1 roof ventilation
Автомобильный термин: вентиляционные отверстия в крыше -
2 roof ventilation
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > roof ventilation
3 roof ventilation
4 roof ventilation
5 roof ventilation
6 louvers roof ventilation
Алюминиевая промышленность: фонарная вентиляция в корпусахУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > louvers roof ventilation
7 potroom roof ventilation
Алюминиевая промышленность: фонарная вентиляция в корпусахУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > potroom roof ventilation
8 potroom roof ventilation (vents)
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > potroom roof ventilation (vents)
9 potroom roof ventilation (vents)
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > potroom roof ventilation (vents)
10 roof
крыша; кровля; II крыть; покрывать- roof board - roof bow - roof deck moulding - roof head cylinder - roof light - roof panel - roof rail - roof rib - roof slat - roof trim panel - roof ventilation - roof washer - fence roof - flat roof -
11 ventilation
Регулируемый газообмен.
Примечание. Как правило, происходит воздухообмен
[ ГОСТ 22270-76]
Обмен воздуха в помещениях для удаления избытков теплоты, влаги, вредных и других веществ с целью обеспечения допустимых метеорологических условий и чистоты воздуха в обслуживаемой или рабочей зоне при средней необеспеченности 400 ч/г - при круглосуточной работе и 300 ч/г - при односменной работе в дневное время.
[СНиП 41-01-2003]
[РД 01.120.00-КТН-228-06]
Естественный или искусственный регулируемый воздухообмен в помещениях (замкнутых пространствах), обеспечивающий создание воздушной среды в соответствии с санитарно-гигиеническими и технологическими требованиями.
[СНиП I-2]
Перемещение воздуха и его замещение свежим воздухом под действием ветра, перепада температуры или с помощью искусственных средств (например, приточных или вытяжных вентиляторов).
[ ГОСТ Р МЭК 60050-426-2006]
Организованный воздухообмен, способствующий поддержанию требуемых параметров в воздухе рабочих помещений (гигиенических, технологических и пожароопасных), а также комплекс технических средств реализации воздухообмена.
[Письмо НИИ Атмосфера № 14/33-07 от 15.01.03 г. «О терминах и определениях»]
[Защита атмосферного воздуха от антропогенного загрязнения. Основные понятия, термины и определения (справочное пособие). Санкт-Петербург 2003 г.]
Обеспечение воздухообмена в кабине, обитаемом помещении, АТС при температурах внешней среды выше 17 °С, а также удаление теплоизбытков и обеспечение подвижности воздуха.
[ ГОСТ Р 50993-96]
Обеспечение воздухообмена в кабине и пассажирском помещении транспортного средства.
[ Технический регламент о безопасности колесных транспортных средств]
Классификация систем вентиляции
По способу создания давления для перемещения воздуха
По назначению
По зоне обслуживания
По принципу действия
По конструктивному исполнению
вентиляция (НКУ)
[Интент]Параллельные тексты EN-RU
Diagram of natural ventilation of the unit
Естественная вентиляция НКУ
Рис. ABB
To guarantee an effective natural ventilation of the installed components, PC3.0/MNS R switchgears have been designed so as to create separate air flows in all their internal areas.
Gratings for natural air circulation are placed on the front and rear closing panels in the bottom part of the compartment with air outlet through the gratings on the roof and on the rear closing panel in the top part of the
НКУ PC3.0/MNS R сконструировано таким образом, что потоки воздуха, движущиеся из разных внутренних частей НКУ, разделены. Это обеспечивает эффективную естественную вентиляцию установленных в НКУ компонентов.
Естественная циркуляция воздуха осуществляется через вентиляционные решетки, расположенные в нижней части НКУ (спереди и сзади) и в верхней части НКУ (в крыше и сзади).
A = Область размещения аппаратуры
B = Область размещения шин
C = Область размещения кабелей
[Перевод Интент]Тематики
- НКУ (шкафы, пульты,...)
3.56 вентиляция (ventilation): Перемещение воздуха и его замещение свежим воздухом под действием ветра, перепада температуры или с помощью искусственных средств (например, приточных или вытяжных вентиляторов).
Источник: ГОСТ Р 52350.29.2-2010: Взрывоопасные среды. Часть 29-2. Газоанализаторы. Требования к выбору, монтажу, применению и техническому обслуживанию газоанализаторов горючих газов и кислорода оригинал документа
3.47 вентиляция (ventilation): Воздухообмен, осуществляемый с помощью устройств, которые его осуществляют, например вентиляторов, и предназначенный для подачи свежего воздуха в зону вентиляции.
