1 scavenger cement
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > scavenger cement
2 scavenger cement
очищающий ( ствол скважины) цементный растворАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > scavenger cement
3 scavenger cement
цемент, очищающий ствол скважины* * *• цемент, очищающий ствол скважиныАнгло-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > scavenger cement
4 scavenger cement
1) Техника: очищающий цементный раствор (ствол скважины)2) Нефть: цемент, очищающий ствол скважины3) Нефтегазовая техника цементный раствор для очистки скважин -
5 cement
цемент; вяжущее вещество || цементировать, тампонировать цементом, скреплять цементным растворомlow-heat of hydration cement — цемент с малой экзотермией [теплотой гидратации]; низкотермичный цемент
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1) цемент; цементный раствор || цементировать; скреплять цементным раствором; обмазывать цементным раствором; тампонировать цементом2) схватываться ()3) замазка•to cement casing string in place — цементировать обсадную колонну в стволе скважины;
to cast in cement — заливать цементным раствором;
to displace cement — продавливать цемент;
to cement in — цементировать; заливать цементным раствором;
- additive cementto cement in place — цементировать при монтаже;
- air-entraining cement
- alabaster cement
- alumina cement
- aluminate cement
- anhydrite cement
- artificial cement
- asbestos cement
- asphaltic cement
- autoclaved cement
- bakelite cement
- base cement
- bauxite cement
- belite cement
- belite-diatomaceous earth cement
- belite-tripolite cement
- belite-tripolite powder cement
- bentonite cement
- bituminous cement
- blast cement
- blast-furnace cement
- blast-furnace slag cement
- blended cement
- bulk cement
- calcareous cement
- calcium aluminate cement
- clay cement
- clinker-bearing slag cement
- coarse-ground cement
- commercial portland cement
- completely hydrated cement
- construction cement
- corrosion-resistant oil-well cement
- diatomaceous earth cement
- diesel-oil cement
- dolomite cement
- dry cement
- early-strength cement
- excessive cement
- expanding cement
- fast-setting cement
- ferro-manganese slag cement
- fiber cement
- fibrous cement
- fine grounding cement
- fly-ash cement
- furan-resin cement
- gel cement
- general purpose portland cement
- gilsonite cement
- glass bubble cement
- green cement
- gypsum cement
- gypsum-alumina cement
- gypsum-retarded cement
- gypsum-slag cement
- heat-resistant cement
- high-alkali cement
- high-alumina cement
- high-early cement
- high-early strength cement
- high-grade cement
- high-speed cement
- high-strength cement
- high-sulfate-resistant cement
- high-temperature cement
- honeycombed cement
- hydrated cement
- hydraulic cement
- hydrophobic cement
- interstitial cement
- iron-oxide cement
- iron-portland cement
- jelled cement
- latex cement
- lean cement
- lightened cement
- lime-puzzolan cement
- lime-sand cement
- lime-slag cement
- low-alkali cement
- low-early strength cement
- low-grade cement
- low-heat cement
- low-limited cement
- low-slag cement
- low-strength cement
- low-temperature cement
- low-water-loss cement
- low-water-retentive portland cement
- lumnite cement
- magnesia cement
- mastic cement
- medium-setting cement
- Mendeleyev cement
- metallurgical cement
- mixed cement
- modified cement
- modified portland cement
- natural cement
- neat cement
- neat portland cement
- nepheline-sand cement
- nonshrinking cement
- normal portland cement
- normally hydrated cement
- oil-field cement
- oil-in-water emulsion cement
- oil-well cement
- oil-well portland cement
- oil-well sand cement
- ordinary cement
- oxychloride cement
- perlite cement
- perlite-gel cement
- permetallurgical cement
- phenolic-resin cement
- plain cement
- polymer cement
- porous cement
- portland cement
- portland blast-furnace-slag cement
- portland-puzzolan cement
- portland-slag cement
- pozmix cement
- premixed cement
- puzzolan cement
- puzzolan portland cement
- quick-hardening cement
- quick-setting cement
- radioactive cement
- rapid-hardening cement
- rapid-setting cement
- regular cement
- resin cement
- retarded cement
- retarded oil-well cement
- rock cement
- sacked cement
- sand cement
- scavenger cement
- sedimentary rock cement
- set cement
- slag cement
- slag-gypsum cement
- slag-lime cement
- slag-magnesia portland cement
- slag-portland cement
- slag-sand cement
- slow cement
- slow-setting cement
- sorel cement
- sound cement
- special cement
- special oil-well cement
- standard cement
- straight cement
- sulfate-resistant cement
- sulfate-resistant portland cement
- sulfo-aluminous cement
- super cement
- superrapid hardening cement
- supersulfated cement
- supersulfated metallurgical cement
- surface hydrated cement
- sursulfate cement
- thixotropic cement
- trass cement
- unretarded cement
- unset cement
- unsound cement
- water cement
- waterproof cement
- water-repellent cement
- water-retentive portland cement
- weighted cement* * *• 1) цементировать; 2) прикреплять; 3) прикрепленный• цемент -
6 cement
