1 rocket motor
1) Военный термин: двигательная установка ракеты, (твердотопливный) ракетный двигатель2) Космонавтика: ракетный двигатель, ракетный двигатель твёрдого топлива -
2 rocket motor
3 rocket motor
English-Russian Dictionary of Military Terms and Abbreviations > rocket motor
4 rocket motor
5 rocket motor
6 rocket motor
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > rocket motor
7 rocket motor
8 rocket motor
9 rocket motor case
RMC, rocket motor caseEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > rocket motor case
10 rocket motor igniter
RMI, rocket motor igniterEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > rocket motor igniter
11 rocket motor plume
RMP, rocket motor plumeEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > rocket motor plume
12 rocket motor adapter
Космонавтика: переходник ракетного двигателя -
13 rocket motor assembly
Космонавтика: ракетная силовая установка, ракетный двигатель, сборка ракетного двигателя -
14 rocket motor case
1) Военный термин: корпус РД2) Космонавтика: корпус ракетного двигателя -
15 rocket motor igniter
Военный термин: воспламенитель топлива РД -
16 rocket motor measuring system
Космонавтика: система измерения характеристик ракетных двигателейУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > rocket motor measuring system
17 rocket motor plume
Военный термин: факел РД -
18 rocket motor system
Космонавтика: ракетная силовая установка, связка ракетных двигателей -
19 rocket-motor case
Техника: корпус ракетного двигателя -
20 rocket-motor characteristics
Космонавтика: характеристики ракетного двигателяУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > rocket-motor characteristics
См. также в других словарях:
rocket motor — n. a rocket engine, specif. one having a solid propellant formed into a long, hollow cylinder: the cylinder serves as the combustion chamber when the propellant is ignited * * * … Universalium
rocket motor — n. a rocket engine, specif. one having a solid propellant formed into a long, hollow cylinder: the cylinder serves as the combustion chamber when the propellant is ignited … English World dictionary
rocket motor — noun see rocket III, 4 * * * rocket engine or rocket motor noun A jet engine or motor which uses an internally stored oxidizer instead of atmospheric oxygen, for combustion • • • Main Entry: ↑rocket … Useful english dictionary
rocket motor — raketinis variklis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. rocket engine; rocket motor vok. Raketenantrieb, m; Raketenantriebswer, n; Raketenmotor, m rus. ракетный двигатель, m pranc. moteur fusée, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
rocket motor — raketinis variklis statusas T sritis Energetika apibrėžtis Reaktyvinis variklis, kurio darbui nereikia aplinkos terpės (oro). atitikmenys: angl. rocket engine; rocket motor vok. Raketenmotor, m rus. ракетный двигатель, m pranc. moteur à fusée, m; … Aiškinamasis šiluminės ir branduolinės technikos terminų žodynas
rocket motor — noun A rocket engine especially a solid rocket or a hybrid rocket … Wiktionary
rocket motor — internal combustion engine in which the energy created is released from a jet causing the object to move forward carrying its fuel with it … English contemporary dictionary
Pulsed rocket motor — A pulsed rocket motor is typically defined as a multiple pulse solid propellant rocket motor. This design overcomes the limitation of solid propellant motors that they cannot be easily stopped and reignitied. The pulse rocket motor allows the… … Wikipedia
Model rocket motor classification — Motors for model rockets and high powered rockets are classified by total impulse into a set of letter designated ranges, from A (the smallest, though ½A, ¼A, and ⅛A motors are also available), up to O as the largest. Class A is from 1.26 newton… … Wikipedia
Waxwing (Rocket motor) — Waxwing was a British solid rocket motor used for apogee kick as the 3rd (upper) stage of the Black Arrow satellite launch vehicles.Waxwing was used to successfully place the Prospero X 3 satellite into low Earth orbit on 28 October 1971, Britain … Wikipedia
Propellants, Explosives and Rocket Motor Establishment — Propellants, Explosives and Rocket Motor Establishment, usually known for brevity as PERME, operated at two sites: Waltham Abbey Royal Gunpowder Mills, known from 1977 as PERME Waltham Abbey Rocket Propulsion Establishment established at RAF… … Wikipedia