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  • Rump Parliament — Rump Rump, n. [OE. rumpe; akin to D. romp trunk, body, LG. rump, G. rumpf, Dan. rumpe rump, Icel. rumpr, Sw. rumpa rump, tail.] 1. The end of the backbone of an animal, with the parts adjacent; the buttock or buttocks. [1913 Webster] 2. Among… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rump Parliament — Parliament Par lia*ment, n. [OE. parlement, F. parlement, fr. parler to speak; cf. LL. parlamentum, parliamentum. See {Parley}.] 1. A parleying; a discussion; a conference. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] But first they held their parliament. Rom. of R.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rump Parliament — n. 1. the part of the Long Parliament remaining after the purge of 1648 until disbanded by Cromwell in 1653 2. the same body recalled in 1659 and disbanded in 1660 …   English World dictionary

  • Rump Parliament — The Rump Parliament was the name of the English Parliament after Colonel Pride on December 6 1648 had purged Long Parliament of those members hostile to the intentions of the Grandees in the New Model Army to try King Charles I for high treason.… …   Wikipedia

  • Rump Parliament — Parlement croupion Oliver Cromwell dissolvant le Long Parlement Le Parlement croupion (anglais : Rump Parliament, rump signifiant « tronqué » ou « restant ») est ce qui est resté du Long Parlement britannique suite à la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Rump Parliament — /rʌmp/ (say rump) noun the part of the Long Parliament that remained after Pride s Purge. It sat from 1648–53, and again from 1659–60. Also, the Rump …  

  • Rump Parliament — Eng. Hist. the remnant of the Long Parliament established by the expulsion of the Presbyterian members in 1648, dismissed by force in 1653, and restored briefly in 1659 60. * * *       in the period of the English Commonwealth, the phase of the… …   Universalium

  • rump parliament — The English parliament under the Commonwealth, from 1648 to 1660 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Rump Parliament — Eng. Hist. the remnant of the Long Parliament established by the expulsion of the Presbyterian members in 1648, dismissed by force in 1653, and restored briefly in 1659 60 …   Useful english dictionary

  • (the) Rump Parliament — the Rump Parliament [the Rump Parliament] a name given to the parliament that governed Britain from 1648 to 1653 and from 1659 to 1660, after the ↑Long Parliament had been reduced in size. (The rump of something is a small part left from… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Rump — Rump, n. [OE. rumpe; akin to D. romp trunk, body, LG. rump, G. rumpf, Dan. rumpe rump, Icel. rumpr, Sw. rumpa rump, tail.] 1. The end of the backbone of an animal, with the parts adjacent; the buttock or buttocks. [1913 Webster] 2. Among butchers …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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