1 run-down tank
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > run-down tank
2 run-down tank
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > run-down tank
3 run-down tank
1) нефт.-хим. сгонный резервуар -
4 run-down tank
* * *
приёмный резервуар ( для дистиллятного нефтепродукта); сгонный резервуар; приёмник конденсата* * *Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > run-down tank
5 run-down tank
1) Техника: приёмный резервуар (для дистиллятного нефтепродукта)2) Нефть: приёмник конденсата, сгонный резервуар3) Нефтегазовая техника резервуар для дистиллята -
6 run-down tank
7 Hot Oil Run down Tank
Общая лексика: сливной резервуар горячего масла -
8 amine run down tank
Общая лексика: сливной резервуар амина -
9 amine run down tank pump
Общая лексика: насос сливного резервуара аминаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > amine run down tank pump
10 hot oil run down tank pump
Общая лексика: насос сливного резервуара горячего маслаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > hot oil run down tank pump
11 tank
1. резервуар, ёмкость, хранилище, чан, бак, цистерна2. водоём; водохранилище— air tank— day tank— gas tank— mud tank— oil tank
* * *
1. бак; цистерна; танк2. резервуар || наливать в резервуар; хранить в резервуареtank on the line — резервуар с открытой задвижкой на выходе в трубопровод;
to roll a tank — перемешивать нефть в резервуаре (с каким-л. газом);
to strap a tank — измерять ёмкость резервуара;
— gas tank— oil tank
* * *
цистерна; чан, бак; хранилище, ёмкость, резервуар
* * *
1) резервуар, хранилище; сборник; чан; бак; цистерна || наливать в резервуар; хранить в резервуаре2) водоём; водохранилище•tank in use — эксплуатируемый резервуар;
tank on the line — резервуар с открытой задвижкой на выходе в трубопровод;
to bleed a tank — опорожнять резервуар;
to dismantle the tank — разбирать резервуар;
to empty a tank — опорожнять резервуар;
to erect the tank — сооружать резервуар;
to ground the tank — заземлять резервуар;
to run a tank — сливать нефть из резервуара в нефтепровод ;
to strap a tank — измерять вместимость резервуара;
- above-ground storage tankto thief a tank — отбирать пробы в резервуаре;
- accumulator tank
- acid measuring tank
- active drilling mud tank
- additive tank
- air tank
- airseparating tank
- antipitching tank
- antirolling tank
- atmospheric pressure storage tank
- automatic flow tank
- auxiliary tank
- bailing tank
- balance tank
- balancing tank
- ballast tank
- balloon roof tank
- batching tank
- blender tank
- blending tank
- blowdown tank
- bottomless offshore storage tank
- breathing tank
- bulk oil tank
- bullet tank
- buried tank
- canvas tank
- cargo tank
- cement slurry mixing tank
- cement surge tank
- cementing tank
- charging stock tank
- chemical treating tank
- collapsible tank
- compressed air tank
- compressor suction tank
- concrete tank
- concrete oil tank
- condensate tank
- condensate gathering tank
- conical bottom tank
- conical roof tank
- constant header tank
- crude oil storage tank
- cryogenic tank
- cuttings tank
- cylindrical tank
- daily tank
- daily bulk cement tank
- daily bulk mud tank
- deck tank
- degassed tank
- degassing tank
- depositing tank
- detachable tank
- diked tank
- discharge tank
- displacement tank
- dome-type tank
- drilling-mud tank
- drilling-mud mixing tank
- drilling-mud settling tank
- drilling-mud storage tank
- drilling-mud suction tank
- drip tank
- Dubai storage tank
- dump tank
- earth tank
- earthen tank
- elevated tank
- emergency head tank
- equalizing tank
- expansion tank
- expiration-roof tank
- explosion-proof tank
- fabric tank
- fabric gasoline fuel tank
- feed tank
- field tank
- filling tank
- filter-bottom tank
- fixed roof tank
- flexible tank
- float tank
- floating roof tank
- flow tank
- free-water settling tank
- fuel tank
- fuel oil tank
- fuel supply tank
- gage tank
- gaging tank
