Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 saucer

    (a small shallow dish for placing under a cup: Could you bring me another cup and saucer?) pires
    * * *
    [s'ɔ:sə] n 1 pires. 2 objeto em forma de pires. flying saucer disco voador.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > saucer

  • 2 saucer

    (a small shallow dish for placing under a cup: Could you bring me another cup and saucer?) pires

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > saucer

  • 3 saucer

    molheira, pires

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > saucer

  • 4 saucer-eyed

    [sɔ:sə 'aid] adj com os olhos arregalados.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > saucer-eyed

  • 5 cup and saucer

    cup and saucer
    xícara e pires.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cup and saucer

  • 6 flying saucer

    (a strange flying object thought possibly to come from another planet.) disco voador
    * * *
    fly.ing sau.cer
    [flaiiŋ s'ɔ:sə] n disco voador.
    flying saucer
    disco voador.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > flying saucer

  • 7 flying\ saucer

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > flying\ saucer

  • 8 flying saucer

    (a strange flying object thought possibly to come from another planet.) disco voador

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > flying saucer

  • 9 chip

    [ ip] 1. past tense, past participle - chipped; verb
    (to knock or strike small pieces off: This glass (was) chipped when I knocked it over.) lascar
    2. noun
    1) (a place from which a small piece is broken: There's a chip in the edge of this saucer.) racha
    2) ((American french fries) (usually in plural) a cut piece of potato (fried): steak and chips.) batata frita
    3) (a counter representing a certain value, used in gambling.) ficha
    4) (a very small printed circuit, as used in computers, TV sets etc.)
    * * *
    [tʃip] n 1 lasca, cavaco, fragmento, limalha, apara. 2 lugar lascado, lugar onde se cortou um pedaço. 3 fatia, pedaço de comida ou doce. 4 chips batatinhas fritas. 5 ficha para o jogo. 6 tira de madeira, fibra, palha, etc. (para chapéus e cestas). 7 estrume, pedaço de esterco seco. 8 chips refugo. 9 Comp pastilha de componentes eletrônicos miniaturizados montada sobre uma placa de circuito impresso e que executa funções específicas de processamento. • vt+vi 1 lascar, fazer cavacos. the plate has got a chip, is chipped / o prato está lascado. 2 cinzelar, cortar, escavar. 3 lavrar, desbastar. 4 despedaçar, estilhaçar. 5 sl ser infiel à mulher, trair. a chip of the old block como o pai, tal pai tal filho, tal é o pai como o filho. as dry as chips muito seco (discurso), enfadonho. in the chips sl estar endinheirado. to chip in 1 sl intrometer-se na conversa. 2 Amer sl contribuir, pagar, fazer uma vaquinha. to chip off 1 lascar, descascar. 2 raspar, remover em pedacinhos. to have a chip on one’s shoulder Amer coll estar amuado. to have one’s chips sl ter a última chance. to pass/ cash in one’s chips coll Euphem morrer.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > chip

  • 10 cup

    1. noun
    1) (a usually round hollow container to hold liquid for drinking, often with a handle: a teacup; a cup of tea.) chávena
    2) (an ornamental vessel, usually of silver or other metal, given as a prize in sports events etc: They won the Football League Cup.) taça
    2. verb
    1) (to form (one's hands) into the shape of a cup: He cupped his hands round his mouth and called.) juntar
    2) (to hold (something) in one's cupped hands: He cupped the egg in his hands.) segurar
    - cupboard
    - cup final
    - cup-tie
    - one's cup of tea
    * * *
    [k∧p] n 1 xícara, chávena. 2 xicarada: o que cabe numa xícara. 3 xícara com seu conteúdo. 4 copo, cálice (também de flor), taça. 5 copa, taça (prêmio esportivo). 6 Med ventosa. 7 bebida. 8 cálice usado na comunhão. 9 vinho usado na comunhão. 10 fado, destino. 11 buraco no jogo de golfe. • vt 1 dar forma de cálice ou xícara a. 2 tomar ou colocar em xícara. 3 aplicar ventosas a. a bitter cup fig uma taça da amargura, um sofrimento amargo. challenge cup Sport taça. claret cup ponche de vinho tinto. cup and saucer xícara e pires. cup of tea a) xícara de chá. b) especialidade, gosto. playing cards is not my cup of tea / não gosto muito de jogar cartas. half a cup of milk meia xícara de leite. he is fond of the cup ele bebe. he is in his cups ele está bêbado. parting cup trago de despedida.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cup

