1 safety brake
тех.; ав. -
2 safety brake
тех.; ав. -
3 safety
n1) безпека, безпечність2) неушкодженість; схоронністьto keep smth. in safety — зберігати щось у надійному місці
3) засіб гарантування безпеки; гарантія4) розм. (скор. від safety-bolt) запобіжний болт5) запас міцностіsafety belt — рятувальний пояс; запобіжний пояс; ав. прив'язний ремінь
safety brake — тех. автоматичне гальмо
safety catch — тех. запобіжник; засувка запобіжника; ел. плавкий запобіжник
safety exploder — військ. самодетонатор
safety factor — тех. коефіцієнт безпеки; запас міцності
safety fuse — вогнепровідний шнур; ел. плавкий запобіжник
safety grid — зал. запобіжні грати
safety harness — ав. прив'язні ремені
safety hook — гак з запобіжником, карабін
safety limit — військ. межа безпеки
safety officer — військ. офіцер, що гарантує безпеку руху автотранспорту; ав. офіцер, що відповідає за безпеку польотів
safety pilot — військ. льотчик-контролер
* * *['seifti]n1) безпека2) схоронність3) icт. засіб безпеки; гарантія4) запобіжник ( зброї)5) cкop. від safety-bolt6) = safety factor -
4 brake beam safety support
n чека гальмової підвіскиEnglish-Ukrainian military dictionary > brake beam safety support
См. также в других словарях:
Brake Assist — (BA or BAS) is a generic term for an automobile braking technology that increases braking pressure in an emergency situation.The first application was developed jointly by Daimler Benz and TRW/Lucas Verity. Research conducted in 1992 at the… … Wikipedia
Brake (charity) — Brake is a British national road safety charity. The charity aims to promote awareness of road safety issues in the United Kingdom and brands itself as The Road Safety Charity . It founded and runs an annual Road Safety Week and awards Members of … Wikipedia
Safety engineering — is an applied science strongly related to systems engineering and the subset System Safety Engineering. Safety engineering assures that a life critical system behaves as needed even when pieces fail.In the real world the term safety engineering… … Wikipedia
Brake lining — Brake linings are the consumable surfaces in braking systems, especially those used in vehicles.tructure and functionBrake linings are composed of a relatively soft but tough and heat resistant material with a high coefficient of dynamic friction … Wikipedia
Brake-by-wire — Drive by wire technology in automotive industry replaces the traditional mechanical and hydraulic control systems with electronic control systems using electromechanical actuators and human machine interfaces such as pedal and steering feel… … Wikipedia
Brake run — A brake run on a roller coaster is any section of track meant to slow or stop a roller coaster train.[1] Brake runs may be located anywhere along the circuit of a coaster and may be designed to bring the train to a complete halt or to simply… … Wikipedia
Brake, Lower Saxony — Infobox German Location Name = Brake Art = Stadt Wappen = Wappen Brake.png lat deg = 53 |lat min = 20 lon deg = 8 |lon min = 29 Lageplan = Bundesland = Niedersachsen Landkreis = Wesermarsch Höhe = 3 Fläche = 38.18 Einwohner = 16267 Stand = 2004… … Wikipedia
Safety on Singapore Mass Rapid Transit — The safety of the Mass Rapid Transit system in Singapore was questioned by the public after several accidents on the system during the 1980s and 1990s. Most problems have been addressed, and many safety measures are visible to users of the system … Wikipedia
Safety package — A safety package is a set of functional features of a vehicle that are intended to reduce the likelihood of a crash or enhance survivability or injury reduction. Many items once included at extra cost are now standard items, being mandated by… … Wikipedia
safety ramp — /ˈseɪfti ræmp/ (say sayftee ramp) noun a sharply rising side track leading off a roadway with a steep downgrade, and intended to be used to bring a vehicle to an emergency stop in the event of brake failure …
brake test — A testing procedure which determines the efficiency of a vehicle s brakes in order to pass safety tests … Dictionary of automotive terms