1 Sparkassenabteilung
savings (thrift, special interest, US) department;
• Sparkassenangestellter savings-bank official,bank clerk;
• Sparkassenbereich savings deposit industry;
• Sparkassenbetriebswirtschaft savings banking;
• Sparkassenbuch savings bank [deposit] book, passbook (Br.);
• Sparkassenbuchbesitzer savings-account owner;
• Sparkassenbuchkonto ordinary deposit account with a National Savings Bank (Br.);
• Sparkasseneinlagen savings deposits;
• Sparkasseneinleger savings depositor;
• Sparkasseneinrichtungen savings facilities, facilities for saving;
• Sparkassenfonds savings fund;
• Sparkassenfunktionen functions of savings institutions;
• Sparkassengelder savings-bank money;
• Sparkassengeschäft savings business;
• Sparkassengesetz Trustee Savings Bank Act (Br.);
• Sparkassengesetzgebung savings bank legislation;
• Sparkassenguthaben savings-bank deposits;
• Sparkassengutschein national savings certificate (Br.);
• Sparkasseninstitut savings institution;
• [normales] Sparkassenkonto savings-bank [ordinary] account;
• Sparkassenleiter savings-bank manager;
• Sparkassenverband National Association of Saving Banks (US);
• Sparkassen- und Darlehnskassenverein savings and loan association;
• Sparkassenwesen savings banking (-bank system). -
2 Ersparnisse
savings, economies, hoarding;
• der Ersparnisse halber for economy’s sake;
• noch nicht wieder angelegte Ersparnisse fluid savings;
• betriebliche Ersparnisse business savings;
• durch Großeinkäufe erzielte Ersparnisse bulk-purchase savings;
• gesamtwirtschaftliche Ersparnisse savings proportion;
• geschäftliche Ersparnisse business savings;
• inflationssichere Ersparnisse index-linked savings;
• Ersparnisse beim Erwerb einer Flugkarte air-fare savings;
• Ersparnisse auf dem Postsparkassenbuch postal savings;
• Ersparnis für die Umwelt benefit for the environment;
• seine Ersparnisse angreifen to draw on (dip into) one’s savings;
• seine Ersparnisse zur Schuldenbezahlung angreifen to dip into one’s savings to pay current debts;
• j. um seine Ersparnisse bringen to cheat s. o. out of his savings;
• seine Ersparnisse in einem Geschäft investieren to invest one’s savings in a business enterprise;
• auf Ersparnisse zurückgreifen können to have a sum put by to fall back upon;
• von seinen Ersparnissen leben to live on one’s savings;
• Ersparnisse machen to save [at a higher rate], to make savings, to economize;
• größere Ersparnisse machen to save at higher rates;
• Loch in seine Ersparnisse reißen to make a large hole in one’s savings;
• seine Ersparnisse in ein Geschäftsunternehmen stecken to invest one’s savings in a business enterprise;
• auf seine Ersparnisse zurückgreifen to draw on one’s savings;
• aus Ersparnisgründen for economy’s sake;
• Ersparnisverwendung offsets of savings. -
3 Spareinlagen
Spareinlagen fpl GEN savings deposits • mit Spareinlagen verbunden GEN savings-linked* * *fpl < Geschäft> savings deposits ■ mit Spareinlagen verbunden < Geschäft> savings-linked* * *Spareinlagen
savings [deposits], thrift deposits;
• befristete Spareinlagen time deposits;
• längerfristige Spareinlagen longer-term savings deposits;
• mündelsichere Spareinlagen trustee savings;
• Spareinlagen mit gesetzlicher Kündigungsfrist savings deposits at statutory notice;
• Spareinlagenabgänge savings withdrawals;
• Spareinlagenbestand bei Bausparkassen savings put into building and loan associations;
• Spareinlagenbestand bei Kreditinstituten savings placed in loan institutes;
• Spareinlagenentwicklung development of savings;
• Spareinlagenkonto savings account;
• Spareinlagenverzinsung return on savings;
• Spareinlagenzinssatz interest rate for savings deposits;
• Spareinlagen zunahme, Spareinlagenzuwachs accumulation of savings, increase in savings accounts, growth in savings deposits. -
4 Postsparkassenamt
Postsparkassenamt, Postsparkassenbehörde
Director of Savings (Br.), Department for National Savings (Br.);
• Postsparkassenbuch post-office (Br.) (postal, US) savings book;
• Postsparkassendienst postal savings service (US);
