1 savanna forest
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > savanna forest
2 savanna forest
3 savanna forest
1) Лесоводство: саванное редколесье2) Экология: саванновое редколесье, саванновый лес -
4 savanna forest
5 savanna forest
6 savanna forest
Англо-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > savanna forest
7 forest
forest лес"islands" forest лесные "острова"angiospermous forest листопадный лесbog forest лес по торфяникуboreal coniferous forest тайга, бореальный хвойный лесbroad-leaved forest широколиственный лес, чернолесьеcoppice forest низкоствольный лес, порослевой лесdeciduous forest листопадный лесdeciduous summer forest летнезелёный лесflood plain forest пойменный лесgorge forest ущельный лесhard-leaved forest жестколистный лесherbaceous-spruce forest травяной ельникlarch forest листвяг, лиственничник, лиственничный лесlight forest редкостойный лес, редколесьеlow forest мелколесье, низколесьеmixed coniferous-broad-leaved forest хвойно-широколиственный лесmixed forest смешанный лесmonsoon forest муссонный лесmossy forest альпийское криволесьеmountain taiga forest горно-таёжный лесorohylile forest субальпийский лесpaludal forest болотистый лес, заболоченный лесparvifoliate forest мелколиственный лесpine forest сосновый лес, сосняк, борpine grass forest травяной борprimeval forest первобытный лесprotection forest заповедный лесrain forest влажный тропический лесravine forest ущельный лесriparian forest прибрежный лес, тугай, уремаsavanna forest саванновое редколесьеsclerophylous forest жестколистный лесscrub forest кустарниковое редколесье (на равнине или на горах)secondary forest вторичный лес (лес, сменивший коренной)selection forest выборочный лесsmall-leaved forest мелколиственный лесsubantarctic forest влажный вечнозелёный субантарктический лесsubtropical evergreen forest субтропический вечнозелёный лесtapestry forest ковровое редколесье (рощи на склонах, смыкающиеся в сплошную древесную мантию)thorn forest колючий лес; колючее редколесьеtropical rain forest влажный тропический лесvirgin forest девственный лесwinter green forest девственный лесEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > forest
8 forest
1) лес; лесной•- alder forest
- aspen forest
- beech forest
- bilberry pine forest
- bilberry scrub forest
- birch forest
- bog moss pine forest
- boreal coniferous forest
- bottomland forest
- box forest
- broad-leaved forest
- burned-out forest
- cedar forest
- cloud forest
- conifer forest
- coniferous forest
- coppice forest
- cowberry spruce forest
- crooked forest
- dark coniferous forest
- deciduous forest
- deciduous summer forest
- deer forest
- dense forest
- evergreen forest
- fir forest
- flood plain forest
- gallery forest
- gorge forest
- grass pine forest
- grass spruce forest
- gum-tree forest
- haircap-moss spruce forest
- hard-leaved forest
- heath forest
- herbaceous-spruce forest
- hornbeam forest
- hornbeam-oak forest
- inundated forest
- larch forest
- lichen pine forest
- light coniferous forest
- light forest
- lime-tree forest
- low forest
- maple forest
- marginal forest
- mixed coniferous-broad-leaved forest
- mixed forest
- moist semideciduous tropical forest
- moist tropical forest
- monsoon forest
- mountain forest
- mountain rain forest
- mountain taiga forest
- needle-leaved forest
- oak forest
- orohylile forest
- overaged forest
- palm forest
- paludal forest
- parvifoliate forest
- pine forest
- pine grass forest
- polytric pine forest
- primeval forest
- protection forest
- rain forest
- ravine forest
- recreational forest
- riparian forest
- savanna forest
- sclerophyllous forest
- scrub forest
- secondary forest
- sedge-grass scrub forest
- selection forest
- semidry tropical forest
- shelter forest
- shelterbelt forest
- small forest
- small-leaved forest
- softwood forest
- spruce forest
- subantarctic forest
- subtropical evergreen forest
- tapestry forest
- thick forest
- thorn forest
- tropical dry deciduous forest
- tropical forest