- gas tank
- gas-gathering tank
- gasoline tank
- gasoline mobile tank
- gathering tank
- globe-bottom tank
- globe-roof tank
- gravitation tank
- gravity tank
- gravity service tank
- grounded tank
- gun-barrel tank
- head tank
- hemispherical tank
- high-pressure storage tank
- horizontal tank
- impurities receiving tank
- inflatable dome-roof tank
- initial oil storage tank
- interconnected tanks
- intermediate storage tank
- knocked-down tank
- land storage tank
- landing craft tank
- lease tank
- lifter-roof tank
- low-temperature tank
- main tank
- main storage tanks
- measuring tank
- metering tank
- mixing tank
- mobile tank
- molded plastic tank
- mud tank
- mud storage tank
- mud surge tank
- multiple tank
- multisphere tank
- multiple-chamber separating tank
- offshore storage tank
- oil tank
- oil settling tank
- oil storage tank
- oil-feed tank
- oil-field tank
- oil-gathering tank
- oil-storage tank
- oil-store tank
- orifice surge tank
- overflow tank
- overhead tank
- overland tank
- overload tank
- oxidation tank
- pipeline tank
- precipitation tank
- pressure tank
- pressure-relief tank
- priming tank
- prove tank
- pumping tank
- receiving tank
- rectangular tank
- refrigerated truck tank
- reinforced concrete storage tank
- rejection tank
- relay tank
- reserve drilling mud tank
- restricted orifice surge tank
- retention tank
- riveted tank
- roll-dampening tank
- rubber-lined tank
- rubberized fabric tank
- run tank
- run-down tank
- salt-settling tank
- sedimentation tank
- sedimentation tank of water treatment system
- separating tank
- service tank
- service mud storage tank
- service storage tank
- setting tank
- settlement tank
- settling tank
- shaker tank
- shotgun tank
- simple surge tank
- single chamber separating tank
- skimming tank
- slime tank
- slop tank
- sludge tank
- sludge acid separating tank
- slurry tank
- spherical tank
- spheroidal tank
- sprayed tank
- steel drilling mud tank
- stock tank
- stock oil tank
- storage tank
- streamlined pressure tank
- stringer ballast tank
- sturry tank
- submerged tank
- subsurface tank
- subsurface storage tank
- subterraneous tank
- suction tank
- sump tank
- supply tank
- surge tank
- test tank
- transit site tank
- trip tank
- truck tank
- twin compartment test tank
- underground storage tank
- underwater tank
- underwater storage tank
- ungrounded tank
- unlined tank
- upright tank
- vapor-tight tank
- variable vapor-space tank
- vented tank
- vertical tank
- volume tank
- waste tank
- water-sealed tank
- water-sprayed tank
- water-top tank
- wax-mixture-flow tank
- weathering tank
- weigh tank
- weir tank
- welded tank
- wet-oil tank* * * -
12 tank
1) бак; цистерна; танк2) резервуар3) ванна, чан4) водохранилище; (искусственный) водоём; бассейн6) сил. шламбассейн12) кфт. ба(чо)к•to bleed [empty\] a tank — опорожнять резервуар;to fuel the tank — возд. заправлять бак топливом;to roll a tank — перемешивать нефть в резервуаре (каким-л. газом);to run a tank — сливать нефть из резервуара в трубопровод;to strap a tank — измерять ёмкость резервуара;to switch to the proper tank — возд. переключать выключателем на расход топлива из соответствующего бака;to thief a tank — отбирать пробы в резервуаре;to turn the proper tank on — переключать краном на расход топлива из соответствующего бака;-
accumulator tank
acid dump tank
activated tanks
additive tank
aeration tank
aft fuel tank
afterpeak tank
agitator tank
air blow tank
air tank
air-buoyancy tank
air-oil tank
alternate fuel tank
anodizing tank
antipitching tanks
antirolling tanks
aseptic tank
asphalt-lined tank
auxiliary fuel tank
auxiliary tank
backwater tank
bag fuel tank
balance tank
balancing tank
ballast tank
balloon roof tank
bath tank
bioaeration tank
blanching tank
bleaching tank
blending tank
blend tank
blow-off tank
boat tank
boil tank
bottomless offshore storage tank
bottomless offshore tank