• Postsparkasseneinlage postal savings deposit (US);
• Postsparkassengeschäft post-office savings bank business (Br.);
• Postsparkassengesetz Post-Office Savings Bank Act (Br.);
• Postsparkassenschuldverschreibungen postal savings bonds (US);
• Postsparkassenverkehr post-office savings service (Br.);
• Postsparkassenvermögen post-office savings bank fund (Br.), postal savings fund (US);
• Postsparkassenwesen postal savings system (US). -
5 Postsparkassenbehörde
Postsparkassenamt, Postsparkassenbehörde
Director of Savings (Br.), Department for National Savings (Br.);
• Postsparkassenbuch post-office (Br.) (postal, US) savings book;
• Postsparkassendienst postal savings service (US);
• Postsparkasseneinlage postal savings deposit (US);
• Postsparkassengeschäft post-office savings bank business (Br.);
• Postsparkassengesetz Post-Office Savings Bank Act (Br.);
• Postsparkassenschuldverschreibungen postal savings bonds (US);
• Postsparkassenverkehr post-office savings service (Br.);
• Postsparkassenvermögen post-office savings bank fund (Br.), postal savings fund (US);
• Postsparkassenwesen postal savings system (US). -
6 Sparverein
thrift society (US), savings club;
• Sparvereinigung savings association, savers’ (shop) club;
• Sparversicherung capital redemption insurance;
• Sparversicherungspolice capital redemption policy;
• Sparvertrag savings plan;
• Sparvertrag mit monatlichen Raten (Kapitalanlagegesellschaft) monthly investment plan;
• fünfjährigen Sparvertrag mit 60 Monatsraten abschließen to make 60 regular monthly contributions over five years;
• Sparvolumen volume of savings;
• Sparvorgang saving [process];
• beim Sparvorgang beratend tätig sein to specialize in savings service;
• Sparvorteil advantage of saving;
• Sparwachstumsrate growth rate in savings;
• Sparwelle economy wave;
• Sparwesen savings system;
• steuerbegünstigtes Sparwesen tax-favo(u)red savings scheme;
• Sparzertifikat treasury savings certificate (US);
• Sparzinsen interest on savings;
• Sparzinssätze savings-bank interest rates;
• Sparzugang accumulation of savings, growth of saving deposits;
• Sparzwang compulsory saving. -
7 Ersparnis
Ersparnis f 1. BANK saving; 2. WIWI savings • auf seine Ersparnisse zurückgreifen FIN draw on one’s savings, fall back on one’s savings • Ersparnisse angreifen GEN dip into savings • mit Ersparnissen verbunden GEN savings-linked* * * -
8 Sparkonto
Sparkonto n 1. BANK (BE) deposit account, D/A; 2. FIN (AE) thrift account, savings account* * *n 1. < Bank> deposit account (BE) (D/A) ; 2. < Finanz> thrift account (AE), savings account* * *Sparkonto
savings (deposit, Br.) account, thrift account (US), (bei Sparkasse) savings-bank ordinary account (Br.);
• mit einer Lebensversicherung gekoppeltes Sparkonto life-insured savings account (US);
• täglich kündbares Sparkonto day-to-day savings account;
• verzinsliches Sparkonto interest-bearing savings account;
• Sparkonto mit gesetzlicher Kündigungsfrist savings deposit at statutory notice;
• Geld auf ein Sparkonto einzahlen to place money on deposit;
• Betrag auf ein Sparkonto übertragen to move an account into a savings account;
• Sparkontoinhaber savings-bank depositor. -
9 Sparbrief
m savings certificate, Am. savings bond* * *der Sparbriefbank savings bond; savings certificate* * *Spar|briefm (FIN)savings certificate* * *Spar·briefm savings certificate* * *der (Bankw.) savings certificate* * ** * *der (Bankw.) savings certificate -
10 Sparkasse
f WIRTS. savings bank* * *die Sparkassesavings and loan bank; trustee bank; savings bank* * *Spar|kas|sefsavings bank* * *(a bank that receives small savings and gives interest.) savings bank* * *Spar·kas·se* * *die savings bank* * ** * *die savings bank* * *f.savings bank n. -
11 Sparkasse
Sparkasse f BANK savings bank, (AE) thrift institution* * ** * *Sparkasse
savings- (provident) bank;
• nicht aufsichtspflichtige Sparkasse voluntary savings bank;
• gemeinnützige Sparkasse trustee savings bank;
• genossenschaftliche Sparkasse cooperative (mutual, US) savings bank;
• städtische Sparkasse municipal savings bank;
