1 sanitary service
2 sanitary service
1) Техника: санитарно-гигиеническая служба2) Экология: санитарная служба -
3 sanitary service
English-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology > sanitary service
4 sanitary service
5 sanitary service
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > sanitary service
6 sanitary service
7 sanitary
[ʹsænıt(ə)rı] aсанитарный, гигиенический, гигиеничныйsanitary science - санитария, гигиена
sanitary napkin /towel/ - гигиеническая прокладка /подушечка/
in a sanitary condition - в санитарных /гигиенических/ условиях
sanitary wallpaper - гигиенические /моющиеся/ обои
sanitary service /corps/ - воен. санитарная служба
8 service
служба; военная [воинская] служба; обслуживание; обеспечение; вид ВС; род войск; pl. св. виды услуг; Бр. технические советники, начальники ( технических) служб ( в штабе) ; обслуживать; производить осмотр и текущий ремонт; обеспечивать; заправлять; служебный; военный; см. тж. dutymorale (and personnel) services — виды обслуживания ЛС, способствующие поднятию морального духа; обеспечение (ЛС) предметами пропагандистского назначения
put into (operational) service — поставлять [принимать] на вооружение; вводить в эксплуатацию [строй]
— aircraft warning service— cryptoanalytical service— for service in— mapping intelligence service— mapping service— rear ward services— see service in— transportation service— water supply service -
9 service
1. n1) работа; служба; сфера деятельности2) линия связи; сообщение; перевозки3) обслуживание, сервис; сфера услуг4) услуга6) уплата процентов (по займам, облигациям)7) вручение (судебной повестки)
- accessorial service
- accommodation service
- accounting system services
- actuarial services
- additional services
- add-on service
- adequate service
- administrative services
- advertising service
- advisory service
- aerial service
- aftersale service
- aftersale technical service
- agency services
- agency service for ships
- agent's services
- agricultural services
- agricultural quarantine service
- air service
- aircraft service
- airmail service
- air passenger service
- air transport services
- ancillary services
- auditing services
- auditor services
- automatic transfer service
- auxiliary services
- back office services
- back-up services
- bank services
- banking service
- beforesale services
- bond service
- bulk service
- bus service
- business services
- buying service
- car service
- cartage service
- cash service
- cash management services
- charter service
- chartering service
- city-terminal service
- civil service
- cleaning services
- coach service
- collection service
- combat zone service
- combined services
- commercial services
- communication service
- commuter service
- competent services
- competitive services
- comprehensive services
- construction engineering services
- consuler service
- consultation services
- consulting services
- consumer services
- container service
- container-on-flatcar service
- continuous service
- contract services
- corporate advisory services
- corporate customer service
- credit and settlement services
- cross-selling banking services
- current services on loans
- custodial services
- customer service
- customs service
- daily service
- debt service
- delivery service
- depositary service
- design services
- development and research services
- distribution services
- emergency service
- employee services
- engineering services
- essential service
- exchange service
- expert services
- export services
- export packing service
- express service
- express air freight service
- express delivery service
- factory services
- fast freight service
- fee-based services
- ferry service
- fiduciary service
- field service
- financial service
- financing services
- first aid service
- first class service
- fishy-back service
- forwarding service
- free services
- freight service
- fringe services
- full service
- full container load service
- full time service
- gate service
- government services
- government debt service
- gratis services
- guard service
- handling service
- harbour services
- health service
- home-delivery service
- industrial services
- industrial extension services
- information service
- infrastructure services
- inland revenue service
- insurance services
- intercity bus service
- inter-city feeder services
- interlibrary loan service
- intermediary services
- Internal Revenue Service
- internal accounting services
- investigation service
- investment services
- invisible services
- irregular service
- janitorial services
- joint rail-air freight service
- large-scale services
- legal services
- lighter service
- liner service
- liner freight service
- liner passenger service
- local services
- long-distance transport service
- loss making services
- low density service
- mail service
- maintenance service
