1 scarlet thorn
2 scarlet thorn
3 thorn
Bosc's thorn боярышник вееровидный, Crataegus flabellatabuffalo thorn унаби остроконечная, Ziziphus mucronataBush's thorn боярышник растопыренный, Crataegus dispersaChrist's thorn пираканта ярко-красная, Pyracantha coccineacock-spur thorn боярышник петушья шпора, Crataegus crus-galliicommon thorn боярышник урновидный, Crataegus calpodendrondesert thorn дереза, Lyciumdowny thorn боярышник мягкий, Crataegus mollisdwarf thorn боярышник одноцветковый, Crataegus unifloraEggert's thorn боярышник шарлаховидный, Crataegus coccinioidesEgyptian thorn пираканта ярко-красная, Pyracantha coccineaEmerson's thorn боярышник мягковатый, Crataegus submolliseverlasting thorn пираканта ярко-красная, Pyracantha coccineaglobose-fruited thorn боярышник шаровидноплодный, Crataegus globosagrove thorn боярышник дубравный, Crataegus lucorumhedge thorn боярышник грушевый, Crataegus phaenopyrumJerusalem thorn 1. паркинсония колючая, Parckinsonia aculeata; 2. держи-дерево, христовы тернии, Paliurus spina-christilarge-fruitep thorn боярышник точечный, Crataegus punctatalong-spined thorn боярышник сочный, Crataegus succulentaMarshall's thorn боярышник клиновидноподобный, Crataegus cuneiformisnarrow-leaved thorn боярышник лопатчатый, Crataegus spathulataNewcastle thorn боярышник петушья шпора, Crataegus crus-galliiovate-leaved thorn боярышник овальнолистный, Crataegus ovalispadus-leaved thorn боярышник черёмухолистный, Crataegus padifoliapin thorn боярышник петушья шпора, Crataegus crus-galliired-fruited thorn боярышник мягкий, Crataegus mollisrough-leaved thorn боярышник шероховатый, Crataegus asperaround-leaved thorn боярышник круглолистный, Crataegus rotundifoliasallow thorn облепиха крушиновая, Hippophae rhamnoidesscarlet thorn боярышник круглолистный, Crataegus rotundifoliashining thorn боярышник блестящий, Crataegus nitidasmall-fruited thorn боярышник лопатчатый, Crataegus spathulatasouthern thorn боярышник зелёный, Crataegus viridesTatnall's thorn боярышник беловатый, Crataegus albicanstreebuck thorn альфитония, Alphitoniavariable thorn боярышник крупносемянный, Crataegus macrospermaWashington thorn боярышник грушевый, Crataegus phaenopyrumwaxy-fruited thorn боярышник сизоплодный, Crataegus gruinosawhite thorn боярышник однопестичный, Crataegus monogynawoolly thorn боярышник шерстистый, Crataegus lanuginosaEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > thorn
4 thorn
1) шип, колючка2) бот. голаканта ( Holacantha)4) энт. пяденица•- black thorn
- Bosc's thorn
- buffalo thorn
- Bush's thorn
- canary-shouldered thorn
- Christ's thorn
- cock-spur thorn
- common thorn
- desert thorn
- downy thorn
- dwarf thorn
- Eggert's thorn
- Egyptian thorn
- Emerson's thorn
- evergreen thorn
- everlasting thorn
- globose-fruited thorn
- grove thorn
- hedge thorn
- Jerusalem thorn
- large thorn
- large-fruited thorn
- lilac thorn
- long-spined thorn
- Marshall's thorn
- narrow-leaved thorn
- Newcastle thorn
- ovate-leaved thorn
- padus-leaved thorn
- pin thorn
- red-fruited thorn
- rough-leaved thorn
- round-leaved thorn
- sallow thorn
- scarlet thorn
- shining thorn
- small-fruited thorn
- southern thorn
- sulfur thorn
- Tatnall's thorn
- treebuck thorn
- variable thorn
- Washington thorn
- waxy-fruited thorn
- white thorn
- woolly thorn* * *• пяденица -
5 moth
моль; бабочка- alder moth
- almond moth
- American moon moth
- Angoumois grain moth
- antique tussock moth
- antler moth
- apple fruit moth
- apple-leaf blister moth