• Sparkasse nach Art einer Aktiengesellschaft stock savings bank (US);
• Sparkasse auf Gegenseitigkeit mutual savings bank (US). -
12 Sparbuch
n passbook, Brit. auch savings book* * *das Sparbuchsavings book; passbook; bank-book* * *Spar|buchntsavings book; (bei Bank auch) bankbook* * *(a book recording money deposited in, or withdrawn from, a bank.) bank book* * *Spar·buchnt savings book* * *das (Bankw.) savings book; passbook* * ** * *das (Bankw.) savings book; passbook* * *-¨er n.bankbook n.passbook n.savings n.savings bank book n. -
13 Sparkonto
n savings account* * *das Sparkontosavings account; bank deposit account; deposit account* * *Spar|kon|tontsavings or deposit account* * *(an account in a bank or post office on which interest is paid.) savings account* * *Spar·kon·tont savings account* * *das savings or deposit account* * *Sparkonto n savings account* * *das savings or deposit account* * *n.savings account n. -
14 Postsparbuch
post-office (Br.) (postal, US) savings book, deposit book (Br.);
• Postspareinlagen post-office (Br.) (postal, US) savings deposits, postal savings (US);
• Postsparguthaben postal savings account (US);
• Postsparguthaben besitzen to keep one’s savings in the post office;
• Postsparkarte postal savings certificate (US);
• Postsparkasse post-office (Br.) (postal, US) savings bank, national savings bank (Br.), postal savings depository (US). -
15 Sparbewusstsein
inclination to save;
• Sparbildung savings;
• Sparbon saving bond, national savings stamp (Br.);
• Sparbrief savings certificate (Br.);
• Sparbriefe saving bonds (US);
• Sparbriefabsatz sales of savings certificates;
• Sparbriefkonto savings certificate account;
• Sparbuch savings bank [deposit] book, [bank] passbook (Br.);
• Sparbucheintragung entry in the passbook (Br.), passbook entry (Br.);
• Sparbüchse thriftbox, money box, kitty (sl.);
• Sparbuchzinsen interest on deposit account (Br.);
• Spareckzins standard savings interest rate;
• Spareinlage savings account, deposit in a savings bank (account). -
16 Bausparvertrag
m building society savings agreement* * *Bau|spar|ver|tragmsavings contract with a building society (Brit) or building and loan association (US)* * *Bau·spar·ver·tragm savings contract with a building society [or AM savings and loan association]* * *der savings contract with a building society (to save a specified sum which earns interest and is later used to pay for the building of a house)* * *Bausparvertrag m building society savings agreement* * *der savings contract with a building society (to save a specified sum which earns interest and is later used to pay for the building of a house)* * *m.building savings account n. -
17 Spargewohnheiten
saving habits;
• Spargroschen savings, nest-egg, cushion (US sl.);
• Sparguthaben savings account (balance), savings account deposit, savings deposits, deposit with a trustee savings bank (Br.), stock of savings, thrift deposit (US);
• Sparguthaben mit gesetzlicher Kündigungsfrist savings deposits at statutory notice;
• Spargutmarken national savings stamps (Br.). -
18 Sparen
Sparen n GEN saving* * *n < Geschäft> saving* * *Sparen
[money] saving, (Sparsamkeit) thrift, economy, economizing;
• freiwilliges Sparen planned savings;
• staatlich gefördertes Sparen government-approved save-as-you-earn scheme (Br.);
• indexgekoppeltes (inflationssicheres) Sparen index-linked saving;
• kollektives Sparen social savings;
• langfristiges Sparen long-term savings;
• prämienbegünstigtes Sparen [etwa] premium (contractual, Br.) saving, cash savings plan with bonus;
• privates Sparen individual savings;
• steuerbegünstigtes Sparen tax-favo(u)red saving, deferred savings plan, national savings scheme (Br.);
• steuerfreies Sparen save as you earn (Br.);
• Sparen über vermögensbildende Leistungen [etwa] contractual saving (Br.);
• Sparen fördern to encourage saving. -
19 sparen
Sparen n GEN saving* * *v < Geschäft> save, save up, put aside, Vorsorge put away (for a rainy day) ■ sparen an < Geschäft> skimp* * *Sparen
