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  • 1 rip

    [rip] 1. past tense, past participle - ripped; verb
    1) (to make or get a hole or tear in by pulling, tearing etc: He ripped his shirt on a branch; His shirt ripped.) rasgar(-se)
    2) (to pull (off, up etc) by breaking or tearing: The roof of the car was ripped off in the crash; to rip up floorboards; He ripped open the envelope.) arrancar
    2. noun
    (a tear or hole: a rip in my shirt.) rasgão
    * * *
    [rip] n rasgo, rasgão, fenda. • vt+vi 1 rasgar, abrir à força, fender, romper, rachar, arrancar (out, off, up). to rip the cover off the box / arrancar a tampa da caixa. 2 serrar madeira na direção do fio. 3 correr, apressar-se, ir ou seguir depressa. 4 coll proferir com violência, blasfemar, praguejar ( out). 5 mexer, ventilar novamente (um assunto ou escândalo). 6 descoser. 7 demolir. 8 destelhar. to rip into atacar. to rip off a) remover violentamente, arrancar. b) Amer sl roubar. c) coll explorar, cobrar caro demais, cobrar a mais. to rip out remover com violência. to rip out on oath praguejar.
    [rip] n devasso, libertino.
    [rip] n corredeira, extensão de água agitada.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rip

  • 2 RIP

    [rip] 1. past tense, past participle - ripped; verb
    1) (to make or get a hole or tear in by pulling, tearing etc: He ripped his shirt on a branch; His shirt ripped.) rasgar(-se)
    2) (to pull (off, up etc) by breaking or tearing: The roof of the car was ripped off in the crash; to rip up floorboards; He ripped open the envelope.) arrancar
    2. noun
    (a tear or hole: a rip in my shirt.) rasgão
    * * *
    [a:r ai p'i:] abbr Lat requiescat in pace, rest in peace (descanse em paz).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > RIP

  • 3 rip

    [rip] 1. past tense, past participle - ripped; verb
    1) (to make or get a hole or tear in by pulling, tearing etc: He ripped his shirt on a branch; His shirt ripped.) rasgar(-se)
    2) (to pull (off, up etc) by breaking or tearing: The roof of the car was ripped off in the crash; to rip up floorboards; He ripped open the envelope.) rasgar
    2. noun
    (a tear or hole: a rip in my shirt.) rasgão

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > rip

  • 4 grip

    [ɡrip] 1. past tense, past participle - gripped; verb
    (to take a firm hold of: He gripped his stick; The speaker gripped (the attention of) his audience.) agarrar
    2. noun
    1) (a firm hold: He had a firm grip on his stick; He has a very strong grip; in the grip of the storm.) aperto
    2) (a bag used by travellers: He carried his sports equipment in a large grip.) mala
    3) (understanding: He has a good grip of the subject.) compreensão
    - come to grips with
    - lose one's grip
    * * *
    [grip] n 1 ação de agarrar, de segurar, aperto. 2 poder, força da mão. 3 cabo, alça. 4 ferramenta para agarrar ou segurar: pinça, garra de máquina, embreagem. 5 aperto de mão. 6 Amer mala, bolsa de viagem. 7 fig domínio, controle. 8 fig apoio (moral). 9 dor aguda e repentina. • vt 1 agarrar, apanhar, segurar, pegar. 2 fascinar, prender a atenção. 3 entender, compreender, fig pegar. he is losing his grip on reality ele está se perdendo no terreno da fantasia. to come to grips engalfinhar-se, atracar-se, lutar corpo-a-corpo. to come to grips with desentender-se com. winter holds nature in his grip o inverno domina a natureza.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > grip

  • 5 repentance

    noun arrependimento
    * * *
    [rip'entəns] n arrependimento, sentimento, pesar, penitência, contrição.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > repentance

  • 6 reporter

    noun (a person who writes articles and reports for a newspaper: Reporters and photographers rushed to the scene of the fire.) repórter
    * * *
    [rip'ɔ:tə] n relator, repórter, informante, correspondente de jornal.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > reporter

  • 7 republic

    ((a country with) a form of government in which there is no king or queen, the power of government, law-making etc being given to one or more elected representatives (eg a president, members of a parliament etc): The United States is a republic - the United Kingdom is not.) república
    * * *
    [rip'∧blik] n república. republic of letters 1 república das letras, literatura, mundo dos livros e seus autores. 2 classe dos homens de letras.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > republic

  • 8 repulsion

    noun (disgust.) repulsa
    * * *
    [rip'∧lʃən] n 1 repulsão. 2 aversão, repugnância.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > repulsion

  • 9 repulsiveness

    noun aspecto repugnante
    * * *
    [rip'∧lsivnis] n caráter repulsivo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > repulsiveness

