1 rough
1. adjective1) (not smooth: Her skin felt rough.) raupjš2) (uneven: a rough path.) nelīdzens; grambains3) (harsh; unpleasant: a rough voice; She's had a rough time since her husband died.) skarbs; grūts4) (noisy and violent: rough behaviour.) rupjš; nepieklājīgs5) (stormy: The sea was rough; rough weather.) vētrains6) (not complete or exact; approximate: a rough drawing; a rough idea/estimate.) uzmetuma-; aptuvens2. noun1) (a violent bully: a gang of roughs.) huligāns2) (uneven or uncultivated ground on a golf course: I lost my ball in the rough.) nelīdzens laukums•- roughly- roughness
- roughage
- roughen
- rough diamond
- rough-and-ready
- rough-and-tumble
- rough it
- rough out* * *nelīdzenums, raupjums; nepabeigtība; melnraksts, uzmetums; rupjš cilvēks; radze; nelīdzens laukums; padarīt negludu; sagatavot uzmetumu; apkalt ar radzēm; raupjš, nelīdzens; neapstrādāts; vētrains; skarbs, ass; bargs; nepieklājīgs, rupjš; griezīgs; aptuvens; grūts; vienkāršs; smags; rupji; vienkārši -
2 land
[lænd] 1. noun1) (the solid part of the surface of the Earth which is covered by the sea: We had been at sea a week before we saw land.) zeme; sauszeme; cietzeme2) (a country: foreign lands.) zeme; valsts3) (the ground or soil: He never made any money at farming as his land was poor and stony.) zeme; augsne4) (an estate: He owns land/lands in Scotland.) zemesgabals; gruntsgabals2. verb1) (to come or bring down from the air upon the land: The plane landed in a field; They managed to land the helicopter safely; She fell twenty feet, but landed without injury.) nolaisties; piezemēties2) (to come or bring from the sea on to the land: After being at sea for three months, they landed at Plymouth; He landed the big fish with some help.) piestāt/izcelt krastā3) (to (cause to) get into a particular (usually unfortunate) situation: Don't drive so fast - you'll land (yourself) in hospital/trouble!) nonākt (grūtībās u.tml.)•[-rouvə]
(a type of strong motor vehicle used for driving over rough ground.)
apvidus mašīna- landing- landing-gear
- landing-stage
- landlocked
- landlord
- landmark
- land mine
- landowner
- landslide
- landslide victory
- landslide
- landslide defeat
- land up
- land with
- see how the land lies* * *sauszeme, cietzeme, zeme; valsts, zeme; augsne, zeme; gruntsgabals, zemesgabals; piestāt krastā; izcelt krastā; izcelties krastā; nolaisties; sasniegt mērķi; trāpīt, iesist; izcīnīt, iegūt -
3 all-terrain vehicle
[,o:l tə'rein 'vi:əkl]noun ((also ATV) a small vehicle, looking like a small tractor, that can travel fast on rough ground.) visurgājējs* * *visurgājējs -
4 mountain bike
noun (a bicycle with wide tyres for riding over rough ground.) kalnu velosipēds -
5 mill
[mil] 1. noun1) (a machine, sometimes now electrical, for grinding coffee, pepper etc by crushing it between rough, hard surfaces: a coffee-mill; a pepper-mill.) dzirnaviņas2) (a building where grain is ground: The farmer took his corn to the mill.) dzirnavas3) (a building where certain types of things are manufactured: A woollen-mill; a steel-mill.) fabrika2. verb1) (to grind or press: This flour was milled locally.) []malt2) ((usually with about or around) (of crowds) to move about in a disorganized way: There's a huge crowd of people milling around outside.) klimst []; slaistīties []•- miller- millstone
- millwheel* * *tūkstošā daļa dolāra; dzirnavas; dzirnaviņas; fabrika; spiedne; velmēšanas stāvs; frēze; bokss, dūru cīņa; cietums; bīdelēt, malt; sadrupināt, saberzt; velt; sakult; velmēt; frēzēt; boksēties, kauties; kustēties pa apli -
6 pitch
