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  • 1 the rising generation

    the rising generation
    a geração em formação.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > the rising generation

  • 2 rising

    1) (the act or rising: the rising of the sun.) nascimento
    2) (a rebellion: The king executed those who took part in the rising.) levantamento
    * * *
    [r'aiziŋ] n 1 ação de levantar. 2 subida, ascensão, elevação. 3 revolta, insurreição. 4 aquilo que se levanta. 5 ressurreição, renascimento. 6 proeminência, saliência. 7 protuberância, tumor. • adj 1 ascendente. 2 nascente. 3 progressivo, que progride. 4 em formação. • prep, adv quase, aproximadamente. she is rising 30 ela tem quase 30 anos. the rising generation a geração em formação. the rising ground a elevação, a colina.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rising

  • 3 rise

    1. past tense - rose; verb
    1) (to become greater, larger, higher etc; to increase: Food prices are still rising; His temperature rose; If the river rises much more, there will be a flood; Her voice rose to a scream; Bread rises when it is baked; His spirits rose at the good news.) subir
    2) (to move upwards: Smoke was rising from the chimney; The birds rose into the air; The curtain rose to reveal an empty stage.) subir
    3) (to get up from bed: He rises every morning at six o'clock.) levantar-se
    4) (to stand up: The children all rose when the headmaster came in.) levantar-se
    5) ((of the sun etc) to appear above the horizon: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.) nascer
    6) (to slope upwards: Hills rose in the distance; The ground rises at this point.) elevar-se
    7) (to rebel: The people rose (up) in revolt against the dictator.) levantar-se
    8) (to move to a higher rank, a more important position etc: He rose to the rank of colonel.) subir
    9) ((of a river) to begin or appear: The Rhône rises in the Alps.) nascer
    10) ((of wind) to begin; to become stronger: Don't go out in the boat - the wind has risen.) levantar-se
    11) (to be built: Office blocks are rising all over the town.) erguer-se
    12) (to come back to life: Jesus has risen.) ressuscitar
    2. noun
    1) ((the) act of rising: He had a rapid rise to fame; a rise in prices.) subida
    2) (an increase in salary or wages: She asked her boss for a rise.) aumento
    3) (a slope or hill: The house is just beyond the next rise.) elevação
    4) (the beginning and early development of something: the rise of the Roman Empire.) ascensão
    3. adjective
    the rising sun; rising prices; the rising generation; a rising young politician.) em ascensão
    - late riser
    - give rise to
    - rise to the occasion
    * * *
    [raiz] n 1 ação de levantar ou subir. 2 ascensão, elevação. 3 colina, aclive, ladeira, rampa, elevação de terreno. 4 promoção, avanço, progresso. 5 subida dos peixes à superfície. 6 distância vertical entre a linha de nascença e o ponto mais elevado do intradorso. 7 subida. 8 lance de escadas. 9 Brit aumento (de salário). 10 ponto elevado. 11 origem, causa, fonte, nascente, início, princípio. 12 cheia (de rios). 13 alta, encarecimento. • vi (ps rose, pp risen). 1 subir, ir para cima. 2 levantar(-se), erguer(-se),
    pôr-se de pé, sair da cama. I rose from my seat / levantei-me da minha cadeira. my hair rose on my head / meus cabelos ficaram em pé. 3 terminar (levantando-se). 4 ressuscitar, ressurgir. 5 crescer (massa de pão). 6 promover, ser promovido, progredir. 7 aumentar (salários, preços). 8 ascender (terreno). 9 nascer, surgir (sol). 10 vir à superfície (peixes). 11 tornar-se audível. 12 revoltar-se, rebelar-se, insurgir-se contra. they rose in arms / pegaram em armas, sublevaram-se. 13 elevar (edifícios, montanhas). 14 encher (rio, mar). 15 originar, começar. 16 animar-se, criar ânimo. her spirit rose / ela ficou alegre, animou-se. 17. vir à mente. it rose to my mind / veio-me à mente. 18 aumentar, intensificar-se, acentuar-se. 19 aclamar, aplaudir. the house rose at the actress / a artista foi aplaudida calorosamente. 20 esforçar-se para enfrentar. on the rise em alta. rise in (of) prices aumento de preços. she got a rise out of me ela me irritou. she rose to her feet ela levantou-se, ficou de pé. they rose to the bait morderam a isca. to give rise to originar, produzir, ocasionar, causar. to rise upon the view surgir, aparecer. we rose to the occasion mostramo-nos à altura da situação.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rise