Источник: ГОСТ Р 54110-2010: Водородные генераторы на основе технологий переработки топлива. Часть 1. Безопасность оригинал документа
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > ventilation
По способу создания давления для перемещения воздуха
12 system
1) система; сеть; комплекс2) установка, устройство3) план; расположение4) система; порядок; классификация•- system of catalogs - system of catalogues - system of forces - system of ground points - system of road signs - system of scaffolds - acoustic signalling system - active residential solar heating system - aeration system - air-brake system - air-comfort system - air-conditioning system - air-curtain system - air-foam system - airline system - airline vacuum system - air-pressure water system - all-outside air-conditioning system - arch system - arch-and-pier system - audible alarm system - Automated Data Management System in Building - ADMSB - automatic fire alarm system - balanced system of ventilation - bar system - basic system - beam system - blower system - British absolute system of units - building system - building central air conditioning system - building solar optical system - bypass pipe system - cable system - cantilever tieback system - cathodic protection system of pipelines - central fan electric heating system - central hot water supply system - check-board system - circulating water system - closed system - closed heat supply system - closed pipeline system - collecting system - colour spraying systems - combined extract-and-input system - combined sewerage system - community complete system in containers or skids - composite cable roof system - compressed-air system - computer-aided system - consolidated power system - control system of survey - cooling system - cooling pipe system - coordinate system - curing system - decimal system - designation system - discrete system - discrete-continual system - distributing system - district heating system - double-pipe system - double-pipeline system - double-pipe riser system - downward system of ventilation - drainage system - drencher system - drop system - dry pipe sprinkler system - dry return system - duct system - earthling system - ejector system - elastic system - electric heating system - embedded panel system - emergency power supply system - energy recovery system - engineer's system of units - filling system of navigation lock - filtration system - fire-alarm sounding system - fire-fighting system - fire-sprinkling system - fire warning system - fixing systems - flange system - flooding system - floor system - floor system of bridge - floor heating system - flow-through system - flue gas cleaning system - fluid power system - forced circulation system - four-axis system - framed system - gas heating system - glaze systems - gravity system - gravity water supply system - grid system - hazard system - heating system - heat pump system - heat supply system - high pressure air-conditioning system - high velocity air-conditioning system - hinged system - hoisting system - hot air system - hot blast system - hot water supply system - inflation system - instantaneously variable system - integral deck system - integrated dispatching system - invariable system - ion-exchange system - irrigation system - land system - large public water system - lateral system - left-handed system - lighting system - local air-conditioning system - lock-filling system - long-line system - low pressure air-conditioning system - low velocity air-conditioning system - low voltage system - main system - management system - measuring system - mechanical systems of a house - medium-size public water system - membrane system - metric system - modular coordinating space system - monitoring system - multistage gas supply system - network system - observing system - once-through system - one-layer cable system - one-pipe heating system - one-pipe loop system - open system - open heat supply system - open return system - overhead system of heating - overhead heating system - panel air system - panel cooling system - pipeline system - piping system - plane system - plumbing system - pollution control system - population settlement group system - post-tensioned system - potabilization system - power system - power-reservoir system - pressurized water treatment system - pre-tensioned system - primary system - public transport system - public water system - public waterworks system - quality control system - quarternary system - railroad system - recirculated heating system - recirculation duct air conditioning system - recool system - rectangular system of street layout - reliability coefficients system - remote control system - reusing water supply system - rigid cable roof system - ring heating system - roll-cap system - round duct system - safety valve of a hydraulic system - saprobity system - separate sewerage system - septic system - sewerage system - single duct air-conditioning system - single-stage system - single-track automatic block system - slab-stringer system - smoke-detector system - solar aquatic system - solar cooling system - solar heating system - solar thermal power system - space system - split system - sprinkler system - statically determinate system - statically indeterminate system - steel plate system - structural system - supply air system - suspension system - thermal reheat system - three-dimensional system - three-way system of reinforcement - thrust system - total energy system - two-dimensional system - two-duct air-conditioning system - two-layer cable roof system - two-pipe water heating system - underfloor heating system - underground cable system - unified modular coordination system - universal sewerage system - upfeed water heating system - up-lighting system - utility system - utility detection system - vacuum system - vandalproof system - variable air volume system - ventilation system - warning system - waste treatment system - waste water system - water system - water measuring systems - water purification system - water quality system - water quality indicator system - water supply system - water supply by zones system - water treatment systems - wind bracing system - zone system* * *1. система; сеть (напр. трубопроводов); устройство2. способ, метод- system of forcessystem in equilibrium — равновесная система, система в состоянии равновесия
- system of masses
- system of scaffolds
- ABC system
- AC system
- acoustical ceiling system
- active solar energy system
- aesthetic value system
- air classification system
- air cycle refrigerating system
- airfield soil classification system
- air pollution control system
