1 pan-sippo
1) n salt: flavorless2) n flavorless salt -
2 варница
3 варница
4 чрен для выпарки рассола
Русско-английский словарь по химии > чрен для выпарки рассола
5 соляное озеро
6 варница
7 чрен для выпарки рассола
Русско-английский научный словарь > чрен для выпарки рассола
8 варница
salt-pan имя существительное: -
9 чан для выпарки рассола
salt-pan имя существительное:Русско-английский синонимический словарь > чан для выпарки рассола
10 чрен для выпарки рассола
salt-pan имя существительное:Русско-английский синонимический словарь > чрен для выпарки рассола
11 черный камень
12 соляная котловина
salt flat; salt panРусско-английский географический словарь > соляная котловина
13 черный камень
14 чренный камень
Русско-английский словарь по пищевой промышленности > чренный камень
15 чрен
м. чрен для соли, выпарной — salt pan -
16 выварочная соль
17 выварочная соль
1) Engineering: common salt, evaporated salt, pan salt, sodium chloride2) Fishery: evaporation salt3) Food industry: heat-evaporated salt, stoved salt -
18 варница
1) General subject: saltpan2) Engineering: salt furnace, salt-bath furnace4) Food industry: boilery5) Makarov: salting furnace -
19 выпарной чрен
20 свинцовый чрен
См. также в других словарях:
Salt pan — Salt Salt, a. [Compar. {Salter}; superl. {Saltest}.] [AS. sealt, salt. See {Salt}, n.] 1. Of or relating to salt; abounding in, or containing, salt; prepared or preserved with, or tasting of, salt; salted; as, salt beef; salt water. Salt tears.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Salt pan — Salt pans can refer to: *Salt pan (geology), a flat expanse of ground covered with salt and other minerals, usually found in deserts *Salt evaporation pond, a method of producing salt by evaporating brine … Wikipedia
salt pan — ► NOUN ▪ a shallow container or depression in the ground in which salt water evaporates to leave a deposit of salt … English terms dictionary
salt pan — noun Etymology: Middle English salt panne 1. : an undrained natural depression in which water gathers and leaves a deposit of salt on evaporation 2. : a large pan for making salt by evaporation * * * an undrained natural depression, as a crater… … Useful english dictionary
Salt Pan Creek — is a small creek in south western Sydney, in the state of New South Wales, Australia. It is located between the suburbs of Padstow and Riverwood and feeds into the Georges River.HistoryPrior to 1926, Salt Pan Creek was the site of an Aboriginal… … Wikipedia
Salt Pan Cove, New South Wales — Salt Pan Cove is located on the eastern foreshores of Pittwater in Newport. The area can be accessed via Prince Alfred Parade leading south down to the creek and cove via log timber steps. Geography The parent geology is made up of the shales and … Wikipedia
Salt pan (geology) — Natural salt pans are flat expanses of ground covered with salt and other minerals, usually shining white under the sun. They are found in deserts, and should not be confused with man made salt evaporation ponds. A salt pan is formed where water… … Wikipedia
salt pan — /ˈsɒlt pæn/ (say solt pan) noun a flat expanse of land covered by natural deposits of salt on its surface, left by evaporation. Also, saltpan. {salt + pan1} …
Salt-pan — Particularly common in eastern England, around the Wash; there are still remains of such pans. They collected salt water; being heated from below, salt remained as water evaporated. The render or payment to a lord was often made up of… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
salt-pan — n. Salt pit, salt mine, salt work … New dictionary of synonyms
salt pan — noun a) A flat expanse of ground naturally covered with salt and other minerals; this is the accumulation of salts and minerals as water, unable to drain into the ground, evaporates. b) A man made pond where salty water is evaporated to… … Wiktionary