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  • 1 RIPL

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > RIPL

  • 2 RIPL

    The ability to start a computer from elsewhere on a network.

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > RIPL

  • 3 RIPL

    1) Военный термин: Reconnaissance and Interdiction Planning Line (NATO)
    2) Вычислительная техника: Remote Initial Program Load (IBM)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > RIPL

  • 4 RIPL

    сокр. от robot-independent programming language
    язык программирования, не связанный с роботом ( его характеристиками)

    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > RIPL

  • 5 ripple

    I. n гребен (за лен)
    II. v разчесвам (лен)
    III. 1. вълничка, леко вълнение, накъдряне (на водна и пр. повърхност.), леки вълни (на коса)
    2. ромон
    RIPPLE of laughter лек/звънлив/сребрист смях
    RIPPLE of applause откъслечни аплодисменти
    3. ам. малък бързей
    4. вълнообразна ивица (на пясък и пр.) (и RIPPLE mark)
    IV. 1. вълнувам (се) леко, накъдрям (се)
    2. ромоля
    3. лея се звънливо (за смях и пр.)
    4. падам на меки гънки/вълни
    * * *
    {ripl} n гребен (за лен).(2) {ripl} v разчесвам (лен).{3} {ripl} n 1. вълничка; леко вълнение, накъдряне (на водна и{4} {ripl} v 1. вълнувам (се) леко, накъдрям (се); 2. ромоля;
    * * *
    чучуркам; шумолене; вълничка;
    * * *
    1. i. n гребен (за лен) 2. ii. v разчесвам (лен) 3. iii. вълничка, леко вълнение, накъдряне (на водна и пр. повърхност.), леки вълни (на коса) 4. iv. вълнувам (се) леко, накъдрям (се) 5. ripple of applause откъслечни аплодисменти 6. ripple of laughter лек/звънлив/сребрист смях 7. ам. малък бързей 8. вълнообразна ивица (на пясък и пр.) (и ripple mark) 9. лея се звънливо (за смях и пр.) 10. падам на меки гънки/вълни 11. ромоля 12. ромон
    * * *
    ripple[´ripəl] I. n 1. вълничка, малка вълна, леко вълнение, набръчкване, накъдряне (на водна повърхност); леки вълни (на коса); 2. ромон, шумолене; a \ripple of laughter лек сребрист смях; 3. прен. ефект, последица; разрастване; 4. ел. слаба пулсация; фон от променлив ток; voltage \ripple пулсация на напрежение; II. v 1. вълнувам (се) леко, накъдрям (се); 2. ромоля, шумоля, шуртя; 3. лея се сребристо (за смях и пр.); 4. преминавам (по тялото) (за чувство); III. ripple n чесало, гребен (за лен); IV. v разчесвам (лен).

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > ripple

  • 6 ripple

    ['ripl] 1. noun
    (a little wave or movement on the surface of water etc: He threw the stone into the pond, and watched the ripples spread across the water.) valovanje
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) have ripples: The grass rippled in the wind; The wind rippled the grass.) valovati
    * * *
    I [ripl]
    lahno valovanje, kodranje, grbančenje (vodne površine); val(ovanje); kodravost (las); žuborenje; American majbna brzica
    a ripple of laughter figuratively tih, komaj slišen smeh;
    transitive verb
    rahlo valoviti, kodrati, vzburkati (vodno površino); intransitive verb kodrati se, delati majhne valove, rahlo valovati (o žitu); žuboreti, šumeti; figuratively (o vodi) teči delajoč drobne valove, žuboreti; colloquially ščebetati, mrmrati
    II [ripl]
    greben, mikalnik, gradaše, drzalo (za lan, volno);
    transitive verb
    grebenati, česati, smukati, mikati (lan, volno)

    English-Slovenian dictionary > ripple

  • 7 ripple

    ['ripl] 1. noun
    (a little wave or movement on the surface of water etc: He threw the stone into the pond, and watched the ripples spread across the water.) ring
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) have ripples: The grass rippled in the wind; The wind rippled the grass.) bølge
    * * *
    ['ripl] 1. noun
    (a little wave or movement on the surface of water etc: He threw the stone into the pond, and watched the ripples spread across the water.) ring
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) have ripples: The grass rippled in the wind; The wind rippled the grass.) bølge

    English-Danish dictionary > ripple

  • 8 ripple

    1. noun
    (a little wave or movement on the surface of water etc: He threw the stone into the pond, and watched the ripples spread across the water.) ondulación