I 1. [pi ] verb1) (to set up (a tent or camp): They pitched their tent in the field.) uzsliet (telti)2) (to throw: He pitched the stone into the river.) mest, sviest3) (to (cause to) fall heavily: He pitched forward.) smagi krist; izraisīt kritienu4) ((of a ship) to rise and fall violently: The boat pitched up and down on the rough sea.) gareniski šūpoties5) (to set (a note or tune) at a particular level: He pitched the tune too high for my voice.) uzdot toni2. noun1) (the field or ground for certain games: a cricket-pitch; a football pitch.) (spēles) laukums2) (the degree of highness or lowness of a musical note, voice etc.) (toņa u.tml.) augstums3) (an extreme point or intensity: His anger reached such a pitch that he hit her.) pakāpe; intensitāte4) (the part of a street etc where a street-seller or entertainer works: He has a pitch on the High Street.) (ielu tirgotāja) tirgošanās vieta5) (the act of pitching or throwing or the distance something is pitched: That was a long pitch.) sviediens; metiens6) ((of a ship) the act of pitching.) gareniskā šūpošanās•- - pitched- pitcher
- pitched battle
- pitchfork II [pi ] noun(a thick black substance obtained from tar: as black as pitch.) darva- pitch-dark* * *darva, piķis; sviediens, metiens; padeve, piespēle; gareniskā šūpošanās; tirgošanās vieta, uzstāšanās vieta; kritiens; slīpne, slīpums; augstums; intensitāte, pakāpe; laukums; darvot, ieziest ar piķi; uzsliet; sviest, mest; piespēlēt, padot; izmest; gareniski šūpoties; piešķirt slīpumu; klāstīt, stāstīt; uzdot toni
См. также в других словарях:
rough ground — area of land which is bumpy and uneven … English contemporary dictionary
rough — [ruf] adj. [ME ruh, rugh < OE ruh, akin to Ger rauh < IE * reuk < base * reu , to tear, tear out (> RUG, ROTTEN): prob. basic sense “hairy, woolly”] 1. a) not smooth or level; having bumps, projections, etc.; uneven [a rough surface]… … English World dictionary
rough — adj 1 Rough, harsh, uneven, rugged, scabrous are comparable when they mean not having a smooth or even surface, exterior, or texture. Rough, the usual and comprehensive word, basically applies to whatever may be said to have a surface or an… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
rough — adj., adv., n., & v. adj. 1 a having an uneven or irregular surface, not smooth or level or polished. b Tennis applied to the side of a racket from which the twisted gut projects. 2 (of ground, country, etc.) having many bumps, obstacles, etc. 3… … Useful english dictionary
rough — rough1 W3S2 [rʌf] adj comparative rougher superlative roughest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(not smooth)¦ 2¦(not exact)¦ 3¦(problems/difficulties)¦ 4¦(not gentle)¦ 5¦(town/area etc)¦ 6¦(weather/sea)¦ 7¦(voice/sound)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
rough — /rʌf / (say ruf) adjective 1. uneven from projections, irregularities, or breaks of surface; not smooth: rough boards; a rough road. 2. (of ground) wild; broken; covered with scrub, boulders, etc. 3. shaggy: a dog with a rough coat. 4. acting… …
rough — roughly, adv. roughness, n. /ruf/, adj., rougher, roughest, n., adv., v. adj. 1. having a coarse or uneven surface, as from projections, irregularities, or breaks; not smooth: rough, red hands; a rough road. 2. shaggy or coarse: a dog with a… … Universalium
rough — [[t]rʌ̱f[/t]] ♦♦♦ rougher, roughest, roughs, roughing, roughed 1) ADJ GRADED If a surface is rough, it is uneven and not smooth. His hands were rough and calloused, from years of karate practice... Grace made her way slowly across the rough… … English dictionary
rough — [[t]rʌf[/t]] adj. rough•er, rough•est, n. adv. v. 1) having a coarse or uneven surface, as from projections, irregularities, or breaks 2) shaggy or coarse: a dog with a rough coat[/ex] 3) steep or uneven and covered with high grass, brush, stones … From formal English to slang
rough — 1. adjective 1) rough ground Syn: uneven, irregular, bumpy, lumpy, knobbly, stony, rocky, rugged, rutted, pitted, rutty Ant: smooth, flat 2) … Thesaurus of popular words
rough — 1. adjective 1) rough ground Syn: uneven, irregular, bumpy, stony, rocky, rugged, rutted, pitted 2) the terrier s rough coat Syn: coarse, bristly, scratchy … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary