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  • 1 satisfactory

    adjective ((negative unsatisfactory) giving satisfaction; good enough to satisfy: Your work is not satisfactory; The condition of the sick man is satisfactory.) patenkinamas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > satisfactory

  • 2 a good job

    (a lucky or satisfactory state of affairs: It's a good job that she can't hear what you're saying; He has lost his trumpet, and a good job too!) gerai

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > a good job

  • 3 acceptable

    1) (satisfactory: The decision should be acceptable to most people.) priimtinas
    2) (pleasing: a very acceptable gift.) mielas, laukiamas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > acceptable

  • 4 efficient

    1) ((of a person) capable; skilful: a very efficient secretary.) sugebantis, sumanus
    2) ((of an action, tool etc) producing (quick and) satisfactory results: The new lawn mower is much more efficient than the old one.) našus, produktyvus
    - efficiency

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > efficient

  • 5 entirely

    adverb (completely: a house entirely hidden by trees; not entirely satisfactory; entirely different.) visiškai

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > entirely

  • 6 fine

    I 1. adjective
    1) ((usually of art etc) very good; of excellent quality: fine paintings; a fine performance.) puikus
    2) ((of weather) bright; not raining: a fine day.) puikus
    3) (well; healthy: I was ill yesterday but I am feeling fine today!) puikus
    4) (thin or delicate: a fine material.) plonas, švelnus
    5) (careful; detailed: Fine workmanship is required for such delicate embroidery.) preciziškas
    6) (made of small pieces, grains etc: fine sand; fine rain.) smulkus
    7) (slight; delicate: a fine balance; a fine distinction.) subtilus, nedidelis
    8) (perfectly satisfactory: There's nothing wrong with your work - it's fine.) visiškai geras
    2. adverb
    (satisfactorily: This arrangement suits me fine.) puikiai
    3. interjection
    (good; well done etc: You've finished already - fine!) puiku!
    - finery
    - fine art
    II 1. noun
    (money which must be paid as a punishment: I had to pay a fine.) (piniginė) bauda
    2. verb
    (to make (someone) pay a fine: She was fined $10.) nubausti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > fine

  • 7 lame

    [leim] 1. adjective
    1) (unable to walk properly: He was lame for weeks after his fall.) šlubas, raišas
    2) (not satisfactory; unacceptable: a lame excuse.) nepatenkinamas, nevykęs
    2. verb
    (to make unable to walk properly: He was lamed by a bullet in the ankle.) suluošinti
    - lameness

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > lame

  • 8 on approval

    (to be sent or given back to a shop etc if not satisfactory: She bought two dresses on approval.) išbandymui, patikrinimui

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > on approval

  • 9 possible

    1) (able to happen or be done: It's possible that the train will be delayed; We'll come as soon as possible; I'll do everything possible; She did the only possible thing in the circumstances.) galimas, įmanomas
    2) (satisfactory; acceptable: I've thought of a possible solution to the problem.) galimas, tinkamas
    - possibly

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > possible

  • 10 qualify

    1) (to cause to be or to become able or suitable for: A degree in English does not qualify you to teach English; She is too young to qualify for a place in the team.) suteikti teisę, būti pasirengusiam
    2) ((with as) to show that one is suitable for a profession or job etc, especially by passing a test or examination: I hope to qualify as a doctor.) įgyti (kokią nors) specialybę, gauti... diplomą
    3) ((with for) to allow, or be allowed, to take part in a competition etc, usually by reaching a satisfactory standard in an earlier test or competition: She failed to qualify for the long jump.) sėkmingai pasirodyti atrankos varžybose
    4) ((of an adjective) to describe, or add to the meaning of: In `red books', the adjective `red' qualifies the noun `books'.) apibrėžti
    - qualified
    - qualifying

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > qualify

  • 11 satisfy

    1) (to give (a person) enough of what is wanted or needed to take away hunger, curiosity etc: The apple didn't satisfy my hunger; I told him enough to satisfy his curiosity.) patenkinti, (nu)malšinti
    2) (to please: She is very difficult to satisfy.) įtikti
    - satisfactory
    - satisfactorily
    - satisfied
    - satisfying

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > satisfy

  • 12 strike a balance

    (to reach a satisfactory middle level of compromise between two undesirable extremes.) pasiekti kompromisą, rasti pusiausvyrą