  • 11 fly

    I plural - flies
    1) (a type of small winged insect.)
    2) (a fish hook made to look like a fly so that a fish will take it in its mouth: Which fly should I use to catch a trout?)
    3) ((often in plural) a piece of material with buttons or a zip, especially at the front of trousers.)
    II past tense - flew; verb
    1) (to (make something) go through the air on wings etc or in an aeroplane: The pilot flew (the plane) across the sea.) voar
    2) (to run away (from): He flew (the country).) fugir
    3) ((of time) to pass quickly: The days flew past.) voar
    - flier
    - flying saucer
    - flying visit
    - frequent flyer/flier
    - flyleaf
    - flyover
    - fly in the face of
    - fly into
    - fly off the handle
    - get off to a flying start
    - let fly
    - send someone/something flying
    - send flying
    * * *
    [flai] n 1 Zool mosca vulgar ou doméstica. 2 qualquer inseto díptero. 3 qualquer inseto de asas transparentes como a efeméride. 4 anzol dissimulado por penas. he wouldn’t hurt a fly ele não é capaz de fazer mal a uma mosca, ele é muito bom e gentil. there are no flies on him ele não é bobo e não se deixa enganar. to break a fly on the wheel arrombar portas abertas. to die/ drop like flies morrer como moscas. to find a fly in the ointment fig achar cabelo na sopa, procurar pêlo em casca de ovo.
    [flai] n (pl flies) 1 pestana de braguilha. 2 aba que cobre a entrada de uma barraca. 3 cabriolé, carruagem leve, carruagem de aluguel. 4 Amer, Sport no beisebol, bola rebatida no ar. 5 pêndulo, volante de um relógio. 6 Mech volante. 7 a parte da grimpa que mostra a direção do vento. 8 comprimento ou borda exterior da bandeira. 9 vôo, trajetória. 10 Theat bambolina. 11 braguilha. • vt+vi (ps flew, pp flown) 1 voar, esvoaçar, mover-se no ar por meio de asas. 2 flutuar, ondear, drapejar, agitar-se no ar, pairar. 3 fazer voar, arvorar, hastear, desfraldar (bandeira), soltar. 4 voar, viajar pelo ar, mover-se no ar por meio de aeroplanos. 5 voar sobre, atravessar voando. he flew the ocean / ele atravessou o oceano em avião. 6 dirigir, pilotar (avião). he flies an aeroplane / ele pilota um aeroplano. 7 transportar pelo ar. 8 pular, saltar, galgar, voar, correr, passar velozmente, decorrer rapidamente (o tempo), precipitar-se, lançar-se. 9 fugir, escapar-se, desaparecer rapidamente, voar, fugir de, esquivar, evitar. he will have to fly the country / ele terá de evitar a pátria. I must fly the danger / tenho de escapar deste perigo. 10 Sport rebater a bola no ar, no beisebol. 11 caçar com falcão. he flew a hawk / ele caçou com falcão. fly me a line! coll mande-me umas linhas! in the fly no vôo, em movimento, sem se deter. on the fly ainda durante o vôo, antes de cair. she flew out at me ela acometeu-me com injúrias. to fly about mudar o vento com freqüência. to fly abroad voar, divulgar-se. to fly a flag hastear uma bandeira. to fly a kite soltar um papagaio, sl emitir uma letra de favor, fig lançar um balão de ensaio, ver de que lado sopra o vento. to fly around esvoaçar, adejar de um lado para o outro. to fly at/ upon lançar-se sobre, acometer, atacar violentamente. to fly away fugir, escapar. to fly by instruments voar por instrumentos. to fly from fugir de. to fly high ter ambições. to fly in the face of insultar alguém. to fly into a passion encolerizar-se. to fly into raptures extasiar-se. to fly off soltar-se. to fly off the handle perder as estribeiras. to fly open abrir-se de repente (a porta). to fly out encolerizar-se, enfurecer-se, perder as estribeiras, rebentar, voar em estilhaços, partir-se em pedaços. to fly to arms correr às armas. to fly to pieces estilhaçar-se. to let fly atirar, disparar, fazer fogo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fly

  • 12 lap

    I [læp] past tense, past participle - lapped; verb
    1) (to drink by licking with the tongue: The cat lapped milk from a saucer.) lamber
    2) ((of a liquid) to wash or flow (against): Water lapped the side of the boat.) lamber
    II [læp] noun
    1) (the part from waist to knees of a person who is sitting: The baby was lying in its mother's lap.) colo
    2) (one round of a racecourse or other competition track: The runners have completed five laps, with three still to run.) volta
    - the lap of luxury
    * * *
    [læp] n 1 regaço, colo. 2 roupa que cobre o colo. 3 fralda, aba. 4 parte pendente de cobertor, etc. in the lap of luxury no luxo. in the lap of the gods nas mãos de Deus.
    [læp] n 1 dobra. 2 parte de uma substância que se sobrepõe a outra. 3 aba. 4 fio de algodão pronto para cardagem. 5 o comprimento de um fio, tecido, etc. necessário para dar uma volta sobre uma roda ou rolo. 6 volta completa (em uma pista de atletismo, automobilismo, raia de natação, etc.). 7 etapa. 8 ferramenta de esmerilhar. 9 polidor. • vt+vi 1 enrolar, dobrar, envolver. 2 imbricar (com telhas), sobrepor. 3 aconchegar, aninhar. 4 dar uma volta completa (na pista). 5 obter vantagem de uma ou mais voltas na pista, numa corrida. 6 polir. to be on the last lap estar chegando ao fim (de um trabalho, projeto, etc.). to drop it into someone’s lap empurrar (o caso) para outra pessoa. to lap over from one century to another estender-se de um século a outro.
    [læp] n 1 lambida. 2 a ação de beber, como os cães e os gatos. 3 o respectivo som ou ruído. 4 bebida ou comida fraca. • vt+vi 1 beber como o fazem cachorros e gatos (com movimentos da língua). 2 ondear, causar um ruído igual ao de ondas pequenas quando batem contra um barco, marulhar. to lap up engolir, escutar avidamente, aceitar sem pensar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lap

  • 13 unidentified flying object

    (often abbreviated to UFO [ju:ef'ou, 'ju:fou]) (an object from outer space, eg a flying saucer.) ovni
    * * *
    un.i.den.ti.fied fly.ing ob.ject
    [∧naidentifaid fl'aiŋ ɔbdʒikt] n (abreviatura: UFO) objeto voador não identificado (abreviatura: OVNI).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > unidentified flying object

  • 14 chip

    [ ip] 1. past tense, past participle - chipped; verb
    (to knock or strike small pieces off: This glass (was) chipped when I knocked it over.) rachar, lascar
    2. noun
    1) (a place from which a small piece is broken: There's a chip in the edge of this saucer.) rachadura
    2) ((American french fries) (usually in plural) a cut piece of potato (fried): steak and chips.) batata frita
    3) (a counter representing a certain value, used in gambling.) ficha
    4) (a very small printed circuit, as used in computers, TV sets etc.)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > chip

  • 15 fly

    I plural - flies
    1) (a type of small winged insect.)
    2) (a fish hook made to look like a fly so that a fish will take it in its mouth: Which fly should I use to catch a trout?)
    3) ((often in plural) a piece of material with buttons or a zip, especially at the front of trousers.)
    II past tense - flew; verb
    1) (to (make something) go through the air on wings etc or in an aeroplane: The pilot flew (the plane) across the sea.) voar
    2) (to run away (from): He flew (the country).) fugir de
    3) ((of time) to pass quickly: The days flew past.) voar, passar voando
    - flier - flying saucer - flying visit - frequent flyer/flier - flyleaf - flyover - fly in the face of - fly into - fly off the handle - get off to a flying start - let fly - send someone/something flying - send flying

