1 riveted truss
2 riveted truss
Техника: клёпаная ферма -
3 riveted truss
4 riveted truss
5 truss
1) ферма; сквозная ферма; решётчатая ферма; стропильная ферма; шпренгельная ферма2) связка3) связывать; связывать в пуки; укреплять; придавать жёсткость; стягивать; соединять висячей стропильной конструкцией•truss with parallel chords — балочная ферма; сквозная ферма с параллельными поясами
- A-truss- arch truss - Belgian truss - bowstring truss - bridge truss - cable truss - continuous truss - deck truss - double-intersecting truss - English truss - erection truss - Fink truss - flat-chord truss - girder truss - hinged truss - hingeless arch truss - Howe truss - jack truss - joggle truss - K-truss - king-post truss - lateral truss - lattice truss - launching truss - mansard roof truss - N-truss - nailed truss - nail-glued roof truss - nonparallel-chord truss - parallel-chord truss - parker truss - Petit truss - pin-connected truss - pin-jointed truss - plane truss - plank truss - Pratt truss - primary truss - queen truss - queen post truss - riveted truss - roof truss - saw-tooth truss - Schwedler truss - scissor truss - secondary truss - segmental truss - steel truss - stiffening truss - suspended truss - three-hinged arch truss - triangular truss - two-hinged arch truss - Vierendeel truss - Warren truss - welded truss - wind truss* * *ферма (балочная, стропильная)- truss of deck typetruss without diagonal members — безраскосная ферма, ферма Виренделя
- truss of through type
- aluminum truss
- arch truss
- Belfast truss
- bobtail truss
- bowstring truss
- continuous truss
- deck truss
- double-intersecting truss
- English truss
- erection truss
- Fink truss
- flat-chord truss
- Howe truss
- jack truss
- king-post truss
- K-type truss
- lattice truss
- launching truss
- Linville truss
- movable form truss
- N-truss
- nailed roof truss
- nonparallel chord truss
- parallel-chord truss
- Parker truss
- Petit truss
- Polonceau truss
- Pratt truss
- queen-post truss
- roof truss
- segmental truss
- stiffening truss
- triangular truss
- tube truss
- two-span truss
- Vierendeel truss
- W-truss
- Warren truss -
6 bridge
1) мост; путепровод; эстакада2) защитный козырёк (над входом, тротуаром)3) хомут; бугель, скоба4) перегородка, перемычка5) наводить мост, строить мост; перекрывать•cross section of bridge — поперечное сечение моста, ферма мостового крана
to delaunch a bridge — свёртывать ( временный) мост
- aqueduct bridge - arch bridge - arched bridge with struts - arched cantilever bridge - askew bridge - Bailey bridge - balance bridge - bascule bridge - bateau bridge - beam bridge - boat bridge - bottom road bridge - bowstring bridge - bowstring arch bridge - bowstring girder bridge - braced-chain suspension bridge - cable-braced bridge - cable-lift bascule bridge - cable stayed bridge - cable truss bridge - canal bridge - cantilever bridge - cantilever arch bridge - cantilever frame bridge - chain bridge - combination bridge - combined bridge - composite bridge - concrete girder bridge - continuous-beam bridge - conveyor bridge - crane bridge - curved bridge - deck bridge - deck-girder bridge - deck-type bridge - double swing bridge - double-leaf swing bridge - dry bridge - fire bridge - floating bridge - frame-type bridge - frame bridge with suspended span - free-arch bridge - handling bridge - hanging bridge - heat bridge - heel trunnion bascule bridge - high-level bridge - highway bridge - highway-railway bridge - hoist bridge - hollow girder bridge - I-beam bridge - intermediate span bridge - iron bridge - lattice bridge - leaf bridge - lift bridge - lifting bridge - lightweight prestressed concrete bridge - loading bridge - low-level bridge - low-water bridge - masonry bridge - movable bridge - multiple arch bridge - multiple span bridge - multispan bridge - oblique bridge - open bridge - opening bridge - orthotropic-plate bridge - overpass bridge - over bridge - pedestrian bridge - pile bridge - pipe bridge - plate girder bridge with plain web girders - pontoon bridge - prefabricated bridge - prestressed concrete bridge - pull-back draw bridge - railroad bridge - railway bridge - reinforced-concrete bridge - rigid frame bridge - riveted bridge - road bridge - road-cum-rail bridge - rolling bridge - rolling lift bridge - rotary bridge - scaffold bridge - scraper bridge - segmental bridge - simple span bridge - single-arch bridge - single-leaf bascule bridge - single-line bridge - single-line track bridge - skew bridge - slab-stringer bridge - spillway bridge - square bridge - steel