disk test
См. также в других словарях:
schlieren method — Physical Chem. a method for detecting regions of differing densities in a clear fluid by photographing a beam of light passed obliquely through it. [1930 35] * * * … Universalium
schlieren method — Physical Chem. a method for detecting regions of differing densities in a clear fluid by photographing a beam of light passed obliquely through it. [1930 35] … Useful english dictionary
Schlieren photography — is a visual process that is used to photograph the flow of fluids of varying density. Invented by the German physicist August Toepler in 1864 to study supersonic motion, it is widely used in aeronautical engineering to photograph the flow of air… … Wikipedia
schlieren photography — /ʃlɪərən fəˈtɒgrəfi/ (say shlearruhn fuh togruhfee) noun a method of photographing flow patterns in a turbulent, transparent fluid which depends on differences in density and refractive index within the fluid. –schlieren photograph, noun …
Synthetic schlieren — is a process that is used to visualize the flow of a fluid of variable refractive index. Named after the schlieren method of visualization, it consists of a digital camera or video camera pointing at the flow in question, with an illuminated… … Wikipedia
Background Oriented Schlieren technique — Background Oriented Schlieren (BOS) is a novel technique for flow visualization of density gradients in fluids using the Gladstone Dale relation between density and refractive index of the fluid.BOS simplifies the visualization process by… … Wikipedia
TOEPLER — GERMANY (see also List of Individuals) 7.9.1836 Brühl Bonn/D 6.3.1912 Dresden/D The scientific investigation of the nature of shock waves started 140 years ago with the advent of the Schlieren Method which was developed around 1860 by August… … Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000
Mach wave — In fluid dynamics, a Mach wave is a pressure wave traveling with the speed of sound caused by a slight change of pressure added to a compressible flow. These weak waves can combine in supersonic flow to become a shock wave if sufficient Mach… … Wikipedia
motion-picture technology — Introduction the means for the production and showing of motion pictures. It includes not only the motion picture camera and projector but also such technologies as those involved in recording sound, in editing both picture and sound, in… … Universalium
Shadowgraph — is an optical method that reveals non uniformities in transparent media like air, water, or glass. It is related to, but simpler than, the schlieren and schlieren photography methods that perform a similar function.In principle, we cannot… … Wikipedia
High speed photography — [ Eadweard Muybridge, first published in 1887.] High Speed Photography is the science of taking pictures of very fast phenomena. In 1948, the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) defined high speed photography as any set of… … Wikipedia