breathing tank
brine tank
bulk oil tank
bullet tank
buoyancy tank
burial tank
buried tank
cantilever tank
canvas tank
cargo tank
catch tank
cathode tank
cement slurry mixing tank
cement mixing tank
charging stock tank
charging tank
chill tank
chromatographic tank
clarification tank
clean ballast tank
coagulation tank
cold water tank
collapsible tank
collecting tank
compound surge tank
compressed-air surge tank
concentrate holding tank
concentration tank
concentrator tank
condensate gathering tank
condensate tank
conservator tank
constant header tank
constricted tank
continuous tank
controlled passive tanks
coolant bleed holdup tank
core flooding tank
core flood tank
corner tank
crude oil storage tank
crude storage tank
cryogenic tank
culture tank
culture-holding tank
curing tank
cuttings tank
daily service tank
daily tank
day tank
deaerator storage tank
decanting tank
decay tank
deck tank
deep tank
defecation tank
degassing tank
depositing tank
detritus tank
developing tank
differential surge tank
digestion tank
dip tank
discharge tank
dishwasher tank
distilling tank
domestic water tank
dome-type tank
double-bottom tank
drain tank
drilling mud mixing tank
drilling mud settling tank
drilling mud storage tank
drilling mud suction tank
drilling mud tank
drinking water tank
drip tank
Dubai storage tank
dump tank
earth tank
earthen tank
electrolytic tank
elevated tank
emergency head tank
emergency tank
equalizing tank
etching tank
etch tank
evacuated tank
evaporation tank
expansion tank
expansion-roof tank
external fuel tank
ex-vessel storage tank
fabric tank
feed tank
feedwater tank
ferry fuel tank
field tank
filling tank
filter tank
filter-bottom tank
first fuel consumed tank
fixed-roof tank
fixing tank
flexible fuel tank
flexible tank
float tank
floating roof tank
flocculating tank
flotation tank
flow tank
flushing tank
flush tank
forepeak tank
formula mixing tank
free-water settling tank
fuel consumed tank
fuel expansion tank
fuel oil tank
fuel tank
gage tank
gas tank
gas-decay tank
gasoline tank
glass-melting tank
globe-bottom tank
globe-roof tank
gravitation tank
grease skimming tank
grounded tank
gunbarrel tank
gunwale tank
head tank
header tank
heated digestion tank
heat-exchange tank
heeling tank
hemispheroid tank
hide brining tank
hip tank
holding tank
holdup tank
hot tank
hot-water tank
hydraulic tank
ice-storage tank
inflatable dome-roof tank
inground tank
injection tank
ink tank
integral tank
interconnected tanks
intermittent tank
lagering tank
lager tank
land storage tank
lead-lined tank
lease tank
liberator tank
lifter-roof tank
lime coating tank
lower wing tank
low-temperature tank
lubrication tank
massecuite tank
maturing and deaeration tank
measuring tank
melting tank
melting-out tank
mixing tank
model tank
molten spelter tank
monitoring tank
multiple tank
multisphere tank
neutralization tank
neutron-shield tank
oil tank
oil-gathering tank
oil-storage tank
orifice surge tank
overflow tank
overhead storage water tank
overhead tank
oxidation tank
paraffin tank
parboiling tank
passive stabilizing tanks
pickle tank
pillow tank
pipeline tank
precipitation tank
preconditioning tank
premixing tank
presettling tank
pressure tank
pressurized tank
priming tank
processing tank
quench tank
quenching tank
radiator top tank
rating tank
reactivation tank
receiving tank
refining tank
refrigerated truck tank
regenerant tank
rejection tank
rendering tank
restricted orifice surge tank
retention tank
rinse tank
rising tank
rotating-arm tank
roughing tank
rubberized tank
rubber-lined tank
run tank
run-down tank
salt-settling tank
scale settling tank
scrubbing tank
seamless tank
second fuel consumed tanks
sedimentation tank
seed tank
self-priming tank
self-sealing fuel tank
separating tank
septic tank
service mud storage tank
service tank
settling tank
sewage tank
sewage treatment tank
shaker tank
shotgun tank
simple surge tank
single-chamber tank
