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См. также в других словарях:

  • Scarceness — Scarce ness, Scarcity Scar ci*ty, n. The quality or condition of being scarce; smallness of quantity in proportion to the wants or demands; deficiency; lack of plenty; short supply; penury; as, a scarcity of grain; a great scarcity of beauties.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • scarceness — index dearth, insignificance, paucity, poverty Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • scarceness — noun see scarce I …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • scarceness — See scarce. * * * …   Universalium

  • scarceness — noun The property of being scarce …   Wiktionary

  • scarceness — (Roget s Thesaurus II) noun The condition or fact of being deficient: defect, deficiency, deficit, inadequacy, insufficiency, lack, paucity, poverty, scantiness, scantness, scarcity, shortage, shortcoming, shortfall, underage1. See EXCESS …   English dictionary for students

  • scarceness — scarce·ness || skersnɪ / keÉ™s n. rareness, scarcity, state of being in short supply …   English contemporary dictionary

  • scarceness — scarce·ness …   English syllables

  • scarceness — See: scarce …   English dictionary

  • scarceness — / skeəsnəs/, scarcity / skeəsɪti/ noun the state of being scarce ● There is a scarcity of trained staff …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • scarceness — noun a small and inadequate amount • Syn: ↑scarcity • Ant: ↑abundance (for: ↑scarcity) • Derivationally related forms: ↑scarce, ↑scarce ( …   Useful english dictionary

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