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > strike a balance

  • 13 try

    1. verb
    1) (to attempt or make an effort (to do, get etc): He tried to answer the questions; Let's try and climb that tree!) (pa)bandyti
    2) (to test; to make an experiment (with) in order to find out whether something will be successful, satisfactory etc: She tried washing her hair with a new shampoo; Try one of these sweets.) išbandyti
    3) (to judge (someone or their case) in a court of law: The prisoners were tried for murder.) teisti
    4) (to test the limits of; to strain: You are trying my patience.) bandyti
    2. noun
    1) (an attempt or effort: Have a try (at the exam). I'm sure you will pass.) bandymas
    2) (in rugby football, an act of putting the ball on the ground behind the opponents' goal-line: Our team scored three tries.) ávartis
    - trying
    - try on
    - try out

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > try

  • 14 unsatisfactory

    (not satisfactory: Your progress is unsatisfactory.) nepatenkinamas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > unsatisfactory

  • 15 up to scratch

    (at or to the required or satisfactory standard: Your work does not come up to scratch.) reikiamo lygio

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > up to scratch

  • 16 vet

    I see veterinary II [vet] past tense, past participle - vetted; verb
    (to investigate carefully (and pass as satisfactory): Every member of staff has been vetted by our security department before he starts work here.) patikrinti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > vet

  • 17 work out

    1) (to solve or calculate correctly: I can't work out how many should be left.) apskaičiuoti, išspręsti uždavinį
    2) (to come to a satisfactory end: Don't worry - it will all work out (in the end).) išsispręsti, susitvarkyti
    3) (to perform physical exercises.) mankštintis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > work out

См. также в других словарях:

  • satisfactory — UK US /ˌsætɪsˈfæktəri/ adjective ► good or good enough for a particular need or purpose: »a satisfactory outcome/result/solution »a satisfactory performance/progress do a satisfactory job »The task of the customer s representative is to get a… …   Financial and business terms

  • Satisfactory — Sat is*fac to*ry, a. [Cf. F. satisfactoire.] 1. Giving or producing satisfaction; yielding content; especially, relieving the mind from doubt or uncertainty, and enabling it to rest with confidence; sufficient; as, a satisfactory account or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • satisfactory — index adequate, ample, competent, eligible, mediocre, palatable, prima facie (legally sufficient), right (su …   Law dictionary

  • satisfactory — 1540s, from L.L. satisfactorius, from L. satisfactus, pp. of satisfacere (see SATISFY (Cf. satisfy)). Related: Satisfactorily …   Etymology dictionary

  • satisfactory — [adj] acceptable, sufficient adequate, all right, ample, A OK*, appeasing, assuaging, assuasive, average, cogent, comfortable, competent, cool*, decent, delighting, enough, fair, fulfilling, good, good enough, gratifying, groovy*, passable,… …   New thesaurus

  • satisfactory — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ fulfilling expectations or needs; acceptable. DERIVATIVES satisfactorily adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • satisfactory — [sat΄is fak′tə rē, sat΄is fak′trē] adj. [Fr satisfactoire < ML satisfactorius] good enough to fulfill a need, wish, requirement, etc.; satisfying or adequate satisfactorily adv. satisfactoriness n …   English World dictionary

  • satisfactory — sat|is|fac|to|ry [ˌsætısˈfæktəri] adj something that is satisfactory seems good enough for you, or good enough for a particular situation or purpose = ↑acceptable ≠ ↑unsatisfactory ▪ His progress this term has been satisfactory. satisfactory… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • satisfactory — sat|is|fac|to|ry [ ,sætıs fækt(ə)ri ] adjective * 1. ) good enough to be accepted in a particular situation: His work is far from satisfactory. I have still not received a satisfactory answer to my question. The patient was said to be in a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • satisfactory */*/ — UK [ˌsætɪsˈfækt(ə)rɪ] / US adjective 1) good enough to be accepted in a particular situation I have still not received a satisfactory answer to my question. His work is far from satisfactory. The patient was said to be in a satisfactory condition …   English dictionary

  • satisfactory — adj. VERBS ▪ appear, be, look, prove, seem, sound ▪ consider sth, find sth, regard sth as ADVER …   Collocations dictionary

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