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См. также в других словарях:

  • San Joaquin valley fever — n COCCIDIOIDOMYCOSIS …   Medical dictionary

  • San Joaquin Valley fever (disease) — San Joa·quin Val·ley fever (disease) (sanґ wah kēnґ valґe) [San Joaquin Valley, California, where the disease is particularly prominent] primary coccidioidomycosis …   Medical dictionary

  • san joaquin valley fever — noun see san joaquin fever …   Useful english dictionary

  • San Joaquin Valley — The San Joaquin Valley (pronEng|ˌsæn wɑːˈkiːn) refers to the area of the Central Valley of California that lies south of the Sacramento San Joaquin Delta in Stockton. Although most of the valley is rural, it does contain urban hubs such as… …   Wikipedia

  • San Joaquin Valley disease — A disease also called coccidioidomycosis (CM) due to a fungus called Coccidioides immitis. About 40% of people infected with this fungus develop symptoms. Most often they have an influenza like illness with fever, cough, headaches, rash, and… …   Medical dictionary

  • San Joaquin Valley fever — Pathol. coccidioidomycosis. [after the area in which it was first reported] * * * …   Universalium

  • San Joaquin fever — San Joa·quin fever .san .wä kēn n COCCIDIOIDOMYCOSIS * * * San Joaquin Valley fever primary coccidioidomycosis …   Medical dictionary

  • san joaquin fever — |sanwȯ|kēn , wä| noun also san joaquin valley fever Usage: usually capitalized S&J&V Etymology: after San Joaquin Valley, central California, where it was endemic : coccidioidomycosis …   Useful english dictionary

  • valley fever — noun Etymology: from its prevalence in the San Joaquin valley of California Date: 1938 coccidioidomycosis …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • valley fever — Pathol. coccidioidomycosis. [1935 40; so called because it is common in the San Joaquin Valley in California] * * * …   Universalium

  • Fever, desert — A disease also called coccidioidomycosis (CM) due to a fungus called Coccidioides immitis. About 40% of people infected with this fungus develop symptoms. Most often they have an influenza like illness with fever, cough, headaches, rash, and… …   Medical dictionary

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