- air-to-air system
- air-to-water system
- air transport system
- alarm system
- all-air system
- all outside air system
- all-water coil system
- all water fan coil system
- approach lighting system
- arterial system
- Atterberg soil classification system
- audio alarm system
- automated casting system
- automatic fire alarm system
- automatic fire protection system
- automatic flushing system
- balanced system
- balanced system of streets
- balanced ventilation system
- bar system
- beam structural system
- bell alarm system
- Benoto piling system
- bivalent heat pump system
- bleed-in system
- blow and exhaust system
- blow through air-conditioning system
- blow through fan system
- bootstrap system
- box system
- bridge deck structured system
- British soil classification system
- building system
- building automation system
- building-drainage system
- building gravity drainage system
- building management system
- built-in dust suppression system
- burglar alarm system
- cable system
- central air heating system
- central fan system
- centralized hot-water supply system
- central plant air conditioning system
- changeover system
- circulating system
- circulation water supply system
- circulation water system
- closed system
- closed heat-supply system
- closed-loop heat pump system
- closed-type steam heating system
- coding system
- cogeneration system
- cold supply system
- collapsing-ring bridge rail system
- combined drainage system
- combined sewage system
- complanar system of structural members
- complanar force system
- complete-mix activated sludge system
- composite frame system
- compression system
- concrete suspended flooring system
- constant volume system
- continuous conveying system
- continuous suspension system
- control system
- cooling system
- coordinate system
- cost-efficient floor system
- crossbar approach lighting system
- cross blow ventilation system
- curtain walling system
- custom forming system
- decentralized air conditioning system
- decentralized sewerage system
- deluge sprinkler system
- desiccant cooling system
- designation system
- design-built system
- diffusion-absorption system
- digital indicating system
- direct system
- direct air heating system
- direct cooling system
- direct expansion system
- direct hot water system
- direct hot-water supply system
- direct return system
- direct through air-conditioning system
- distribution system
- domestic hot water system
- domestic sewerage system
- "Dot" recording system
- double-pipe system
- double stack system
- down-feed system
- drainage system
- draw-in system
- draw-through fan system
- draw-through system
- drencher system
- drop system
- dry-pipe sprinkler system
- dual conduit system
- duct system
- ductless split air conditioning system
- dust collecting system
- dust extract system
- early warning system
- economical floor system
- ejector refrigerating system
- elastic mechanical system
- elastic system
- electric heating system
- electric reheat system
- energy management system
- environmental system
- exhaust system
- extract system
- FAA soil classification system
- fan coil system
- Federal aviation administration soil classification system
- fire alarm system
- fire-extinguishing system
- fire protection system
- flat plate-pipe column floor system
- floor structural system
- floor system
- flow-through system
- F-number system
- force system
- forming-and-reinforcing system
- Forton system
- four pipe system
- gantry crane system
- gas heating system
- gravity system
- gravity-flow heating system
- gravity sewerage system
- gravity steam heating system
- gravity water-supply system
- grid coordinate system
- gridiron distribution system
- grounding system
- groundwater control system
- group water supply system
- gyratory system
- heat distribution system
- heating system
- heat-of-light system
- heat pump system
- heat recovery system
- heat supply system
- heat-traced system
- high-intensity lighting system
- high temperature hot-water heating system
- high velocity system
- hold-over system
- holonomic system
- hot-air system
- hot water system
- hot-water circulation system
- hush piling system
- hybrid system
- hydraulic control system
- hydrophilic system
- hydrophobic system
- indirect expansion system
- indirect hot-water supply system
- indirect refrigeration system
- individual sewage-disposal system
- induction air conditioning system
- induction system
- industrialized building systems
- inflation system
- instrument landing system
- integral deck system
- integrated distribution floor system
- inverter driven VRV system
- Jackson system
- land system
- large panel system
- lighting system
- line system
- liquid overfeed system
- local sewerage system
- low-pressure system
- low pressure hot water system
- low velocity system
- main system
- maintenance management system
- mass transit system
- materials-handling system
- mechanical system
- mechanical refrigerating system
- mechanical supply system
- medium pressure hot water system
- medium temperature hot water system
- microbore heating system
- modular system
- modular air conditioning system
- modular compression sealing system
- modular decking system
- modular precast building system
- multiple-degree system
- multiple web system
- multiple well system
- multistage gas-supply system
- multizone system
- municipal piping system
- nail-free formwork system
- non-changeover system
- octopus duct system
- oil fired heating system
- once-through water-supply system
- one-degree system
- one-duct air-conditioning system
- one-pipe system
- one-pipe loop system
- one-way system
- open system
- open expansion tank system
- open-loop control system
- open return system
- open steam heating system
- operation system
- overhead heating system
- overhead runway system
- packaged cogeneration system
- panel air-conditioning system
- panel air system
- panel-lock system
- partially-separate system
- piping system
- plane system of forces
- plane grid system
- plenum system
- plumbing system
- pneumatic conveying system
- post-tensioning system
- preaction sprinkler system
- prefabricated pipe conduit system
- pressurization system
- pressurized heating system
- pressurized hot water system
- primary-secondary system
- principal system
- public system
- public waterwork system
- push-through fan system
- push-through system
- quality system
- rail mounted track laying system
- raised floor system
- rapid transport system
- recool system
- recycling system
- recycling water system
- redundant bridge system
- refrigerating system
- regenerative air cycle system