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > fly

  • 16 lap

    I [læp] past tense, past participle - lapped; verb
    1) (to drink by licking with the tongue: The cat lapped milk from a saucer.) lamber
    2) ((of a liquid) to wash or flow (against): Water lapped the side of the boat.) lamber
    II [læp] noun
    1) (the part from waist to knees of a person who is sitting: The baby was lying in its mother's lap.) colo
    2) (one round of a racecourse or other competition track: The runners have completed five laps, with three still to run.) volta
    - the lap of luxury

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > lap

  • 17 unidentified flying object

    (often abbreviated to UFO [ju:ef'ou, 'ju:fou]) (an object from outer space, eg a flying saucer.)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > unidentified flying object

См. также в других словарях:

  • saucer — [ sose ] v. tr. <conjug. : 3> • v. 1200 sauser fig. « tremper »; de sauce 1 ♦ Vx Tremper dans la sauce. Saucer son pain. Rare Garnir de sauce. « Le pudding saucé d un brûlant velours de rhum » (Colette). 2 ♦ (1915) Mod. Essuyer en enlevant… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Saucer — Sau cer, n. [F. sauci[ e]re, from sauce. See {Sauce}.] 1. A small pan or vessel in which sauce was set on a table. [Obs.] Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. A small dish, commonly deeper than a plate, in which a cup is set at table. [1913 Webster] 3.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • saucer — [sô′sər] n. [ME sawsere < MFr saussier < sause, SAUCE] 1. a small, round, shallow dish, esp. one with an indentation designed to hold a cup 2. anything round and shallow like a saucer saucerlike adj …   English World dictionary

  • saucer — (n.) mid 14c., from O.Fr. saucier sauce dish, from L.L. salsarium, neuter of salsarius of or for salted things, from L. salsus (see SAUCE (Cf. sauce)). Meaning small, round, shallow vessel for supporting a cup is attested from c.1702 …   Etymology dictionary

  • saucer — ► NOUN ▪ a shallow dish with a central circular indentation, on which a cup is placed. ORIGIN Old French saussier sauce boat …   English terms dictionary

  • Saucer — A saucer is a small type of dishware specifically for use with and for supporting a cup a cylindrical cup intended for coffee or a half sphere teacup for tea. Additionally, the saucer is a distant cousin to the plate. The saucer has a raised… …   Wikipedia

  • saucer — (sô sé ; le c prend une cédille devant a et o ; sauçant, sauçons) v. a. 1°   Tremper dans la sauce. Saucer sa viande, son pain. 2°   Par extension. Tremper dans un liquide quelconque. Saucer des branches dans de l eau.    Il a été saucé dans la… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • saucer — noun /ˈsɔː.sə,ˈsɔ(ː).səɹ,ˈsɒ(ː).sər/ˈsɑ(ː).səɹ/ a) A small shallow dish to hold a cup and catch drips. The saucer shaped object could have been a UFO, but actually it was a balloon. b) An object round and gently curved (shaped like a saucer). See …   Wiktionary

  • saucer */ — UK [ˈsɔːsə(r)] / US [ˈsɔsər] noun [countable] Word forms saucer : singular saucer plural saucers a small round flat dish that you put a tea cup or coffee cup on • See: flying saucer …   English dictionary

  • saucer — noun Etymology: Middle English, plate containing a condiment, from Anglo French, from sauce Date: circa 1702 1. a small shallow dish in which a cup is set at table 2. something resembling a saucer especially in shape; especially flying saucer •… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Saucer — A technical charting formation that indicates that a stock s price has reached its low and that the downward trend has come to a close. Saucer formations will exhibit very low volume figures at the point when the stock s price was the lowest …   Investment dictionary

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