- tropical rain forest
- virgin forest
- water-conservation forest
- winter green forest
- wood sorrel spruce forest -
9 scrub forest
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > scrub forest
10 flycatcher, gray-headed puff-back
—1. LAT Batis minima ( Verreaux)2. RUS габунский батис m3. ENG Verreaux’s [forest, (western) gray-headed] puff-back flycatcher, forest [Verreaux’s] puffback4. DEU Gabun-Schnäpper m5. FRA gobe-mouches m soyeux à tête grise1. LAT Batis orientalis ( Heuglin)2. RUS сероголовый батис m3. ENG gray-headed puff-back flycatcher, savanna(h) puffback (flycatcher)4. DEU Heuglinschnäpper m5. FRA —ПЯТИЯЗЫЧНЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ НАЗВАНИЙ ЖИВОТНЫХ — птицы > flycatcher, gray-headed puff-back
11 climate
1) климат2) режим погоды•-
arid climate
boreal climate
coastal climate
continental climate
desert climate
etesian climate
global climate
humid climate
humid mesothermal climate
humid microthermal climate
indoor climate
maritime climate
mine climate
model climate
monsoon climate
mountain climate
perpetual frost climate
small-scale climate
steppe climate
subtropical climate
subtropical desert climate
summer dry climate
temperate climate
tropical climate
tropical-rain-forest climate
tropical-savanna climate
tundra climate
urban climate
wave climate
wind climate
winter dry climate -
12 humid tropical climate
Общая лексика: влажный тропический климат (\<b\>A\</b\> climates are tropical, and usually \<i\>are\</i\> humid in the everyday sense, often stiflingly so when considering their typical temperatures; rain forest and savanna), экваториальный климат (\<b\>A\</b\> type of climate - \<b\>humid equatorial climate\</b\> (warm or hot year-round): \<b\>Af\</b\> - tropical wet (no dry season), \<b\>Am\</b\> - tropical monsoon (short dry season and)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > humid tropical climate
См. также в других словарях:
savanna-forest — savannˈa forest noun Parklands • • • Main Entry: ↑savanna … Useful english dictionary
Forest-savanna mosaic — is a transition zone between the tropical moist broadleaf forests of equatorial Africa and the drier savannas and open woodlands to the north and south of the forest belt. The forest savanna mosaic consists of drier forests, often gallery forest … Wikipedia
Savanna Dwarf Shrew — Conservation status Least Concern (IUCN 3.1) Scientific classification Ki … Wikipedia
Savanna Path Shrew — Conservation status Least Concern (IUCN 3.1) Scientific classification Kin … Wikipedia
Savanna Shrew — Conservation status Least Concern (IUCN 3.1) Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Savanna National Forest — was established by the U.S. Forest Service in Illinois on June 5, 1925 from part of the Savanna Military Reservation, now the Savanna Army Depot, with 10,710 acres. On June 15, 1926 Savanna was renamed Bellevue Savanna National Forest. The forest … Wikipedia
Savanna Swamp Shrew — Conservation status Data Deficient (IUCN 3.1) Scientific classification … Wikipedia
Forest Shrew — Conservation status Least Concern (IUCN 3.1) Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Savanna — A savanna or savannah is a tropical or subtropical grassland or woodland ecosystem. [ [http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/242157/grass savanna grass savanna] , Britannica Online Encyclopedia] Savannas are characterised by the trees being… … Wikipedia
savanna — /seuh van euh/, n. 1. a plain characterized by coarse grasses and scattered tree growth, esp. on the margins of the tropics where the rainfall is seasonal, as in eastern Africa. 2. grassland region with scattered trees, grading into either open… … Universalium
Savanna Portage State Park — To access the relevant data, search the database by entering Savanna Portage in the Name field, and MN in the Location field.] nrhp type = caption =Savanna Portage State Park location= Off Co. Hwy. 5 in Savanna Portage State Park nearest city=… … Wikipedia