    2. verb
    (to (cause to) have ripples: The grass rippled in the wind; The wind rippled the grass.) ondular
    ripple n onda / rizo
    1 (on water) onda
    2 (sound) murmullo
    1 rizar
    1 rizarse
    ripple ['rɪpəl] v, - pled ; - pling vi
    : rizarse, ondear, ondular
    ripple vt
    : rizar
    : onda f, ondulación f
    murmullo s.m.
    onda s.f.
    ondulación s.f.
    rizo s.m.
    correr con olas pequeñas v.
    enrizar v.
    murmurar v.
    ondear v.
    ondular v.
    rizar v.
    a) c ( on water) onda f
    b) u c ( ice cream)

    raspberry/chocolate ripple — helado m de vainilla con vetas de frambuesa/chocolate

    a) ( move) \<\<water\>\> rizarse*; \<\<wheat/grass\>\> mecerse*; \<\<muscles\>\> tensarse

    the lake/wheatfield rippled in the breeze — la brisa rizaba or ondulaba la superficie del lagoigal (liter)

    b) rippling pres p < muscles> tensado

    vt \<\<water\>\> rizar*; \<\<corn\>\> mecer*; \<\<muscles\>\> tensar
    N (=small wave) onda f, rizo m ; (=sound) murmullo m

    a ripple of excitementun susurro or murmullo de emoción

    VT ondular, rizar

    ripple effect Nreacción f en cadena, efecto m dominó

    to have a ripple effect — provocar una reacción en cadena, tener un efecto dominó

    * * *
    a) c ( on water) onda f
    b) u c ( ice cream)

    raspberry/chocolate ripple — helado m de vainilla con vetas de frambuesa/chocolate

    a) ( move) \<\<water\>\> rizarse*; \<\<wheat/grass\>\> mecerse*; \<\<muscles\>\> tensarse

    the lake/wheatfield rippled in the breeze — la brisa rizaba or ondulaba la superficie del lago/trigal (liter)

    b) rippling pres p < muscles> tensado

    vt \<\<water\>\> rizar*; \<\<corn\>\> mecer*; \<\<muscles\>\> tensar

    English-spanish dictionary > ripple

  • 9 ripple

    'ripl 1. noun
    (a little wave or movement on the surface of water etc: He threw the stone into the pond, and watched the ripples spread across the water.) liten bølge, krusning
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) have ripples: The grass rippled in the wind; The wind rippled the grass.) skvulpe, kruse seg
    subst. \/ˈrɪpl\/
    1) krusning, bølgeskvulp
    2) ( om lyd) risling
    3) (amer.) lite stryk i elv
    4) ( teknikk) linhekle
    5) ( elektronikk) rippel
    a ripple of laughter en (liten) latterbølge
    ripple of muscles muskelspill
    verb \/ˈrɪpl\/
    1) kruse seg, gå i små bølger, bølge
    2) ( om lyd) risle, bølge
    3) lage renner i, lage bølger i

    English-Norwegian dictionary > ripple

  • 10 ripple

    ['ripl] 1. noun
    (a little wave or movement on the surface of water etc: He threw the stone into the pond, and watched the ripples spread across the water.) gára
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) have ripples: The grass rippled in the wind; The wind rippled the grass.) gára(st)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > ripple

  • 11 ripple

    ['ripl] 1. noun
    (a little wave or movement on the surface of water etc: He threw the stone into the pond, and watched the ripples spread across the water.) ondulação
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) have ripples: The grass rippled in the wind; The wind rippled the grass.) ondular
    * * *
    [r'ipəl] n sedeiro, rastelo. • vi assedar.
    [r'ipəl] n 1 ondulação, agitação. 2 sussurro, murmúrio. 3 ripples reverberações. • vt+vi 1 encrespar-se, ondular, agitar-se. 2 sussurrar, murmurar. 3 enrugar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ripple

  • 12 rippler

    technical smukalec, česalec, mikalec (lanu)

    English-Slovenian dictionary > rippler

  • 13 ripple

    ['ripl] 1. noun
    (a little wave or movement on the surface of water etc: He threw the stone into the pond, and watched the ripples spread across the water.) ņirboņa; ņirba; vilnīši
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) have ripples: The grass rippled in the wind; The wind rippled the grass.) viļņot; viļņoties; ņirbēt
    * * *
    suseklis; ņirboņa, sīki vilnīši; urdzēšana; sprogainums; sukāt; pārklāties ņirbu vilnīšiem; urdzēt; sprogoties

    English-Latvian dictionary > ripple

  • 14 ripple

    ['ripl] 1. noun
    (a little wave or movement on the surface of water etc: He threw the stone into the pond, and watched the ripples spread across the water.) raibuliavimas, bangelė
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) have ripples: The grass rippled in the wind; The wind rippled the grass.) raibuliuoti, raibinti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > ripple