bridge - steel concrete arch bridge - steel concrete arched bridge - steel truss bridge - stiffened suspension bridge - stone bridge - straight bridge - strut-framed bridge - suspension bridge - swing bridge - submersible bridge - temporary bridge - through bridge - timber bridge - timber trestle bridge - tipping bridge - toll bridge - top bridge - top-road bridge - transborder bridge - transfer bridge - travelling bridge - traversing bridge - trellis bridge - trestle bridge - truss bridge - tubular bridge - turn bridge - turnable bridge - turning bridge - underline bridge - unit construction bridge - unloading bridge - vehicular bridge - vertical-lift bridge - water-conduit bridge - welded bridge - wire bridge - wire suspension bridge - wooden bridgeto launch a bridge — наводить ( временный) мост
* * *1. мост; мостовой переход; путепровод; эстакада2. защитный козырёк (над входом, проходом, тротуаром)3. колосник сцены- aluminum bridge
- arch bridge
- Bailey bridge
- balance bridge
- balanced cantilever bridge
- bascule bridge
- bay bridge
- beam bridge
- below bridge
- bowstring girder bridge
- cable-stayed bridge
- cable-stayed girder bridge
- canal bridge
- cantilever bridge
- center-bearing swing bridge
- composite bridge
- composite-girder bridge
- concrete cable-stayed bridge
- continuous bridge
- continuous girder bridge
- continuous steel truss tied arch bridge
- covered bridge
- crane bridge
- curved bridge
- deck-type bridge
- deck bridge
- double-bascule bridge
- double leaf bascule bridge
- fixed arch bridge
- floating bridge
- frame-type bridge
- girder and slab bridge
- glulam bridge
- half-through bridge
- half-width bridge
- heat bridge
- heel trunnion bascule bridge
- high level bridge
- highway bridge
- hoist bridge
- hollow girder bridge
- ice bridge
- Irish bridge
- iron bridge
- lake bridge
- lift bridge
- lightweight prestressed concrete bridge
- loading bridge
- log bridge
- long span bridge
- low-level bridge
- low water bridge
- major bridge
- masonry bridge
- material-handling bridge
- military bridge
- minor bridge
- movable bridge
- movable-bascule bridge
- movable-swing bridge
- multilane bridge
- multiple-span bridge
- multispan balanced suspension bridge
- operating bridge
- orthotropic-deck bridge
- orthotropic steel plate deck bridge
- orthotropic plate deck bridge
- overpass bridge
- pedestrian bridge
- permanent bridge
- pile bridge
- pin-connected bridge
- pipeline bridge
- pontoon bridge
- post-tensioned prestressed concrete bridge
- prefabricated bridge
- prestressed concrete bridge
- prestressed concrete bifurcated box girder bridge
- prestressed segmental bridge
- prestressed wood bridge
- pretensioned prestressed concrete bridge
- railroad bridge
- reinforced bridge
- retractile draw bridge
- rigid frame bridge
- rim-bearing swing bridge
- river bridge
- riveted bridge
- road-cum-rail bridge
- rolled-beam bridge
- rolling-lift bascule bridge
- rolling-lift bridge
- scaffold bridge
- segmental box girder bridge
- service bridge
- short highway bridge
- short span steel bridge
- short span bridge
- sign bridge
- simple bridge
- simple I-beam bridge
- simply supported bridge
- single-bascule bridge
- single lane bridge
- single leaf bascule bridge
- single span bridge
- single track railway bridge
- skew bridge
- slab bridge
- slant-legged rigid-frame bridge
- square bridge
- steel bridge
- steel box-girder bridge
- steel cable-stayed bridge
- steel plate girder bridge
- steel shop-coated bridge
- steel tied-cable arch bridge
- steel truss bridge
- stiffened suspension bridge
- straight bridge
- strengthened highway bridge
- strengthened bridge
- submersible bridge
- suspension bridge
- swing bridge
- T-beam bridge
- temporary bridge
- temporary bypass bridge
- three-hinged arch bridge
- through bridge
- through-girder railway bridge
- tied-arch bridge
- timber bridge
- timber stringers-concrete deck bridge
- timber stringers-laminated deck bridge
- timber trestle bridge
- toll bridge
- transporter bridge
- trestle bridge
- trunnion-type bascule bridge
- trunnion bascule bridge
- truss bridge
- two-hinged arch bridge
- two-lane bridge
- vertical lift bridge
- welded bridge
- work bridge -
7 bridge
- bridge
- n1. мост; мостовой переход; путепровод; эстакада
2. защитный козырёк (над входом, проходом, тротуаром)
3. колосник сцены
- aluminum bridge
- arch bridge
- Bailey bridge
- balance bridge
- balanced cantilever bridge
- bascule bridge
- bay bridge
- beam bridge
- below bridge
- bowstring girder bridge
- cable-stayed bridge
- cable-stayed girder bridge