- management service
- management advisory services
- market services
- marketing service
- mass service
- medical service
- merchant service
- military service
- mixed service
- municipal services
- National Giro Service
- National Health Service
- news service
- night service
- night depository service
- nonpreferential service
- nonscheduled service
- nonstop service
- occupational guidance service
- on-board passenger service
- operating services
- outdoor service
- outside service
- overland service
- paid services
- passenger service
- pensionable service
- permanent service
- personal service
- personal banking services
- phone inquiry service
- pick-up service
- piggyback service
- pilot service
- pilotage service
- placement service
- plant quarantine service
- postmarketing service
- postsale service
- preemptive service
- preferential service
- presale service
- prior services
- priority service
- processing services
- professional services
- prompt service
- proper service
- protocol service
- public service
- Public Health Service
- publicity service
- public transport service
- quality control service
- quick repair service
- rail service
- railroad service
- railway service
- railway ferry service
- reciprocal services
- regular service
- rental service
- repair services
- retail service
- retail banking service
- road transport service
- ro-ro service
- safe deposit services
- safety service
- sanitary service
- scheduled service
- scheduled debt service
- security service
- self-dial long-distance service
- senior service
- settlement service
- shipping services
- ship's agency service
- shuttle service
- single-carrier service
- site services
- small-scale services
- social services
- specialized service
- statistical service
- supervisory services
- support services
- technical service
- technical control service
- technical information service
- technological services
- telecommunication service
- telephone service
- through service
- ticker service
- top-notch service
- tourist services
- towage service
- trade information service
- trailer-on-flatcar service
- training services
- tramp service
- transport service
- transportation services
- travel service
- trouble-free service
- trunk line service
- trust services
- tug service
- turnabout service
- underwriting services
- unremunerative services
- up-to-date service
- urgent service
- warranty service
- watchman service
- welfare services
- service by mail
- service by post
- services in advertising
- service in bulk
- services in publicity
- services of an agency
- service of loans
- service of notice
- service of papers
- services of personnel
- service on call
- service to customers
- services to visitors
- service without interruption
- service with waiting
- record services and archives
- in service
- fit for service
- unfit for service
- bring into service
- charge for services
- complete service
- do services
- enlist the services of smb
- employ services
- furnish services
- give services
- go into service
- maintain a service
- maintain regular service
- make use of services
- offer services
- pay for services
- perform services
- provide services
- provide customer service
- publicize services
- put into service
- render services
- require services
- resort to services
- retire from service
- run services
- sell advisory services
- start service
- supply services
- suspend the service
- tender one's services
- undertake a service
- use the services of a lawyer
- utilize services2. v1) обслуживатьEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > service
10 service
1) служба2) обслуживание; сервис3) рабочий режим (напр. фильтра)4) действие; функция•- commuter service - decontamination service - electric service - flood-prediction service - health service - hot water service - long-term service of equipment - municipal service - project support and communication service - public service - sanitary service - short-term service of equipment - water service - water quality service* * *1. работа; сфера деятельности; род занятий; служба; учреждение2. подземная коммуникация (трубопровод, кабель)3. внутридомовая сеть коммуникаций; внутренний водопровод- additional servicesin service — во время эксплуатации, во время работы
- after-sales service
- architect's basic services
- building services
- cold water service
- comprehensive services
- construction advisory service
- down service
- electric services in buildings
- electric services on sites
- engineering services
- expected service
- free bus shuttle service
- personal social services
- specialized services
- surveillance and alarm service
- temporary services
- testing services
- underground services
- watchman services
- water service -
11 sanitary