- regional settlement system
- reheat system
- return system
- return air system
- reverse return system
- reverse return upfeed system
- rising heating system
- road system
- roofing system
- run-around system
- safety system
- scraper system
- sealed heating system
- security system
- self-climbing form system
- separate sewerage system
- separate system
- series loop system
- sewage system
- shunt system
- single-degree-of-freedom system
- single-degree system
- single duct air conditioning system
- single-pipe heating system
- single-pipe heat-supply system
- single-stack plumbing system
- single-storey heating system
- single web system
- single-zone air-conditioning system
- slab-stringer system
- small bore heating system
- smoke control system
- smoke extract ventilation system
- soil system
- soil absorption system
- solar heating system
- solid fuel heating system
- split system
- sprinkler system
- state plane coordinate system
- statically determinate system
- statically indeterminate system
- stationary system of loads
- steam heating system
- steel plate system
- storm sewer system
- structural system
- structural monitoring system
- sub-atmospheric heating system
- subbuilding drainage system
- subsurface drainage system
- subsurface sewage disposal system
- supply air system
- supporting formwork system
- suspension structural system
- swing joint system
- taxiway system
- telpher system
- terminal reheat system
- thermal storage heating system
- thermosiphon system
- three-pipe system
- three-pipe air-conditioning system
- three-pipe heat supply system
- total energy system
- track laying system
- trench shoring system
- trussed system
- truss-supported deck system
- tube cleaning system
- two-degree-of-freedom system
- two-degree system
- two-pipe system
- two value system of proportional balancing
- two value system
- two-way system
- underfloor conduit system
- unvented system
- up-feed heating system
- utility detection system
- vacuum heating system
- vacuum return system
- vacuum waste disposal system
- variable air volume system
- variable refrigerant volume system
- variable volume system
- variable water volume system
- VAV system
- vented system
- ventilation system
- VRV system
- VWV system
- warning system
- water-air heating system
- water booster system
- water-supply system
- water-to-air system
- water-to-water system
- wellpoint system
- wet return system
- wind framing system
- wire cable control system
- wiring system
- zoned system
- zone reheat system -
13 panel
1) панель ( конструкции)2) облицовочная панель, филёнка8) плита (тротуара, мостовой)9) распределительный щит, приборная панель, щиток; панель управления10) список, перечень11) группа экспертов; совет консультантов12) обшивать панелями, отделывать филёнками•- acoustic panel - aerated panel - airing panel - alarm-signal panel - appliance panel - building panel - cladding panel - composite panel - corner panel - cornice panel - curtain wall panel - electric service panel - electronic control panel - face panel - facing panel - fibre reinforced gypsum panel - form panel - foundation panel - heating panel - laminated panel - large panel - lighting panel - load-bearing wall panels - multi-core panel - multilayer panel - operating panel - pillar wall panel - plinth panel - power panel - precast panel - prefabricated panels - raised panel - raised concrete panel - ready-made panel - ribbed panel - rolled panel - roof panel - sandwich panel - sheet panel - side panel - single-layer panel - site-cast panel - sluice panel - socle panel - solar-cell panel - solar collector roof panel - sound-insulating panel - subdivided panel - sunk panel - T-beam floor panel - test panel - three-layer panel - truss panel - ventilation panel - vibrolled panel - wall panel - wall panel between two windows - wall heating panel - window panel - wind-protective panel - wood-based panel* * *1. панель, плита; щит ( элемент конструкции)2. панель ( расстояние между узлами фермы)3. нижняя часть стены, имеющая иную отделку, чем верхняя4. распределительный щит; щит управления- access panel
- acoustical panel
- adjustable radius curved form panel
- aggregate-coated panel
- airing panel
- all-steel curved form panel
- appliance panel
- architectural panel
- architectural-grade concrete form panel
- asbestos cement wall panel
- brick-faced concrete wall panel
- brickwork infill panel
- building panel
- cladding panel
- composite panel
- concrete form panel
- control panel
- curtain wall panel
- deck panel
- demountable wall panel
- direct radiant panel
- distribution panel
- door panel
- double tee wall panel
- drop panel
- electric floor panel
- embedded heating panel
- enclosure panel
- energy-efficient precast wall panel
- exhaust panel
- expanded polystyrene form panel
- exterior panel
- facing panel
- floor panel
- form panel
- form panel with scaffold platform
- gauge panel
- girder web panel
- glass-fiber-reinforced concrete wall panel
- gypsum panel
- heating panel
- horizontal panel
- infill panel
- instrumental panel
- insulated panel
- large-surface form panel
- lift-slab panel
- load-bearing panel
- metal wall form panel
- operating panel
- ornamental precast panel
- patterned panel
- perforated deck panel
- perforated panel
- plywood form panel
- precast panel
- precast cladding panel
- precast concrete panel
- precast structural cladding panel
- precast windowed wall panel
- prefabricated formwork panel
- prefabricated masonry panel
- premolded asphalt panel
- prestressed panel
- radiant panel
- raised and fielded door panel
- raised and fielded panel
- ribbed panel
- rock faced concrete panel
- safety glass panel
- sample panel
- sandwich panel
- sculptured panel
- sheet panel
- site-cast panel
- site-precast concrete panel
- solar collector roof panel
- sound-insulating panel
- steel-ply panel
- storey-height wall panel
- stress skin panel
- structural roof deck panel
- subdivided panel
- suction panel
- supply air panel
- thermally insulated cladding panel
- tilt-up panel
- ventilation panel
- vortex air supply panel
- waffle-crete panel
- wall heating panel
- weld mesh panel
- window panel
- windowed concrete panel
- windowed panel
- wood fiber concrete panel -
14 panel
- panel
- n1. панель, плита; щит ( элемент конструкции)
2. панель ( расстояние между узлами фермы)
3. нижняя часть стены, имеющая иную отделку, чем верхняя
4. распределительный щит; щит управления
- access panel
- acoustical panel
- adjustable radius curved form panel
- aggregate-coated panel
- airing panel
- all-steel curved form panel
- appliance panel
- architectural panel
- architectural-grade concrete form panel
