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См. также в других словарях:

  • roast veal — noun cut of veal suitable for roasting • Syn: ↑veal roast • Hypernyms: ↑roast, ↑joint • Hyponyms: ↑breast of veal, ↑fricandeau …   Useful english dictionary

  • veal — n. 1) to roast veal 2) roast veal * * * [viːl] roast veal to roastveal …   Combinatory dictionary

  • veal roast — noun cut of veal suitable for roasting • Syn: ↑roast veal • Hypernyms: ↑roast, ↑joint • Hyponyms: ↑breast of veal, ↑fricandeau …   Useful english dictionary

  • Veal — is the meat of young cattle (calves), as opposed to meat from older cattle. Though veal can be produced from a calf of either sex and any breed, most veal comes from male calves of dairy cattle breeds. [1] Contents 1 Types 2 Culinary uses …   Wikipedia

  • roast — n. 1) to make a roast 2) a chuck; eye; lamb; pork; pot; rib; veal roast * * * [rəʊst] eye lamb pork pot rib veal roast a chuck to make a roast …   Combinatory dictionary

  • roast — roastable, adj. /rohst/, v.t. 1. to bake (meat or other food) uncovered, esp. in an oven. 2. to cook (meat or other food) by direct exposure to dry heat, as on a spit. 3. to brown, dry, or parch by exposure to heat, as coffee beans. 4. to cook or …   Universalium

  • veal roast — жареная телятина roast pig жареный поросёнок roast mutton жареная баранина piglet roast жареный поросенок roast chicken жареный цыпленок larded roast шпигованное жареное мясо …   English-Russian travelling dictionary

  • roast — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. grill, barbecue, broil, bake, toast, parch; slang, tease, ridicule. See heat, food. II (Roget s IV) n. Cuts of meat used as roasts include: shoulder, breast, rib, cross rib, rump, chuck, brisket,… …   English dictionary for students

  • breast of veal — noun usually stuffed and roasted • Hypernyms: ↑veal roast, ↑roast veal …   Useful english dictionary

  • crown roast — noun a roast of the rib section of lamb • Syn: ↑rack of lamb • Hypernyms: ↑lamb roast, ↑roast lamb, ↑rack * * * noun : a fancy roast of lamb, veal, or pork made from the rib portions of two loins by trimming off the backbone and skewering the …   Useful english dictionary

  • jellied veal — заливная телятина bob veal телятина milk veal молочная телятина veal loaf рулет из телятины veal roast жареная телятина bobby veal молочная телятина …   English-Russian travelling dictionary

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