ˈsænɪtərɪ прил. санитарный, гигиенический sanitary belt ≈ гигиенический пояс sanitary cordon ≈ санитарный кордон sanitary engineering ≈ санитарная техника sanitary napkin, sanitary pad, sanitary towel ≈ гигиеническая прокладка Syn: antiseptic, aseptic, sterile, medical, hospital, hygienic Ant: dirty, noxious, unsanitary, polluted, soiled санитарный, гигиенический, гигиеничный - * science санитария, гигиена - * enlightenment санитарное просвещение - * inspection санинспекция - * belt гигиенический пояс - * napkin /towel/ гигиеническая прокладка /подушечка/ - in a * condition в санитарных /гигиенических/ условиях - insufficient * arrangements антисанитария - * wallpaper гигиенические /моющиеся/ обои - * service /corps/ (военное) санитарная служба - * train санитарный транспорт sanitary санитарный, гигиенический;
sanitary belt гигиенический пояс;
sanitary engineering санитарная техника sanitary санитарный, гигиенический;
sanitary belt гигиенический пояс;
sanitary engineering санитарная техника sanitary санитарный, гигиенический;
sanitary belt гигиенический пояс;
sanitary engineering санитарная техникаБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > sanitary
12 service
1) служба; работа; сфера деятельности2) обслуживание, сервис; услуга || обслуживать3) эксплуатация; уход; техническое обслуживание || эксплуатировать; проводить техническое обслуживание || эксплуатационный4) срок службы; долговечность5) pl службы; услуги; сфера услуг; обслуживающие отрасли экономики6) сообщение, связь; линия7) pl содержание; расходы по обслуживанию8) уплата капитальной суммы или процентов (по займам, облигациям) || уплачивать капитальную сумму или проценты; оплачивать; погашать; уплачивать дивиденд; "обслуживать" (долг) -
13 service
1. n1) служба; обслуживание, сервис2) заслуга; услуга3) эксплуатация4) срок службы•to build up a coherent international civil service — создавать согласованную международную гражданскую службу
to cut back on health and social services — урезать ассигнования на здравоохранение и социальные нужды
to give an idea diplomatic lip service — дипломатически поддерживать какую-л. идею на словах
to give the Health Service a substantial boost in funding — выделять крупные ассигнования на нужды здравоохранения
to lead a service — церк. проводить службу
to pay lip service (to) — относиться формально (к чему-л.); поддерживать (что-л.) на словах
to perform services — выполнять услуги / работы
to render services to smb — предоставлять / оказывать услуги кому-л.
to say a service — церк. отправлять богослужение
to smooth the way to privatizing the health service — готовить почву для денационализации здравоохранения
to take service with smb — поступать на службу к кому-л.
to take into one's service — нанимать
- administrative servicesto utilize the services (of smb) — использовать (чьи-л.) услуги
- advisory service
- amusement and recreation services
- analytical services
- at your service
- auxiliary services
- base service
- battle service
- break in service
- British Intelligence Service
- broadcasting service
- budgetary services
- call to military service
- career service
- civil service
- classified service
- closed services
- communal public services
- community services
- compulsory military service
- computer services
- conciliation service
- consular service
- consultant services
- consultation service
- consumer services
- continuous length of service
- continuous service
- counter-intelligence service
- Criminal Intelligence Service
- data processing services
- debt service
- dedication service
- deterioration in the social services
- development planning advisory services
- diplomatic pouch service
- diplomatic service
- emergency service
- employment service
- essential services
- evasion of military service
- exigency of service
- expatriate advisory service
- expert services
- expiration of service
- export services
- extension of the services of an expert
- extension services
- Federal Security Service
- field services
- financial services
- foreign intelligence service
- foreign service
- functional services
- government foreign services
- government service
- great services to the state
- guidance and counseling services
- health services
- honorable service
- information service
- integrated services
- intelligence service
- Internal Revenue Service
- international civil service
- international information service
- investment services
- joint service
- labor service
- language services
- legal services
- length of labor service
- liable for military service
- local service
- long service
- long-distance telephone service
- mail and messenger service
- management consulting services
- management information service
- management services
- maternity and child care service
- medical service
- memorial service
- merchant service
- messenger service
- meteorological service
- military service
- moral objection to compulsory military service
