1 луд
1. (умопобьркан) mad, insane, lunatic, demented, crazy, out of o.'s senses, sl. nuts, certifiable, crackers, loony, lunyлуд човек madman, lunaticлуда жена madwoman, lunaticлуд за връзваме stark/raving/staring mad, as mad as a March hare/as a hatterлуд за лудница/освидетелствуване certifiableправя се на луд play/act the foolлудият изяжда и зелник, и два, по- луд, който му ги дава the fool asks much, but he is more fool who grants itвсеки си е башка луд every man has his foible2. (смахнат) mad, crazy, loony, daft, nuts, out of o.'s witsда не си луд? are you mad/daft/crazy? have you gone off your head? have you taken leave of your senses?луда работа a mad enterprise3. (буен, необуздан) mad, wild, frantic(за бързина) mad, breakneck(за дете) romping, rompy(за смях) wild, rollicking; uncontrolledизбухвам в луд смях burst into uncontrolled laughter, rollick with laughterлуд възторг wild enthusiasmлудо хоро a wild danceлуда глава a hot head, hotspur; madcap, daredevil; spark, firebrandлуд от радост/гняв mad/wild with joy/rageлуд е по нея he is crazy/wild/sl., nuts about herлуд е по футбола he is mad on football, he is a football fanлудо биле бот. deadly nightshade, belladonna* * *луд,прил.1. ( умопобъркан) mad, insane, lunatic, demented, crazy, brainsick, out of o.’s senses, sl. nuts, certifiable, crackers, loony, luny; всеки си е башка \луд every man has his foible; \луд за връзване stark/raving/staring mad, as mad as a March hare/as a hatter; certifiably mad; fit to be tied; \луд за лудница/освидетелстване certifiable; не е луд този, който изяжда зелника, а този, който му го дава the fool asks much, but he is more fool who grants it; правя се на \луд play/act the fool; съвсем \луд clean mad;2. ( смахнат) mad, crazy, loony, daft, nuts, out of o.’s wits; sl. dotty, balmy, barmy, cracked, bonkers, gaga; да не си \луд? have you gone off your head? have you taken leave of your senses? да не съм \луд да му вярвам I am not such a fool as to believe him; \луд съм be around the bend; sl. have bats in one’s belfry; \луда работа mad enterprise; струва \луди пари it costs/is worth a mint of money; тичам като \луд run like mad/fury, разг. run like anything/like blazes/like hell/like the (very) devil; харча \луди пари spend money like water, spend pots of money, waste money;3. ( буен, необуздан) mad, wild, frantic, berserk; (за бързина) mad, breakneck; (за дете) romping, rompy; (за смях) wild, rollicking; uncontrolled; избухва в \луд смях burst into uncontrolled laughter, rollick with laughter; \луд възторг wild enthusiasm; \луд е по нея he is crazy/crazed/wild/sl. nuts about her; \луд е по футбола he has a craze for football, he is mad on football, he is a football fan; \луд от радост/гняв mad/wild with joy/rage; \луда глава hot head, hotspur; madcap, daredevil; gay young spark; firebrand; \лудо биле бот. deadly nightshade, belladonna.* * *1. (буен, необуздан) mad, wild, frantic 2. (за бързина) mad, breakneck 3. (за дете) romping, rompy 4. (за смях) wild, rollicking;uncontrolled 5. (смахнат) mad, crazy, loony, daft, nuts, out of o.'s wits 6. (умопобьркан) mad, insane, lunatic, demented, crazy, out of o.'s senses, sl. nuts, certifiable, crackers, loony, luny 7. ЛУД възторг wild enthusiasm 8. ЛУД е по нея he is crazy/wild/sl., nuts about her 9. ЛУД е по футбола he is mad on football, he is a football fan 10. ЛУД за връзваме stark/raving/staring mad, as mad as a March hare/as a hatter 11. ЛУД за лудница/освидетелствуване certifiable 12. ЛУД от радост/гняв mad/wild with joy/rage 13. ЛУД човек madman, lunatic 14. ЛУДa глава a hot head, hotspur;madcap, daredevil;spark, firebrand 15. ЛУДa жена madwoman, lunatic 16. ЛУДa работа a mad enterprise 17. ЛУДo биле бот. deadly nightshade, belladonna 18. ЛУДo хоро a wild dance 19. ЛУДият изяжда и зелник, и два, по-ЛУД, който му ги дава the fool asks much, but he is more fool who grants it 20. всеки си е башка ЛУД every man has his foible 21. да не си ЛУД? are you mad/daft/ crazy?have you gone off your head?have you taken leave of your senses? 