1) цементирующая среда; вяжущее (вещество)4) клей, клеящее вещество || склеивать, приклеивать5) замазка•to displace cement — продавливать цемент;to cement in — цементировать; заливать цементным раствором;to secure with cement — 1. ставить на цементе 2. ставить на клею-
acid-resistant cement
air-entraining hydraulic cement
alumina cement
asbestos cement
asphalt cement
bituminous cement
blast-furnace slag cement
blast-furnace cement
blended cement
calcareous cement
calcium aluminate cement
colored cement
diatomaceous earth cement
diesel-oil cement
expanded cement
extra-rapid-hardening cement
fast-setting cement
film cement
fire cement
flooring cement
gasket cement
general-purpose Portland cement
gypsum cement
high-alkali cement
high-alumina cement
high-early-strength cement
high-grade cement
hydraulic cement
hydrophobic cement
insulating cement
iron cement
Keene's cement
lime cement
low-alkali cement
low-early-strength cement
low-grade cement
low-heat-of-hydration cement
low-heat cement
low-limed cement
low-slag cement
low-strength cement
magnesia cement
mastic cement
metallurgical cement
modified cement
natural cement
neat cement
noncontracting cement
nonstaining cement
oil-field cement
oil-in-water emulsion cement
oil-well cement
ordinary Portland cement
oxychloride cement
Parian cement
pavement cement
plasticized cement
porcelain cement
Portland blast-furnace slag cement
Portland blast-furnace cement
Portland cement
portland-pozzolana cement
portland-pozzolan cement
pozzolana cement
pozzolanic cement
quick-setting cement
rapid-hardening cement
rapid-setting cement
refractory cement
retarded cement
road cement
Roman cement
scavenger cement
selenitic cement
self-stressing cement
silicate-based cement
slag cement
slow-setting cement
standard cement
straight cement
sulfate-resistant cement
sulfoaluminate cement
supersulfated cement
type I cement
type II cement
type III cement
type IP cement
type IS cement
type IV cement
type V cement
ultrahigh early strength cement
waterproof cement
water-repellent cement
water-retentive cement
white cement -
7 очищающий цементный раствор
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > очищающий цементный раствор
8 очищающий цементный раствор
( ствол скважины) scavenger cementАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > очищающий цементный раствор
9 pump
насос || качать, накачивать; откачивать; перекачивать; выкачивать ( насосом), нагнетатьfree-type subsurface hydraulic pump — гидропоршневой погружной насос, приводимый в действие жидкостью, подаваемой с поверхности
pump set at... — насос установлен на глубине...; глубина подвески насоса...
— air pump— jet pump— mud pump— oil pump— pump off— pump out— pump up— ram pump— rig pump— rod pump
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tubing pump with automatic coupling device — скважинный штанговый невставной нефтяной насос с автосцепом
— gas pump— jet pump— mud pump— oil pump— rod pump
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||насос || качать, накачивать, перекачивать насосом
* * *
насос || подавать насосом, нагнетать насосом; прокачивать ( буровой раствор по замкнутой системе)pump on beam — насосная добыча с помощью станка-качалки;
to pump off — откачивать;
to pump out — выкачивать; откачивать;
to pump over — перекачивать;
to port the pump — подсоединять линию к насосу;
to put on pump — 1) устанавливать насос у устья скважины 2) начинать насосную эксплуатацию;
to start a pump — включать насос;
to sunk a subsurface pump — устанавливать глубинный насос;
to turn on a pump — включать насос;
- aeration jet pumpto pump up — накачивать; нагнетать;
- air pump
- air-chamber pump
- air-driven pump
- air-operated sump pump
- airlift pump
- American pump
- aspirator pump
- bilge pump
- boost pump
- booster pump
- borehole pump
- boring pump
- bottomhole pump
- Butterworth pump
- cargo pump
- casing sucker rod pump
- cementing pump
- cementing piston pump
- centrifugal pump
- charging pump
- chemical injection pump
- chemical proportioning pump
- circulating pump
- circulation pump
- cold pump
- compounded pumps
- compressed-air-driven pump
- compression pump
- concrete pump
- condensate pump
- constant displacement pump
- controlled capacity plunger pump
- controlled volume pump
- crude pump
- deep well pump
- delivery pump
- diaphragm pump
- direct current motor driven pump
- dispensing pump
- displacement pump
- dosing pump
- double-acting pump
- double-displacement pump
- double-suction pump
- downhole pump
- drawoff pump
- dredge pump
- drill pump
- drilling mud transfer pump
- drum pump
- duplex pump
- ejector pump
- electrical pump
- electrical centrifugal pump
- electrical centrifugal pump for tubingless well operation
- end suction pump
- explosive pump
- extraction pump
- feed pump
- field pump
- fire extinguishing pump
- fixed pump
- fixed-delivery pump
- fixed-displacement pump
- fluid-operated pump
- fluid-packed pump
- flushing pump
- flywheel pump
- force pump
- free hydraulic downhole pump
- free-type subsurface hydraulic pump
- fresh feed pump
- fuel pump
- fuel backup pump
- fuel feed pump
- fuel injection pump
- fuel lift pump
- fuel oil pump
- fuel priming pump