- asbestos cement wall panel
- brick-faced concrete wall panel
- brickwork infill panel
- building panel
- cladding panel
- composite panel
- concrete form panel
- control panel
- curtain wall panel
- deck panel
- demountable wall panel
- direct radiant panel
- distribution panel
- door panel
- double tee wall panel
- drop panel
- electric floor panel
- embedded heating panel
- enclosure panel
- energy-efficient precast wall panel
- exhaust panel
- expanded polystyrene form panel
- exterior panel
- facing panel
- floor panel
- form panel
- form panel with scaffold platform
- gauge panel
- girder web panel
- glass-fiber-reinforced concrete wall panel
- gypsum panel
- heating panel
- horizontal panel
- infill panel
- instrumental panel
- insulated panel
- large-surface form panel
- lift-slab panel
- load-bearing panel
- metal wall form panel
- operating panel
- ornamental precast panel
- patterned panel
- perforated deck panel
- perforated panel
- plywood form panel
- precast panel
- precast cladding panel
- precast concrete panel
- precast structural cladding panel
- precast windowed wall panel
- prefabricated formwork panel
- prefabricated masonry panel
- premolded asphalt panel
- prestressed panel
- radiant panel
- raised and fielded door panel
- raised and fielded panel
- ribbed panel
- rock faced concrete panel
- safety glass panel
- sample panel
- sandwich panel
- sculptured panel
- sheet panel
- site-cast panel
- site-precast concrete panel
- solar collector roof panel
- sound-insulating panel
- steel-ply panel
- storey-height wall panel
- stress skin panel
- structural roof deck panel
- subdivided panel
- suction panel
- supply air panel
- thermally insulated cladding panel
- tilt-up panel
- ventilation panel
- vortex air supply panel
- waffle-crete panel
- wall heating panel
- weld mesh panel
- window panel
- windowed concrete panel
- windowed panel
- wood fiber concrete panel
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
* * * -
15 plant
1) установка; оборудование2) агрегат; механизм; энергоблок3) завод, фабрика, мастерская5) озеленять, сажать•plant and machinery register — реестр машин и оборудования (напр. строительной компании)
plant for technical ceramics and verified ceramics — установка для производства технической керамики и металлокерамики
plant for the preparation and transport of mastic asphalt — установка для подготовки и транспортировки литого асфальта
- activated sludge plant - aggregate batching plant - air-conditioning plant - air-supply plant - arc welding plant - asphalt plant - asphalt-mixing plant - asphalt preparation plant - asphalt-recycling plant - assembling plant - atomic power plant - automated concrete-mixing plant - automatic plant - batch plant - batch concrete mixing plant - batching plant - batch-weighing plant - biological treatment plant - bitumastic macadam mixing plant - bitumen-melting plant - bitumen-pumping plant - boiler plant - brick plant - facing brick plant - roof tile plant - brick-making plant - builder's plant - calcining plant - cement plant - central boiler plant - central mixing plant - chlorination plant - clarification plant - clay-drying plant - clay souring plant - coal grinding plant - coating plant - combined milling and burning plant - combined photovolcanic-deolian electric plant - compressor plant - concrete-mixing plant - concreting plant - construction plant - contractor's plant - crushing plant - crushing and screening plant - curing plants for the concrete block and precast concrete part industry - cutting plant - degreasing plant - desalination plant - diesel-engine power plant - disinfection plant - district heating plant - drying plant - earth freezing plant - earth-moving plant - effluent treatment plant - electric power plant - expanded clay plant - filter plant - final-screening plant - finish coat stacking and dry mixing mortar plant - fixed plant - flash-calcining plant - floating pile-driving plant - flotation plant - fuel-burning power plant - garbage-disposal plant - gas-fired plant - gravel plant - grinding wheel plant - grit-removal plant - heating plant - high head plant - hoisting plant - hydroelectric power plant - industrial plant - iron removal plant - light plant - lime-slaking plant - lime softening plant - loading plant - low head hydroelectric plant - manganese removal plant - milling plant - mixing plant - mixing plant and pavers for hydraulically bound base courses - mobile compressor plant - mobile concrete mixing plant - mobile crushing plant - mobile rock crushing and screening plant - mortar-mixing plant - multiple-arc welding plant - municipal sewage treatment plant - nuclear power plant - orbital power plant - ozone plant - ozone-ventilating plant - piling plant - pilot plant - placing plant - plaster plant - pontoon pile driving plant - portable compressor plant for painting work - power plant - primary treatment plant - proportioning plant - pump plant - pumping plant - pumped storage plant - purification plant - quarry plant - ready-mix plant - refrigerating plant - reverse osmosis plant - sand washing plant - sanitary ware plant - porcelain plant - secondary treatment plant - sedimentation plant - semi-mobile plant - semi-portable plant - sewage disposal plant - sewage pumping plant - sewage purification plant - sewage treatment plant - sintering plant - soil-mixing plant - solar plant - spraying plant - standby plant - steam plant - step-up plant - stoneware plant - tertiary plant - thermal power plant - tidal plant - tile-making plant - timber drying plant - tower-type concrete-mixing plant - transformer welding plant - travel plant - travelling mixing plant - treating plant - treatment plant - utility plant - vacuum-cleaning plant - vibration-rolled concrete plant - wall and floor tiles plant - washing plant - waste water treatment plant - water power plant - water softening plant - water treatment plantplant for the production of concrete polymer construction elements — установка для изготовления элементов из полимерного бетона
* * *1. оборудование инженерных систем здания2. строительное оборудование (напр. землеройное, подъёмно-транспортное, для бетонных работ)3. установка; агрегат; энергоблок; технологическая установка [система] ( в инженерных системах зданий)4. электростанция5. завод, фабрика; мастерская- acetylene producing plant
- activated sludge plant
- aeration plant
- aeration-degassing plant
- aggregate batching plant
- aggregate preparation plant
- air conditioning plant
- air handling plant
- air supply plant
- all-dry cement plant
- all-wet cement plant
- augering plant
- automatic batching plant
