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  • 1 role

    1) (a part played by an actor or actress in a play etc: He is playing the rôle of King Lear.) rolle
    2) (the actions or functions of a person in some activity: He played the rôle of peacemaker in the dispute.) funktion
    * * *
    1) (a part played by an actor or actress in a play etc: He is playing the rôle of King Lear.) rolle
    2) (the actions or functions of a person in some activity: He played the rôle of peacemaker in the dispute.) funktion

    English-Danish dictionary > role

  • 2 rôle

    1) (a part played by an actor or actress in a play etc: He is playing the rôle of King Lear.) rolle
    2) (the actions or functions of a person in some activity: He played the rôle of peacemaker in the dispute.) funktion
    * * *
    1) (a part played by an actor or actress in a play etc: He is playing the rôle of King Lear.) rolle
    2) (the actions or functions of a person in some activity: He played the rôle of peacemaker in the dispute.) funktion

    English-Danish dictionary > rôle

  • 3 title rôle

    (the rôle or part in a play of the character named in the title: He's playing the title rôle in `Hamlet'.) titelrolle
    * * *
    (the rôle or part in a play of the character named in the title: He's playing the title rôle in `Hamlet'.) titelrolle

    English-Danish dictionary > title rôle

  • 4 queen

    1) (a woman who rules a country, who inherits her position by right of birth: the Queen of England; Queen Elizabeth II.) dronning
    2) (the wife of a king: The king and his queen were both present.) dronning
    3) (a woman who is in some way important, excellent or special: a beauty queen; a movie queen.) -dronning
    4) (a playing-card with a picture of a queen on it: I have two aces and a queen.) dronning
    5) (an important chess-piece: a bishop, a king and a queen.) dronning
    6) (the egg-laying female of certain kinds of insect (especially bees, ants and wasps).) dronning; -dronning
    7) ((slang) a homosexual man who assumes the female role.) bøsse
    - queen mother
    * * *
    1) (a woman who rules a country, who inherits her position by right of birth: the Queen of England; Queen Elizabeth II.) dronning
    2) (the wife of a king: The king and his queen were both present.) dronning
    3) (a woman who is in some way important, excellent or special: a beauty queen; a movie queen.) -dronning
    4) (a playing-card with a picture of a queen on it: I have two aces and a queen.) dronning
    5) (an important chess-piece: a bishop, a king and a queen.) dronning
    6) (the egg-laying female of certain kinds of insect (especially bees, ants and wasps).) dronning; -dronning
    7) ((slang) a homosexual man who assumes the female role.) bøsse
    - queen mother

    English-Danish dictionary > queen

См. также в других словарях:

  • role-playing — role play UK US noun [C or U] HR ► pretending to be someone else, especially as part of learning a new skill: »Many of these training workshops involve role play. role playing noun [U] ► »Role playing sessions teach recruits how to deal with… …   Financial and business terms

  • role playing — (also role play) ► NOUN ▪ the acting out of a particular role, either consciously (as a technique in psychotherapy or training) or unconsciously (in accordance with the perceived expectations of society) …   English terms dictionary

  • role-playing — [rōl′plā΄iŋ] n. a technique in training or psychotherapy in which participants assume and act out roles so as to resolve conflicts, practice appropriate behavior for various situations, etc. role play vt., vi …   English World dictionary

  • role playing — (also role play) noun 1》 chiefly Psychology the acting out of a particular role, either consciously (as a technique in psychotherapy or training) or unconsciously (in accordance with the perceived expectations of society). 2》 participation in a… …   English new terms dictionary

  • role-playing — noun Role playing is used before these nouns: ↑exercise, ↑game …   Collocations dictionary

  • role-playing — vaidybinis žaidimas statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Mokymo ir auklėjimo metodas, kuriuo išmokoma numatytos veiklos, elgesio ar jų elementų imituojant, mėgdžiojant kieno nors veiklą ir elgesį (didaktinis, mokomasis žaidimas, mažosios… …   Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas

  • role-playing — vaidybinis žaidimas statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Psichodrama (psichoterapijoje) – nerežisuojamas pacientų vaidinimas, kuriame jie kitomis sąlygomis sprendžia savo vidines problemas, konfliktus. atitikmenys: angl. role playing vok.… …   Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas

  • role-playing — vaidybinis žaidimas statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Vaikų žaidimas, per kurį įsisavinama socialinė ar darbinė patirtis (imituojant kario, pardavėjo, mokytojo ir pan. veiklą). atitikmenys: angl. role playing vok. Rollenspiel rus. ролевая… …   Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas

  • role-playing — vaidybiniai vaikų žaidimai statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Vaikų žaidimai, kuriais numatytos veiklos, elgesio arba jo elementų mokoma imituojant, mėgdžiojant kieno nors elgesį ar veiklą. atitikmenys: angl. role playing vok.… …   Sporto terminų žodynas

  • role-playing — vaidybiniai vaikų žaidimai statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Vaikų žaidimai, kurių metu imituojant tam tikros profesijos žmogaus (kario, mokytojo, pardavėjo) veiklą, perimama socialinė darbinė patirtis. atitikmenys: angl. role… …   Sporto terminų žodynas

  • Role-playing battle systems — is a systematic set of rules to determine how battle should flow in an role playing game. There are three main types, with different variations.ConceptsThe main concepts to overcome during battle in an RPG are as follows: * How time should flow.… …   Wikipedia

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