- artichoke plume moth
- Atlas moth
- autumnal moth
- bagworm moths
- banded footman moth
- beautiful mining moth
- bedstraw hawk moth
- bee moth
- bee-hawk moth
- bella moth
- black-c-owlet moth
- blastobasid moths
- bright moths
- brown-tail moth
- bucculatricid moths
- bud moth
- buff tiger moth
- buff tip moth
- bumblebee hawk moth
- burnet moths
- cabbage moth
- cactus moth
- California tussock moth
- carl moths
- carpenter moths
- carpet moth
- casebearer moths
- case-bearing clothes moth
- cat-tail moth
- cecropia moth
- citrus bud moth
- clearwing moths
- clear-winged moth
- clothed-in-white footman moth
- clothes moth
- codling moth
- common goat moth
- common hawthorn moth
- common magpie moth
- cone pitch moth
- convolvulus hawk moth
- cosmopterygid moths
- cottonwood dagger moth
- cream-spot tiger moth
- ctenuchid moths
- cup moths
- currant borer moth
- currant moth
- cynthia moth
- dagger moth
- dark swordgrass moth
- dark tussock moth
- death's head hawk moth
- December moth
- dew moth
- diamondback moth
- Douglas-fir tussock moth
- douglasiid moths
- drinker moth
- ear moth
- early thorn moth
- eastern tent moth
- elachistid moths
- emperor moth
- endromid moths
- epermeniid moths
- eriocraniid moths
- ermine moth
- ethmiid moths
- European grain moth
- European pine shoot moth
- exclamator moth
- eyed hawk moth
- fairy moths
- fall webworm moth
- field moths
- figure-of-eight moth
- flannel moths
- flour moth
- footman moths
- forester moths
- four-spotted moth
- fox moth
- fur moth
- gall moth
- garden swift moth
- garden tiger moth
- gelechiid moths
- geometer moths
- geometrid moths
- ghost moth
- giant silkworm moths
- glyphipterygid moths
- goat moth
- gooseberry moth
- grape-berry moth
- grass moths
- gray dagger moth
- great winter moth
- greater wax moth
- gum leaf skeletonizer moth
- gypsy moth
- hawk moths
- hemp moth
- hepialid moths
- heteroceriid moths
- hickory tiger moth
- hickory tussock moth
- hooded owlet moth
- hook-tip moths
- hornet moth
- hummingbird hawk moth
- hummingbird moths
- hyaline-spotted clothes moth
- Indian meal moth
- io moth
- Isabella tiger moth
- kitten moth
- lappet moth
- larch lappet moth
- large emperor moth
- lawn moths
- leaf skeletonizer moths
- leaf-roller moth
- lemoniid moths
- leopard moths
- lesser bud moth
- lesser wax moth
- libytheid moths
- lichen moths
- lift moths
- lime-tree linden moth
- lime-tree winter moth
- lithosiid moths
- lobster moth
- locust-tree carpenter moth
- long-tailed sea moth
- luna moth
- lunar hornet moth
- lunas thorn moth
- magpie moth
- maia moth
- mandibulate moths
- many-plumed moths
- marsh moth
- meal moth
- meal snout moth
- measuring-worm moths
- micropterygid moths
- midget moths
- morphid moths
- mullein moth
- naked clothes moth
- Nantucket pine-tip moth
- nepticulid moths
- noctuid moths
- nolid moths
- notodontid moths
- nun moth
- oak moth
- oak procession moth
- oecophorid moths
- old tussock moth
- orache moth
- Oriental fruit moth
- owlet moths
- pale brindled beauty moth
- pale moth
- pale tussock moth
- pandora moth
- pea moth
- peacock moths
- pear codling moth
- peppered moth
- phalonid moths
- phycitid moths
- phyllocnistid moths
- pigmy moths
- pine clear-wing moth
- pine hawk moth
- pine looper moth
- pine moth
- pine sphinx moth
- pine-shoot moth
- pine-tip moth
- pitch pine-tip moth
- pitch twig moth
- plum moth
- plume moths
- Polyphemus moth
- ponderosa pine-tip moth
- poplar hawk moth
- Portland moth
- primitive moths