22. да не съм ЛУД да му вярвам I am not such a fool as to believe him 23. избухвам в ЛУД смях burst into uncontrolled laughter, rollick with laughter 24. правя се на ЛУД play/act the fool 25. струва ЛУДи пари it costs/is worth a mint of money 26. съвсем ЛУД clean mad 27. тичам като ЛУД run like mad, разг, run like anything/like blazes/like hell/like the (very) devil 28. харча ЛУДи пари spend money like water, spend pots of money, waste money -
2 веселба
3 веселя
cheer, make (s.o.) merry, amuseвеселя се enjoy o.s., have a good/gay/jolly time, have fun, make merry; tittup* * *веселя̀,гл., мин. св. деят. прич. веселѝл cheer, make (s.o.) merry, amuse, entertain;\веселя се enjoy o.s., have a good/gay/jolly time, have fun, make merry; rollick; disport o.s.; tittup; boogie; sl. paint the town red; hit the high spots; \веселя се цяла нощ make a night of it.* * *amuse; tittup{titXp}* * *1. cheer, make (s. o.) merry, amuse 2. ВЕСЕЛЯ ce enjoy o. s., have a good/gay/jolly time, have fun, make merry; tittup
См. также в других словарях:
Rollick — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Bruce Rollick (* 1943), kanadischer Badmintonspieler Judi Rollick (* 1944), kanadische Badmintonspielerin Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demsel … Deutsch Wikipedia
rollick — vb frolic, disport, sport, *play, romp, gambol rollick n frolic, disport, sport, play, romp, gambol (see under PLAY vb) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
rollick — [rä′lik] vi. [< ? FROLIC] to play or behave in a lively, carefree way; romp rollicking adj. rollicksome … English World dictionary
rollick — intransitive verb Etymology: origin unknown Date: 1826 to move or behave in a carefree joyous manner ; frolic • rollick noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
rollick — rollicker, n. /rol ik/, v.i. to move or act in a carefree, frolicsome manner; behave in a free, hearty, gay, or jovial way. [1820 30; b. ROMP and FROLIC] * * * … Universalium
rollick — verb To behave in a playful or carefree manner; to frolic or romp … Wiktionary
rollick — Synonyms and related words: antic, bask, bluff, bluster, bluster and bluff, bounce, brag, bully, caper, caracole, carol, carry on, cavort, chirp, chirrup, clap hands, curvet, cut a dido, cut capers, cut up, dance, delight, dido, disport, exult,… … Moby Thesaurus
rollick — I (Roget s IV) v. Syn. romp, frolic, revel; see play 1 , 2 . II (Roget s Thesaurus II) verb 1. To leap and skip about playfully: caper, cavort, dance, frisk, frolic, gambol, romp. See WORK. 2. To take extravagant pleasure: bask, indulge,… … English dictionary for students
rollick — rol·lick || rÉ‘lɪk / rÉ’l v. frolic, behave in a carefree and playful manner … English contemporary dictionary
rollick — Verb. To reprimand, chastise. Often heard pronounced as rollock … English slang and colloquialisms
rollick — v frisk, gambol, romp; party, carouse, revel, make merry. See romp(defs. 1, 2) … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder