1 rolling parameter
2 rolling parameter
Авиация: параметр движения крена -
3 rolling parameter
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > rolling parameter
4 parameter
параметр; характеристика; коэффициентforward looking view parameters — параметры, представляемые в верхней части приборной доски
5 rolling the form
1. накатывание краски на формуnormalized form — нормализованная форма; нормализованный вид
analytic form — аналитическая форма; аналитическое выражение
2. накатывающий краску на формуEnglish-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > rolling the form
6 method
1) метод; приём; способ2) методика3) технология4) система•- accelerated strength testing method-
benching method-
bullhead well control method-
electrical-surveying method-
electromagnetic surveying method-
long-wire transmitter method-
operational method-
rule of thumb method-
straight flange method of rolling beams-
symbolical method-
tee-test method-
testing method-
triangulation method-
value-iteration method -
7 tolerance
2) допустимая доза (напр. облучения)3) выносливость; стойкость, устойчивость (к какому-л. воздействию); толерантность•tolerance in dam — допуск размеров плотины;tolerance on height — допуск высоты;tolerance on length — допуск длины;tolerance on thickness — допуск толщины;-
acceptance tolerance
accumulated tolerance
adjustment tolerance
aircraft dimension tolerance
aircraft production tolerance
aircraft rigging tolerance
aircraft weight tolerance
alignment tolerance
alpha tolerance
basic tolerance
beta tolerance
breathing tolerance
chemical tolerance
close size tolerance
close tolerance
concentricity tolerance
cut angle tolerance
design tolerance
dimensional tolerance
discharge tolerance
distortion tolerance
dredging tolerance
drinking tolerance
environmental tolerance
fine tolerance
fit tolerance
form tolerance
frequency tolerance
gamma tolerance
gear-spacing tolerance
geometric tolerance
gum tolerance
harmonic tolerance
humidity tolerance
immunological tolerance
in-line tolerance
in-service tolerance
lead tolerance
lower tolerance
machining tolerance
maintenance tolerance
man-impact tolerance
manufacturing tolerance
navigation tolerance
negative tolerance
overall tolerance
parameter tolerance
pitch tolerance
positioning tolerance
position tolerance
positive tolerance
process tolerance
radiation tolerance
rated tolerance
registration tolerance
repair tolerance
rolling tolerance
rough tolerance
shrinkage tolerance
size tolerance
specific tolerance
targeted tolerance
target tolerance
temperature tolerance
tube ID tolerance
tube OD tolerance
tube wall tolerance
upper tolerance
voltage tolerance
wave tolerance
wear tolerance
weight tolerance
Z-axis tolerance -
8 screw
1) винт
2) винтить
3) винтовальный
4) винтовой
5) гребной винт
6) навинчивающийся
7) шуруп
8) шнек
9) воздушный винт
10) дивектор
11) заглушка
12) шнековый
13) косозубый
14) многозаходный
– adjusting screw
– Allen-head screw
– Archimedes's screw
– attachment screw
– body of screw
– captive screw
– collar-head screw
– countersunk screw
– cross-thread screw
– cup-point set screw
– double-threaded screw
– ease off screw
– endless screw
– eye screw
– flat-head screw
– foot screw
– fouled screw
– grub screw
– headless set screw
– hexagon screw
– lead of screw
– lead screw
– left-hand screw
– leveling screw
– loosen screw
– machine screw
– micrometer screw
– motor-operated screw
– multiple-thread screw
– nibbed screw
– pitch of a screw
– power-transmission screw
– pressure screw
– right-hand screw
– right-threaded screw
– round-head screw
– screw adjustment
– screw anchor
– screw base
– screw bolt
– screw bushing
– screw cap
– screw clamp
– screw conveyor
– screw coupling
– screw devulcanizer
– screw die
– screw differential
– screw diffusion
– screw dislocation
– screw dolly
– screw extruder
– screw feeder
– screw gage
– screw hoist
– screw hole
– screw jaw
– screw lifter
– screw mechanism
– screw on
– screw on finger-tight
– screw on the cap
– screw on tightly
– screw parameter
– screw plate
– screw press
– screw pressing
– screw pump
– screw quoin
– screw release
– screw rivet
– screw rolling
– screw stopper
– screw take-up
– screw tensioner
– screw up nut fingertight
– screw vessel
– screw washer
– self-lapping screw
– self-tapping screw
– set screw
– single-threaded screw
– slow-motion screw
– spiral screw
– square-head screw
– start a screw
– starting a screw
– stop screw
– swing screw
– thread of a screw
– tighten screw
