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  • 1 सौर्ययाम

    mfn. (fr. sūrya-yama) belonging to the sun andᅠ Yama VS.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > सौर्ययाम

  • 2 यमसूर्य

    n. a building with two halls (one with a western, the other with a northern aspect) VarBṛS.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > यमसूर्य

  • 3 अर्क _arka

    अर्क a. [अर्च्-घञ्-कुत्वम् Uṇ.3.4.]. Fit to be worshipped (अर्चनीय).
    -र्कः 1 A ray of light, a flash of lightning (Ved.).
    -2 The sun; आविष्कृतारुणपुरःसर एकतो$र्कः Ś.4.2.
    -3 Fire. य एवमेतदर्कस्यार्कत्वं वेद Bṛi. Up. 1.2.1.
    -4 A crystal; पुष्पार्ककेतकाभाश्च Rām.2.94.6.
    -5 Copper.
    -6 Sunday.
    -7 Membrum virile. एवा ते शेपः सहसायमर्को$ङ्गेनाङ्गं संसमकं कृणोतु Av.6.72.1.
    -8 N. of the sun-plant, Calatropis Gigantea (Mar. रुई), a small tree with medicinal sap and rind; अर्कस्योपरि शिथिलं च्युतमिव नवमल्लिकाकुसुमम् Ś.2.9; यमाश्रित्य न विश्रामं क्षुधार्ता यान्ति सेवकाः । सो$र्कवन्नृपतिस्त्याज्यः सदापुष्पफलो$पि सन् Pt.1.51. अर्के चेन्मधु विन्देत ŚB. on MS.
    -9 N. of Indra.
    -1 A sort of religious ceremony.
    -11 Praise, hymn; praising, extolling, song of praise.
    -12 A singer (Ved. in these two senses).
    -13 A learned man.
    -14 An elder brother.
    -15 Food (अर्कम् also).
    -16 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -17 A kind of decoction.
    -18 The seventh day of a month.
    -19 The उत्तरा- फल्गुनी asterism.
    -2 The number 12.
    -21 The sun- stone (सूर्यकान्त); मसारगल्वर्कमयैर्विभङ्गैर्विभूषितं हेमनिबद्धचक्रम् Mb.12.46.33. cf. अर्को$र्कपर्णे स्फटिके ताम्रे सूर्ये दिवस्पतौ । ज्येष्ठभ्रातरि शुक्ले$र्कपादपे च पुमान् भवेत् ॥ Nm.
    -Comp. -अंशः, -कला a digit or 12th part of the sun's disc.
    -अश्मन् m.
    -उपलः 1 the sun-stone, heliotrope, girasol.
    -2 a sort of crystal or ruby.
    -आह्वः the swallow wort.
    -इन्दुसंगमः the time of conjunction of the sun and moon (दर्श or अमावास्या).
    -कान्तः A class of eleven storeyed buildings; Māna.29.25-34.
    -कान्ता 1 N. of a plant commonly called हुड्हुडिया.
    -2 sun's wife.
    -3 sun's shadow.
    -कुण्डतीर्थम् N. of a Tīrtha; Skanda P.
    -क्षेत्रम् 1 the field of the sun; the sign Leo, pre- sided over by the sun.
    -2 N. of a holy place in Orissa.
    -ग्रहः The eclipse of the sun; Bṛi. S.
    -ग्रीवः N. of the Sāman.
    -चन्दनः a kind of red sandal (रक्तचन्दन).
    -चिकित्सा Arka's work on medical science.
    -जः epithet of Karṇa, Yama, Sugrīva. (
    -जौ) the two Aśvins regarded as the physicians of Heaven.
    -तनयः 'a son of the sun', an epithet of Karṇa, Yama, Manu Vaivasvata, Manu Sāvarṇi and Saturn; see अरुणात्मज. (
    -या) N. of the rivers Yamunā and Tāpti.
    -त्विष् f. light of the sun.
    -दिनम्, -वासरः Sunday.
    -दुग्धम् milky sap or exudation of Arka.
    -नन्दनः, -पुत्रः, -सुतः, -सूनुः N. of Saturn, Karṇa or Yama.
    - नयन a. one whose eyes are difficult to be gazed at. (
    -नः) an epithet of Virat Puruṣa.
    -नामन् m. the red arka tree.
    -पत्रः, -पर्णः N. of the plant अर्क. (
    -त्रा) a kind of birth- wort (सुनन्दा, अर्कमूला) with wedge-shaped leaves. (
    -त्रम्, -र्णम्) the leaf of the अर्क plant.
    -पादपः N. of a plant (निम्ब); another tree (आकन्द).
    -पुष्पम् a flower of arka
    -पुष्पाद्यम् N. of a Sāman. (
    -पुष्पिका N. of a plant (कुटुम्बिनी)
    -पुष्पोत्तरम् N. of a Sāman.
    -प्रकाश a. Bright like the sun; Mb.
    -प्रिया N. of a plant (जव).
    -बन्धुः, -बान्धवः 1 N. of Buddha Śākyamuni, meaning सूर्यवंश्यः, cf. शुद्धोदनो नाम नृपो$र्कबन्धुः Bu. Ch.9.9.
    -2 a lotus (the sun-lotus).
    -भम् 1 an asterism influenced by the sun.
    -2 the sign Leo.
    -3 उत्तराफल्गुनीनक्षत्र.
    -भक्ता = ˚कान्ता q. v.
    -मण्डलम् disc of the sun.
    -मूलः, -ला = ˚पत्रा; विलिखति वसुधामर्कमूलस्य हेतोः Bh.2.1.
    -रेतोजः Revanta, the son of Sūrya.
    -लपणम् Saltpetre.
    -वर्षः a solar year.
    -वल्लभः 1 N. of a plant (बन्धूक; Mar. दुपारी).
    -2 a lotus.
    -विवाहः marriage with the arka plant (enjoined to be performed before a man marries a third wife, who thus becomes his fourth); चतुर्थादिविवाहार्थं तृतीयो$र्कं समुद्वहेत् Kāśyapa.
    -वेधः N. of a tree (तालीशपत्र).
    -व्रतः, -तम् 1 a vow performed on माघशुक्लसप्तमी.
    -2 the law or manner of the sun; when a king exacts taxes from his subjects only to add to their material comforts and happiness, just as the sun draws up water during 8 months of the year, only to give it back increased a thousandfold, he is said to follow अर्कव्रत, अष्टौ मासान् यथादित्यस्तोयं हरति रश्मिभिः । तथा हरेत्करं राष्ट्रान्नित्यमर्कव्रतं हि तत् ॥ Ms.9.35; cf. R.1.18 (the point of comparison may also be the imperceptible way in which the sun ab- sorbs water, see Pt.1.221).
    -शोकः Ved. brilliancy of rays.
    -सातिः f.
    1 finding of rays.
    -2 poetical ins- piration; finding out hymns; रपत् कविरिन्द्रार्कसातौ Rv.1. 174.7.
    -सोदरः 'brother of the sun', an epithet of Airāvata.
    -हिता = ˚कान्ता q. v.

