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  • 1 rub

    v. (-bb-) 1. \rub (sth) (with sth) үрэх, зүлгэх. 2. \rub (on/ against sb/ sth) үрэгдэх. 3. \rub sth (in/ into/ on/ over sth) түрхэх. rub sth down зүлгэх. rub it in өнгөрснийг үргэлж сануулж байх. rub (sth) off (sth) үрж/ арчиж арилгах. rub sb out алах, үгүй хийх. rub sth out баллуурдаж арилгах. rub sth up зүлгэж өнгөлөх. n. 1. арчих, зүлгэх. 2. хүндрэл, бэрхшээл.

    English-Mongolian dictionary > rub

  • 2 wound

    n. 1. шарх. a bullet/ stab \wound сумны/ хутганы шарх. 2. \wound (to sth) сэтгэлд сэв суух, гомдол. The defeat was a deep psychological \wound to his pride. Ялагдал түүнийг сэтгэл санааны гүн хямралд оруулсан зүйл байв. rub salt sb`s wound шархы нь хөндөх, шархан дээр давс цацах. v. 1. шархдуулах. He was \wounded in the leg. Түүний хөл нь шархадсан байв. 2. see wind. The nurse \wound a bandage round his finger. Сувилагч түүний хурууг боолоо. the wounded n. шархагдагсад. Many of the \wound died on their way to hospital. Шархагдагсдын олонх нь эмнэлэгт очих замдаа нас барсан ажээ. wounding adj. гомдоомоор, сэтгэл сэвтүүлэм.

    English-Mongolian dictionary > wound

См. также в других словарях:

  • rub — ► VERB (rubbed, rubbing) 1) apply firm pressure to (a surface) with a repeated back and forth motion. 2) move to and fro against a surface while pressing or grinding against it. 3) apply with a rubbing action. 4) (rub down) dry, smooth, or clean… …   English terms dictionary

  • Rub — Rub, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Rubbed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Rubbing}.] [Probably of Celtic origin; cf. W. rhwbiaw, gael. rub.] 1. To subject (a body) to the action of something moving over its surface with pressure and friction, especially to the action… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rub — rub; rub·bage; rub·ber·ize; rub·ber·man; rub·bery; rub·bidge; rub·bish·ing; rub·bish·ly; rub·bishy; rub·ble·man; rub·bly; rub·eryth·ric; rub·eryth·rin·ic; rub·ber; rub·bish; rub·ble; mar·rub; rub·ber·neck·er; …   English syllables

  • rub — /rub/, v., rubbed, rubbing, n. v.t. 1. to subject the surface of (a thing or person) to pressure and friction, as in cleaning, smoothing, polishing, coating, massaging, or soothing: to rub a table top with wax polish; to rub the entire back area …   Universalium

  • rub — [rub] vt. rubbed, rubbing [ME rubben, akin to Dan rubbe, EFris rubben < IE * reup , to tear out < base * reu , to dig, tear out > ROB, RIP1, RUG, RUBBLE, L rumpere, to break] 1. to move one s hand, a cloth, etc. over (a surface …   English World dictionary

  • Rub — Rub, n. [Cf. W. rhwb. See Rub, v,t,] 1. The act of rubbing; friction. [1913 Webster] 2. That which rubs; that which tends to hinder or obstruct motion or progress; hindrance; obstruction, an impediment; especially, a difficulty or obstruction… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rub — (v.) late 14c., perhaps related to E.Fris. rubben to scratch, rub, and Low Ger. rubbeling rough, uneven, or similar words in Scandinavian (Cf. Dan. rubbe to rub, scrub, Norw. rubba), of uncertain origin. Related: Rubbed; rubbing. Hamlet s there s …   Etymology dictionary

  • Rub — Rub, v. i. 1. To move along the surface of a body with pressure; to grate; as, a wheel rubs against the gatepost. [1913 Webster] 2. To fret; to chafe; as, to rub upon a sore. [1913 Webster] 3. To move or pass with difficulty; as, to rub through… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rub — may stand for* RUB, Russian ruble currency code * Ruhr Universität BochumRub may refer to: * the Kuliak languages of Uganda * Spice rub, consisting of spices blended together to season and flavor raw pork, beef, chicken, fish, and wild game… …   Wikipedia

  • Rüb — oder Rueb ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Alexander Rueb (1882–1959), niederländischer Schachfunktionär, erster Präsident des Weltschachbundes FIDE Friedbert W. Rüb (* 1953), deutscher Politikwissenschaftler Fritz Rueb (* 1925),… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • rub — rȗb m <N mn rȕbovi> DEFINICIJA krajnji dio neke površine, ono čime ona završava, što je obrubljuje [pun do ruba; na rubu ponora; rub haljine]; kraj FRAZEOLOGIJA (biti) na rubu (čijeg) interesa donekle pobuđivati čiji interes, biti vrijedan… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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