skimming tank
slipper fuel tank
slop tank
sludge digestion tank
sludge tank
slurry tank
solvent catch tank
solvent tank
spiral flow tank
stabilizing tanks
steeping tank
stock tank
storage tank
submerged tank
subsidence tank
subsurface tank
suction tank
sulfitation tank
sump tank
supply tank
surge tank
swarf-settling tank
switch tank
tank of oil circuit-breaker
tempering tank
test tank
throat-type tank
throat tank
tongs cooling tank
topside tank
towing tank
transformer tank
transit site tank
trimming tank
trim tank
trip tank
truck tank
ungrounded tank
unlined tank
vacuum tank
vacuum-degassing tank
vapor-tight tank
vent tank
vented tank
ventral fuel tank
volume tank
wash tank
washing tank
washwater tank
waste tank
water-scaled tank
water-sprayed tank
water-supply tank
water-top tank
wave tank
weathering tank
wet-oil tank
window tank
wingtip fuel tank
working tank
yeast assimilation tank -
13 tank
•- auxiliary tank - balance tank - blending tank - bulk tank - buried tank - clarifying tank - catch tank - collapsible tank - delivery tank - filling tank - fixed-roof tank - flexible tank - float tank - floatingroof tank - flow tank - fuel tank - gauge tank - metering tank - head tank - lubrication tank - measuring tank - mixing tank - oil tank - precipitation tank - pressure tank - receiving tank - relay tank - run-down tank - settling tank - truck tank -
14 приёмник конденсата
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > приёмник конденсата
15 сгонный резервуар
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > сгонный резервуар
16 приёмный резервуар
receiver, receptacle, discharge tank, dump tank, flow tank, receiving tank, run-down tank, transit site tankБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > приёмный резервуар
17 приемный резервуар
receiving tank, ( для дистиллятного нефтепродукта) run-down tank, suction tank нефт.Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > приемный резервуар
18 сгонный резевуар
нефт.-хим. run-down tankБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > сгонный резевуар
19 сгонный резервуар
pan, run-down tank нефт.-хим.Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > сгонный резервуар
20 pipe
1. труба, трубка; трубопровод || оборудовать системой трубопроводов; пускать по трубам; транспортировать по трубопроводу2. геол. сужение рудного тела— air pipe— dip pipe— gas pipe— run pipe— tee pipe— T-pipe— U-pipe
* * *
1. труба; трубка2. трубопровод || подавать по трубопроводу, перекачивать по трубопроводу; транспортировать по трубопроводу3. оборудовать системой трубопроводов; пускать по трубамair-lift flanged drill pipe — водоподъёмная труба с фланцевым соединением для бурения с обратновсасывающей промывкой (ствола скважины)
drill pipe of double length — свеча из двух бурильных труб, двухтрубка
to break down drill pipes — развинчивать свечи бурильных труб на однотрубки;
to bring pipes into perfect alignment — точно сцентрировать трубы (перед сваркой);
to line pipes up end-to-end — укладывать трубы в нитку;
to stab drill pipe — производить наращивание бурильной колонны;
to stack drill pipes in the derrick — расставлять бурильные трубы в вышке;
to take a strain on pipe — натягивать колонну труб;
to tong the pipes — свинчивать трубы ключами;
to work pipes up and down — расхаживать колонну труб;
— gas pipe— run pipe— tee pipe— T-pipe— U-pipe— Y-pipe
* * *
труба; трубопровод
* * *
1) труба; трубка2) трубопровод || подавать по трубопроводу, перекачивать по трубопроводу; транспортировать по трубопроводу3) оборудовать системой трубопроводов; пускать по трубам•to add a length of drill pipe — наращивать бурильную колонну;
pipe becoming stuck — прихват бурильных труб в скважине;
to break drilling pipes down — раскреплять бурильные трубы;
to break out drilling pipes — раскреплять бурильные трубы;
to discard pipes — отбраковывать трубы;
to lay down pipes — отбраковывать трубы;