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  • 4 सावित्री _sāvitrī

    सावित्री 1 A ray of light.
    -2 N. of a celebrated verse of the Rigveda, so called because it is addressed to the sun; it is also called गायत्री; q.v. for further information.
    -3 The ceremony of investi- ture with the sacred thread; आ षोडशाद् ब्राह्मणस्य सावित्री नातिवर्तते Ms.2.38.
    -4 N. of a wife of Brahman.
    -5 N. of Pārvatī.
    -6 N. of a wife of Kaśyapa.
    -7 An epithet of Sūryā (daughter of Savitṛi).
    -8 N. of the wife of Satyavat, king of Sālva. [She was the only daughter of king Aśvapati. She was so lovely that all the suitors that came to woo her were repul- sed by her superior lustre, and thus though she reached a marriageable age, she found no one ready to espouse her. At last her father asked her to go and find out a husband of her own choice. She did so, and having made her selection returned to her father, and told him that she had chosen Satyavat, son of Dyumatsena, king of Sālva, who being driven out from his kingdom was then leading a hermit's life along with his wife. When Nārada, who hap- pened to be present there, heard this, he told her as well as Aśvapati that he was very sorry to hear of the choice she had made, for though Satyavat was in every way worthy of her, yet he was fated to die in a year from that date, and in choosing him, therefore, Sāvitrī would be only choosing life-long widow-hood and misery. Her parents, therfore, naturally tried to dissuade her mind, but the high-souled maiden told them that her choice was unalterably fixed. Accordingly the marriage took place in due time, and Sāvitrī laid aside her jewels and rich apparel, and putting on the coarse garments of hermits, spent her time in serving her old father and mother-in-law. Still, though outwardly happy, she could not forget the words of Nārada, and as she counted, the days seemed to fly swifitly like moments, and the fated time, when her husband was to die, drew near. 'I have yet three days' thought she, 'and for these three days I shall observe a rigid fast.' She maintained her vow, and on the fourth day, when Satyavat was about to go to the woods to bring sacrificial fuel, she accompanied him. After having collected some fuel, Satyavat, being fatigued, sat down, and reposing his head on the bosom of Sāvitrī fell asleep. Just then Yama came down, snatched off his soul, and proce- eded towards the south. Sāvitrī saw this and fol- lowed the god who told her to return as her husband's term of life was over. But the faithful wife besought Yama in so pathetic a strain that he granted her boon after boon, except the life of her husband, until, being quite subdued by her devotion to her husband and the force of her eloquent appeal, the god relented and restored even the spirit of Satyavat to her. Deli- ghted she returned, and found her husband as if roused from a deep sleep, and informing him of all that had occurred, went to the hermitage of her father-in-law who soon reaped the fruits of the boons of Yama. Sāvitrī is regarded as the beau ideal or high- est pattern of conjugal fidelity, and a young married woman is usually blessed by elderly females with the words जन्मसावित्री भव, thus placing before her the example of Sāvitrī for lifelong imitation.]
    -Comp. -पतितः, -परिभ्रष्टः a man of any one of the first three castes not invested with the sacred thread at the proper time; cf. व्रात्य; सावित्रीपतिता व्रात्या व्रात्यस्तोमादृते क्रतोः Y.1.38; Ms.2.39; तान् सावित्रीपरिभ्रष्टान् व्रात्यानिति विनि- र्दिशेत् Ms.1.2.
    -व्रतम् N. of a particular fast kept by Hindu women on the last three days of the bright half of Jyeṣṭha to preserve them from widow- hood.
    -सूत्रम् the sacred thread (यज्ञोपवीत).

