1 rules of arithmetic
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > rules of arithmetic
2 rules of arithmetic
Математика: правила арифметических действий -
3 rules of arithmetic
4 действие
1) action, operation театр военных действий ≈ the theatre of war/operations продление срока действия ≈ prolongation/extension of the term вводить закон в действие ≈ to implement a law, to put a law in force, to carry a law into effect, to invoke a law предоставлять кому-л. свободу действий ≈ to give smb. free hand готовый к действию ≈ effective свобода действий ≈ free play, freedom of action ближнего действия ≈ short-range военные действия ≈ military operations, hostilities штурмовые действия ≈ ground support action насильственные действия ≈ violent acts полезное действие ≈ efficiency, duty (машины) срок действия ≈ period of validity приводить в действие ≈ (что-л.) to put in action, to set going - место действия
2) (влияние) influence, effect оказывать действие под действием усиливающий действие
3) мн. действия (поведение, поступки) activity ед.;
conduct ед.;
dealing, doing сознательные действия
4) театр. act
5) мат. operation четыре действия арифметики ≈ four rules of arithmeticдействи|е - с.
1. action;
(деятельность тж.) activity;
activities pl. ;
руководство к ~ю а guide to action;
план ~й plan of action;
самовольные ~я arbitrary action(s) ;
2. (о работе механизма и т. п.) operation, functioning;
в ~и in operation;
вступать в ~ (о заводе и т. п.) come* into operation;
be* commissioned;
(о контракте) come* into force;
приходить в ~ come* into operation;
~ кишечника movement of the bowels;
3. (применение на практике) effect;
ввести закон в ~ put* the law into effect;
4. (воздействие) effect;
под ~ем under the influence;
5. (события) action;
~ происходит в Москве the scene is laid in Moscow;
6. театр. act;
пьеса в пяти ~ях five-act play;
7. мат. operation, process;
четыре ~я арифметики the four rules of arithmetic;
военные ~я hostilities;
(military) operations.Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > действие
5 rule
1) правило, норма; норматив || устанавливать правила или нормы2) строит. прав'ило3) линейка || линовать, разлиновывать4) правление || управлять, руководить, командовать5) мат. закон6) графить, разграфлять•set closed under rule — множество, замкнутое относительно операции
- blind man's ruleto lay down the rule — формулировать [устанавливать] правило
- box rule- cut rule- em rule- slow-in- sum rule- three sigma rule -
6 правила арифметических действий
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > правила арифметических действий
1) Общая лексика: отчёт о подозрительной операции или деятельности (Suspicious Activity Report)2) Компьютерная техника: Search And Replace, Structure Activity Relationship3) Авиация: search and rescue4) Американизм: Sample Of Anonymized Records, Special Administrative Region5) Военный термин: Safety Assessment Report, Sea-Air Rescue, Semi Automatic Rifle, Significant Activities Report, Special Access Required, Standard Assault Rifle, safety analysis report, sales authorization request, selected acquisition report, semiannual report, semiautomatic rifle, service aptitude rating, short assault rifle, site acceptance review, spacecraft acceptance review, specific activity report, specification approval record, substitution approval request, successive accelerated replacement, support air request, synthetic aperture radar, system of array radar, systems analysis report, systems assessment review, радар с синтезированной апертурой (synthetic aperture radar), Singapore Armed Forces7) Юридический термин: Supreme Court Administrative Rules (Court Rules), выплата разницы между опционной ценой и рыночной ценой акции8) Бухгалтерия: Salvation And Revival9) Биржевой термин: stop and reverse10) Грубое выражение: Smart Arse Remarks11) Радио: Station Activity Report12) Телекоммуникации: Stock Appreciation Rights Plan, Segmentation and Reassembly (ATM)13) Сокращение: Saudi Arabian Riyal, Search and Rescue (see Personnel Recovery), Secondary Address Readers (2003 - 2004), Selected Acquisition Report (USA), Semi-Active Radar, Singapore Assault Rifle, Sons of the American Revolution, Specific Absorption Rate, Stand-Alone Radar, Strategic Area of Responsibility, Synthetic Array Radar, System Activity Report, Storage Address Register, Syrian Arab Republic, Специальный (особый) административный район (Special Administrative Region), поисково-спасательными работами14) Университет: Sexual Attitude Reassessment, Student Accounts Receivable, Student Aid Report15) Физиология: Sodium Absorption Ratio, Specific Absorbtion Rate, Stop And Reversal16) Вычислительная техника: Store Address Register (IC)17) Связь: segmentation and reassembly18) Рыбоводство: РСА, радиолокатор с синтезированной апертурой19) Банковское дело: риял Саудовской Аравии (Saudi Arab riyal)20) Биотехнология: Structure-activity relationship21) Экология: sodium adsorption ratio, скорость специфической абсорбции22) СМИ: Story And Romance23) Деловая