to line pipes up — центрировать трубы для сварки;
to line pipes up end-to-end — укладывать трубы в нитку;
to pick up the pipe — 1) затаскивать трубы ( на вышку) 2) давать небольшую натяжку ( инструмента) 3) подхватывать (/i]);
to rack a pipe — устанавливать (/i]) бурильную трубу ();
to release stuck pipe — освобождать прихваченную трубу;
to roll out pipes — выкатывать трубы;
to run pipes into well — опускать трубы в скважину;
to stab drill pipe — производить наращивание бурильной колонны;
to stack drilling pipes in derrick — расставлять бурильные трубы в буровой вышке;
to string pipes — укладывать трубы в нитку;
to strip pipes — извлекать трубы ( из скважины) сквозь закрытый универсальный противовыбросовый превентор;
to tail a pipe — заносить конец трубы в нужное положение;
to take a strain on pipe — натягивать колонну труб;
to tong the pipes — свинчивать трубы ключами;
to work pipes up and down — расхаживать колонну труб;
to wrinkle a pipe — нарезать соединительную резьбу на трубе;
- admitting pipepipe with string — бракованная труба;
- air pipe
- air inlet pipe
- airlift pipe
- airlift flanged drill pipe
- aluminum drilling pipe
- anchor pipe
- angle pipe
- anterior upset pipe
- asbestos-cement pipe
- ascending pipe
- atmospheric pipe
- bare pipe
- bent pipe
- bifurcated pipe
- big-diameter pipe
- bitumen-coated pipe
- blank pipe
- blank-flanged pipe
- bleeder pipe
- blind pipe
- blow-down pipe
- blow-off pipe
- bottom pipe
- box-end of drill pipe
- box-to-box pipe
- branch pipe
- branched pipe
- buffer connection pipe
- bulged-in pipe
- buried pipe
- button-screen pipe
- bypass pipe
- cargo pipe
- case pipe
- casing pipe
- circular pipe
- coated steel penstock pipe
- cold-drain pipe
- collapsed pipe
- collar bound pipe
- compensating pipe
- conduct pipe
- conductor pipe
- connecting pipe
- connection pipe
- control pipe
- conventional pipes
- cuttings pick-up pipe
- delivery pipe
- diamond pipe
- diamond-drill pipe
- dip pipe
- discharge pipe
- distributing pipe
- double extraheavy pipe
- double extrastrong pipe
- double reverse circulation pipe
- double-wall screwed drill pipe
- drain pipe
- drill pipe
- drill pipe before welding
- drill pipe of double length
- drill pipe unloaded
- drill pipe with screwed-on tool joints
- drill pipe with weld-on tool joints
- drive pipe
- eduction pipe
- elbow pipe
- electric-welded pipe
- electrodrill without drill pipe
- exhaust pipe
- extension pipe
- external upset drill pipe
- extraheavy pipe
- extrastrong pipe
- extruded pipe
- feed pipe
- ferromagnetic pipe
- filling pipe
- fitting pipe
- flanged pipe
- flexible pipe
- flexible armoured pipe
- flow pipe
- flush-joint pipe
- flush-joint drive pipe
- force pipe
- free-flow pipe
- freezing pipe
- frozen pipe
- fuel pipe
- gas pipe
- gas-service pipe
- gas-supply pipe
- grooved conductor pipe
- grout pipe
- header pipe
- heavy-end pipe
- heavy-wall pipe
- heavy-weight drill pipe
- helical-welded pipe
- high-pressure pipe
- high-pressure air-outlet pipe
- high-strength pipe
- high-strength laminar pipe
- hose pipe
- hot-rolled pipe
- induction pipe
- inlet pipe
- intake pipe
- integral joint drilling pipe
- interior-upset pipe
- internal-external upset drill pipe
- internal-flush drill pipe
- internal-upset drill pipe
- jet pipe
- junction pipe
- laminar pipe
- lance pipe
- lap-welded pipe
- large-diameter pipe
- lay down the pipe
- lead pipe
- light weight drill pipe
- line pipe
- liquid stand pipe
- little pipe
- long stand pipe
- longitudinally welded pipe
- loop expansion pipe
- looping pipe
- lost pipe
- low-head pipe
- lubrication pipe
- macaroni pipe
- main pipe
- male pipe
- manifold pipe
- marine riser pipe
- metal pipe
- module pipe
- multilayer pipe
- new drill pipe
- nonupset pipe
- nozzle pipe
- oil discharge pipe
- oriented drill pipe
- outlet pipe
- outside-coupled pipe
- outside-upset pipe
- overflow pipe
- oversize pipe