- fuel transfer pump
- gas pump
- gasoline pump
- gear pump
- grouting pump
- hand force pump
- high-pressure pump
- high-pressure concrete pump
- hot oil pump
- hydraulic pump
- hydraulic core pump
- hydraulic downhole pump
- immersed pump
- immersible pump
- insert pump with bottom hold-down
- insert oil-well pump
- inserted pump
- jack pump
- jerk pump
- jerker pump
- jet pump
- jet aspirator pump
- jet slurry pump
- lift pump
- line pump
- liner pump
- liquid ring pump
- long-stroke pump
- lorry-mounted concrete pump
- low-down pump
- metering pump
- monoblock pump
- motor pump
- motor-driven slush pump
- mud pump
- multicylinder pump
- multistage pump
- noninserted pump
- oil pump
- oil-line pump
- oil-transfer pump
- oil-well pump
- oil-well sucker-rod pump with bottom hold-down
- parallel pump s
- piston pump
- plunger pump
- pneumatic sump pump
- portable pump
- portable utility pump
- positive displacement pump
- power driven pump
- pressure pump
- priming pump
- propeller pump
- push pump
- ram pump
- raw oil pump
- reciprocating pump
- recirculating pump
- Reda pump
- reflux pump
- rig pump
- rod pump
- rod traveling barrel pump
- rodless pump
- rod-line pump
- rotary pump
- rough pump
- sand pump
- scavenge pump
- scavenging pump
- screw pump
- shell pump
- simplex pump
- single-acting pump
- single-vane pump
- sinking pump
- sliding-vane pump
- sludge pump
- slurry pump
- slush pump
- slush-fitted pump
- soil pump
- solids pump
- standby pump
- stationary pump
- steam pump
- stripping pump
- submerged pump
- submersible pump
- subsurface pump
- sucker-rod pump
- suction pump
- sump pump
- supply pump
- surge pump
- tail pump
- tank-cleaning pump
- test pump
- three-throw pump
- transfer pump
- transporting pump
- traveling barrel pump
- triplex pump
- tubing pump
- tubing pump with automatic coupling device
- tubing oil-well pump
- twin pump
- twin single pump
- vacuum pump
- variable displacement pump
- variable stroke plunger pump
- volume pump
- washing pump
- washover pump
- water pump
- water injection pump
- water jet pump
- well pump
- well-service pump
- wireline pump* * *• накачка
См. также в других словарях:
Constructicons — Scavenger, Bonecrusher, Longhaul, Scrapper Mixmaster five of the original six Constructicons (Constructicon Hook not shown) The Constructicons are a group of fictional characters from the various Transformers continuities. Although they vary from … Wikipedia
List of Decepticons — Decepticon Insignia This is a list of known Decepticons from the Transformers fictional universe and toyline. Contents 1 Generation One 1.1 Leader … Wikipedia
Mixmaster (Transformers) — Mixmaster is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. Because of trademark issues with the name Hasbro sometimes substitutes the name Quickmix for Mixmaster. Transformers: Generation 1Transformers character… … Wikipedia
environmental works — ▪ civil engineering Introduction infrastructure that provides cities and towns with water supply, waste disposal, and pollution control services. They include extensive networks of reservoirs, pipelines, treatment systems, pumping stations … Universalium
List of Viva La Bam episodes — Viva La Bam was an MTV show which followed Bam Margera and his crew as they undertook challenges, performed stunts and traveled the world. The show ran for 5 seasons between 2003 and 2005. =Season 1 (2003)= * 1.1 Phil s Hell Day / Bam s Skate… … Wikipedia
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (toy line) — Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a film which has an associated toy line released in 2009 by Hasbro (Takara Tomy in Japan). The film, and thus the toy line, is based on the original Transformers media franchise. Releases in this toy line… … Wikipedia
List of The Transformers characters — This is a list of characters appearing in the original American Transformers cartoon, first aired between 1984 and 1987. Contents 1 Autobots 2 Decepticons 3 Humans 4 Aliens and Monsters … Wikipedia
List of Autobots — Autobot Insignia This is a list of known Autobots from the Transformers fictional universe and toy line. The alternate modes of Autobots are usually cars, trucks and various other ground based civilian vehicles. Contents 1 The Transformers… … Wikipedia
Africa — /af ri keuh/, n. 1. a continent S of Europe and between the Atlantic and Indian oceans. 551,000,000; ab. 11,700,000 sq. mi. (30,303,000 sq. km). adj. 2. African. * * * I Second largest continent on Earth. It is bounded by the Mediterranean Sea,… … Universalium
Skywarp — is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers toy line. Transformers: Generation 1Transformers character name =Skywarp caption =Skywarp attacks with his Bouncer Bomb affiliation =Decepticon subgroup =Seekers, Wreckers function… … Wikipedia
List of The Perils of Penelope Pitstop episodes — {| class= wikitable ! Episode name !! The Info ! colspan= 4 | Season 1: 1969 1971 PEN 1: Jungle Jeopardy (prod. #46 1) || Penelope is about to complete the last leg of an around the world flight as a surprise her guardian, Sylvester Sneekley. The … Wikipedia