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > सावित्री _sāvitrī

  • 5 वैवस्वत

    mf (ī)n. (fr. vivasvat) coming from orᅠ belonging to the sun R. ;

    relating orᅠ belonging to Yama Vaivasvata Kauṡ. MBh. Kāv. ;
    relating to Manu Vaivasvata MBh. Hariv. Pur. ;
    m. patr. of Yama RV. etc. etc.;
    of a Maṇu AV. ṠBr. etc.;
    of the planet Saturn L. ;
    N. of one of the Rudras VP. ;
    (ī) f. a daughter of Sūrya MBh. ;
    patr. of Yamī MW. ;
    the south L. ;
    N. of Yamunā A.;
    n. (scil. antara) N. of the 7th orᅠ present Manv-antara (as presided over by Manu Vaivasvata) MW. ;
    - वैवस्वततीर्थ
    - वैवस्वतमन्वन्तर

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  • 6 कालिन्द _kālinda

    कालिन्द a. (
    -न्दी f.) [कलिन्द-अण्] Connected with or coming from the mountain Kalinda or the river Yamunā.
    -न्दी 1 The river Yamunā; कालिन्द्याः पुलिनेषु केलिकुपिताम् Ve.1.2; R.15.28; Śānti.4.13.
    -2 A sort of vessel.
    -3 N. of a wife of Kṛiṣṇa. (a daughter of Sūrya).
    -न्दम् A water melon.
    -Comp. -कर्षणः, -भेदनः an epithet of Balarāma q. v.
    -सूः f. Saṁjñā (
    -संज्ञा), a wife of the sun. (-m.) the sun.
    -सोदरः Yama, the god of death.