- perforated pipe
- pin-to-box pipe
- plain end pipe
- pressure relief pipe
- pressure water pipe
- protective pipe
- pulling big? pipe
- rathole pipe
- receiver pipe
- recovered pipe
- reducing pipe
- relief pipe
- return pipe
- rifled pipe
- riser pipe
- rising pipe
- river pipe
- rolled pipe
- rotary-drill pipe
- rotatable drill pipe
- rubbered pipe
- run pipe
- rundown pipe
- screen pipe
- screened pipe
- screwed drill pipe
- seamless drill pipe
- service pipe
- shop-perforated pipe
- single pipe
- slim hole drill pipe
- slip-joint pipe
- slotted pipe
- socket pipe
- soil pipe
- somastic-coated pipe
- sounding pipe
- spiral-welded pipe
- spiraled-wall casing pipe
- split pipe
- stand pipe
- standard pipe
- steel pipe
- stove pipe
- stuck casing pipe
- stuck drilling pipe
- suction pipe
- supply pipe
- surface pipe
- swing pipe
- swivel pipe
- T-pipe
- tail pipe
- tank filling pipe
- tapered pipe
- tee pipe
- thawing pipe
- thick-walled pipe
- thin-walled pipe
- threaded pipe
- threaded dual wall pipe
- threaded line pipe
- three-way pipe
- thrust-bore pipe
- U-pipe
- ultrahigh-test line pipe
- undersize pipe
- unsupported pipe
- unthreaded pipe
- upset drill pipe
- used drill pipe
- wall-stuck pipe
- wash pipe
- washover pipe
- water pipe
- welded pipe
- weldless pipe
- worm pipe
- Y-pipe* * *• усадочная мет. раковина слитка
См. также в других словарях:
Tank locomotive — A tank locomotive is a steam locomotive that carries its own fuel and water on it, instead of pulling it behind it in a tender. Types of locomotive There are a number of types of locomotive, based on the location and style of the water tanks.… … Wikipedia
tank — tankless, adj. tanklike, adj. /tangk/, n. 1. a large receptacle, container, or structure for holding a liquid or gas: tanks for storing oil. 2. a natural or artificial pool, pond, or lake. 3. Mil. an armored, self propelled combat vehicle, armed… … Universalium
Tank destroyer — A self propelled anti tank gun, or tank destroyer, is a type of armoured fighting vehicle designed specifically to engage enemy armor forces, and not produced for an infantry support role. Most have been traditionally defined and produced as a… … Wikipedia
Tank (computer gaming) — In gaming jargon, a tank is a player or unit designated to protect weaker players or units in combat by drawing enemy attacks and absorbing damage. Compared to other units, tanks have a high damage tolerance and specialize in melee combat. The… … Wikipedia
Tank Mark VIII — Mark VIII Liberty Place of origin … Wikipedia
Run Like Hell (video game) — Infobox VG title = Run Like Hell: Hunt or Be Hunted developer = Digital Mayhem publisher = Interplay Capcom (JPN) distributor = designer = engine = RenderWare version = released = PlayStation 2 [http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/data/339445.html… … Wikipedia
Down and Dirty Duck — For other uses, see Dirty Duck (disambiguation). Down and Dirty Duck DVD cover. Directed by Charles Swenson Produced by Jerry D. Good Roger … Wikipedia
Anti-tank warfare — Anti tank refers to any method of combating military armored fighting vehicles, notably tanks. The most common anti tank systems include artillery with a high muzzle velocity, missiles (such as wire guided HEAT), various autocannons firing… … Wikipedia
Churchill tank — Tank, Infantry, Mk IV (A22) Tank, Infantry Mk IV Churchill IV (75mm) Type Infantry tank Place of origin … Wikipedia
Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends annuals — About the Annuals=After the Railway Series was published, many Thomas Annuals were printed and sold. They are still being made in print to this day. The Annuals have contained many activities, stories, and information about Thomas and his friends … Wikipedia
Thomas the Tank Engine film characters — Contents 1 Thomas and the Magic Railroad 1.1 Diesel 10 1.2 Lady 1.2.1 Magic Railroad 1.2.2 … Wikipedia