лексика: Semi Annual Report24) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: South Access Road25) Инвестиции: Saudi Arab riyal26) Сетевые технологии: Scalability Availability And Reliability, System Activity Reporting27) Программирование: Shift Arithmetic Right28) Капитализм: (Share Appreciation Rights) права на участие в доходах от акций (разновидность вознаграждения директоров компаний)29) Медицинская техника: сезонный аллергический ринит (Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis)30) Химическое оружие: Subject Area Review, supplied air respirator, survey and analysis report31) Молекулярная генетика: scaffold accociated region33) Расширение файла: SAR Compressed file archive, Successive Approximation Register34) Нефть и газ: staff appraisal report35) Чат: Sweet And Romantic -
8 Sar
1) Общая лексика: отчёт о подозрительной операции или деятельности (Suspicious Activity Report)2) Компьютерная техника: Search And Replace, Structure Activity Relationship3) Авиация: search and rescue4) Американизм: Sample Of Anonymized Records, Special Administrative Region5) Военный термин: Safety Assessment Report, Sea-Air Rescue, Semi Automatic Rifle, Significant Activities Report, Special Access Required, Standard Assault Rifle, safety analysis report, sales authorization request, selected acquisition report, semiannual report, semiautomatic rifle, service aptitude rating, short assault rifle, site acceptance review, spacecraft acceptance review, specific activity report, specification approval record, substitution approval request, successive accelerated replacement, support air request, synthetic aperture radar, system of array radar, systems analysis report, systems assessment review, радар с синтезированной апертурой (synthetic aperture radar), Singapore Armed Forces7) Юридический термин: Supreme Court Administrative Rules (Court Rules), выплата разницы между опционной ценой и рыночной ценой акции8) Бухгалтерия: Salvation And Revival9) Биржевой термин: stop and reverse10) Грубое выражение: Smart Arse Remarks11) Радио: Station Activity Report12) Телекоммуникации: Stock Appreciation Rights Plan, Segmentation and Reassembly (ATM)13) Сокращение: Saudi Arabian Riyal, Search and Rescue (see Personnel Recovery), Secondary Address Readers (2003 - 2004), Selected Acquisition Report (USA), Semi-Active Radar, Singapore Assault Rifle, Sons of the American Revolution, Specific Absorption Rate, Stand-Alone Radar, Strategic Area of Responsibility, Synthetic Array Radar, System Activity Report, Storage Address Register, Syrian Arab Republic, Специальный (особый) административный район (Special Administrative Region), поисково-спасательными работами14) Университет: Sexual Attitude Reassessment, Student Accounts Receivable, Student Aid Report15) Физиология: Sodium Absorption Ratio, Specific Absorbtion Rate, Stop And Reversal16) Вычислительная техника: Store Address Register (IC)17) Связь: segmentation and reassembly18) Рыбоводство: РСА, радиолокатор с синтезированной апертурой19) Банковское дело: риял Саудовской Аравии (Saudi Arab riyal)20) Биотехнология: Structure-activity relationship21) Экология: sodium adsorption ratio, скорость специфической абсорбции22) СМИ: Story And Romance23) Деловая лексика: Semi Annual Report24) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: South Access Road25) Инвестиции: Saudi Arab riyal26) Сетевые технологии: Scalability Availability And Reliability, System Activity Reporting27) Программирование: Shift Arithmetic Right28) Капитализм: (Share Appreciation Rights) права на участие в доходах от акций (разновидность вознаграждения директоров компаний)29) Медицинская техника: сезонный аллергический ринит (Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis)30) Химическое оружие: Subject Area Review, supplied air respirator, survey and analysis report31) Молекулярная генетика: scaffold accociated region33) Расширение файла: SAR Compressed file archive, Successive Approximation Register34) Нефть и газ: staff appraisal report35) Чат: Sweet And Romantic -
9 operation
1) работа; функционирование2) матем. действие3) эксплуатация4) (технологическая) операция; процесс; цикл ( обработки)6) управление7) вчт. операция; команда8) предприятие•-
abnormal operation
acquisition operation
aerial operation
aerial survey operation
aerial work operation
aerobatics operation
aerospace operations
air-bumped-and-rinse operation
aircraft operations
air-lift well operation
airport facilities operation
alignment operation
all-weather operations
AND operation
approach operation
arithmetic operation
artificial-lift well operation
associated fire control operation
asynchronous operation
attached operation
attempted operation
attended operation
authorized operation
automated operation
automatic block operation
averaging operation
background operation
batch operation
bidirectional operation
bilevel operation
binary operation
bistable operation
bitwise operation
bit operation
blanking operation
blasting operation
blocking-off operation