- canal bridge
- cantilever bridge
- center-bearing swing bridge
- composite bridge
- composite-girder bridge
- concrete cable-stayed bridge
- continuous bridge
- continuous girder bridge
- continuous steel truss tied arch bridge
- covered bridge
- crane bridge
- curved bridge
- deck-type bridge
- deck bridge
- double-bascule bridge
- double leaf bascule bridge
- fixed arch bridge
- floating bridge
- frame-type bridge
- girder and slab bridge
- glulam bridge
- half-through bridge
- half-width bridge
- heat bridge
- heel trunnion bascule bridge
- high level bridge
- highway bridge
- hoist bridge
- hollow girder bridge
- ice bridge
- Irish bridge
- iron bridge
- lake bridge
- lift bridge
- lightweight prestressed concrete bridge
- loading bridge
- log bridge
- long span bridge
- low-level bridge
- low water bridge
- major bridge
- masonry bridge
- material-handling bridge
- military bridge
- minor bridge
- movable bridge
- movable-bascule bridge
- movable-swing bridge
- multilane bridge
- multiple-span bridge
- multispan balanced suspension bridge
- operating bridge
- orthotropic-deck bridge
- orthotropic steel plate deck bridge
- orthotropic plate deck bridge
- overpass bridge
- pedestrian bridge
- permanent bridge
- pile bridge
- pin-connected bridge
- pipeline bridge
- pontoon bridge
- post-tensioned prestressed concrete bridge
- prefabricated bridge
- prestressed concrete bridge
- prestressed concrete bifurcated box girder bridge
- prestressed segmental bridge
- prestressed wood bridge
- pretensioned prestressed concrete bridge
- railroad bridge
- reinforced bridge
- retractile draw bridge
- rigid frame bridge
- rim-bearing swing bridge
- river bridge
- riveted bridge
- road-cum-rail bridge
- rolled-beam bridge
- rolling-lift bascule bridge
- rolling-lift bridge
- scaffold bridge
- segmental box girder bridge
- service bridge
- short highway bridge
- short span steel bridge
- short span bridge
- sign bridge
- simple bridge
- simple I-beam bridge
- simply supported bridge
- single-bascule bridge
- single lane bridge
- single leaf bascule bridge
- single span bridge
- single track railway bridge
- skew bridge
- slab bridge
- slant-legged rigid-frame bridge
- square bridge
- steel bridge
- steel box-girder bridge
- steel cable-stayed bridge
- steel plate girder bridge
- steel shop-coated bridge
- steel tied-cable arch bridge
- steel truss bridge
- stiffened suspension bridge
- straight bridge
- strengthened highway bridge
- strengthened bridge
- submersible bridge
- suspension bridge
- swing bridge
- T-beam bridge
- temporary bridge
- temporary bypass bridge
- three-hinged arch bridge
- through bridge
- through-girder railway bridge
- tied-arch bridge
- timber bridge
- timber stringers-concrete deck bridge
- timber stringers-laminated deck bridge
- timber trestle bridge
- toll bridge
- transporter bridge
- trestle bridge
- trunnion-type bascule bridge
- trunnion bascule bridge
- truss bridge
- two-hinged arch bridge
- two-lane bridge
- vertical lift bridge
- welded bridge
- work bridge
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
8 joint
1) соединение || соединять2) сочленение5) врубка6) сварной шов7) узел фермы; звено кинематической цепи; шарнир8) муфта9) плеть ( трубопровода)10) нефт. однотрубка, однотрубная свеча12) полигр. скрепление ( блока); прикрепление ( вклейки)•to break joints — располагать швы вразбежку;to gasket joints — уплотнять стыки прокладкой;to grout joints — заполнять (заливать) швы цементным раствором; омоноличивать швы цементным раствором;to lute joints — замазывать стыки;to make off joints — заделывать швы;to mortar joints — заполнять швы раствором;to pack joints — заделывать стыки;to seal joints — заделывать стыки;to set up joints — зачеканивать стыки ( труб) свинцом;to strap joints — перекрывать стыки накладкой;to support joints — подпирать стыки (напр. при сварке или клёпке)-
ruptured joint
abutment joint
adhesive joint
all-glass joint
angle joint
annular rotary joint
arc-welded joint
articulated joint
axlebox cover joint
ball-and-socket joint
ball joint
bayonet joint
bead joint
bed joint
bell butt joint
bell-and-plain-end joint
bell-and-spigot joint
bellows joint
beveled joint
beveled single-lap joint
bevel-groove joint
Birfield joint
blind joint
block joint
blown joint
blow joint
bolted joint
bolt joint
bonded joint
box and pin joint
box joint
branch joint
brazed joint
breaking joints
brickwork joint
brick joint
bridge joint
bridle joint
broken joints
bulky joint
bullet-and-flange joint
bumper safety joint
butt joint
butt riveted joint