- privet hawk moth
- processionary moth
- Promethea moth
- puss moth
- pyralid moths
- pyraustid moths
- raisin moth
- regal moth
- rusty tussock moth
- satin moth
- scalloped oak moth
- scalloped owlet moth
- scallop-shell moth
- scarlet tiger moth
- scythrid moth
- sea moths
- sequoia moth
- shield moths
- short-cloaked moth
- silk moth
- silkworm moth
- six-spotted burnet moth
- slug caterpillar moths
- slug moths
- small ermine moths
- smoky moths
- snout moths
- solidago gall moth
- sphinx moths
- spotted clover moth
- spotted tussock moth
- spurge hawk moth
- stenomid moths
- sunflower moth
- swallow-tail moth
- swift moths
- sycamore moth
- sycamore tussock moth
- tapestry moth
- tent caterpillar moths
- tent moths
- thyatirid moths
- tiger moths
- tobacco moth
- tortricid moths
- tortricid onion moth
- tortrix moths
- tussock moths
- two-colored footman moth
- underwing moth
- vaporer moth
- vine hawk moth
- Virginia tiger moth
- v-moth
- water betony moth
- wax moths
- white-tipped moth
- window-winged moths
- winter moth
- wood leopard moth
- woolen moth
- woollen moth
- yellow diacrisia moth
- yellow-horned moth
- yucca moths
- Zimmerman's pine moth* * * -
6 catch
1. I1) the lock (the bolt, etc.) -es замок и т. д. защелкивается; the lock won't catch замок никак не запирается2) the pond (the lake, the river, the brook, etc.) -es пруд и т. д. затягивается /покрывается/ льдом3) this match will not catch эта спичка не загорится2. II1) catch in same manner the bolt doesn't catch properly задвижка плохо держит2) catch somewhere the lock -es somewhere замок где-то заедает3) catch in some manner straw (paper, dry wood, etc.) -es easily солома и т. д. легко загорается /воспламеняется/3. III1) catch with. catch a ball (a cigarette, a mouse, a fly, an animal, fish, a bird, etc.) ловить /поймать/ мяч и т. д.; here catch this! вот, ловите!; catch the post успеть опустить /отправить/ письмо до выемки корреспонденции; catch smb. you'll catch him if you hurry если вы поторопитесь, вы нагоните его; I caught him just as he was going out я застал / поймал/ его, когда он уже выходил2) catch smth. catch the горе (smb.'s coat, smb.'s arm, etc.) ухватиться за веревку и т. д.; catch an opportunity воспользоваться случаем, ухватиться за представившуюся возможность3) catch smth. catch the bus (the5)15 plane, the last tram, etc.) успеть на /не пропустить/ автобус и т. д; catch the train успеть / не опоздать/ на поезд; catch a strange sound (a rustle, a heavy thud, a distant barking, a faint whistle, etc.) услышать /уловить/ странный звук и т. д.; а heavy thud (a faint whistle, etc.) caught his ear до него /до его слуха/ донесся тяжелый стук и т. д.', catch the smell (a faint odour, the aroma, etc.) of smoke (of burning leaves, of coffee, etc.) почувствовать /уловить/ запах дыма и т. д., catch wind of scandal (of trouble, etc.) почуять скандал и т. д.; catch smb.'s eye /the eye, smb.'s attention/ привлекать внимание, бросаться в глаза; the book in the window caught my eye [эта] книга в витрине привлекла мое внимание; catch a likeness схватить /уловить, подметить, увидеть/ сходство; catch an idea (the drift of an argument, etc.) понимать /улавливать/ мысль и т. д; do you catch my meaning? вы понимаете, что я хочу сказать?, вы меня понимаете?; catch smb.'s fancy поразить чье-л. воображение, понравиться кому-л.4) catch smth. catch a disease (the flu, measles, etc.) заразиться болезнью и т. д., подхватить болезнь и т. д; catch (а) cold /а chill/ простудиться, схватить простуду; catch one's death of a cold ужасно простудиться; catch enthusiasm заразиться [общим] энтузиазмом, поддаться [общему] воодушевлению; catch fire загореться, воспламениться; catch an accent перенять акцент /выговор/; catch a habit приобрести привычку5) catch smth. catch his name (smb.'s answer, smb.'s parting remark, etc.) расслышать /разобрать/ его имя и т. д.6) catch smb. catch a criminal (a thief, a spy, the fugitive, etc.) поймать /схватить, задержать/ преступника и т. д.4. IVcatch smth. somehow1) catch his arm (the rope, the edge of the boat, etc.) instinctively (convulsively, impulsively, passionately, etc.) инстинктивно и т. д. схватиться /ухватиться/ за его руку и т. д.2) || catch smb. off [his] guard застать кого-л. врасплох5. Vcatch smb. smth. coll. catch smb. a blow on the nose (a smack on the mouth, a slap on the cheek, etc.) стукнуть кого-л. по носу, дать /"заехать", "съездить"/ кому-л. по носу; catch smb. one in the eye подставить кому-л. фонарь под глазом6. VIIIcatch smb. doing smth. catch her eavesdropping (her smiling, the boy stealing flowers from the garden, the old woman hiding smth., etc.) застать /поймать/ ее на том, что она подслушивает и т. д.; catch oneself thinking about smth. ловить себя на какой-л. мысли || catch smb. napping заставать кого-л. врасплох7. XIbe (get) caught in smth. a rat (a fox, an hare, etc.) was (got) caught in a trap (in a snare) крыса и т. д. попалась в крысоловку и т. д; we were caught in the rain (in a shower, etc.) мы попали под дождь и т. д; we were caught in the snowstorm нас застигла метель; the boat was caught in the reeds лодка застряла в камышах; he was caught in the turmoil он был вовлечен в водоворот событий; he was caught in a lie ой был уличен во лжи; be caught by smth. he was caught by the camera он попал в объектов фотоаппарата; be (get) caught under smth. he got (was) caught under a truck (under a train, under a car, etc.) он попал под грузовик и т. д. || be (get) caught between two fires оказаться меж двух огней; be caught doing smth. the boy was caught cheating мальчишку уличили в мошенничестве; be caught in some state he was caught red-handed его застали с поличным8. XVI1) catch at smth. catch at the rope (at the rail, at the boat, at the opportunity, at the idea, at a hope, etc.) ухватиться за канат и т. д. id catch at a straw хвататься за соломинку2) catch in smth. catch in the wheel (in the chain of a bicycle, in the machinery, in the snare, etc.) попасть в колесо и т. д.',catch in the ropes (in the grass, in a bog, etc.) застрять /запутаться/ в канатах и т. д.; my finger caught in the door я защемил палец в дверях, мне, прищемило палец дверью; the dog's paw caught in the trap собака попала лапой в капкан; catch on smth. catch on a nail (on a thorn, etc.) зацепиться за гвоздь и т. д. catch on a root (on a stone, etc.) споткнуться о /зацепиться за/ корень и т. д.9. XXI11) catch smb. by smth. catch smb. by the arm (by the collar, by the sleeve, by the button, by the scruff of the neck, etc.) поймать /схватить/ кого-л. за (руку и т. д., catch smb. by a trick поймать /схватить, задержать/ кого-л. с помощью хитрости; catch smb. in smth. catch bird in a net (a fox in a snare, etc.) поймать птичку в сети и т. д., catch hold of smth. ухватиться за что-л.; catch hold of the rope (of smb.'s arm, of the man, etc.) схватить веревку и т. д; catch sight of smb., smth. заметить кого-л., что-л.; catch sight of a ship заметить /увидеть/ корабль; catch smb.'s eye поймать / перехватить/ чей-л. взгляд2) catch smth. in smth. catch one's frock in the door, one's coat in the window, etc.) прищемить /защемить/ платье дверью и т.