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  • 7 दिनः _dinḥ _नम् _nam

    दिनः नम् [द्युति तमः, दो दी वा नक् ह्रस्व; Uṇ.2.49.]
    1 Day (opp. रात्रि); दिनान्ते निहितं तेजः सवित्रेव हुताशनः R.4.1; यामिनयन्ति दिनानि च सुखदुःखवशीकृते मनसि K.P.1; दिनान्ते निलयाय गन्तुम् R.2.15.
    -2 A day (including the night), a period of 24 hours; दिने दिने सा परिवर्धमाना Ku.1.25; सप्त व्यतीयुस्त्रिगुणानि तस्य दिनानि R.2.25.
    -Comp. -अंशः any portion of a day, i. e. an hour, a watch, &c.
    -अण्डम् darkness.
    -अत्ययः, -अन्तः, -अवसानम् evening, sunset; R.2.15,45; दिनान्तरभ्यो$भ्युपशान्तमन्मथः Ṛs.1.1; Ki.9.8.
    -अधीशः the sun.
    -अर्धः mid-day, noon.
    -अन्तकः darkness.
    -आगमः, -आदिः, -आरम्भः daybreak, morning; Ki.11.52.
    -ईशः, ईश्वरः the sun. ˚आत्मजः
    1 an epithet of Saturn.
    -2 of Karṇa.
    -3 of Sugrīva.
    -करः, -कर्तृ, -कृत् m. the sun; तुल्योद्योगस्तव दिनकृतश्चाधिकारो मतो नः V.2.1; दिनकरकुलचन्द्र चन्द्रकेतो U.6. 8; R.9.23. ˚तनयः N. of (1) Saturn; (2) Sugrīva; (3) Karṇa; (4) Yama. ˚तनया N. of (1) the river Yamunā, (2) the river Tāptī.
    -कर्तव्यम्, -कार्यम्, -कृत्यम् ceremonies to be performed daily; Ks.
    -केशरः, -केसरः, -केशवः darkness.
    -क्षयः, -पातः evening.
    -चर्या daily occupation, daily routine of business.
    -च्छिद्रम् 1 a constellation or lunar mansion.
    -2 a change of the moon at the beginning or end of a half-day; Hch.
    -ज्योतिस् n. sunshine.
    -दुःखितः the Chakra- vāka bird.
    -नक्तम् ind. by day and night.
    -नाथः, -पः, -पतिः, -बन्धः, -प्रणीः, -मणिः, -मयूखः, -रत्नम् the sun; दिनमणिमण्डलमण्डन Gīt.; पस्पृशुर्न पृथिवीं तुरङ्गमाः स्पर्धयेव दिननाथवाजिनाम् Vikr.14.64;11.1.
    -पाटिका a day's wages; Vet.4.
    -बलम् N. of the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, eleventh, and twelfth signs of the zodiac taken collectively.
    -मलम् a month.
    -मुख morning; तुल्यतां दिनमुखेन दिनान्तः Ki.9.8; दिनमुखानि रविर्हिमनिग्रहै- र्विमलयन् मलयं नगमत्यजत् R.9.25.
    -मूर्द्धन् m. the eastern mountain behind which the sun is supposed to rise.
    -यौवनम् mid-day, noon (the youth of day).
    -वारः a week-day.
    -व्यास-दलम् the radius of a circle made by an asterism in its daily revolution; Sūrya S.2.6.
    -स्पृश् n. a lunar day coinciding with 3 week-days; Hch.

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  • 8 सौर _saura

    सौर a. (
    -री f.) [सूरस्य इदं सूरो देवतास्य वा अण्]
    1 Re- lating to the sun, solar.
    -2 Sacred or dedicated to the sun.
    -3 Worshipping the sun.
    -4 Celestial, divine.
    -5 Relating to spirituous liquor.
    -रः 1 A worshipper of the sun; Mb.7.82.16.
    -2 The planet Saturn.
    -3 A solar month.
    -4 A solar day.
    -5 The plant called Tumburu.
    -6 N. of Yama, the god of death.
    -रम् 1 N. of a collection of hymns (extracted from the Ṛigveda) addressed to Sūrya.
    -2 The right eye.
    -Comp. -नक्तम् a particular religious observance.
    -मासः a solar month (comprising thirty risings and settings of the sun).
    -लोकः the sun's sphere.

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  • 9 चण्ड

    mf (ā VarBṛS. LXVIII, 92 ;