butt-welded joint
cable joint
calked joint
cardan joint
cash joint
castellated joint
cemented joint
center joint
chain joint
chamfered joint
choke joint
choke-flange joint
choke-type rotary joint
clasp joint
clip joint
closed joint
closing joint
coach joint
cogged joint
collar joint
composite joint
compression-bonded joint
compression joint
concave joint
concealed joint
conduit joint
constant-velocity joint
construction joint
contraction joint
control joint
convex joint
corner joint
coursing joint
cover joint
crimp joint
cross and yoke universal joint
cross joint
cross-halved joint
cup-and-cone joint
curb joint
cushion joint
dado joint
dead joint
detachable joint
diaphragm expansion joint
disk joint
dissipative joint
double box-end kelly joint
double cardan universal joint
double joint
double strap joint
double universal joint
double-butt lap joint
double-flange drive joint
double-scarf lap joint
double-shear joint
dovetail joint
dowel joint
drained joint
dry joint
dummy joint
edge joint
elastic joint
elastomeric joint
elbow joint
elevation joint
end joint
epoxy-glued joint
erection joint
expanded joint
expansion joint
eye joint
face joint
false joint
faucet joint
feather joint
field joint
fillet joint
fillistered joint
finger joint
fished joint
fish joint
fish-mouth joint
fishplate joint
fixed joint
flange butt joint
flange joint
flanged joint
flange-to-web joint
flash welding joint
flat joint
flexible facing joint
flexible joint
flush joint
flush-cut joint
flush-out joint
flux blocks joints
folded-over joint
forge-welded joint
fork joint
four-bolt joint
full-hole tool joint
functional joint
gasketless joint
gasket-sealed joint
girth joint
glued joint
glue joint
grooved-and-tongued joint
ground glass joint
ground joint
hairline joint
half-lap joint
halved joint
halving joint
head joint
heading joint
hemispherical joint
hexagonal kelly joint
hexagon kelly joint
hinged joint
hip joint
hooked joint
hook joint
Hooke's joint
horsed joint
hose coupling joint
housed joint
hybrid joint
hydrostatic joint
indented joint
insulated rail joint
insulating joint
integral tool joint
interlocking joint
internal-flush tool joint
isolation joint
joggle lap joint
joggled joint
jump joint
kelly joint
keyed joint
knock-off joint
knuckle joint
knuckle-and-socket joint
laminated joint
lap riveting joint
lapped joint
lap joint
leaded joint
lead joint
lift joint
linear joint
lock joint
magnet-frame joint
make-and-break joint
manufacturer's joint
matched joint
match joint
mechanical joint
metal-to-metal seal joint
mitered joint
miter joint
molded joint
mortar joint
mortise-and-tenon joint
mortise joint
movable joint
movement joint
multiple cable joint
multiple-bar joint
N-DOF joint
nipple joint
oil joint
open joint
open-drained joint
pin joint
pipe joint
piston ring joint
pitch joint
pivot joint
plane flange joint
plug and socket joint
plug lap joint
pumping joint
pup joint
rabbeted joint
rail joint
raked joint
rebated joint
recessed joint
reducing joint
regular joint
revolute joint
rigid joint
ring joint
riveted joint
rivet joint
rosin joint
rotary joint
rotational joint
rubbed joint
rubber-spider joint
Rzeppa universal joint
saddle joint
safety joint
scarf joint
screw joint
series seam welding joint
serrated joint
settlement joint
shear joint
sheetpile joint
shielded joint
shiplap joint
shoulder joint
shouldered joint
shrinkage joint
single-shear joint
single-strap joint
six-bolt joint
slave joint
sleeve joint
slick joint
sliding joint
slip joint
socket joint
socket-and-spigot joint
soldered joint
solder joint
soldered twist joint
solderless joint
spherical joint
spigot-and-socket joint
spigot joint
splayed joint
spliced joint
splice joint
splined joint
spline joint
split flange joint
split joint
square joint
square kelly joint
square shoulder tool joint
staggered rail joints
step flange joint
step joint
step ring joint
straight joint
strap joint
streamlined joint
stripped joint
struck joint
suspended joint
swing joint
swivel hydraulic joint
T and G joint
tape joint
taped joint
tapered shoulder tool joint
tee joint
telescopic joint
threaded joint
tie-supported joint
tight joint
toggle joint
tongue-and-groove joint
tool joint
translational joint
transverse joint
triple joint
truss joint
tuck-pointed joint
twisted joint
twist joint
unit-package cable joint
universal joint
untooled joint
V-butt joint
V-shaped joint
watertight joint
weathered joint
weather joint
Weiss universal joint
welded glass joint
welded joint
welded-on tool joint
welded tool joint
wet joint
wing joint
wire joint
wire-wrapped joint