д., catch one's fingers in the machine (one's foot in a trap, etc.) попасть пальцами в машину и т. д catch smth. on smth. catch one's frock on a nail (one's sleeve on a thorn, etc.) зацепиться платьем за гвоздь и т. д.3) catch smth. from smb. catch a cold (measles, scarlet fever, etc.) from them заразиться от них насморком и т. д.; catch a habit from him перенять у него привычку4) catch smb. at /in/ smth. catch smb. at it (in a lie, in the act, in the act of stealing, etc.) застать /поймать/ кого-л. на этом /с поличным/ и т. д.5) catch smb. in (on) smth. сoll. catch smb. on the head (on the cheek, in the chest, etc.) стукнуть кого-л. по голове и т. д., дать /"съездить"/ кому-л. по голове и т. д.6) catch smb., smth. (in)to smth. catch the child (the girl, the doll, etc.) to one's breast прижать ребенка и т. д. к груди; catch the baby (the little boy, etc.) in one's arms подхватить /обнять/ ребенка и т. д.10. XXVcatch what... catch what smb. says расслышать /разобрать/ [то], что кто-л. говорит -
7 plum
- beach plum
- big-tree plum
- bunch plum
- Canada plum
- cherry plum
- chickasaw plum
- coco plum
- common plum
- creek plum
- date plum
- fox plum
- garden plum
- goose plum
- governor's plum
- hog plum
- horse plum
- Indian plum
- ivory plum
- Jambolan plum
- jungle plum
- Kafir plum
- low plum
- meal plum
- myrobalan plum
- nanny plum
- Natal plum
- pocket plums
- Porter's plum
- red plum
- sand plum
- scarlet plum
- sea-side plum
- seeded plum
- Simon plum
- Spanish plum
- strawberry plum
- tallowwood plum
- thorn plum
- western plum
- wild garden plum
- wild plum
- winter plum* * * -
8 plum
apricot plum слива абрикосовая, Prunus simoniibeach plum слива морская, Prunus maritimabig-tree plum слива мексиканская, Prunus mexicanabunch plum дёрен канадский, Cornus canadensisCanada plum слива чёрная, слива канадская, Prunus nigrachickasaw plum слива узколистная, Prunus angustifoliaChili plum мексиканская слива жёлтая ( Spondias purpurea var. lutea)coco plum кокосовая слива, хризобаланус, Chrysobalanuscommon plum слива домашняя, Prunus domesticacreek plum слива поручейная, Prunus rivularisdarling plum рейнозия северная, Reynosia septentrionalisdate plum хурма серолистная, Diospyros glaucifolia; хурма обыкновенная, хурма кавказская, Diospyros lotusdog plum клинтония зонтичная, Clintonia umbellulatafox plum толокнянка обыкновенная, Arctostaphylos uva-ursigarden plum слива домашняя, Prunus domesticagoose plum слива американская, Prunus americanagovernor's plum флакурция индийская, Flacourtia indicahog plum слива узколистная, Prunus angustifoliaIndian plum осмарония вишнеподобная, Osmaronia cerasiformisivory plum 1. хиогенес щетинисто-волосистый, Chiogenes hispidula ; 2. гаультерия лежачая, Gaulteria procumbensJambolan plum сизигиум яванский, Syzygium cuminijungle plum сидероксилон, SyderoxylonKafir plum гарпефиллум каффрский, Harpephyllum caffrumlow plum слива изящная, Prunus gracilismeal plum толокнянка обыкновенная, Arctostaphylos uva-ursinanny plum калина Лентаго, канадская гордовина, Viburnum lentagoNatal plum карисса крупноцветковая, Carissa grandiflorapocket plums кармашковая болезнь слив (возбудитель гриб ATaphrina pruni)Porter's plum слива аллеганская, Prunus alleghanensissand plum слива морская, Prunus maritimascarlet plum молочай блестящий, Euphorbia fulgenssea-side