41 фасоль многоцветковая
42 эвкалипт фиголистный
43 алый
1. crimson2. scarletСинонимический ряд:красно (прил.) красно; кроваво; пунцово; пурпурно; рдяно -
44 ацетил алый
45 кроцеин алый
46 понтамин диазо алый
47 соляр алый
48 тиоиндиго алый
49 фасоль многоцветковая
1) Biology: multiflora bean (Phaseolus multiflorus), scarlet bean, scarlet bean (Phaseolus multiflorus), scarlet runner (Phaseolus multiflorus), vine-bean (Phaseolus polystachyus)2) Agriculture: French bean, common bean, garden bean, haricot bean, kidney bean, kotenashi bean, navy bean, runner bean, scarlet (runner) bean, vine-bean (Phaseolus polystachyus, Phaseolus multiflorus)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > фасоль многоцветковая
50 вспыхнуть
1) General subject: blaze up, blush, blush scarlet, break out (о пожаре, войне, эпидемии), burst into a rage, burst out (о войне, эпидемии), combust, flame, flare, flash, flush (часто flush up), get into a huff, get into a tantrum, glance, glint, go into a tantrum, inflame, irrupt, kindle, lighten, outblaze, overflush, raddle, reddle, ruddle, spark, take the huff, turn scarlet, blaze away, burst in, catch fire, flare up-to flare out, go off like a rocket, burst into flame (о чувствах и т. п.), set alight, set ablaze, burst into fire, set on fire2) Australian slang: chuck a wobbly, spit the dummy3) Astronautics: burst4) Makarov: break into flame, break into flames, break out (о болезни, эпидемии), burst into flame, burst into flames, go up in flames, flame out, flame up, flare up, flash out, flash up, flush scarlet, flush up, fly into a tantrum, go off like a Roman candle, catch fire (энтузиазмом и т. п.) -
51 залиться румянцем
1) General subject: become red, blush red, blush scarlet, go red, turn red, turn scarlet2) Makarov: flush red, flush scarlet -
52 медведица-госпожа
1) Biology: scarlet tiger (Callimorpha dominula), scarlet tiger moth (Callimorpha dominula)2) Entomology: Callimorpha dominula, scarlet tiger moth (лат. Callimorpha dominula) -
53 турецкие бобы
1) Biology: scarlet runner (Phaseolus coccineus)2) Agriculture: French bean (Phaseolus coccineus, Phaseolus multiflorus), common bean (Phaseolus cocdneus, Phaseolus multiflorus), garden bean (Phaseolus cocdneus, Phaseolus multiflorus), haricot bean (Phaseolus coccineus, Phaseolus multiflorus), kidney bean (Phaseolus cocdneus, Phaseolus multiflorus), kotenashi bean (Phaseolus cocdneus, Phaseolus multiflorus), navy bean (Phaseolus cocdneus, Phaseolus multiflorus), runner bean (Phaseolus cocdneus, Phaseolus multiflorus), scarlet (runner) bean (Phaseolus cocdneus, Phaseolus multiflorus), scarlet runner (Phaseolus multiflorus, Phaseolus coccineus)3) Food industry: runner beans -
54 алый
vermilion; crimson, scarlet -
55 алый
vermilion; crimson, scarlet; fire / poppy redа́лая ле́нта — scarlet / crimson ribbon
а́лые стя́ги — scarlet banners
а́лые гу́бы — cherry red lips
56 проститутка
prostitute имя существительное:streetwalker (проститутка, шлюха)molly (проститутка, большая корзина)словосочетание: -
57 попугайчик, красногрудый травяной
—1. LAT Neophema splendida ( Gould)2. RUS красногрудый травяной попугайчик m3. ENG scarlet-chested [splendid grass, scarlet-breasted] parrot, splendid [scarlet-chested] grass parrakeet4. DEU Glanzsittich m, Rotbrüstiger Schönsittich m5. FRA perruche f splendideDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES — BIRDS > попугайчик, красногрудый травяной
58 2647
1. LAT Neophema splendida ( Gould)2. RUS красногрудый травяной попугайчик m3. ENG scarlet-chested [splendid grass, scarlet-breasted] parrot, splendid [scarlet-chested] grass parrakeet4. DEU Glanzsittich m, Rotbrüstiger Schönsittich m5. FRA perruche f splendide -
59 кардинальская шапка
General subject: cardinal's hat, hat, red hat, scarlet hat, scarlet hat (обыкн. как символ сана кардинала)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > кардинальская шапка
60 креветка-огнемёт
1) Biology: scarlet shrimp (Acantephyra purpurea)2) Fishery: Plesiopenaeus edwardsianus, scarlet prawn
См. также в других словарях:
Scarlet — or Scarlett (often used interchangeably) may refer to a number of things or people:Things * Scarlet (color), a bright shade of red * Scarlet (cloth), a type of woollen cloth common in medieval England * Scarlet (magazine), a women s magazine in… … Wikipedia
Scarlet — Scar let, a. Of the color called scarlet; as, a scarlet cloth or thread. [1913 Webster] {Scarlet admiral} (Zo[ o]l.), the red admiral. See under {Red}. Scarlet bean (Bot.), a kind of bean ({Phaseolus multiflorus}) having scarlet flowers; scarlet… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Scarlet — (engl.: Scharlach) bezeichnet: ein britisches Pop Duo, siehe Scarlet (Band) eine amerikanische Metalcoreband, siehe Scarlet (Metalcoreband) eine britische Frauenzeitschrift, siehe Scarlet (Zeitschrift) ein italienisches Plattenlabel, siehe… … Deutsch Wikipedia
scarlet — (n.) mid 13c., rich cloth (often, but not necessarily, bright red in color), from an aphetic form of O.Fr. escarlate (12c., Mod.Fr. écarlate), from M.L. scarlatum scarlet, cloth of scarlet (Cf. It. scarlatto, Sp. escarlate), probably via a Middle … Etymology dictionary
Scarlet — Scar let, n. [OE. scarlat, scarlet, OF. escarlate, F. [ e]carlate (cf. Pr. escarlat, escarlata, Sp. & Pg. escarlata, It. scarlatto, LL. scarlatum), from Per. sakirl[=a]t.] A deep bright red tinged with orange or yellow, of many tints and shades;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Scarlet — (Краков,Польша) Категория отеля: Адрес: Brzozowa 8, Старе Място, 30 023 Краков, Польша … Каталог отелей
Scarlet — Scar let, v. t. To dye or tinge with scarlet. [R.] [1913 Webster] The ashy paleness of my cheek Is scarleted in ruddy flakes of wrath. Ford. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Scarlet GN — Scarlet GN, or C.I. Food Red 2, Ponceau SX, FD C Red No. 4, or C.I. 14700 is a red azo dye used as a food dye. When used as a food additive, it has the E number E125. It usually comes as a disodium salt.It is permitted in fruit peels and… … Wikipedia
scarlet — index lewd, licentious, salacious Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
scarlet R — scarlet red; see under red … Medical dictionary
scarlet — ► NOUN ▪ a brilliant red colour. ORIGIN originally denoting any brightly coloured cloth: from Latin scarlata, from sigillatus decorated with small images … English terms dictionary