1 scaling bay
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > scaling bay
2 scaling bay
3 scaling bay
1) Техника: площадка для обмера (брёвен)2) Лесоводство: площадка для обмера брёвен -
4 scaling bay
5 scaling bay
Англо-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > scaling bay
6 bay
1) пролёт (моста, здания, цеха, стана); шаг колонн ( здания каркасного типа)2) отсек, секция ( для размещения оборудования); ячейка ( для размещения аппаратуры); бокс; площадка3) штатив; стойка4) ж.-д. платформа6) ниша; эркер8) строит. захватка9) лесн. подштабельное место10) метал. отстойная часть ( печи)11) водоём, бассейн12) бьеф•-
abutment bay
airstairs bay
antenna bay
auxiliary bay
boiler bay
cage bay
cant bay
car bay
case bay
casting bay
charge holding bay
charging bay
cold storage bay
continuous-casting bay
defective fuel bay
dispatch bay
end bay
engine bay
entrance bay
erection bay
fining bay
furnace bay
gate bay
group terminal bay
hardware bay
head bay
heat treatment bay
holding bay
ingot storing bay
loading bay
melting bay
mold preparation bay
mold setting-and-stripping bay
piling bay
pitch bay
plate finishing bay
pouring bay
raw-material bay
reactor auxiliary bay
reactor bay
reception bay
repair bay
scaling bay
scalping bay
scrap box filling bay
sick bay
soaking pit bay
sorting bay
spent fuel storage bay
stockyard bay
storage bay
stripping bay
tail bay
teeming bay
television monitoring bay
test bay
transfer bay
tumble bay -
7 площадка для обмера
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > площадка для обмера
8 площадка для обмера
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > площадка для обмера
9 platform
3) ростверк4) ряж; шпальная клетка6) нефт. морское основание; морская платформа9) двигаться горизонтально, не следуя волнам ( об СПК)•-
access platform
accommodation offshore platform
altar platform
articulated offshore platform
articulated platform
astronaut-serviced platform
astronaut-tended platform
bay platform
bleeder platform
brake platform
breast-tuyere platform
cage platform
camera platform
casting platform
charging offshore platform
charging platform
circular platform
coil support platform
compass platform
compass testing platform
continental platform
converter platform
cooling chamber platform
coorbiting platforms
core platform
data-collection platform
double board platform
dressing platform
drilling offshore platform
drilling platform
earth observation platform
elevating platform
elevator car platform
end platform
environmental platform
feed-off-the-arm platform
field-terminal offshore platform
flare offshore platform
free arm platform
free-off-the arm platform
gangway platform
gravity-type offshore platform
gravity offshore platform
guyed tower off shore platform
gyroscope-stabilized platform
hardware platform
helicopter landing platform
helicopter platform
hot-metal charging platform
ice platform
icing platform
industrial space platform
ingot casting platform
instrumentation platform
interrogating platform
island platform
jacket offshore platform
jack-up offshore platform
ladle platform
larry car platform
leadsman's platform
lifting platform
loading platform
manipulator arm-equipped platform
manned platform
manned space platform
man-tended space platform
mat-supported drilling offshore platform
microwave powered platform
mixing platform
mobile offshore platform
mold setting platform
monopod offshore platform
moored deep-ocean platform
nonspinning platform
observation platform
ocean test platform
operating platform
orbital platform
oscillating offshore platform
payload-mated platform
piled offshore platform
pileless offshore platform
piling-supported offshore platform
pourer's platform
pouring platform
processing offshore platform
producing off shore platform
production offshore platform
racking platform
radar platform
raised platform
raising platform
relieving platform
relining platform
robot platform
rolling platform
sampling platform
satellite offshore platform
satellite-based platform
satellite platform
scale platform
scaling platform
science work platform
scissor platform
sea observation platform
self-elevating offshore platform
self-mobilizing offshore platform
self-reporting platform
self-timed platform
semisubmersible drilling offshore platform
setback platform
shoring platform
single-well offshore platform
sinking platform
sloping platform
software platform
sounding platform
space station platform
space-based platform
space platform
stabilized platform
stair platform
submersible barge platform
submersible offshore platform
support platform
swinging platform
tapping platform
teeming platform
template offshore platform
tended offshore platform
tension leg semisubmersible offshore platform
traveling platform
trestle platform
tropical-orbiting platform
unloading platform
unmanned platform
vertically-moored offshore platform
vertical-moored offshore platform
weighing platform
withdrawal rolls platform
work platform -
10 concrete
бетон; II бетонировать; укладывать бетонную дорожную одежду; II сгущенный; твёрдый; конкретный; реальный; бетонный- concrete-bound pavement - concrete-mixer - concrete patching - concrete pavement - concrete pavement scaling - concrete placer - concrete-placing machine - concrete pouring machine - concrete pump - concrete road - concrete runway - concrete spreader - concrete traffic line blocks - spreading of concrete - acid-resisting concrete - air-entrained concrete - air-placed concrete - ballast concrete - batch concrete mixer - cement concrete - cinder concrete - construction concrete mixer - continuous concrete mixer - cyclopean concrete - dry concrete - early strength concrete - expanded slag concrete - fixed-drum concrete mixer - fresh concrete - gravel concrete - gravity concrete mixer - job-placed concrete - portable concrete mixer - pump concrete - rammed concrete - road concrete placer - rubble concrete - stone concrete - tar concrete - transit-mix concrete - trass concrete - vermiculite concrete
См. также в других словарях:
Discovery Bay — For other places with the same name, see Discovery Bay (disambiguation). Discovery Bay Traditional Chinese 愉景灣 Transcriptions … Wikipedia
CFB North Bay — Canadian Forces Base North Bay, also CFB North Bay, is a Canadian Forces Base located in North Bay, Ontario. It is operated by Air Command (AIRCOM) and its primary lodger is 22 Wing, thus the base is sometimes identified as 22 Wing North Bay.RCAF … Wikipedia
Pittsburg/Bay Point–SFO Line — Infobox rail line name = Pittsburg/Bay Point SFO Line color = FFFF00 |200px image width = caption = Pittsburg/Bay Point Line at Pittsburg/Bay Point station type = rapid transit system = Bay Area Rapid Transit status = locale = Bay Area including… … Wikipedia
Coles Bay, Tasmania — Coles Bay Tasmania Sea Kayaking from Muirs Beach, Coles Bay to The Hazards … Wikipedia
Titahi Bay Transmitter — is an AM transmitter with a 212 meter tall radio mast insulated against ground at Titahi Bay in New Zealand. [ [http://www.radionz.co.nz/nr/programmes/mediawatch/archive/2004/20040201r Radio New Zealand National : Programmes A Z : Mediawatch :… … Wikipedia
Video scaler — A video scaler is a device for converting video signals from one size or resolution to another: usually upscaling or upconverting a video signal from a low resolution (e.g. standard definition) to one of higher resolution (e.g. high definition… … Wikipedia
Duwamish tribe — Duwamish Duwamish territory shown highlighted in green. Orange blocks are modern Indian Reservations Total population About 253 (1854); about 400 enrolled members (1991), about 500 (2004).[1] … Wikipedia
Duwamish (tribe) — infobox ethnic group group = Duwamish caption = poptime =About 253 (1854); about 400 enrolled members (1991), about 500 (2004). [(1) Gibbs ( [1877] , 1967) (1.1) D Wamish on the Lake Fork of the D Wamish River, 152; Sa ma mish (Sammamish) and S… … Wikipedia
international relations — a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations. [1970 75] * * * Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political… … Universalium
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
Polar bear — This article is about the animal. For other uses, see Polar bear (disambiguation) … Wikipedia