plum слива узколистная, Prunus angustifoliaseeded plum хурма виргинская, Diospyros virginianaSimon plum слива абрикосовая, Prunus simoniistrawberry plum хилоцереус извилистый, Hylocereus undatustallowood plum ксимения американская, Ximenia americanathorn plum боярышник петушья шпора, Crataegus crus-galliiwestern plum слива полусердцевидная, Prunus subcordatawild garden plum слива садовая американская, Prunus houtulanawinter plum хурма виргинская, Diospyros virginianaEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > plum
См. также в других словарях:
washington thorn — noun Usage: usually capitalized W Etymology: from Washington, D.C., capital city of the United States : a hawthorn (Crataegus phaenopyrum) of eastern No. America that is often cultivated for its bright red fruit and showy autumn foliage * * * a… … Useful english dictionary
Christ thorn — noun somewhat climbing bushy spurge of Madagascar having long woody spiny stems with few leaves and flowers with scarlet bracts • Syn: ↑crown of thorns, ↑Christ plant, ↑Euphorbia milii • Hypernyms: ↑spurge • Member Holonyms: ↑Euphorbia, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
List of Biblical names — This is a list of names from the Bible, mainly taken from the 19th century public domain resource: : Hitchcock s New and Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible by Roswell D. Hitchcock, New York: A. J. Johnson, 1874, c1869.Each name is given with its … Wikipedia
Christopher Plummer — This article is about the Canadian actor. For the English football player, see Chris Plummer. Christopher Plummer … Wikipedia
List of Canadian plants by genus C — Below is a list of Canadian plants by genus. Due to the vastness of Canada s biodiversity, this page is divided.Many of the plants seen in Canada are introduced, either intentionally or accidentally. N indicated native and X indicated exotic.… … Wikipedia
Список телесериалов по наименованию — Содержание 1 Русскоязычные 2 На других языках 3 0 9 4 Латиница … Википедия
List of birds of Malaysia — This is a list of the bird species recorded in Malaysia. The avifauna of Malaysia includes a total of 781 species, of which 10 are endemic, 3 have been introduced by humans, and 10 are rare or accidental. 45 species are globally threatened.This… … Wikipedia
List of trees and shrubs by taxonomic family — The following is a list of trees and shrubs of high notoriety. Taxonomic families for the following trees and shrubs are listed in alphabetical order, likewise the genera and closely related species.=GYMNOSPERMS= =CONIFERS= Araucariaceae: The… … Wikipedia
Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs, Thematic Index — absence absence makes the heart grow fonder he who is absent is always in the wrong the best of friends must part blue are the hills that are far away distance lends enchantment to the view out of sight, out of mind … Proverbs new dictionary
List of birds of Burma — This is a list of the bird species recorded in Burma. The avifauna of Burma includes a total of 1062 species, of which 6 are endemic, 2 have been introduced by humans, and 10 are rare or accidental. 1 species listed is extirpated in Burma and is… … Wikipedia
List of birds of Brunei — This is a list of the bird species recorded in Brunei. The avifauna of Brunei includes a total of 456 species, of which 4 are endemic, 1 has been introduced by humans, and 1 is rare or accidental. 25 species are globally threatened.This list s… … Wikipedia