1 roof gutter
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > roof gutter
2 roof gutter
3 roof gutter
4 roof gutter
1) Техника: карнизный водосточный жёлоб2) Строительство: водосточный жёлоб крыши -
5 gutter
1) водосточная канава; ливнесток; кювет4) метал. заусенечная канавка ( для облоя)5) авто водоотвод ( над дверьми)6) эл. лоток для проводов• -
6 roof
1) крыша, кровля; кровельное покрытие; кровельный ковёр3) перекрывать, настилать крышу, крыть, покрывать•roof in hollow tiles — кровля из желобчатой черепицы, кровля из итальянской черепицы
roof truss of hall — стропила для навеса, ангара
to roof in — крыть, настилать крышу
- aluminium roof - arched roof - asbestos roof - asbestoscement roof - asphaltic cardboard roof - asphalt mastic roof covering - bad roof - barrel roof - bench roof - bolted roof - bonded roof - breather roof - broach roof - built-in roof - built-up roof - butterfly roof - cantilever roof - cardboard roof - ceramic roof - clerestory roof - close-boarded roof - collar roof - compass roof - conical roof - copper roof - couple roof - curb roof - dead-level roof - deck roof - design of roof - dome roof - dome-shaped roof - doubly-bent shell roof - equilateral roof - exposed roof - fabric roof - false roof - fantail roof - fence roof - flat roof - flat suspended roof - flexible roof - flexible metal roof - flooding roof - framed roof - gable roof - gambrel roof - glass roof - glazed roof - gothic roof - hard roof - helm roof - high-pitched roof - high-rise roof - hip of roof - hip roof - hipped roof - hold-up hold-down roof - immediate roof - insulated roof - intersecting roof - inverted roof - king-bolt truss roof - king-post roof - lamella roof - lattice roof - lean-to roof - loose roof - low-pitched roof - mansard roof - mine roof - monitor roof - multi-span roof - nail roof - northern-light roof - ogee roof - open roof - pantiled roof - paper roof - pavillion roof - pent roof - penthouse roof - pitched roof - polygonal roof - poor roof - precast reinforced concrete roof - purlin roof - pyramidal roof - queen-post roof - rafter roof - railway roof - reed roof - ribbed roof - ridge roof - ruberoid roof - saddle roof - saddle-back roof - sawtooth roof - self-supporting roof - shed roof - shell roof - simple roof - slated roof - slate roof - sloped roof - sloping roof - soft roof - solar-electric roof - solid roof - span roof - split roof - steel roof - steel cable roof - steep roof - stepped roof - strutted roof - tank roof - tank floating roof - tent roof - terrace roof - thatched roof - thin-shell roof - thin-shell barrel roof - tie-beam roof - tile roof - trussed roof - unsound roof - vaulted roof - vel roof - wagon roof - wood roof - wood shingle roof - zinc roofto roof over — крыть, настилать крышу
* * *крыша, покрытие ( здания)- all-over roof
- arched roof
- arch roof
- arched barrel roof
- barrel shell roof
- barrel roof
- barrel-vault roof
- beam roof
- Belfast roof
- bell-shaped roof
- bell roof
- bonded gravel roof
- bowstring roof
- butterfly roof
- cable-suspended roof
- cable roof
- cantilever roof
- clipped gable roof
- cloth roof
- collar beam roof
- collar roof
- column-supported tank roof
- compass roof
- concrete shell roof
- corrugated shell roof
- cottage roof
- couple roof
- couple-close roof
- curb roof
- cut roof
- dome roof
- double-deck floating roof
- double-frame roof
- double-pitched roof
- double-pitch roof
- equal duo-pitched roof
- equilateral roof
- fabric roof
- factory-type roof
- felt-and-gravel roof
- flat roof
- flat-deck roof
- floating roof
- flooded roof
- folded-plate concrete roof
- gable roof
- gambrel roof
- glass roof
- gravel roof
- high-pitched roof
- hip-and-valley roof
- hipped roof
- hipped-gable roof
- italian roof
- jerking-head roof
- knee roof
- lamella roof
- lean-to roof
- low pitched roof
- low-profile roof
- M roof
- mansard roof
- monitor roof
- monopitch roof
- multigabled roof
- mushroom roof
- north-light shell roof
- north-light roof
- open roof
- pan floating roof
- pavilion roof
- pent roof
- pitched roof
- pontoon floating roof
- post-tensioned roof
- rainbow roof
- reed roof
- retractable roof
- rope-suspended roof
- rope roof
- saddle roof
- sawtooth roof
- self-supporting tank roof
- shed roof
- sickle-shaped roof
- single roof
