1 third
------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] third[Swahili Word] -a tatu[Part of Speech] adjective------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] third[English Plural] thirds[Swahili Word] theluthi[Swahili Plural] theluthi[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 9/10[Derived Language] Arabic[English Definition] one of three equal parts of a whole[Swahili Definition] uwiano wa fungu moja kwa tatu za zima[English Example] so as to avoid fracas, each one of the three persons got a third of the chapati[Swahili Example] ili kusiwe na vurugu kati ya watu wale watatu, kila mmoja alipata thuluthi ya chapati ile moja[Terminology] general / mathematics------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] third world[Swahili Word] ulimwengu wa tatu[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 11[English Example] Ninety percent of bad illnesses in the Third World are caused by water that is not good.[Swahili Example] Asilimia tisini ya magojwa mabaya katika Ulimwengu waTatu yanasababishwa na maji yasiyo bora. [ www.alliance21.org/fr/platform/docs/pf_ks.rtf MAAZIMIO JUU YA ULIMWENGUWA KUAMINIKA NA ULIOJIUNGA]------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] third world[Swahili Word] dunia ya tatu[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 9[English Example] to get rid of the debts of the nations of the third world.[Swahili Example] kufutwa kwa madeni ya nchi za dunia ya tatu. [ http://phmovement.org/charter/pch-swahili.html Mkataba Wa Afya Ya Jamii]------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] two thirds[Swahili Word] theluthi mbili[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 9[Derived Language] Arabic[Related Words] mbili[Terminology] general / mathematics------------------------------------------------------------
См. также в других словарях:
RTF — [Abk. für Rich Text Format], eine von Microsoft bereits in den 1980er Jahren entwickelte Methode der Kodierung von formatierten Texten und Grafiken mit dem Ziel, derart kodierte Dateien mit unterschiedlichen Textverarbeitungs und Layout… … Universal-Lexikon
RTF.1 — Senderlogo … Deutsch Wikipedia
RTF — es el acrónimo inglés de Rich Text Format, lenguaje de descripción desarrollado por Microsoft para intercambiar información entre programas multiplataforma de edición de texto. El RTF es un pobre formato estandarizado con diversas… … Enciclopedia Universal
RTF — may stand for:* Radiodiffusion Télévision Française, the French national public broadcasting company between 1949 and 1964 * Ready to Fly, a prefabricated radio control airplane ready to fly when purchased * Rich Text Format, a document file… … Wikipedia
RTF — [ˌa: ti: ˈef US ˌa:r ] n [U] technical rich text format a system used to arrange and show the information in computer documents … Dictionary of contemporary English
RTF — [ ,ar ti ef ] abbreviation COMPUTING rich text format: a way of storing a computer document so that when you send it to someone, it will look exactly the same on their computer screen … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
RTF — (Rich Text Format) n. basic file format used to create text files containing basic design commands (Computers) … English contemporary dictionary
RTF — DEFINICIJA krat. inform. format datoteke namijenjen prenošenju tekstova između različitih programa za obradu teksta ETIMOLOGIJA engl. Rich Text Format … Hrvatski jezični portal
.rtf — Vorlage:Infobox Dateiformat/Wartung/standard fehltVorlage:Infobox Dateiformat/Wartung/website fehlt Rich Text Format Dateiendung .rtf MIME Type text/rtf Magische Zahl … Deutsch Wikipedia
Rtf — Rich Text Format Rich Text Format Extension de fichier .rtf Type MIME application/rtf Développé par Microsoft Standard(s) … Wikipédia en Français
RTF — resistance transfer factor. See R factor. * * * RTF (computing) abbrev Rich Text Format, a standard format for text files * * * RTF UK [ˌɑː(r) tiː ˈef] US [ˌɑr ti ˈef] abbreviation computing rich text format: a way of storing a computer document… … Useful english dictionary