bookkeeping operations
Boolean operation
both-way operation
brake test operation
braking operation
branch operation
breaking operation
bytewise operation
byte operation
cable operation
Carnot operation
carrier-recovery operation
cation-anion operation
caving operations
cavitation-free operation
centralized operation
channel operation
check operation
chipping-and-hauling operation
class A operation
class B operation
class C operation
climb to cruise operation
closing operation
CNC operation
cocurrent operation
coded operation
co-frequency operation
cold end operation
commercial operation
comparison operation
complete operation
concurrent operation
conjunction operation
continual harvesting operations
continuous operation
continuous-wave operation
control operation
counter-current operation
critical operation
cutting operation
cycle operation
declarative operation
decrement operation
demonstration operation
dependent manual operation
dependent power operation
diplex operation
disjunction operation
diversity operation
docked operation
docking operations
domestic operations
double-track operation
dredging operations
dressing operation
drifting operation
drilling and blasting operations
drilling operation
dual operation
dual-point operation
duplex operation
dyadic operation
emergency operation
engine run-up operation
en-route operation
except operation
exclusive OR operation
experimental operation
explosionproof operation
face operations
fail-safe operation
fail-soft operation
failure-free operation
false operation
fault tolerant operation
faulty operation
felling operation
ferry operation
field operation
final felling operations
finite reflux operation
fire control operation
fixed-cycle operation
fixed-point operation
flashing operation
floating-point operation
flowing well operation
foreground operation
forest harvesting operations
free-flier operation
free-flying operation
freight operation
fretting operation
fringe operation
full tree operations
full-duplex operation
gas-lift well operation
gate operation
general aviation operations
generic operation
get-home engine operation
half-duplex operation
hands-off operation
harvesting operations
hauling operation
helicopter logging operation
high-gain operation
high-speed operation
hot end operation
hot-stick operation
housekeeping operation
hydropacker plunger lift well operation
idling engine operation
IF-THEN operation
illegal operation
impeded harmonic operation
implication operation
in-channel operation
increment operation
independent manual operation
individual-point operation
indoor operation
infinite reflux operation
in-phase operation
input/output operation
instruction operation
instrument flight rules operation
integer operation
international operations
iterative operation
jump operation
kernel operation
kiln operation
lagging power factor operation
landing operation
large-scale space operations
large-signal operation
leading power factor operation
leveling operation
level-off operation
linear operation
lock-on operation
logging operations
logical operation
loop operation
low flying operation
low-effort operation
low-gain operation
lumbering operation
machine operation
machining operation
maintenance operation
manual operation
marginal operation
measuring operation
mechanical operation
mechanized logging operations
melting operation
mill operation
minimally-manned operation
minimal operation
model operation
monadic operation
monostable operation
move operation
multicarrier operation
multimode operation
multiple operation
multiple-stream operation
multiple-unit operation
multiplex operation
NAND operation
no operation
no-load operation
noncentralized operation
noncommercial operations
noncondensing operation
nonextraction operation
nonfailure operation
nonresiduum operation
nonscheduled operations
nonslagging operation
NOR operation
normal pump operation
NOT operation
NOT-AND operation
NOT-OR operation
off-design operation
off-line operation
one-shot operation
one-step operation
on-line operation
on-off operation
open-air operation
open-hearth operation
opening operation
OR operation
outdoor operation
overburden operations
packet-mode operation
packet-switching operation
parallel operation
partial reflux operation
passenger operations
peak load operation
pleasure operation
point operation
point-to-point operation
positioning operation
post-drill operation
post-fault operation
power patrol operation
power station operation
power system operation
practice operation
predrill operation
primitive operation
products pipeline operation
pull-in operation
pulse laser operation
pulsed operation
punched tape operation
push-pull operation
push-push operation
quadrature operation
quantizing operation
quarry operation
rafting operation
read operation
real-time operation
refusing operation
remote operation
rendezvous operations
repetitive operation
rescue operations
reservoir operation
retarder operation
rotorcraft operations
rough engine operation
run-of-river operation
scale operation
scheduled operation