  • 15 ripple

    ['ripl] 1. noun
    (a little wave or movement on the surface of water etc: He threw the stone into the pond, and watched the ripples spread across the water.) vlnění
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) have ripples: The grass rippled in the wind; The wind rippled the grass.) vlnit (se)
    * * *
    • vlnění
    • zvlnění
    • čeřit se

    English-Czech dictionary > ripple

  • 16 ripple

    ['ripl] 1. noun
    (a little wave or movement on the surface of water etc: He threw the stone into the pond, and watched the ripples spread across the water.) vlnenie, sčerenie
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) have ripples: The grass rippled in the wind; The wind rippled the grass.) vlniť (sa)
    * * *
    • vlnky
    • vlnka
    • vlnit sa
    • zahrat kadenciu
    • zašumiet
    • záhyb
    • zvlnenie
    • spadnút
    • drhnút
    • drhnút lan
    • rozvlnit
    • rozohrat
    • perlit sa
    • kucierka

    English-Slovak dictionary > ripple

  • 17 ripple

    ['ripl] 1. noun
    (a little wave or movement on the surface of water etc: He threw the stone into the pond, and watched the ripples spread across the water.) val mic; undă
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) have ripples: The grass rippled in the wind; The wind rippled the grass.) a (se) undui, a (se) legăna

    English-Romanian dictionary > ripple

  • 18 ripple

    ['ripl] 1. noun
    (a little wave or movement on the surface of water etc: He threw the stone into the pond, and watched the ripples spread across the water.) κυματισμός
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) have ripples: The grass rippled in the wind; The wind rippled the grass.) κυματίζω ελαφρά

    English-Greek dictionary > ripple

  • 19 reconnaissance and interdiction planning line

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > reconnaissance and interdiction planning line

  • 20 ripple

    /'ripl/ * danh từ - sự gợn sóng lăn tăn (làn tóc, dải ruy băng...) - tiếng rì rầm; tiếng róc rách =a ripple of conversation+ tiếng nói chuyện rì rầm =the ripple of the brook+ tiếng róc rách của dòng suối * nội động từ - gợn sóng lăn tăn (làn tóc, mặt nước) - rì rầm; róc rách =soft laughter rippled next door+ nhà bên có tiếng cười rì rầm khe khẽ =the brook is rippling+ suối róc rách * ngoại động từ - làm cho gợn sóng lăn tăn - làm cho rì rào khẽ lay động =a zephyr ripples the foliage+ cơn gió thoảng làm lá cây khẽ rì rào lay động * danh từ - (nghành dệt) máy chải (sợi lanh để gỡ hết hột) * ngoại động từ - chải (lanh) bằng máy chải

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > ripple

См. также в других словарях:

  • RIPL — steht für: Remote Initial Program Load, das ferngesteuerte Starten eines Computers über ein Netz Ripl ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Wilhelm Ripl, Landschaftsökologe und Limnologe (Süßwasserökologe) Diese Seite …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • RIPL — may refer to:*The John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law *Remote Initial Program Load …   Wikipedia

  • Ripl — Wilhelm Ripl ist Landschaftsökologe und Limnologe (Süßwasserökologe) sowie emeritierter Professor der Technischen Universität Berlin. Ripl studierte von 1956 bis 1962 Technische Chemie in Wien und arbeitete von 1960 bis 1965 für das… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • RIPL — Remote Initial Program Load(ing) …   Acronyms

  • RIPL — Remote Initial Program Load(ing) …   Acronyms von A bis Z

  • RIPL — abbr. Remote Initial Program Load (IBM) …   United dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms

  • Wilhelm Ripl — (* 1937) ist Landschaftsökologe und Limnologe (Süßwasserökologe) sowie emeritierter Professor der Technischen Universität Berlin. Ripl studierte von 1956 bis 1962 Technische Chemie in Wien und arbeitete von 1960 bis 1965 für das Bundesministerium …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • The John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law — (RIPL) is a student run review devoted to the advancement of legal scholarship in the field of intellectual property. RIPL was founded in 2001 [ John Marshall Law School web site, [http://www.jmripl.com/Archives/archive.php?archive=1 Volume 1,… …   Wikipedia

  • Liste der Biografien/Rip — Biografien: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Remote Initial Program Load — (RIPL or RPL) is a protocol for starting a computer and loading its Operating System from server via a network. Such a server runs a network operating system such as LAN Manager, LAN Server, Windows NT Server and Novell NetWare.IBM LAN Server… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote Initial Program Load — (Abkürzung: RIPL; deutsch: Fernes einleitendes Programmladen) Bezeichnet den Vorgang des Startens eines Betriebssystems über das Netzwerk von einem Server, auf dem ein RIPL Dienst aktiviert ist, welcher unter den Netzwerkbetriebssystemen LAN… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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