[money] saving, (Sparsamkeit) thrift, economy, economizing;
• freiwilliges Sparen planned savings;
• staatlich gefördertes Sparen government-approved save-as-you-earn scheme (Br.);
• indexgekoppeltes (inflationssicheres) Sparen index-linked saving;
• kollektives Sparen social savings;
• langfristiges Sparen long-term savings;
• prämienbegünstigtes Sparen [etwa] premium (contractual, Br.) saving, cash savings plan with bonus;
• privates Sparen individual savings;
• steuerbegünstigtes Sparen tax-favo(u)red saving, deferred savings plan, national savings scheme (Br.);
• steuerfreies Sparen save as you earn (Br.);
• Sparen über vermögensbildende Leistungen [etwa] contractual saving (Br.);
• Sparen fördern to encourage saving. -
20 Ersparnis
f; -, -se1. nur Sg.; saving(s Pl.) (an + Dat in)* * *die Ersparnissaving* * *Er|spar|nis [ɛɐ'ʃpaːɐnɪs]1) no pl (an Zeit etc) saving (an +dat of)2) usu pl savings pl* * *(a way of saving money etc or the amount saved in this way: It's a great saving to be able to make one's own clothes.) saving* * *Er·spar·nis[ɛɐ̯ˈʃpa:ɐ̯nɪs, pl -nɪsə]* * *die; Ersparnis, Ersparnisse1) (österr. auch das; Ersparnisses, Ersparnisse) (ersparte Summe) savings pl.2) (Einsparung) saving* * *1. nur sg; saving(s pl) (an +dat in)2.* * *die; Ersparnis, Ersparnisse1) (österr. auch das; Ersparnisses, Ersparnisse) (ersparte Summe) savings pl.2) (Einsparung) saving* * *f.savings n.
См. также в других словарях:
savings — “money saved,” 1737; see SAVE (Cf. save). Related: Savings account attested by 1882; savings bank, 1817. S & L for savings and loan attested from 1951 … Etymology dictionary
savings — index capital, fund, reserve, store (depository) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
savings — ► [plural] BANKING, FINANCE money that you keep, usually in a bank account, instead of spending it: »Savers should ask branches if they could make more money by moving their savings into newer accounts. Main Entry: ↑saving … Financial and business terms
savings — [n] provision for future accumulation, ace in hole*, cache, fund, funds, gleanings, harvest, hoard, investment, kitty*, mattress full*, means, money in the bank, nest egg*, property, provision, provisions, rainy day fund*, reserve, reserves,… … New thesaurus
savings — n. 1) to set aside savings 2) to deposit; invest one s savings 3) to withdraw one s savings (from a bank) 4) to dip into; squander one s savings * * * invest one s savings squander one s savings to deposit to dip into to set aside savings to… … Combinatory dictionary
savings — Money set aside by individuals, either for some special purpose or to provide an income at some time in the future (often after retirement). Money saved can be placed in a savings account with a bank or building society or an Individual Savings… … Big dictionary of business and management
Savings — According to Keynesian economics, the amount left over when the cost of a person s consumer expenditure is subtracted from the amount of disposable income that he or she earns in a given period of time. For those who are financially prudent, the… … Investment dictionary
savings — Synonyms and related words: Swiss bank account, assets, backlog, balance, bank account, bottom dollar, budget, cache, cash reserves, checking account, command of money, exchequer, finances, fund, funds, kitty, life savings, means, moneys, nest… … Moby Thesaurus
savings — noun That which has been saved, particularly money that has been set aside for the future. The collapse of Enron wiped out the life savings of many people, leaving them poor in their retirement. Ant: dissavings … Wiktionary
savings — / seɪvɪŋz/ plural noun money saved (i.e. money which is not spent) ● He put all his savings into a deposit account … Dictionary of banking and finance
Savings account — Savings accounts are accounts maintained by retail financial institutions that pay interest but can not be used directly as money (by, for example, writing a cheque). These accounts let customers set aside a portion of their liquid assets while… … Wikipedia