- bank-filtered river water plant
- barge-mounted concrete plant
- batch plant
- batch mixing plant
- biological treatment plant
- block-making plant
- block plant
- boiler plant
- booster pumping plant
- builder's plant
- builder's small powered plant
- cement plant
- central plant
- central air conditioning plant
- central air-handling plant
- central boiler plant
- central heating plant
- central refrigerating plant
- chemical feed plant
- chlorination plant
- civil-engineering plant
- coating plant
- cold-storage plant
- compressor plant
- computerized plant
- concentrating plant
- concrete plant
- concrete production plant
- concrete spouting plant
- concreting plant
- construction plant
- contact stabilization plant
- continuous-mix plant
- conveying plant
- cooling plant
- crushing plant
- desalination plant
- desalting plant
- disposal plant
- diversion power plant
- drying plant
- dust arrestor plant
- dust extracting plant
- earth moving plant
- electric plant
- exhaust plant
- extended aeration plant
- filter plant
- filtration plant
- floating concrete plant
- floating pile-driving plant
- flotation plant
- freezing plant
- gas plant
- gas-distribution plant
- gas washing plant
- generating plant
- grading plant
- heat generation plant
- heating plant
- heating water converter plant
- high-pressure air conditioning plant
- hydro-electric plant
- incineration plant
- indoor power plant
- industrial plant
- initial screening and washing plant
- lime softening plant
- low-head power plant
- low-level mixing plant
- low-pressure air conditioning plant
- manufacturing plant
- mechanical plant
- mixing plant
- mix-in-travel plant
- municipal treatment plant
- open-air plant
- open-air water power plant
- ozone plant
- package plant
- petrochemical plant
- piling plant
- placing plant
- power plant
- precast concrete plant
- precast plant
- proportioning plant
- pumping plant
- purification plant
- pyrolysis plant
- ready mixed concrete plant
- refrigerating plant
- refuse incineration plant
- refuse processing plant
- reinforcement cutting and bending plant
- river-run power plant
- river power plant
- road-making plant
- roadstone aggregate plant
- roof top plant
- screening plant
- secondary treatment plant
- sedimentation plant
- semioutdoor-type power plant
- sewage dispersal plant
- site mechanical plant
- sludge digestion plant
- sludge treating plant
- small powered plant
- solar plant
- spouting plant
- steam plant
- steam-power plant
- step-up plant
- structural steel plant
- tertiary plant
- tidal power plant
- transporting plant
- treatment plant
- vacuum dewatering plant
- ventilation plant
- volumetric batch plant
- washing and screening plant
- waste-disposal plant
- waste-heat utilization plant
- water-catchment plant
- water conversion plant
- water purification plant
- water softening plant
- water treatment plant
- weight batch plant
- zeolite water softening plant -
16 slab
1) плита; панель; плита дорожного покрытия; панель перекрытия3) горбыль•- anchor slab - apron slab - armoured concrete slab - back slab - balcony slab - beam slab - bending slab - building slab - cement slab - cladding slab - composite slab - concrete slab - concrete pavement slab - continuous slab - continuous foundation slab - cored slab - cork slab - corner slab - cornice slab - crest slab - cross slab - curb slab - deck slab of dam - face slab - facing slab - fibre reinforced gypsum slab - filler-concrete slab - fixed-edge slab - floating slab - floor slab - floor slab of a bridge - grade slab - ground slab - gunited slab - heat insulating slab - laminated slab - large slab - lift slab - load-bearing wall slabs - marble wall slab - mineral wool slab - multilayer slab - one-way slab - pavement slab - paving slab - peat slab - pillar wall slab - plaster slab - plinth slab - precast slab - prefabricated slabs - ready-made slab - reinforced-concrete slab - ribbed slab - road slab - roadway slab - rolled slab - roof slab - sandwich slab - sheet slab - shell slab - short span slab - side slab - single-layer slab - sluice slab - sound insulating slab - sound isolation slab - spillway slab - stiffened slab - T-beam floor slab - test slab - thickened edge slab - thin slab - three-layer slab - toe slab - truss slab - two-way slab - uniform road slab - uniform thickness slab - upstream-deck slab - ventilation slab - wall slab - wall heating slab - window slab - wind-protective slab - wood-based slab - woodfibre slab - woodwool slabslab with stiffened edges — плита с укреплёнными краями; плита с жёстко заделанными краями
* * *1. плита ( элемент конструкции)2. горбыль ( пиломатериал)slab over basement — надподвальная плита, плита подвального перекрытия
slab rested on loose fill material — плита ( пола), опирающаяся на насыпной грунт
slab shotcreted over expanded metal — бетонная плита, выполненная методом торкретирования поверх просечно-вытяжного настила; торкрет-бетонная плита, армированная просечно-вытяжным настилом
slab simply supported on four sides — прямоугольная плита, свободно [шарнирно] опёртая по четырём сторонам
- approach slabslab spanning in two directions — плита, работающая в двух направлениях
- apron slab
- balcony slab
- basement slab
- beam slab
- beam and girder slab
- brick-lined concrete slab
- bridge deck slab
- compressed straw slab
- concrete slab
- concrete slab on grade
- continuous slab
- deck slab
- edge supported slab
- equalizing slab
- fixed-edge slab
- flat slab
- floating slab
- floor slab
- foundation slab
- ground slab
- heat-insulating slab
- hollow core slab
- hollow-tile floor slab
- infinite slab
- in-situ concrete slab
- leftward skew slab
- lift slab
- marked out facing slab
- monolithic slab and foundation slab
- mud slab
- paving slab
- plaster slab
- post-tensioned slab
- post-tension slab
- restrained slab
- ribbed slab above basement
- roof slab
- sandwich slab
- semi-infinite slab
- short span slab
- simply supported slab
- skew slab
- solid slab
- spillway slab
- structural slab
- terrazzo facing slab
- terrazzo slab
- two-way slab
- two-way ribbed flat slab
- two-way ribbed slab
- unstiffened edge slab
- upstanding beam slab
- upstand beam slab
- upstream-deck slab
- waffle slab
- wood-fiber slab -
17 load
- load
- n1. груз; нагрузка || нагружать, загружать
2. наносы ( транспортируемые потоком)
load applied in increments — нагрузка, прилагаемая отдельными ступенями [приращениями]
loads applied to the formwork — нагрузки, действующие на опалубку
loads equidistant from midspan — сосредоточенные нагрузки, равноотстоящие от середины пролёта ( балки)
loads in excess of the concrete capacity — нагрузки, превышающие несущую способность бетона