- single-pitch roof
- skirt roof
- solar-electric roof
- sprayed roof
- spray-pond roof
- steel cable roof
- steel deck roof
- steel folded plate roof
- steel prismatic shell roof
- steel rope roof
- steep roof
- sun roof
- suspended roof
- suspended cloth roof
- tank roof
- tank dome roof
- terrace roof
- trussed roof
- umbrella roof
- unequal duo-pitched roof
- valley roof
- water-filled roof
- waved shell roof -
7 roof in gutter tile
Строительство: кровля из шпунтовой черепицы -
8 карнизный водосточный желоб
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > карнизный водосточный желоб
9 bar
I сокр. от
barometer II сокр. от
barometric III сокр. от
barrelбарабан; бочкаIV2) бар ( врубовой машины)4) лом, вага7) мн. ч. стержневая арматура ( железобетона)8) гидр. бар9) сортовой ( круглый или полосовой) прокат13) (инструментальная) оправка14) шкала; масштабная шкала; линейка, (измерительная) рейка16) бар (105 Па)17) преграда; шлагбаум || преграждать, загораживать19) полоса21) штанга ( печатающего устройства)22) прямоугольник ( в блок-схемах)23) черта ( надстрочный знак)24) швейн. закрепка; металлическая петля, петлица25) трик. гребёнка26) усиливать27) исключать, запрещать•-
A-frame tie bar
adjustable boring bar
air bar
aligning bar
angle bar
anode tail bar
antiroll bar
arch bar
armature bars
articulated roof bar
back guide bar
back needle bar
barking bar
battening bar
batten bar
bearing bar
bearing plate bar
beater bar
bent up bar
best bar
black bar
blanking bar
boring bar
box-section equalizer bar
braking bar
branch-off bar
brass bar
breakdown bar
bright-drawn bar
bulb bar
bumper bar
bundled bars
cantilever bar
carrier bar
carrier slide bar
cast-on bar
catch bar
channel bar
charging bar
Charpy V-notch bar
check bar
chill bar
chimney bar
circumferentially notched round bar
clamping bar
claw bar
closure bar
cloud bar
coiled bar
cold twisted bar
cold-drawn bar
collecting bars
color bar
commutator bar
compound bar
compression bar
compressor bar
concrete-reinforcing bar
console boring bar
contact bar
corrugated steel bar
coupling bar
cross bar
crow bar
cutter bar
datum leveling bar
deformed bar
diagonal bar
diagonal brace stabilizer bar
diamond bar
distance bar
distributing bar
dolly bar
door locking bar
dowel bar
dozer bar
draw bar
dropping bar
dummy bar
earthing bar
electrode bar
electrode hanger bar
end bar
equalizer bar
equalizing bar
error bar
expandable cross bar
extreme service shoe bar
eye bar
facing point bar
fender bar
fire bar
fireclay bar
fish bar
fishplate bar
fixed adjustment boring bar
fixed bar
flat bar
flat cold-rolled bar
flat hot-rolled bar
flat-type piling bar
fork-test bar
fraction bar
frame bar
frame needle bar
front guide bar
furnace bar
gas conductor-cooled bar
glazing bar
graduated bar
guide bar
gunwale angle bar
gunwale bar
gutter angle bar
gutter bar
hairpin tuning bar
handle bar
Hanover bars
hard bar
hatch bar
hatch-securing bar
hinged bar
Holdcroft bars
hooked bar
hum bars
impact bar
indented bar
index bar
ingoing bar
ingot bar
inlay bar
Ioffe bars
joint bar
Jominy bar
lead bar
lead sinker bar
lengthening bar
lifting bar
link bar
loader bar
loading bar
lock bar
locking bar
loop bar
magazine bar
magnetic bar
mandrel bar
measuring bar
microadjustable boring bar
needle bar
noise bar
notched bar
notch bar
numerically controlled spindle bar
outgoing bar
pattern bar
pedestal tie bar
piercer bar
piling bar
pinch bar
plain bar
point bar
polished rod carrier bar
port bar
porter bar
power draw bar
presser bar
print bar
proofing bar
pry bar
push bar
pusher bar
rack bar
railway crossing bar
rapping bar
reaction bar
red-hot bar
refractory bar
reinforcement bar
reinforcing bar
repeating space bar
replaceable sprocket tip bar
replacement grouser bar
rest bar
reverse-lock sheet piling bar
rider bar
ripping bar
rocker bar
roll bar
roller-nose bar
roof bar
rotary bar
rubbing bar
running-on bar
sash bar
scanty bar
shuffle bar
sine bar
sinker bar
sinker guide bar
skim bar
skimmer bar
slay bar
slick bar
slide bar
sliding bar
solid bar
solid sway bar
space bar
spacer bar
spanner bar
spindle bar
splice bar
split needle bar
spreader bar
spring steel roof bar
sprocket-nose bar
stabilizer bar
standard length bar
steel bar
stem bar
stem cutting bar
stiff bar
straight web piling bar
stringerangle bar
stringer bar
strip bar
suction bar