search operation
self-contained and self-monitored operation
semifinish operation
sensory operation
settling operation
shift operation
shunting operation
signal operation
simplex operation
simultaneous operation
single-block operation
single-contact operation
single-mode operation
single-pulse operation
single-step operation
sinking operation
slag-free operation
slag-tap operation
slightly manned operation
small-signal operation
solo supervised operation
solo operation
speed range operation
spike operation
stable operation
staggered-parallel operation
standby operation
starting engine operation
start-stop operation
staying operation
steady operation
steaming operation
steelmaking operation
step-and-repeat operation
step-by-step operation
stitch transfer operation
stone-free operation
storage operation
straight gas-lift well operation
string operation
studio operation
stump wood operation
suppressed-carrier operation
switch operation
switching operation
synchronous operation
tap-change operation
taxing operation
terminal operation
test operation
thinning operations
threading operation
throttled engine operation
timber-harvesting operations
total reflux operation
touchdown operation
track-while-scan operation
training operation
transfer operation
transient operation
tree length operations
trial operation
trouble-free operation
turbine operation
two-shift operation
two-vessel operation
typical operation
unary operation
unattended operation
unauthorized operation
underground operation
undocked operation
undocking operations
uninterrupted operation
unmanned operation
unthrottled engine operation
variable-load operation
vertical rotorcraft operation
water-system operation
well operation
whole tree operations
wide-open throttle operation
word operation
working operation
write operation
yard operation
year-round operations
См. также в других словарях:
arithmetic — a•rith•me•tic n. [[t]əˈrɪθ mə tɪk[/t]] adj. [[t]ˌær ɪθˈmɛt ɪk[/t]] n. 1) math. the method or process of computation with figures: the most elementary branch of mathematics 2) math. the theory of numbers; the study of the divisibility of whole… … From formal English to slang
Arithmetic — tables for children, Lausanne, 1835 Arithmetic or arithmetics (from the Greek word ἀριθμός, arithmos “number”) is the oldest and most elementary branch of mathematics, used b … Wikipedia
arithmetic — arithmetically, adv. n. /euh rith meuh tik/; adj. /ar ith met ik/, n. 1. the method or process of computation with figures: the most elementary branch of mathematics. 2. Also called higher arithmetic, theoretical arithmetic. the theory of… … Universalium
Significance arithmetic — is a set of rules (sometimes called significant figure rules) for approximating the propagation of uncertainty in scientific or statistical calculations. These rules can be used to find the appropriate number of significant figures to use to… … Wikipedia
Inequality of arithmetic and geometric means — In mathematics, the inequality of arithmetic and geometric means, or more briefly the AM GM inequality, states that the arithmetic mean of a list of non negative real numbers is greater than or equal to the geometric mean of the same list; and… … Wikipedia
The Foundations of Arithmetic — Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik (The Foundations of Arithmetic) is a book by Gottlob Frege, published in 1884, in which he investigates the philosophical foundations of arithmetic. In a tour de force of literary and philosophical merit, Frege… … Wikipedia
Greek arithmetic, geometry and harmonics: Thales to Plato — Ian Mueller INTRODUCTION: PROCLUS’ HISTORY OF GEOMETRY In a famous passage in Book VII of the Republic starting at Socrates proposes to inquire about the studies (mathēmata) needed to train the young people who will become leaders of the ideal… … History of philosophy
Primitive recursive arithmetic — Primitive recursive arithmetic, or PRA, is a quantifier free formalization of the natural numbers. It was first proposed by Skolem [Thoralf Skolem (1923) The foundations of elementary arithmetic in Jean van Heijenoort, translator and ed. (1967)… … Wikipedia
Timeline of numerals and arithmetic — A timeline of numerals and arithmetic Before 2000 BC * ca. 20,000 BC Nile Valley, Ishango Bone: possibly the earliest reference to prime numbers and Egyptian multiplication. * ca. 3400 BC Mesopotamia, the Sumerians invent the first numeral system … Wikipedia
Interval arithmetic — Interval arithmetic, also called interval mathematics , interval analysis , and interval computation , is a method in mathematics. It has been developed by mathematicians since the 1950s and 1960s as an approach to putting bounds on rounding… … Wikipedia
Modular arithmetic — In mathematics, modular arithmetic (sometimes called clock arithmetic) is a system of arithmetic for integers, where numbers wrap around after they reach a certain value the modulus. The Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler pioneered the modern… … Wikipedia