  • 4 rise

    1. past tense - rose; verb
    1) (to become greater, larger, higher etc; to increase: Food prices are still rising; His temperature rose; If the river rises much more, there will be a flood; Her voice rose to a scream; Bread rises when it is baked; His spirits rose at the good news.) aumentar
    2) (to move upwards: Smoke was rising from the chimney; The birds rose into the air; The curtain rose to reveal an empty stage.) levantar(-se)
    3) (to get up from bed: He rises every morning at six o'clock.) levantar-se
    4) (to stand up: The children all rose when the headmaster came in.) levantar-se
    5) ((of the sun etc) to appear above the horizon: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.) levantar-se
    6) (to slope upwards: Hills rose in the distance; The ground rises at this point.) elevar-se
    7) (to rebel: The people rose (up) in revolt against the dictator.) levantar-se
    8) (to move to a higher rank, a more important position etc: He rose to the rank of colonel.) elevar-se
    9) ((of a river) to begin or appear: The Rhône rises in the Alps.) nascer
    10) ((of wind) to begin; to become stronger: Don't go out in the boat - the wind has risen.) aumentar
    11) (to be built: Office blocks are rising all over the town.) erguer-se
    12) (to come back to life: Jesus has risen.) ressuscitar
    2. noun
    1) ((the) act of rising: He had a rapid rise to fame; a rise in prices.) ascensão
    2) (an increase in salary or wages: She asked her boss for a rise.) aumento
    3) (a slope or hill: The house is just beyond the next rise.) elevação
    4) (the beginning and early development of something: the rise of the Roman Empire.) ascensão
    3. adjective
    the rising sun; rising prices; the rising generation; a rising young politician.) levante, em ascensão
    - late riser - give rise to - rise to the occasion

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > rise

См. также в других словарях:

  • rising generation — index children Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • rising generation — young generation, young people …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Rising — Ris ing, a. 1. Attaining a higher place; taking, or moving in, an upward direction; appearing above the horizon; ascending; as, the rising moon. [1913 Webster] 2. Increasing in wealth, power, or distinction; as, a rising state; a rising character …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rising — [rī′ziŋ] adj. 1. that rises; going up, ascending, mounting, advancing, sloping upward, etc. 2. advancing to adult years; growing; maturing [the rising generation] 3. Astrol. ASCENDANT (sense 3) ☆ 4. [Informal or Dial.] 5 …   English World dictionary

  • rising — ris|ing1 [ˈraızıŋ] adj 1.) [only before noun] becoming more important or famous ▪ Francesca was a rising star in the cinema. 2.) the rising generation BrE young people who will soon be old enough to vote, have jobs etc ▪ The rising generation of… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • rising — adj. & n. adj. 1 going up; getting higher. 2 increasing (rising costs). 3 advancing to maturity or high standing (the rising generation; a rising young lawyer). 4 approaching a specified age (the rising fives). 5 (of ground) sloping upwards. n. a …   Useful english dictionary

  • rising — /ruy zing/, adj. 1. advancing, ascending, or mounting: rising smoke. 2. growing or advancing to adult years: the rising generation. adv. Informal 3. somewhat more than: The crop came to rising 6000 bushels. 4. in approach of; almost; well nigh: a …   Universalium

  • rising — 1 noun (C) a sudden attempt by a large group of people to violently remove a government or ruler 2 adjective 1 (only before noun) becoming more important or famous: a rising young actor 2 rising five/six etc nearly five, six etc years old 3 the… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • rising — ris•ing [[t]ˈraɪ zɪŋ[/t]] adj. 1) advancing, ascending, or mounting 2) growing or advancing to adult years: the rising generation[/ex] 3) inf somewhat more than: The crop came to rising 6000 bushels[/ex] 4) inf in approach of; almost: a lad… …   From formal English to slang

  • generation — /dʒɛnəˈreɪʃən / (say jenuh rayshuhn) noun 1. the whole body of individuals born about the same time: the rising generation. 2. the age or average lifetime of a generation; term of years (commonly thirty) accepted as the average difference of age… …  

  • generation — n. 1 all the people born at a particular time, regarded collectively (my generation; the rising generation). 2 a single step in descent or pedigree (have known them for three generations). 3 a stage in (esp. technological) development (fourth… …   Useful english dictionary

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