support bar
sway bar
tabulator bar
tamping bar
tapping bar
telescopic lengthening bar
tensile bar
tension bar
test bar
thin-walled bar
throw bar
thrust bar
tie bar
tie-plate bar
tin bar
tommy bar
tongue bar
tool bar
toothed bar
torsion bar
tow bar
towing bar
track bar
track press tool holder bar
transfer bar
transom bar
treadle bar
truss bar
turning bar
type bar
universal bar
unrestrained bar
vent bar
water bar
waterway angle bar
waterway bar
weather bar
web bar
wedge bar
weft bar
weight bar
welt bar
white bar
winding bar
window bar
wire bar
wiring bar
wooden bar
wrecking bar
yarn feeder bar
zee bar
z-piling bar -
10 tile
2) керамическая облицовочная плитка; кафель3) изразец4) керамический пустотелый кирпич, блок, стеновой камень5) керамическая гончарная, дренажная труба7) крыть черепицей, выкладывать плитками•to fix tiles — закреплять плитки, черепицу
- acoustic tile - acoustical tile - asphalt tile - bonnet tile - building tile - carpet ceramic tile - cement tile - ceramic tile - ceramic wall tile - channel tile - clay tile - convex tile - cored tile - corner tile - distribution tile - drain tile - Dutch tile - encaustic tile - English tile - facing tile - fire-retardant tile - floor tile - foundation tile - glass tile - grooved tile - gutter tile - hip tile - hollow tile - interlocking tile - Italian tile - lino tile - margin tile - mosaic tile - nibbed tile - plane tile - plastic-made tiles - porcelain tile - ridge tile - Roman tile - roof tile - solid tile - Spanish tile - split tile - terrazzo tile - tile-and-a-half tile - valley tile - vinyl tile - wall tileto manufacture tiles — производить плитку, черепицу
* * *1. керамическая облицовочная плитка2. кровельная черепица3. керамический пустотелый стеновой камень [блок]4. керамическая дренажная труба- abrasive tile
- absorbent tile
- acoustic tile
- angle hip tile
- armored paving tile
- arris hip tile
- arris tile
- asbestos-plastic flooring tile
- asphalt tile
- bonnet tile
- bonnet hip tile
- ceramic tile
- ceramic flooring tile
- ceramic wall tile
- chimney-flue tile
- clay tile
- clay tile for flooring
- clay wall tile
- concrete tile
- concrete interlocking tile
- con-hip tile
- con tile
- cork tile
- crease tile
- drain tile
- Dutch tile
- eaves tile
- enamelled tile
- encaustic tile
- English tile
- exposed finish tile
- extruded tile
- faced tile
- faience tile
- ferrocement tile
- field tile
- floor tile
- furring tile
- garden tile
- glass tile
- glazed tile
- glazed interior tile
- grooved tile
- gutter tile
- gypsum tile
- hip tile
- hollow tile
- horizontal cell tile
- interlocking tile
- Italian tile
- land tile
- mineral fiber tile
- mission tile
- nibbed tile
- nonload-bearing tile
- nonvitreous tile
- one-hand tile
- opaque ceramic-glazed tile
- partition tile
- paving tile
- plane tile
- PVC tile
- Roman tile
- roofing tile
- roof tile
- Spanish tile
- terrazzo tile
- unglazed tile
- vaulting tile
- vinyl tile
- vinyl-asbestos tile
- vitreous tile
- wall tile -
11 tile
1. кровельная черепица2. керамический пустотелый стеновой камень3. керамическая дренажная труба4. керамическая плитка5. глиняная обожжённая черепица6. глиняная черепица7. керамическая облицовочная плитка, метлахская плитка8. бетонный блок9. бетонная плитка10. коньковая черепица11. орнаментальная кровельная плиткаdrain tile — осушительная дрена; керамическая дренажная трубка
encaustic tile — изразцовая плитка, изразец, мозаичная черепица
glass tile — стеклянная плитка, стеклянная черепица
12 tile
- tile
- n1. керамическая облицовочная плитка
2. кровельная черепица
3. керамический пустотелый стеновой камень [блок]
4. керамическая дренажная труба
- abrasive tile
- absorbent tile
- acoustic tile
- angle hip tile
- armored paving tile
- arris hip tile
- arris tile
- asbestos-plastic flooring tile
- asphalt tile
- bonnet tile
- bonnet hip tile
- ceramic tile
- ceramic flooring tile
- ceramic wall tile
- chimney-flue tile
- clay tile
- clay tile for flooring
- clay wall tile
- concrete tile
- concrete interlocking tile
- con-hip tile
- con tile
- cork tile
- crease tile
- drain tile
- Dutch tile
- eaves tile
- enamelled tile
- encaustic tile
- English tile
- exposed finish tile
- extruded tile
- faced tile
- faience tile
- ferrocement tile
- field tile
- floor tile
- furring tile
- garden tile