wire-wrap joint
wrist joint
yaw joint -
9 joint
1. n место соединения; соединение; стык2. n анат. сустав, сочленение3. n амер. прост. заведениеhop joint — курильня опиума, притон для курильщиков опиума
4. n амер. прост. дом, место, помещение5. n амер. прост. сл. сигарета с марихуаной6. n амер. сл. пистолет7. n амер. сл. шприц8. n амер. сл. полигр. рубчик9. n амер. сл. геол. трещина; отдельность; линия кливажа; контакт; спай10. n амер. сл. соединение11. n амер. сл. стык, шов, скрутка; паз12. n амер. сл. прифуговка13. n амер. сл. шарнир14. n амер. сл. узел; замок15. n амер. сл. эл. разъём16. a соединённый, объединённый, общий; единыйjoint ownership — общая собственность, сособственность
17. a совместный, коллективныйjoint authors — соавторы; коллектив авторов
joint authorship — соавторство, совместное авторство
joint owner — собственник, совладелец
18. a юр. солидарный19. a анат. суставнойjoint capsule — суставная капсула, суставная сумка
20. v соединять, сочленять, связывать; сплачивать21. v тех. сочленять, соединять при помощи вставных частей; пригонять; прифуговывать22. v соединяться вплотную, прилегать23. v разнимать, расчленятьto joint a chicken — разрезать курицу, выкручивая суставы
24. v стр. расшивать швыСинонимический ряд:1. collective (adj.) collective; common; communal; conjoint; conjunct; cooperative; corporate; general; intermutual; mutual; public; shared; united2. connection (noun) connection; coupling; joining; junction; juncture; seam; union3. dive (noun) barrel house; barrelhouse; dive; dump; hangout; honky-tonk; slumАнтонимический ряд:individual; single -
10 girder
1) ригель; балка; (балочная) ферма; (балочное) пролётное строение моста; прогон (см. тж
arched girder
bowstring girder
box girder
braced girder
built-up girder
cable-stayed girder
cellular girder
composite girder
compound girder
continuous girder
crane girder
deck girder
deck plate girder
dropped girder
end girder
equivalent girder
fish-bellied girder
flitch girder
floor girder
foundation girder
frame girder
gantry girder
half-latticed girder
horizontal girder
hull girder
lattice girder
lintel girder
longitudinal girder
middle girder
open-web girder
parabolic girder
parallel girder
plain girder
plane girder
plate girder
prestressed girder
reinforced concrete girder
riveted girder
sandwiched girder
solid-web girder
stiffening girder
table-side girder
tee girder
through girder
trellis girder
trough girder
tubular girder
vertical girder
warren girder
web girder -
11 head
1) головка2) головная часть; передняя часть || головной; передний; верхний3) шпиндельная головка; шпиндельная бабка (см. тж headstock)4) суппорт6) насадка, насадок10) напор; давление•head with collar — головка с цилиндрическим буртом, головка винта с цилиндрическим буртом
head with flange — головка с фланцем, головка винта с фланцем
head with nib — головка (напр. винта) с усом
head with oval neck — головка (напр. винта) с овальным подголовком
head with square neck — головка (напр. винта) с квадратным подголовком
- 5-side turret headhead with washer face — головка с опорной шайбой, головка винта с опорной шайбой
- added head
- adjustable boring head
- air gage head
- air plasma arc cutting head
- all-angle milling head
- angle gage dividing head
- angle head
- angled probe head
- angular head
- angular-positioning head
- articulating head
- assembling head
- attachment head
- autoindexing head
- automatic two-speed geared head
- axial tapping head
- ball-shaped head
- belt head
- bending head
- bidirectional planing head
- binding head
- birotary head
- bolt head
- boring head
- boring/milling head
- boring, drilling and milling head
- boring-and-facing head
- broach pull head
- broaching head
- buffing head
- button head
- capstan head
- cartridge head
- cassette head
- cassette-type spindle head
- center head
- chamfering head
- cheese head
- chisel head
- circular-type die head
- clamping head
- cluster head
- CNC angular-positioning head
- CNC milling heads
- combination head
- compound swivel spindle head
- compound-angle head
- contact head
- contacting head
- contouring head
- control wheel head
- copying head
- counterbalanced head
- counterboring head
- countersunk head
- coupling head
- cross beam head
- cross feed facing head
- cross feed head
- cross head
- cross milling-and-drilling head
- cross-rail head
- cup head
- cup-shaped head
- cutter head
- cutting head
- cylinder head
- detecting head
- detector head
- diamond knurled head
- die head
- direct-drive head
- direct-indexing head
- discharge head
- distributor head
- dividing head
