1 scare story
Кино: сенсационный материал -
2 scare story
3 scare story
4 story
1. n повесть; рассказshort story — рассказ, новелла
2. n фабула, сюжетthe main thing in a novel is the story — самое главное в романе — это сюжет
story line — фабула, основная сюжетная линия
3. n история; предание; сказкаthe story has been several times handled in both prose and verse — это предание не раз излагалось и стихами и прозой
according to her story — по её словам; по её собственному заявлению
that is the whole story — вот и всё, вот и весь сказ
there is a story that … — говорят, что …
do you believe his story? — вы верите тому, что он говорит?
tall story — небылица, сказка
4. n разг. разговор, рассказ; россказни, сплетни5. n разг. преим. детск. выдумка, ложьto tell stories — выдумывать, лгать, сочинять, рассказывать сказки, небылицы
fish story — выдумка; безбожное враньё
6. n амер. газетный материал, сообщение в печати7. n амер. лицо или событие, заслуживающее освещения в печатиthe repeater of the story — тот, кто всё разболтал
crime story — детективный роман или фильм, детектив
Синонимический ряд:1. article (noun) article; news; scoop2. floor (noun) floor; landing; level; stage; tier3. lie (noun) canard; cock-and-bull story; falsehood; falsity; fib; fiction; inveracity; lie; misrepresentation; misstatement; prevarication; taradiddle; untruism; untruth; whopper4. piece (noun) item; paragraph; piece; squib5. plot (noun) incident; intrigue; plot; theme6. report (noun) account; allegation; chronicle; description; history; narrative; report; statement; version7. tale (noun) allegory; anecdote; conte; fable; legend; myth; narration; novel; parable; recital; tale; yarn -
5 story
1. повесть; рассказ2. фабула, сюжетstory line — фабула, основная сюжетная линия
3. история; предание; сказкаthat is the whole story — вот и всё, вот и весь сказ
4. амер. газетный материал; сообщение в печати5. неправдоподобный рассказspooky story — рассказ, от которого мороз по коже подирает
a story without an end — рассказ, который ничем не кончается
6. фантастическая повестьlove story — любовный роман; рассказ или повесть о любви
short story — короткий рассказ ; новелла
7. сентиментальный рассказ8. отчёт репортёра
См. также в других словарях:
scare story — UK US noun [countable] [singular scare story plural scare stories] something said or written that makes a situation seem worse than it really is Thesaurus: people and things that cause worry or problemshyponym … Useful english dictionary
scare story — scare stories N COUNT A scare story is something that is said or written to make people feel frightened and think that a situation is much more unpleasant or dangerous than it really is. He described talk of sackings as scare stories … English dictionary
scare story — scare .story n a report, especially in a newspaper, that makes a situation seem more serious or worrying than it really is ▪ Despite the scare stories in the media, no jobs will be lost at the factory … Dictionary of contemporary English
scare story — scare ,story noun count something said or written that makes a situation seem worse than it really is … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
scare story — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms scare story : singular scare story plural scare stories something said or written that makes a situation seem worse than it really is … English dictionary
scare story — noun A rumour spread by a scaremonger in order to cause anxiety. Have you heard the recent scare story about broken glass in baby food? … Wiktionary
scare story — noun (C) a report, especially in a newspaper, that makes a situation seem more serious or worrying than it really is … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Scare quotes — is a general term for quotation marks used for purposes other than to identify a direct quotation. For example, authors might use quotation marks to highlight special terminology, to distance the writer from the material being reported, to… … Wikipedia
scare\ out\ of\ one's\ wits — • scare out of one s wits • scare stiff • scare the daylights out of v. phr. informal To frighten very much. The owl s hooting scared him out of his wits. The child was scared stiff in the dentist s chair. Pete s ghost story scared the daylights… … Словарь американских идиом
scare\ stiff — • scare out of one s wits • scare stiff • scare the daylights out of v. phr. informal To frighten very much. The owl s hooting scared him out of his wits. The child was scared stiff in the dentist s chair. Pete s ghost story scared the daylights… … Словарь американских идиом
scare\ the\ daylights\ out\ of — • scare out of one s wits • scare stiff • scare the daylights out of v. phr. informal To frighten very much. The owl s hooting scared him out of his wits. The child was scared stiff in the dentist s chair. Pete s ghost story scared the daylights… … Словарь американских идиом