- glass tile
- glazed tile
- glazed interior tile
- grooved tile
- gutter tile
- gypsum tile
- hip tile
- hollow tile
- horizontal cell tile
- interlocking tile
- Italian tile
- land tile
- mineral fiber tile
- mission tile
- nibbed tile
- nonload-bearing tile
- nonvitreous tile
- one-hand tile
- opaque ceramic-glazed tile
- partition tile
- paving tile
- plane tile
- PVC tile
- Roman tile
- roofing tile
- roof tile
- Spanish tile
- terrazzo tile
- unglazed tile
- vaulting tile
- vinyl tile
- vinyl-asbestos tile
- vitreous tile
- wall tile
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
* * * -
13 area
1) площадь; пространство3) поверхность4) (производственный) участок; помещение; площадка5) рабочая ячейка ( склада)•equal in area — равновеликий;area of base — площадь основания, площадь подошвы фундаментаarea of bearing — 1. площадь опоры 2. строит. площадка опиранияarea of contact — площадь поверхности контактаarea of diagram — площадь эпюры; площадь графикаarea of fracture — 1. поверхность излома 2. площадь поперечного сечения в месте разрушенияarea of occurrence — возд. район происшествияarea of water section — гидр. площадь живого сечения потокаarea of well influence — зона влияния колодца или скважины-
absorption area
active area
actual contact area
actuating area
actuation probability area
addressable area
adjustment control area
advisory area
air intake hazard area
aircraft parking area
airflow separation area
airport construction area
airport prohibited area
airport service area
air-route area
alighting area
alloy storage area
annulus area
antenna effective area
antenna area
antinode area
aperture area
approach area
ash-disposal area
auditory area
backwater area
bare area
base area
bearing surface area
binding area
blade area
blade-exit area
blind area
blind drainage area
boarding area
bolted area
bonding area
bond area
bore area
bubble-melt surface area
buffer area
building area
built-up area
burning area
catalyst surface area
catchment area
caved area
central equipment area
centralized telecine area
centralized traffic area
centralized video tape area
charge-makeup area
charging area
chip area
choke-tube area
circling approach area
clean processing area
clearance area
climb-out area
clinch area
coal area
coherence area
cold area
commanded area
common area
compression area
concrete area
cone effect area
congested area
connector area
conservation area
constant area
contact area
contact spot area
contaminated area
contamination control area
contiguous area
contour area of contact
control area
controlled access area
cooling area
corrosion area
coverage area
crimp area
critical area
cross-sectional area
cross-section area
cutting area
cylinder annular area
dangerous area
data-rich area
data-sparse area
data-void area
decontamination area
demixing area
design wing area
developed area
developed blade area
development area
die attach area
diked area
direct transit area
discharge area
display area
disposal area
dot area
downstream area
drainage area
drainless area
dry area
dynamic area
echoing area
echo area
effective area
effective braking area
effective cross-sectional area
effective cross-section area
effective screening area
effects area
electrical contact area
electroded area
elemental area
enclosed working area
end safety area
engineering area
environmentally fragile area
exchange area
exclusion area
exhaust area
expanded blade area
expanded area
exposure area
face area
fan blast area
felling area
fenced-off area
fetch area
fill area
film-editing area
filter effective area
filter open area
filtering area
finished-products storage area
fixed area
flame area
flooded area
flood-free area
flooding area
floor area
flow area
focus area
forbidden area
free-surface area
fringe area
functional area
furnace area
fusing area
fusion area
gases shear area
gasket surface area
gassy area
gathering area
gob area
graticule area
gray-scale picture area
gross cross-sectional area
gross cross-section area
gross irrigable area
ground contact area
gutter area
hard-core area
hard-to-reach area
hearth area
heat dissipation area
heat-affected area
heating area
heat-transfer area
high-activity area
high-beat area
high-radiation area
holding area
hot area
housing area
illuminated area
image area
impact area
impression area
inactive area
ingot-stripping area
input area
instantaneous area of flame front
instruction area
intended landing area
interfacial area
interference area
interlocking area
inundated area
junction area
knuckle area
land area
landing area
lateral area
lift irrigation area
lift-off area
link overlapped area
living area
living floor area
load-and-unload area
load-carrying area
loading area
loadout area
localized areas of wear
low-radiation area
makeup area
maneuvering area
man-impacted area
manned area
manual setting-up area
melting area
mesa area
metropolitan area
mining area
mirror area
mold conditioning area
mold opening area
moment area
movement area
mush area
natural area
net cross-sectional area
net cross-section area
neutron migration area
nominal contact area
noncontact area
nonimage area
nonmoving area
nonoccupied area
nonprinting area
nonstorage area
nonutilizable area
normally occupied area
nose area
nuclear area
numbering area
obstructed landing area
open area
open flow area
outgassed area
output area
overrun safety area
pallet area
patch area
pattern area
payable area
percent shear area
personnel and utility area
phosphor area
photolithographic area
picture area
poor-reception area
port area
presentation area
pressing area
prewarming area
primary area
primary service area
printing area
production area
production control area
programmed operating area
prohibited area
projectedblade area
projected area
propeller disk area
protected area
quality-control area
quality area
quench area
quiet area
radar area
radiation-control area
real area of contact
recording area
record area
refining area
regeneration area
reinforcing steel area
rerecording area
reservoir surface area
reservoir area
residential area
resident area
residential floor area
restricted area
retarder area
rig deck area
risk area
robot area
roof contact area
rubbing path area
rudder area
run-up area
rural area
safe operating area
safety area
sail area
save area
scanned area
scrap-consuming area
scrap-disposal area
scrap-grading area
scratch area
screen area
sealing area
seal area
search area
secondary area
sectional area
section area
seeking area
segregated area
service area
serviceable area
setting-up area
shaded area
shadow area
shareable area
shoe pad transition area
shooting area
sintering area
site area
skip area
slag-line area
slot area
slowing-down area of neutron
snow-covered area
solid area
sound area
sound-track area
special work permit area
specific floor area
specific surface area
spliced area
spoil area
stack area
stockline area
stool conditioning area
storage area
stripped area
subsidence area
superheated area
surface area
switching area
takeoff area
takeoff flight path area
tape area
taphole area
target area
technical-equipment area
technical area
telecine area
tension area
terminal area
terminal control area
test area
throat area
tongs area of pipe
tool service area
tool-presetting area
total area
total irrigation area
total tuyere area
transient area
turnaround area
tuyere area
type area
unattacked area
undershoot area
ungaged area
uniform area
unobstructed landing area
upstream area
urban area
usable area
user area
valve fillet area
valve seating face area
video tape recording area
video tape area
viewing area
vision control area
vulnerable area
waste area
waste-metal area
waste-storage area
water catchment area
waterplane area
water-surface area
wear track area
weld metal area
well drainage area
wellhead area
wetted area
wildlife area
window area
worked-out area
working area
yard area
yoke area -
14 tile
1) кафель
2) изразцовый
3) кафельный
4) кахель
5) крыть черепицей
6) плитка
7) черепица
8) черепичный
– bent tile
– ceramic tile
– channel tile
– clay tile
– facing tile
– fire-proof tile
– floor tile
– glazed tile
– gutter tile
– gypsum tile
– hip tile
– hollow tile
– insulating tile
– margin tile
– pressed tile
– reinforced tile
– ridge tile
– roofing tile
– slate tile
– thermoplastic tile
– tile drain
– tile drainage
– tile roof
15 stable
1. n хлев, стойло, закут2. n конюшня, беговые лошади, принадлежащие одному владельцуlivery stable — платная конюшня; извозчичий двор