- municipal services
- national services
- Naval Investigative Service
- on active service
- operational service
- outstanding services
- oversea service
- period of service
- personal services
- postal services
- pouch service
- press service
- procurement services
- provision of consultative services
- public health service
- public service
- radio service
- rear services
- religious service
- reporting services
- round-the-world service
- sanitary services
- Secret Service
- security service
- selective service
- separation from the service
- service with the colors
- services to foreign troops
- short-term advisory services
- social service
- social welfare services
- special service
- state security service
- state service
- statistical service
- subcontracted services
- tangible services
- technical services
- technical training services
- through service
- UN civil service
- uninterrupted length of service
- universal military service
- voluntary national service
- war service 2. v1) обслуживать; оказывать услугу• -
14 sanitary engineering
1. санитарная техника, сантехника2. коммунальные службы -
15 Sanitary & Epidemiological Service
Общая лексика: санэпидемстанцияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Sanitary & Epidemiological Service
16 Sanitary Inspection Service
Экология: органы санитарного надзораУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Sanitary Inspection Service
17 Sanitary-Surveillance Service
Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: служба санитарного надзораУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Sanitary-Surveillance Service
18 sanitary -epidemiological inspection service
Общая лексика: санэпидемстанцияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > sanitary -epidemiological inspection service
19 sanitary and epidemiological service
Общая лексика: санитарно-эпидемиологическая службаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > sanitary and epidemiological service
20 sanitary hygienic service
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > sanitary hygienic service
См. также в других словарях:
Service de santé des armées — French Health service of the Armies (Service de santé des armées or SSA) is in charge of medical and sanitary supply of the Military of France and of all institutions placed under the authority of the French Minister of Defence.Practitioners are… … Wikipedia
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District — The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD), also called Central San, provides sanitary sewage transport and treatment for the central portion of Contra Costa County, California. The main facility is a 54 million gallon per day treatment… … Wikipedia
Fresno Municipal Sanitary Landfill — Infobox nrhp | name =Fresno Sanitary Landfill nrhp type =nhl caption = location= Fresno, California locmapin = California lat degrees = 36 lat minutes = 42 lat seconds = 0 lat direction = N long degrees = 119 long minutes = 49 long seconds = 47… … Wikipedia
North Shore Sanitary District Tower — U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia
United States Sanitary Commission — Die United States Sanitary Commission (USSC) war eine von 1861 bis 1866 bestehende Einrichtung der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten, welche die Hilfsaktivitäten von Freiwilligen während des amerikanischen Bürgerkrieges unterstützte und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
French Defence Health service — ( Service de santé des armées or SSA ) is in charge of medical and sanitary support of the French Military and of all institutions placed under the authority of the French Ministry of Defence.Physicians and chemists receive initial training in… … Wikipedia
The United States Sanitary Commission — Commission Com*mis sion, n. [F., fr. L. commissio. See {Commit}.] 1. The act of committing, doing, or performing; the act of perpetrating. [1913 Webster] Every commission of sin introduces into the soul a certain degree of hardness. South. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
United States Public Health Service — Infobox Government agency agency name = United States Public Health Service logo width = 140px formed = 1798 preceding1 = preceding2 = dissolved = superseding = jurisdiction = Federal government of the United States headquarters = Washington, D.C … Wikipedia
Apollo Command/Service Module — Apollo CSM The Apollo 15 CSM in lunar orbit Description Role: Earth and Lunar Orbit Crew: 3; CDR, CM pilot, LM pilot Dimensions Height: 36.2 ft 11.03 m … Wikipedia
Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service — (CFRS) Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service (CFRS) area Coverage Area Cornwall Siz … Wikipedia
Integrated Service Solutions — ISS Rechtsform A/S ISIN DK0010267046 Gründung … Deutsch Wikipedia