- double swivel-mounted spindle head
- draw head
- drawing head
- dressing head
- drill head
- drill/tap head
- drilling head
- drilling-and-tapping head
- driving head
- dual chucking heads
- dual grinding head
- dynamic head
- effective head of pump wheel
- effective head of turbine wheel
- effective head
- electric gage head
- electric switching gage head
- electronic gage head
- end-rolling head
- engagement head
- erase head
- erasing head
- exchange gripper head
- extension head
- face-milling head
- face-mill-type cutter head
- facing head
- fang head
- fastener installation head
- feeding head
- feed-out head
- filister binding head
- filister head
- finish boring head
- fixed head
- flame tube head
- flange head
- flat head
- flexible spanner head
- flexible wrench head
- flush head
- forcing head
- fork head
- full CNC-controlled dividing head
- gage head
- gang head
- gear head
- Geneva head
- gib head
- globe head
- grinding head
- grinding wheel head
- gripper head
- half-countersunk head
- hammer head
- hex washer head
- hexagon head with collar
- hexagon head with flange
- hexagon head with washer face
- hexagon head
- hexagon turret head
- hexagonal head
- HF head
- high-speed head
- hob swivel head
- honing head
- horizontal milling head
- horizontal spindle head
- horizontal/vertical cutter head
- horizontal/vertical machining head
- hydraulically counterbalanced head
- impeller head
- index head
- indexing head
- indicating head
- inductance-type gage head
- inductive gage head
- insertion head
- instrument head
- integral facing head
- interchangeable head
- interchangeable horizontal spindle head
- keyway-cutting head
- knurled head
- knurling head
- L head
- laser gage head
- laser head
- laser-cutting head
- lever head
- live head
- live-tooling head
- loose head
- low head
- lubrication mist head
- lug head
- machine head
- machining head
- magnetic head
- manually indexable head
- master head
- maximum head
- measuring head
- mechanical dividing head
- micro-adjustable boring head
- micrometer head
- MIG welding head
- milling head
- milling spindle head
- milling-drilling head
- minimum head
- mist head
- modified boring head
- modular head
- movable head
- movable-armature gage head
- multiaxis head
- multidrill head
- multidrill/tap head
- multiple-blade gear-cutting head
- multiple-cutter head
- multiple-drill head
- multiple-sensor head
- multiple-spindle drill head
- multiple-spindle drilling head
- multiple-spindle machining head
- multipoint facing head
- multipurpose head
- multipurpose spindle head
- multispindle drilling-and-tapping head
- multispindle head
- multistation turret drilling head
- multitapping head
- multitool planing head
- multivertical spindle head
- mushroom head
- NC indexing head
- NC/TP head
- net positive suction head
- nonrotating die head
- nontilting head
- notched head
- numbering head
- nut installation head
- nutating head
- octagonal head
- offset boring head
- offset drill head
- offset head
- oil-cooled rotating machining head
- oil-pressure head
- optical dividing head
- optical scanning head
- orbiting head
- outfeed head
- oval binding head
- oven head
- pan head
- perception head
- Philips head
- photoelectric detector head
- photooptical reader head
- pickup head
- pinched head
- pipe-threading die head
- piston head
- pivot-action cutting head
- plain dividing head
- plain index head
- plain indexing head
- planer head
- planer milling head
- planetary thread-milling head
- planing head
- plasma-arc cutting head
- plotting head
- plunge milling head
- poppet head
- positive suction head
- power head
- precision concentric laser head
- pre-gaged cutting head
- pressure head
- primary head
- printer head
- probe head
- profiling head
- pulling head
- pump head
- punching-and-cutting head
- quill-adjustable cutter head
- quill-type head
- radial tapping head
- rag head
- rail head
- rail tool head
- raised cheese head
- raised countersunk head
- ram head
- ram-milling head
- ram-mounted machining head
- ram-type cutter head
- ram-type machining head
- randomly selectable head
- rated head
- read head
- read/write head
- reader head
- reading and writing head
- reading head
- read-record head
- reaming head
- recessing head
- record head
- recording head
- remote receiver head
- reproducing head
- resistance welding head
- retriever head
- right angle drill head
- right-angle head
- right-angle milling head
- right-angled head
- right-angled milling head
- riveted-over head
- rotary feeding head