    ī R. II Vikr. Ragh. etc..)n. (probably fr. candrá, « glowing» with passion) fierce, violent, cruel, impetuous, hot, ardent with passion, passionate, angry MBh. R. etc.;
    circumcised L. ;
    m. N. of a mythical being ( cáṇḍasyanaptyás,
    « daughters of Caṇḍa», a class of female demons AV. II, 14, 1),
    Agp. XLII, 20 ;
    Ṡiva orᅠ Bhairava MBh. XII, 10358 Ṡaṃkar. XXIII (= sūrya) SkandaP. MBh. III, 14631 ;
    N. of a demon causing diseases Hariv. 9563 ;
    of a Daitya, 12937 ;
    of an attendant of Yama orᅠ of Ṡiva L. ;
    of one of the 7 clouds enveloping the earth at the deluge MatsyaP. ;
    = - cukrā L. ;
    n. heat L. ;
    passion, wrath L. ;
    (am) ind. violently, in anger Mālav. III, 21 ;
    (ā) f. (gaṇa bahv-ādi)
    N. of Durgā (esp. as incarnation for the purpose of destroying the Asura Mahisha, this exploit forming the subject of the Devīm. ;
    andᅠ being particularly celebrated in Bengāl at the Durgāpūjā about Oct. Nov.) MBh. VI, 797 Hariv. 10245 ;
    N. of one of the 8 Nāyikās orᅠ Saktis of Durgā BrahmaP. DevīP. ;
    N. of an attendant of the 12th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī L. ;
    of a river L. ;
    of a plant (Andropogon aciculatus L. ;
    Mucuna pruritus L. ;
    Salvinia cucullata L. ;
    white Dūrvā grass L. ;
    liṅginī L.) Suṡr. I, IV; VI, 51 ;
    a kind of perfume (commonly Chor) L. ;
    (ī) f. (gaṇa bahv-ādi) a passionate woman, vixen W. ;
    a term of endearment applied to a mistress W. ;
    N. of Durgā MBh. VI, 797 Hariv. 10233 Kathās. XI ;
    of a female attendant of Durgā;
    of Uddālaka's wife, JaimBhār. XXIV, 1 ;
    a short N. of the Devīm. ;
    a metre of 4 × 13 syllables (cf. uc-, pra-;
    a-caṇḍī, cāṇḍa.)
    - चण्डकर
    - चण्डकर्मन्
    - चण्डकापालिक
    - चण्डकिरण
    - चण्डकेतु
    - चण्डकोलाहला
    - चण्डकौशिक
    - चण्डगिरिक
    - चण्डग्राहवत्
    - चण्डघण्टा
    - चण्डघोष
    - चण्डचुक्रा
    - चण्डता
    - चण्डताल
    - चण्डतुण्डक
    - चण्डत्व
    - चण्डदीधिति
    - चण्डधामन्
    - चण्डनायिका
    - चण्डपोतक
    - चण्डप्रद्योत
    - चण्डप्रभ
    - चण्डबल
    - चण्डभानु
    - चण्डभार्गव
    - चण्डभुजंग
    - चण्डमरीचि
    - चण्डमहारोषणतन्त्र
    - चण्डमहासेन
    - चण्डमारुत
    - चण्डमुण्डा
    - चण्डमृग
    - चण्डरव
    - चण्डरश्मि
    - चण्डरुद्रिका
    - चण्डरूपा
    - चण्डरोचिस्
    - चण्डवत्
    - चण्डवर्मन्
    - चण्डविक्रम
    - चण्डवीर
    - चण्डवृत्ति
    - चण्डवृष्टिप्रपात
    - चण्डप्रयात
    - चण्डवेग
    - चण्डशक्ति
    - चण्डशील
    - चण्डसिंह

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > चण्ड

  • 10 राजन्

    1) m. (ifc. mostly - rāja, esp. in Tat-purushas;

    f. - rājan, - orᅠ - jñī;
    cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 28 Sch.) a king, sovereign, prince, chief (often applied to gods e.g.. to Varuṇa andᅠ the other Ādityas, to Indra, Yama etc.,
    but esp. to Soma < alsoᅠ the plant andᅠ juice> andᅠ the Moon) RV. etc. etc.;
    a man of the royal tribe orᅠ the military caste, a Kshatriya ĀṡvṠr. ChUp. Mn. etc. (cf. rājanya);
    a Yaksha L. ;
    N. of one of the 18 attendants on Sūrya (identified with a form of Guha) L. ;
    of Yudhi-shṭhira MBh. ( rājñāmindra-mahôtsavaḥ andᅠ - rājñām pratibodhaḥ N. of wks.);
    (rā́jñī) f. seeᅠ s.v.
    + cf. Lat. rex;
    Kelt. rîg, fr. which Old Germ. rîk;
    Goth. reiks;
    Angl. Sax. rîce;
    Eng. rich
    2) (only in loc. rājáni) government, guidance RV. X, 49, 4. ;

    - राजन्वत्

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > राजन्

  • 11 लोकपाल

    m. a world-protector, guardian of the world, regent of a quarter of the world (the Loka-pālas are sometimes regarded as the guardian deities of different orders of beings, but more commonly of the four cardinal andᅠ four intermediate points of the world, viz. accord. toᅠ Mn. V, 96, ;

    1. Indra, of the East;
    2. Agni, of South-east;
    3. Yama, of South;
    4. Sūrya, of South-west;
    5. Varuṇa, of West;
    6. Pavana orᅠ Vāyu, of North-west;
    7. Kubera, of North;
    8. Soma orᅠ Candra of North-east;
    others substitute Nir. -ṛiti for 4 andᅠ Iṡāni orᅠ Pṛithivī for 8;
    according to Dharmas. the Buddhists enumerate 4 orᅠ 8 orᅠ 10 orᅠ 14 Loka-pālas) ṠBr. etc. etc.;
    a protector orᅠ ruler of the people, king, prince Ragh. Rājat. ;
    N. of various kings Bhadrab. Col. ;
    of Avalokitṡvara MWB. 198 ;
    protection of the people (?) R. ;
    - f. ( MārkP.) orᅠ - tva n. ( Hariv. R.) the being a guardian of the world;
    -lâ̱shṭaka-dāna n. N. of wk.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > लोकपाल

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