load normal to the surface — нагрузка, нормальная к поверхности
load on the member — нагрузка, действующая на элемент конструкции
under load — под нагрузкой; в нагруженном состоянии
- load of stream
- load of uncertain magnitude
- abnormal load
- accepted load
- accidental load
- adjustable load
- air conditioning load
- allowable load
- allowable axial load
- allowable pile-bearing load
- alternating load
- antisymmetric load
- applied load
- arbitrary load
- area load
- assumed load
- asymmetrically-placed loads
- avalanche load
- average load
- axial load
- axial compression load
- axially symmetric load
- axial tension load
- axisymmetrical load
- axle load
- balanced load
- basic load
- bearing load
- bed load
- bending load
- biaxial load
- blast load
- breaking load
- bucket load
- buckling load
- central point load
- changing load
- characteristic load
- characteristic dead load
- characteristic live load
- climatic load
- collapse load
- collision load
- combined load
- combined axial and bending loads
- combined torsion-shear-flexure loads
- compression load
- concentrated load
- connected load
- construction loads
- continuous load
- cooling load
- crippling load
- critical load
- critical buckling load
- dead load
- derailment load
- design load
- design snow load
- design ultimate load
- distributed load
- dummy load
- dummy unit load
- dust load
- dynamic load
- earthquake load
- eccentric load
- eccentric and inclined load
- equivalent load
- erection load
- Euler load
- excess load
- explosion load
- factored load
- failure load
- fictitious design load
- fictitious load
- fire load
- fluctuating load
- fracture load
- frictional load
- front axle load
- gravity load
- gross cooling load
- ground snow load
- gust load
- heat load
- heating load
- highway loads
- highway bridge loads
- horizontal load
- humidification load
- hydrostatic load
- ice load
- imaginary load
- immission load
- impact load
- imposed load
- impulsive load
- inertial loads
- intended load
- joint load
- latent heat load
- lateral load
- lateral soil load
- limit load
- linear load
- linearly distributed load
- live load
- local load
- long duration load
- longitudinal load
- maximum load of pollution
- maximum rated load
- maximum safe load
- maximum safe working load
- maximum safe working load at the various radii
- minimum design dead loads
- minimum design live loads
- mobile load
- moving load
- moving uniform load
- near-ultimate load
- nominal uniformly distributed load
- nominal vertical wind load
- nonaxial load
- nonuniform load
- nonuniformly distributed loads
- nuisance load
- occupancy load
- off-center load
- off-peak load
- one-sided load
- on-peak load
- operating load
- panel load
- part load
- pattern load
- peak load
- permanent load
- permissible load
- point load
- pollution load
- ponding load
- primary live load
- proof load
- pulsating load
- radial load
- railway load
- rain load
- rarely occurring load
- rated load
- real load
- recommended load
- refrigerating load
- repeated load
- required design load
- residual load
- roof loads
- rupture load
- safe leg load
- safe working load
- seismic load
- sensible heat load
- service load
- service dead load
- service live load
- sewage load on treatment plant
- sewage load on water body
- shearing load
- shock load
- short duration load
- single load
- sinusoidal loads
- snow load
- snow load on a horizontal surface
- space load
- specified characteristic load
- static load
- static imposed load
- structural design load
- sudden load
- superimposed load
- superimposed dead load
- suspended load
- sustained load
- symmetrical load
- tensile load
- test load
- tipping load
- torsional load
- traffic load
- transmission heat load
- transverse load
- treating load
- trial load
- triaxial load
- twisting load
- ultimate load
- unbalanced load
- uniaxial loads
- uniform load
- uniform load on a beam overhang
- uniform load over a part of the span
- uniform load over part of the span
- uniform load over the full length of a beam with overhangs
- uniform load over the full length of a cantilever
- uniform load over the full span
- uniformly distributed load
- unit load
- unit generalized load
- unsymmetrical load
- useful cooling load
- variable load
- vehicle load
- vehicular live loads
- ventilation heat load
- vertical load
- wash load
- wave load
- wheel load
- wind load
- wind load on a truss
- working load
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
18 plant
- plant
- n1. оборудование инженерных систем здания
2. строительное оборудование (напр. землеройное, подъёмно-транспортное, для бетонных работ)
3. установка; агрегат; энергоблок; технологическая установка [система] ( в инженерных системах зданий)
4. электростанция
5. завод, фабрика; мастерская
- acetylene producing plant
- activated sludge plant
- aeration plant
- aeration-degassing plant
- aggregate batching plant
- aggregate preparation plant
- air conditioning plant
- air handling plant
- air supply plant
- all-dry cement plant
- all-wet cement plant
- augering plant
- automatic batching plant
- bank-filtered river water plant
- barge-mounted concrete plant
- batch plant
- batch mixing plant
- biological treatment plant
- block-making plant
- block plant
- boiler plant
- booster pumping plant
- builder's plant
- builder's small powered plant
- cement plant
- central plant
- central air conditioning plant
- central air-handling plant
- central boiler plant
- central heating plant
- central refrigerating plant
- chemical feed plant
- chlorination plant
- civil-engineering plant
- coating plant
- cold-storage plant
- compressor plant
- computerized plant
- concentrating plant
- concrete plant
- concrete production plant
- concrete spouting plant
- concreting plant
- construction plant
- contact stabilization plant
- continuous-mix plant
- conveying plant
- cooling plant
- crushing plant
- desalination plant
- desalting plant
- disposal plant
- diversion power plant
- drying plant
- dust arrestor plant
- dust extracting plant
- earth moving plant
- electric plant
- exhaust plant
- extended aeration plant
- filter plant
- filtration plant
- floating concrete plant
- floating pile-driving plant
- flotation plant
- freezing plant
- gas plant
- gas-distribution plant
- gas washing plant
- generating plant
- grading plant
- heat generation plant
- heating plant
- heating water converter plant
- high-pressure air conditioning plant
- hydro-electric plant
- incineration plant
- indoor power plant
- industrial plant
- initial screening and washing plant
- lime softening plant
- low-head power plant
- low-level mixing plant
