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  • 1 sailing

    noun (the activity or sport of navigating a ship or boat that has sails: Sailing is one of his hobbies.) ιστιοπλοϊα

    English-Greek dictionary > sailing

  • 2 rig

    [riɡ] 1. past tense, past participle - rigged; verb
    (to fit (a ship) with ropes and sails.) εξοπλίζω, αρματώνω
    2. noun
    1) (an oil-rig.) γεωτρύπανο
    2) (any special equipment, tools etc for some purpose.) εξάρτυση
    3) (the arrangement of sails etc of a sailing-ship.) εξαρτία, αρματωσιά πλοίου
    - rig out
    - rig up

    English-Greek dictionary > rig

  • 3 clipper

    1) ((in plural) a tool for clipping: hedge-clippers; nail-clippers.) ψαλίδα, -κόπτης
    2) (a type of fast sailing-ship.) μεγάλο ιστιοφόρο

    English-Greek dictionary > clipper

  • 4 cutter

    1) (a person or thing that cuts: a wood-cutter; a glass-cutter.) κόπτης, κοπίδι, κλπ
    2) (a type of small sailing ship.) μικρό ιστιοφόρο

    English-Greek dictionary > cutter

  • 5 galleon

    (in former times, a large, usually Spanish, sailing-ship.) γαλιόνι

    English-Greek dictionary > galleon

  • 6 junk

    I noun
    (unwanted or worthless articles; rubbish: That cupboard is full of junk; ( also adjective) This vase was bought in a junk shop (= a shop that sells junk).) παλιατσαρία
    II noun
    (a Chinese flat-bottomed sailing ship, high in the bow and stern.) κινέζικο ιστιοφόρο

    English-Greek dictionary > junk

  • 7 schooner

    (a type of fast sailing-ship with two or more masts.) σκούνα

    English-Greek dictionary > schooner

  • 8 sail

    [seil] 1. noun
    1) (a sheet of strong cloth spread to catch the wind, by which a ship is driven forward.) ιστίο,πανί
    2) (a journey in a ship: a sail in his yacht; a week's sail to the island.) κρουαζιέρα
    3) (an arm of a windmill.) φτερό ανεμόμυλου
    2. verb
    1) ((of a ship) to be moved by sails: The yacht sailed away.) πλέω,αρμενίζω
    2) (to steer or navigate a ship or boat: He sailed (the boat) to the island.) οδηγώ,κυβερνώ
    3) (to go in a ship or boat (with or without sails): I've never sailed through the Mediterranean.) ταξιδεύω(με πλοίο)
    4) (to begin a voyage: The ship sails today; My aunt sailed today.) αποπλέω
    5) (to travel on (the sea etc) in a ship: He sailed the North Sea.) διαπλέω
    6) (to move steadily and easily: Clouds sailed across the sky; He sailed through his exams; She sailed into the room.) κινούμαι/περνώ με άνεση
    - sailing
    - sailing-
    - sailor
    - in full sail

    English-Greek dictionary > sail

  • 9 craft

    1) (an art or skill: the craft of wood-carving.) τέχνη
    2) ((plural craft) a boat or ship: sailing craft.) σκάφος
    3) (cunning or trickery: craft and deceit.) πονηριά
    - craftily
    - craftiness
    - craftsman
    - craftsmanship

    English-Greek dictionary > craft

  • 10 out of sight

    1) (no longer visible; where you cannot see something or be seen: They watched the ship sailing until it was out of sight; Put it out of sight.) αθέατος,άφαντος
    2) (an old expression meaning wonderful, fantastic: The show was out of sight.) καταπληκτικός

    English-Greek dictionary > out of sight

  • 11 weigh anchor

    (to lift a ship's anchor in preparation for sailing.) σηκώνω άγκυρα

    English-Greek dictionary > weigh anchor

См. также в других словарях:

  • Sailing ship — is now used to refer to any large wind powered vessel. In technical terms, a ship was a sailing vessel with a specific rig of at least three masts, square rigged on all of them, making the sailing adjective redundant. In popular usage ship became …   Wikipedia

  • sailing ship — sailing ships N COUNT A sailing ship is a large ship with sails, especially of the kind that were used to carry passengers or cargo. American clippers were the ultimate sailing ships …   English dictionary

  • sailing ship — n a large ship with sails …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • sailing ship — sailing ,ship noun count a large ship that uses sails to move across water …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • sailing ship — ► NOUN ▪ a ship propelled by sails …   English terms dictionary

  • sailing ship — noun a vessel that is powered by the wind; often having several masts • Syn: ↑sailing vessel • Members of this Topic: ↑weatherly, ↑weatherliness • Hypernyms: ↑vessel, ↑watercraft …   Useful english dictionary

  • sailing ship — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms sailing ship : singular sailing ship plural sailing ships a large ship that uses sails to move across water …   English dictionary

  • Sailing Ship Columbia — Disneyland Land Frontierland Designer Joe Fowler Ray Wallace …   Wikipedia

  • Sailing Ship Columbia Riverboat — Sailing Ship Columbia Le Sailing Ship Columbia est un bateau servant d attraction dans le parc Disneyland en Californie. C est une réplique grandeur nature du ship sloop (version anglo américaine des corvettes du XVIIIe siècle) USS Columbia …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sailing ship accidents — Sailing ships were (and are) frequently put in the way of difficult conditions, whether by storm or combat, and the crew frequently called upon to cope with accidents, ranging from the parting of a single line to whole destruction of the rigging …   Wikipedia

  • sailing ship — ship that is propelled by means of sails …   English contemporary dictionary

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