– tightening screw
– tommy screw
– transit screw
– unfeather air screw
– wing-head screw
contrarotating screw propeller — <engin.> винт-ротор соосный
1) Общая лексика: rate combination point (авианакладная)2) Компьютерная техника: Region Code Protected, Remote Communication Processor, Run Control Parameter3) Американизм: Radon Contractor Proficiency, Recycled- Content Product4) Военный термин: Raster Color Printer, Relevant Common Picture, radar control panel, radar conversion program, radiological control program, recording control panel, recovery command post, regimental command post, remote control panel, request for contractual procurement, requirements change proposal, rotational combat personnel5) Техника: Remote Copy Protocol, radar chart protector, reactor characterization program, reliability computation package, remote-control panel, right circular polarization6) Строительство: reflected ceiling plan7) Математика: правило условного доказательства (rule of conditional proof)8) Ветеринария: Registry of Comparative Pathology (defunct)9) Телекоммуникации: Remote Communications Processor (IBM)10) Сокращение: статистические сополимеры (random copolymers), rough-cut planning11) Университет: Research Consultation Program, Residential College Program12) Вычислительная техника: Real-Time Control Protocol, Remote Copy Program, restore cursor position, routing coprocessor13) Нефть: программа для вычисления показателей надёжности (reliability computation package), resistance cathodic protection (производитель - компания CorrOcean)14) Связь: Routing Core Platform (Alcatel 7770 RCP)15) Биотехнология: Rolling-circle product16) СМИ: Rates Cards And Platform17) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: reduced circulating pressure18) Нефтепромысловый: проппант с полимерным покрытием (resin coated proppant), пропант с полимерным покрытием (resin coated proppant)19) Сетевые технологии: Remote CoPy, Remote Communications Processor, дистанционный связной процессор20) Полимеры: Rapid Crack Propagation21) Полупроводники: right circularly polarized (light)22) Химическое оружие: Reinforced concrete pipe23) Расширение файла: Remote Copy (Internet)24) Электричество: реле контроля фаз (phase control relay)25) Электротехника: reactor coolant pump26) Hi-Fi. Real Colour Processing27) Общественная организация: Raptor Conservation Program29) AMEX. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter -
10 rcp
1) Общая лексика: rate combination point (авианакладная)2) Компьютерная техника: Region Code Protected, Remote Communication Processor, Run Control Parameter3) Американизм: Radon Contractor Proficiency, Recycled- Content Product4) Военный термин: Raster Color Printer, Relevant Common Picture, radar control panel, radar conversion program, radiological control program, recording control panel, recovery command post, regimental command post, remote control panel, request for contractual procurement, requirements change proposal, rotational combat personnel5) Техника: Remote Copy Protocol, radar chart protector, reactor characterization program, reliability computation package, remote-control panel, right circular polarization6) Строительство: reflected ceiling plan7) Математика: правило условного доказательства (rule of conditional proof)8) Ветеринария: Registry of Comparative Pathology (defunct)9) Телекоммуникации: Remote Communications Processor (IBM)10) Сокращение: статистические сополимеры (random copolymers), rough-cut planning11) Университет: Research Consultation Program, Residential College Program12) Вычислительная техника: Real-Time Control Protocol, Remote Copy Program, restore cursor position, routing coprocessor13) Нефть: программа для вычисления показателей надёжности (reliability computation package), resistance cathodic protection (производитель - компания CorrOcean)14) Связь: Routing Core Platform (Alcatel 7770 RCP)15) Биотехнология: Rolling-circle product16) СМИ: Rates Cards And Platform17) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: reduced circulating pressure18) Нефтепромысловый: проппант с полимерным покрытием (resin coated proppant), пропант с полимерным покрытием (resin coated proppant)19) Сетевые технологии: Remote CoPy, Remote Communications Processor, дистанционный связной процессор20) Полимеры: Rapid Crack Propagation21) Полупроводники: right circularly polarized (light)22) Химическое оружие: Reinforced concrete pipe23) Расширение файла: Remote Copy (Internet)24) Электричество: реле контроля фаз (phase control relay)25) Электротехника: reactor coolant pump26) Hi-Fi. Real Colour Processing27) Общественная организация: Raptor Conservation Program29) AMEX. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter -
11 device
1) устройство; прибор; приспособление; механизм; аппарат3) схема; метод; способ•- active device
- adding device
- add-on device
- addressed device
- aiming device
- alarm device
- analog device
- arithmetic device
- attached device
- attention device
- autopolarity device
- backup device
- beam-leaded device
- beam-lead device
- binary storage device
- bipolar device
- bistable device
- block-oriented device
- borrow generating device
- bridging device
- buffered device
- built-in display device
- calling device
- card feed device
- card-take device
- carry storage device
- cellular-logic device
- character recognition device
- charge-coupled device
- charge-transfer device
- checking device
- choice device
- clamp device
- code device
- coding device
- coincident-current device
- communication device
- comparison device
- complementary devices
- computing device
- control device
- conversion device
- counting device
- cross-magnetized device
- CRT programming device
- currently configured device
- current-operated device
- current-output device
- cursor-director device
- cutoff device
- data display device
- data input device
- data-hold device
- decision-making device
- delay device
- detachable device
- differential device
- digital delay device
- digital device
- discrete device
- display device
- division device
- dynamic analog device
- dynamic MOS device
- encoding device
- error sensing device
- exchange device
- exponential device
- external device
- figure reading device
- file protected device
- film optical sensing device
- fixed program device
- fluidic device
- full functional device
- full-wafer device
- graphic input device
- hard-copy output device
- hardware/software input device
- higher-priority device
- I/O device
- IDE device
- indicating device
- input device
- input/output device
- integrating device
- interactive pointing device
- interconnecting device
- known good device
- laser device
- lasing device
- list device
- locator device
- log-normal device
- lower-priority device
- LSI device
- magnetic-bubble device
- mapping device
- marginal device
- mark scanning device
- media device
- metal-oxide-semiconductor device
- mixed-signal device
- MOS device
- mouse pointing device
- multiaperture device
- multilevel storage device
- multiport device
- multivariable device
- nonburst device
- null device
- operator's station devices
- optical input device
- output device
- paging device
- paper-moving device
- parameter device
- parametric device
- peripheral device
- plotting device
- pointing device
- printer-sharing device
- printing device
- programmable logic device
- protective device
- pseudointerrupt device
- raster-scan device
- readout device
- ready/not ready device
- recirculating amplifier storage device
- recording device
- removable device
- repeat printing device
- reproducing device
- rewriting device
- rolling device
- safety device
- second source device
- self-timing device
- sensing device
- setting device
- short-time memory device
- silicon-gate device
- single-order device
- single-pulse device
- slot device
- snap-on pointing device
- solid-state device
- sorting device
- spurious device
- squaring device
- stand-alone device
- static analog device
- still image device
- storage device
- storing device
- string device
- stylus input device
- surface mount device
- swap device
- switching device
- system input device
- system output device
- tablet coordinates input device
- tablet coordinates device
- tape-moving device
- temporary storage device
- terminal device
- three-state device
- time sharing device
- touch-input device
- tristate device
- tunnel effect device
- tunneling device
- two-state device
- two-terminal device
- user-record device
- utility device
- virtual device
- visible-warning device
- voltage-operated device
- voltage-output device
- worst-case deviceEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > device
12 straggling
1. a отставший; дезертировавший2. a разбросанный, беспорядочный3. a физ. разброс, рассеяниеСинонимический ряд:1. aimless (adj.) aimless; discursive; incoherent; irregular; meandering; rambling; straying; wandering2. sprawling (verb) rambling; scrambling; spilling; sprawling; straddling3. wandering (verb) batting; drifting; gadding; gallivanting; maundering; meandering; mooching; ranging; roaming; rolling; roving; straying; traipsing; wandering -