- low-pressure air conditioning plant
- manufacturing plant
- mechanical plant
- mixing plant
- mix-in-travel plant
- municipal treatment plant
- open-air plant
- open-air water power plant
- ozone plant
- package plant
- petrochemical plant
- piling plant
- placing plant
- power plant
- precast concrete plant
- precast plant
- proportioning plant
- pumping plant
- purification plant
- pyrolysis plant
- ready mixed concrete plant
- refrigerating plant
- refuse incineration plant
- refuse processing plant
- reinforcement cutting and bending plant
- river-run power plant
- river power plant
- road-making plant
- roadstone aggregate plant
- roof top plant
- screening plant
- secondary treatment plant
- sedimentation plant
- semioutdoor-type power plant
- sewage dispersal plant
- site mechanical plant
- sludge digestion plant
- sludge treating plant
- small powered plant
- solar plant
- spouting plant
- steam plant
- steam-power plant
- step-up plant
- structural steel plant
- tertiary plant
- tidal power plant
- transporting plant
- treatment plant
- vacuum dewatering plant
- ventilation plant
- volumetric batch plant
- washing and screening plant
- waste-disposal plant
- waste-heat utilization plant
- water-catchment plant
- water conversion plant
- water purification plant
- water softening plant
- water treatment plant
- weight batch plant
- zeolite water softening plant
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
19 cooling
- cooling
- nохлаждение
- ablative cooling
- absorption cooling
- adiabatic cooling
- air cooling
- air blast cooling
- atmospheric cooling
- circulation cooling
- comfort cooling
- direct cooling
- district cooling
- evaporative cooling
- forced draught cooling
- free cooling
- indirect evaporating cooling
- interstage cooling
- mechanical cooling
- natural convection cooling
- panel cooling
- radiant cooling
- regenerative cooling
- roof spray cooling
- sensible cooling
- space cooling
- spot cooling
- spray cooling
- surface air cooling
- thermoelectric cooling
- ventilation cooling
- water cooling
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
20 opening
1) отверстие2) просвет; проём; проход; внутренний габарит3) метал. раствор ( валков); зазор ( между валками)4) устье ( горловины конвертора)5) раскрытие; открытие6) выработка8) разрыхление, рыхление10) эл. отключение, размыкание; разрыв; обрыв11) электрон. окно12) вскрытие ( окна в слое оксида)13) раскрыв; раствор14) кфт. кадровое окно; световое отверстие15) гидр. пролив•-
admission opening
advanced opening
air opening
asbestos fiber opening
bond opening
breaker opening
bridge opening
carcass opening
checker opening
circuit opening
clear door width opening
clear opening
contact opening
core drive opening
crack opening
daylight opening
delayed opening
development opening
die opening
discharge opening
diversion opening
door opening
drain opening
edger opening
end openings
exit opening
exposure opening
eye opening
faulted phase opening
film gate opening
finger opening
flare opening
fly opening
gate opening
gathering opening
hide opening
hinged opening
hook opening
hopper opening
inlet opening
inspection opening
intake opening
jaw opening
joint opening
lateral opening
leg opening
lens opening
main opening
mask opening
maximum opening
mesh opening
mine opening
navigational opening
nozzle opening
opening of groove
opening of helix
opening of mill
opening of river
opening of taphole
pocket opening
progressive opening
raise opening
roll opening
roof hatch opening
rotary table opening
runner opening
runner-vane opening
screen opening
seam opening
shutter opening
side-guide opening
spillway opening
sprue opening
switch opening
threaded opening
throat opening
tonnage opening
tunnel opening
underground opening
ventilation opening
vertical opening
via opening
water opening
water table opening
window opening
wrench opening
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Ventilation (firefighting) — In firefighting, ventilation refers to the tactic of creating a draft with an opening above or opposite the entry point so that heat and smoke will be released, permitting the firefighters to find and attack the fire. If a large fire is not… … Wikipedia
Natural ventilation — The ventilation system of a regular earthship. Natural ventilation is the process of supplying and removing air through an indoor space without using mechanical systems. It refers to the flow of external air to an indoor space as a result of wind … Wikipedia
Mansard roof — redirects here. For the Vampire Weekend song, see Mansard Roof (song). A mansard roof on the Château de Dampierre (1675–1683), by Jules Hardouin Mansart, great nephew of François Mansart. A mansard or mansard roof (also called a French roof) is a … Wikipedia
Functionally classified barn — A functionally classified barn is a barn whose style is best classified by its function. Barns which do not fall into one of the broader categories of barn styles, such as English barns or crib barns, can best be classified by some combination of … Wikipedia
Manila Light Rail Transit System — Overview Type … Wikipedia
Asphalt shingle — An asphalt shingle is a type of roof shingle. They are one of the most widely used roofing covers because they are relatively inexpensive and fairly simple to install. Types of Asphalt ShinglesTwo types of asphalt shingles are used: organic and… … Wikipedia
Mark Group Ltd — Mark Group Type Privately owned Industry Energy saving, Insulation, Microgeneration, Renewables Founded 1974 as Mark Insulations … Wikipedia
Tobacco barn — The tobacco barn, a type of functionally classified barn found in the United States, was once an essential ingredient in the process of air curing tobacco. In the 21st century they are fast disappearing from the American landscape in places where … Wikipedia
coal mining — Coal was very important in the economic development of Britain. It was used as fuel in the factories built during the Industrial Revolution and continued to be important until the 1980s. The main coalfields are in north east England, the north… … Universalium
Architecture and Civil Engineering — ▪ 2009 Introduction Architecture For Notable Civil Engineering Projects in work or completed in 2008, see Table (Notable Civil Engineering Projects (in work or completed, 2008)). Beijing was the centre of the world of architecture… … Universalium
Sago Mine disaster — wikinewshas|three articles on the accident * * *The Sago Mine disaster was a coal mine explosion on January 2, 2006, in the Sago Mine (pronEng|ˈseɪgoʊ) in Sago, West Virginia, USA near the Upshur County seat of Buckhannon. The blast and ensuing… … Wikipedia