3. n манеж4. n владельцы конюшни; обслуживающий персонал конюшни5. n разг. прост. орава, орда, выводок6. n разг. организация с филиалами7. n разг. воен. дежурство по конюшне8. v ставить, помещать в конюшню9. v содержаться в конюшне10. v размещаться, располагаться11. a устойчивый, стабильный, постоянный; установившийся12. a твёрдый, непоколебимый; целенаправленный13. a прочный, устойчивый, крепкийСинонимический ряд:1. balanced (adj.) balanced; sane; sensible2. calm (adj.) calm; dispassionate; placid3. fixed (adj.) established; firm; fixed; invariable; motionless; rigid; stationary4. permanent (adj.) abiding; diuturnal; durable; enduring; everlasting; lasting; perdurable; perduring; permanent; perpetual5. steady (adj.) constant; equable; even; stabile; steady; unchanging; unfluctuating; uniform; unvarying6. sure (adj.) fast; reliable; resolute; secure; solid; sound; staunch; steadfast; strong; sturdy; sure; unwavering7. barn (noun) barn; coop; hutch; livery; mews; pen; shelterАнтонимический ряд:demented; flimsy; moving; unstable; unsteady; variable; volatile; wavering -
16 fire-proofing tile
glass tile — стеклянная плитка, стеклянная черепица
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17 grooved tile
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См. также в других словарях:
Gutter — may refer to:* Rain gutter, a narrow channel which collects rainwater from the roof of a building and diverts it away from the structure, typically into a drain. * Street gutter, a depression which runs alongside a city street, usually at the… … Wikipedia
Gutter — Gut ter, n. [OE. gotere, OF. goutiere, F. goutti[ e]re, fr. OF. gote, goute, drop, F. goutte, fr. L. gutta.] [1913 Webster] 1. A channel at the eaves of a roof for conveying away the rain; an eaves channel; an eaves trough. [1913 Webster] 2. A… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gutter member — Gutter Gut ter, n. [OE. gotere, OF. goutiere, F. goutti[ e]re, fr. OF. gote, goute, drop, F. goutte, fr. L. gutta.] [1913 Webster] 1. A channel at the eaves of a roof for conveying away the rain; an eaves channel; an eaves trough. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gutter plane — Gutter Gut ter, n. [OE. gotere, OF. goutiere, F. goutti[ e]re, fr. OF. gote, goute, drop, F. goutte, fr. L. gutta.] [1913 Webster] 1. A channel at the eaves of a roof for conveying away the rain; an eaves channel; an eaves trough. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gutter snipe — Gutter Gut ter, n. [OE. gotere, OF. goutiere, F. goutti[ e]re, fr. OF. gote, goute, drop, F. goutte, fr. L. gutta.] [1913 Webster] 1. A channel at the eaves of a roof for conveying away the rain; an eaves channel; an eaves trough. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gutter stick — Gutter Gut ter, n. [OE. gotere, OF. goutiere, F. goutti[ e]re, fr. OF. gote, goute, drop, F. goutte, fr. L. gutta.] [1913 Webster] 1. A channel at the eaves of a roof for conveying away the rain; an eaves channel; an eaves trough. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gutter — ► NOUN 1) a shallow trough beneath the edge of a roof, or a channel at the side of a street, for carrying off rainwater. 2) (the gutter) a very poor or squalid environment. 3) technical a groove or channel for flowing liquid. ► VERB 1) (of a… … English terms dictionary
gutter — [gut′ər] n. [ME gotere < OFr gutiere < L gutta, a drop] 1. a trough or channel along or under the eaves of a roof, to carry off rain water 2. a narrow channel along the side of a road or street, to carry off water, as to a sewer 3. a place… … English World dictionary
gutter — [[t]gʌ̱tə(r)[/t]] gutters, guttering, guttered 1) N COUNT: usu the N The gutter is the edge of a road next to the pavement, where rain water collects and flows away. It is supposed to be washed down the gutter and into the city s vast sewerage… … English dictionary
gutter — gut|ter1 [ˈgʌtə US ər] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: goutiere, from goute drop ; GOUT] 1.) the low part at the edge of a road where water collects and flows away ▪ The gutters were blocked and overflowing. ↑chimney, ↑gutter 2.) … Dictionary of contemporary English
roof — roof1 W2S3 [ru:f US ru:f, ruf] n ↑chimney, ↑gutter [: Old English; Origin: hrof] 1.) the structure that covers or forms the top of a building, vehicle, tent etc ▪ They finally found the cat up on the roof. roof of ▪ We can probably strap the… … Dictionary of contemporary English