13 distribution
distribution due to rollingdistribution during one revolutionaerodynamic load distributionairfoil distributionalleviated lift distributionaltitude distributionamplitude distributionangle-of-attack distributionarea distributionaxial distributionbell-shaped distributionblowing distributioncamber distributioncenter-of-pressure distributionchord distributioncirculation distributioncomputation distributioncosine distributioncosinusoidal distributioncross-sectional distributiondownwash distributiondrag distributionelastic distributionelliptic distributionflexibility distributionforce distributionfore-and-aft distributionfrequency distributionfuselage-heavy mass distributiongust distributionheat distributioninertia distributioninflow distributionlift distributionload distributionlognormal distributionmass distributionnormal distributionpost-stall distributionposterior distributionpre-stall distributionpressure distributionprior distributionprobability distributionrigidity distributionshockfree pressure distributionspanwise distributionstiffness distributionstrain distributionstrength distributionstress distributionthickness distributionthree parameter distributionthree-dimensional distributiontime distributiontouchdown distributiontwist distributionuniform distributionvelocity distributionvolume distributionvorticity distributionWeibull distributionweight distribution -
14 plane
плоскость; самолёт, см. тж. aircraft и airplane; крыло; выравнивать; плоский; ровный; с симметричным профилем (напр. о крыле)plane of the response — плоскость ответного движения (ЛА), плоскость реакции
См. также в других словарях:
Rolling-Circle-Replikation — DNA Replikation. Die Doppelhelix wird durch die Helicase und die Topoisomerase geöffnet. Danach setzt die Primase einen Primer und die … Deutsch Wikipedia
Rolling circle replication — DNA Replikation. Die Doppelhelix wird durch die Helicase und die Topoisomerase geöffnet. Danach setzt die Primase einen Primer und die … Deutsch Wikipedia
Rolling-Ball-Rotation — Physikalische Interpretation der Rolling Ball Rotation Die Rolling Ball Rotation („Rotation des rollenden Balls“, auch Rollerball Rotation) ist eine Mensch Computer Interaktionstechnik, die es erlaubt, mit Hilfe eines normalen Zeigegeräts… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Milestones (The Rolling Stones album) — Milestones Compilation album by The Rolling Stones Released 18 February 1972 … Wikipedia
WikiProject The Rolling Stones/Assessment/old — (WP1|Rock music) Wikipedia:Version 1.0 Editorial Team/Rock music articles by quality statistics The tl|WPRock and tl|WPRock disco templates have a class= parameter that provides an article assessment ratings:::Example: WPRock|class=FAThe… … Wikipedia
On a Rolling Ball — Studio album by Gabe Dixon Band Released 2002 … Wikipedia
Cissoid of Diocles — construction In geometry, the cissoid of Diocles is a cubic plane curve notable for the property that it can be used to construct two mean proportionals to a given ratio. In particular, it can be used to double a cube. It can be defined as the… … Wikipedia
Zertifikat (Wirtschaft) — Als Zertifikate werden Schuldverschreibungen bezeichnet, die über derivate Komponenten verfügen, so dass ihre Wertentwicklung von der Wertentwicklung anderer Finanzprodukte abhängt. Zertifikate zählen zu den strukturierten Finanzprodukten. Sie… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Wikipedia:Featured article candidates — Here, we determine which articles are to be featured articles (FAs). FAs exemplify Wikipedia s very best work and satisfy the FA criteria. All editors are welcome to review nominations; please see the review FAQ. Before nominating an article,… … Wikipedia
Glossary of probability and statistics — The following is a glossary of terms. It is not intended to be all inclusive. Concerned fields *Probability theory *Algebra of random variables (linear algebra) *Statistics *Measure theory *Estimation theory Glossary *Atomic event : another name… … Wikipedia
Synthesizer — For other uses, see Synthesizer (disambiguation). Synth redirects here. For other uses, see Synth (disambiguation). See also: Software synthesizer Early Minimoog by R.A. Moog Inc. (ca. 1970) A synthesizer (often abbreviated synth ) is an… … Wikipedia