- rotating reading head
- rotating tool head
- rough boring head
- round head
- round rivet head
- router head
- routing head
- saw head
- scanning head
- scanning tracing head
- screw die head
- self-opening die head
- sensing head
- sensor head
- set head
- shifting head
- side head
- side tool head
- simple spindle head
- single plate head
- single swivel-mounted spindle head
- single-cutter boring head
- single-cutter head
- sleeve-milling head
- slide-milling head
- sliding drill head
- sliding head
- sliding spindle head
- sliding vertical saddle spindle head
- slotted head
- slotting head
- snap head
- socket head
- solid head
- spark-erosion head
- spiked head
- spindle head
- spiral index head
- spiral-cutting head
- spiral-milling head
- spray head
- square head
- squeeze head
- start-up head
- static head
- static suction head
- steep head
- steeple head
- stock head
- stopper head
- straight knurled head
- straight side binding head
- suction head
- superfinishing head
- surfacing head
- swing-aside spindle head
- swinging head
- swing-on vertical head
- swivel head
- swivel spindle head
- swivel-block head
- swiveling head
- swiveling horizontal/vertical spindle head
- swiveling two-axis head
- swiveling vertical/horizontal head
- swivel-mounted head
- tandem-milling head
- tangential die head
- tapping head
- teaching head
- tension head
- T-head
- theoretical head
- thread head
- thread-cutting die head
- thread-cutting head
- threading head
- thread-rolling head
- thumb head
- tilting head
- tilting spindle head
- tool head
- tool post side head
- tool-carrying head
- tool-feeding head
- toolholder head
- tool-holding head
- tool-support head
- tool-supporting head
- torsion head
- total head
- tracer head
- tracing head
- transferrable head
- traveling head
- traversing spindle head
- trepanning head
- triangle head
- trigger probe head
- tripet turret head
- triple spindle head
- truss head
- turning head
- turret drilling head
- turret head
- twin-axis contour-facing head
- twin-cutter boring head
- twin-tool boring head
- two-flute boring head
- two-fluted boring head
- two-position cutter head
- two-position spindle head
- undercut countersunk head
- undercut raised countersunk head
- unit head
- unit spindle head
- unit-type boring head
- unit-type drill head
- unit-type mill head
- unit-type milling head
- universal boring head
- universal cutter head
- universal dividing head
- universal indexing head
- universal milling head
- upset head
- upstroking head
- vacuum head
- valve head
- velocity head
- vertical head for horizontal milling machine
- vertical milling head
- vertical/horizontal rotary head
- V-shaped head
- waisted head
- washer head
- welding head
- wheel head
- wobble broaching head
- wobble head
- work-carrying head
- workpiece-gripping head
- wrench head
- write head
- write-read head
- writing head
- X axis-controlled head
- Y axis-controlled head
- Z axis-controlled headEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > head
12 girder
брус; балка; ригель; ферма; прогон; перекладина; распорка; швеллер; опора; ферма моста; лонжерон- girder dog - girder section - girder truss - bow girder - cantilever arched girder - cellular girder - cross girder - curb girder - deck girder - end girder - fascia girder - foundation girder- H-girder- half-latticed girder - hinged cantilever girder - I-girder - lattice girder - longitudinal girder - main girder - plane girder - riveted girder - secondary girder - spandrel girder - stiffening girder - suspension girder - tabular girder -
13 beam
1) балка; брус; перекладина; коромысло; дышло; прогон2) луч, пучок параллельных лучей; балансир весов3) излучать, испускать лучи•beam built in at one end and supported at the other — балка, защемлённая одним концом и опёртая другим
beam built monolithically with the slab — ребристая плита балка, составляющая одно целое с плитой
carrying transverse loads — балка, нагруженная поперечной нагрузкой
beam fixed at one end — консольная балка, консоль
beam made of precast hollow blocks — балка, собираемая из пустотелых, коробчатых секций ( с натяжением продольной арматуры)
beam on elastic foundation, beam resting on elastic base — балка на упругом основании
beam precast on site — сборная железобетонная балка, изготовленная на строительной площадке, построечного изготовления
beam supported at both ends — простая балка, балка, опёртая на двух концах
beam with central prop — двухпролётная балка, балка на трёх опорах
beam with fixed ends — балка с защемлёнными, заделанными концами
