1 safety catch
2 safety catch
3 safety catch
4 safety-catch
['seɪftɪkæʧ]n plзапобі́жник ( на зброї) -
5 safety
безпека; цілісність; схоронність- safety belt
- safety catch
- safety certificate
- safety check
- safety code
- safety committee
- safety for life and property
- safety from disclosure
- safety island
- safety law
- safety laws
- safety measure
- safety of consumer goods
- safety of navigation
- safety of passengers
- safety of the personnel
- safety officer
- safety precaution
- safety regulation
- safety regulations
- safety requirements
- safety standards
- safety strip
- safety violation
- safety zone -
6 safety
n1) безпека, безпечність2) неушкодженість; схоронністьto keep smth. in safety — зберігати щось у надійному місці
3) засіб гарантування безпеки; гарантія4) розм. (скор. від safety-bolt) запобіжний болт5) запас міцностіsafety belt — рятувальний пояс; запобіжний пояс; ав. прив'язний ремінь
safety brake — тех. автоматичне гальмо
safety catch — тех. запобіжник; засувка запобіжника; ел. плавкий запобіжник
safety exploder — військ. самодетонатор
safety factor — тех. коефіцієнт безпеки; запас міцності
safety fuse — вогнепровідний шнур; ел. плавкий запобіжник
safety grid — зал. запобіжні грати
safety harness — ав. прив'язні ремені
safety hook — гак з запобіжником, карабін
safety limit — військ. межа безпеки
safety officer — військ. офіцер, що гарантує безпеку руху автотранспорту; ав. офіцер, що відповідає за безпеку польотів
safety pilot — військ. льотчик-контролер
* * *['seifti]n1) безпека2) схоронність3) icт. засіб безпеки; гарантія4) запобіжник ( зброї)5) cкop. від safety-bolt6) = safety factor
См. также в других словарях:
safety catch — Safety Safe ty, n. [Cf. F. sauvet[ e].] 1. The condition or state of being safe; freedom from danger or hazard; exemption from hurt, injury, or loss. [1913 Webster] Up led by thee, Into the heaven I have presumed, An earthly guest . . . With like … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
safety catch — safety catches N COUNT The safety catch on a gun is a device that stops you firing the gun accidentally. Eddie slipped the safety catch on his automatic back into place … English dictionary
safety catch — n BrE a lock on a gun that stops anyone from shooting it by accident American Equivalent: safety … Dictionary of contemporary English
safety catch — safety ,catch noun count 1. ) a SAFETY on a gun 2. ) the part of a machine or piece of equipment that prevents it from starting, working, or opening accidentally … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
safety catch — ► NOUN ▪ a device that prevents a gun being fired or a machine being operated accidentally … English terms dictionary
safety catch — noun guard consisting of a locking device that prevents a weapon from being fired • Syn: ↑safety lock • Hypernyms: ↑guard, ↑safety, ↑safety device • Part Holonyms: ↑gun * * * safety catch … Useful english dictionary
Safety Catch — Infobox Radio Show show name = Safety Catch imagesize = caption = other names = format = Sitcom runtime = 30 minutes country = United Kingdom language = English home station = BBC Radio 4 syndicates = television = starring = Darren Boyd Joanna… … Wikipedia
safety catch — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms safety catch : singular safety catch plural safety catches 1) the part of a gun that stops you from accidentally firing it 2) the part of a machine or piece of equipment that prevents it from starting, working … English dictionary
safety catch — safety lock, lock to prevent accidental use … English contemporary dictionary
safety catch — 1. a device used in mechanisms, as for elevators, to prevent falling in the event of mechanical failure. 2. safety (def. 4). [1875 80] * * * … Universalium
safety catch — noun A latching device that prevents accidental activation of a dangerous event, an interlock. Colloquially shortened to just a safety … Wiktionary