beam with overhanging end, with overhangs — консольная балка
- anchorage beam - angle beam - annular beam - arched beam - axle beam - baffle beam - balance beam - basement beam - Benkelman beam - bind beam - bond beam - bottom beam - boundary beam - box beam - braced beam - brick beam - bridge beam - broad flange beam - built-in beam - built-up beam - camber beam - cantilever beam - cased beam - castellated beam - channel beam - chief beam - circular beam - collapsible beam - collar beam - composite beam - compound beam - concrete beam - continuous beam - crane beam - crane-rail beam - cross-beam - dam beam - deep beam - double-slope beam - dragon beam - drop beam - false beam - fascia beam - fished beam - flanged beam - floor beam - footing beam - foundation beam - free beam - free-ended beam - free-ends beam - gantry beam - Gerber beam - grating beam - grillage beam - ground beam - H-beam - half-beam - head beam - hinged beam - hollow beam - I-beam - immovable rest beam - jesting beam - joggle beam - keyed compound beam - king-trussed beam - L-beam - laced beam - lattice beam - lenticular beam - lentiform beam - lifting beam - load beam - longitudinal beam - main beam - masonry beam - multispan beam - needle beam - non-uniform continuous beam - notched beam - outrigger beam - overhanging beam - overhead runway beam - partially fixed ends beam - pile capping beam - prime beam - prismatic beam - propped beam - propped cantilever beam - pump beam - queen-trussed beam - rectangular beam - reinforced concrete beam - reinforced T-beam - restrained beam - ringe beam - riveted beam - rolled beam - roof beam - sandwich beam - scale beam - secondary beam - semi-infinite beam - shallow beam - simple beam - simply supported beam - simply supported beam with overhang - single-slope beam - single-strut trussed beam - slender beam - split beam - spring beam - statical determinate beam - statical indeterminate beam - steel beam - steel beam encased in concrete - straining beam - strut beam - strut-framed beam - suspended beam - sway-beam - T-beam - T-beam with double reinforcement - tamping beam - tee beam - test beam - three-chord beam - through beam - tie beam - top beam - transverse beam - trimmer beam - trussed beam - tubular beam - two-way beams - two-web beam - uniform beam - wall beam - welded beam - wide-flange beam - wind beam - wire-prestressed reinforced beam - X-ray beam - Z-beambeam with simply supported ends — балка, свободно лежащая на опорах
См. также в других словарях:
Truss bridge — Bridge Bridge (br[i^]j), n. [OE. brig, brigge, brug, brugge, AS. brycg, bricg; akin to Fries. bregge, D. brug, OHG. brucca, G. br[ u]cke, Icel. bryggja pier, bridge, Sw. brygga, Dan. brygge, and prob. Icel. br[=u] bridge, Sw. & Dan. bro bridge,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… … Universalium
Bridge No. L-5573 — U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia
Big Four Bridge — Infobox Bridge bridge name= Big Four Bridge caption= The Big Four Bridge as seen from Indiana under the John F. Kennedy Memorial Bridge official name= also known as= carries= crosses= Ohio River locale= Louisville, Kentucky and Jeffersonville,… … Wikipedia
Niles Canyon Railway — Reporting mark NICX Locale Alameda County, California, USA … Wikipedia
Chepstow Railway Bridge — Brunel s railway bridge over the Wye at Chepstow, before its 1962 replacement. Coordinates … Wikipedia
Amtrak/Springfield Terminal Railroad Bridge — Infobox Bridge bridge name=Amtrak/Springfield Terminal Railroad Bridge caption= official name= carries=Amtrak New Haven Springfield Line crosses=Connecticut River locale=Enfield and Suffield, Hartford County, Connecticut maint= id= design=girder… … Wikipedia
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Metal Highway Bridges of Fulton County Thematic Resources — Metal Highway Bridges of Fulton County MPS U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia
San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge — Infobox Bridge bridge name = San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge image size = 260px caption = Western Span of the bridge at night official name = James Sunny Jim Rolph Bridge carries = 10 lanes (5 westbound on upper level, 5 eastbound on lower) of … Wikipedia
Bardwell's Ferry Bridge — The Bardwell s Ferry Bridge, built in 1882, is an historic lenticular truss bridge spanning the Deerfield River between the towns of Shelburne and Conway in Franklin County, Massachusetts. The bridge is listed on the National Register of Historic … Wikipedia