  • 10 repair

    [ri'peə] 1. verb
    1) (to mend; to make (something) that is damaged or has broken down work again; to restore to good condition: to repair a broken lock / torn jacket.) consertar
    2) (to put right or make up for: Nothing can repair the harm done by your foolish remarks.) remediar
    2. noun
    1) ((often in plural) the act of repairing something damaged or broken down: I put my car into the garage for repairs; The bridge is under repair.) reparação
    2) (a condition or state: The road is in bad repair; The house is in a good state of repair.) conservação
    - reparable
    - reparation
    - repairman
    * * *
    [rip'ɛə] n 1 conserto, reparo. 2 estado de conservação. • vt 1 reparar, consertar, remendar, emendar, corrigir. 2 indenizar. in bad repair, out of repair em mau estado. in good repair em bom estado. under repair em conserto.
    [rip'ɛə] n refúgio, recanto. • vt 1 ir, dirigir-se, retirar-se (to para). 2 retornar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > repair

  • 11 repose

    (rest; calm; peacefulness.) repouso
    * * *
    [rip'ouz] n 1 repouso, descanso. 2 tranqüilidade, calma, sossego. 3 compostura, dignidade. • vt 1 repousar, descansar, sossegar, dormir. 2 reclinar-se. 3 jazer.
    [rip'ouz] vt pôr, colocar. to repose confidence in depositar confiança em.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > repose

  • 12 ripple

    ['ripl] 1. noun
    (a little wave or movement on the surface of water etc: He threw the stone into the pond, and watched the ripples spread across the water.) ondulação
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) have ripples: The grass rippled in the wind; The wind rippled the grass.) ondular
    * * *
    [r'ipəl] n sedeiro, rastelo. • vi assedar.
    [r'ipəl] n 1 ondulação, agitação. 2 sussurro, murmúrio. 3 ripples reverberações. • vt+vi 1 encrespar-se, ondular, agitar-se. 2 sussurrar, murmurar. 3 enrugar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ripple

  • 13 repairman

    noun (a man who repairs televisions etc.) técnico
    * * *
    [rip'ɛərmən] n reparador, consertador, remendeiro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > repairman

  • 14 repeal

    [rə'pi:l] 1. verb
    (to make (a law etc) no longer valid.) revogar
    2. noun
    (the act of repealing a law etc.) revogação
    * * *
    [rip'i:l] n revogação, anulação, cassação. • vt revogar, anular, rescindir.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > repeal

  • 15 repeat

    [rə'pi:t] 1. verb
    1) (to say or do again: Would you repeat those instructions, please?) repetir
    2) (to say (something one has heard) to someone else, sometimes when one ought not to: Please do not repeat what I've just told you.) repetir
    3) (to say (something) one has learned by heart: to repeat a poem.) reproduzir
    2. noun
    (something which is repeated: I'm tired of seeing all these repeats on television; ( also adjective) a repeat performance.) repetição
    - repeatedly
    - repetition
    - repetitive
    - repetitively
    - repetitiveness
    - repeat oneself
    * * *
    [rip'i:t] n 1 repetição, retransmissão. 2 Mus sinal de reprodução, estribilho. • vt+vi 1 repetir, reiterar. 2 fazer novamente. 3 contar, passar adiante (um segredo). 4 recitar. 5 cursar pela segunda vez. 6 ensaiar. 7 reproduzir, imitar. 8 votar fraudulentamente mais de uma vez. to repeat on someone sl arrotar, eructar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > repeat

  • 16 repellent

    [-ənt] 1. adjective
    (repulsive; causing dislike or disgust: repellent smell/behaviour.)
    2. noun
    (see insect repellent.)
    * * *
    [rip'elənt] n repelente, insetífugo, tecido impermeável. • adj 1 repelente, repulsivo. 2 repugnante. 3 impermeável. insect repellent repelente contra insetos. water repellent impermeável.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > repellent

  • 17 report

    [rə'po:t] 1. noun
    1) (a statement or description of what has been said, seen, done etc: a child's school report; a police report on the accident.) relatório
    2) (rumour; general talk: According to report, the manager is going to resign.) boato
    3) (a loud noise, especially of a gun being fired.) detonação
    2. verb
    1) (to give a statement or description of what has been said, seen, done etc: A serious accident has just been reported; He reported on the results of the conference; Our spies report that troops are being moved to the border; His speech was reported in the newspaper.) comunicar
    2) (to make a complaint about; to give information about the misbehaviour etc of: The boy was reported to the headmaster for being rude to a teacher.) denunciar
    3) (to tell someone in authority about: He reported the theft to the police.) participar
    4) (to go (to a place or a person) and announce that one is there, ready for work etc: The boys were ordered to report to the police-station every Saturday afternoon; Report to me when you return; How many policemen reported for duty?) apresentar-se
    - reported speech
    - report back
    * * *
    [rip'ɔ:t] n 1 relatório (também Comp), informação, notícia. 2 rumor, boato. 3 reputação, fama. 4 estampido, detonação, estrondo. 5 resenha, descrição. • vt+vi 1 relatar, fazer relatório, informar, contar, noticiar, comunicar. 2 queixar-se, dar parte, denunciar. 3 apresentar-se, comparecer. 4 ressoar, repercutir. 5 trabalhar como repórter. as report has it segundo boatos. a yearly report relatório anual. he reported himself ele comunicou sua presença. it is reported dizem que. to report back trazer a informação, voltar com a informação. to report on informar a respeito de. school report boletim escolar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > report

  • 18 republican

    1) (of a republic: a republican form of government.) republicano
    2) (( also noun) (a person) who supports a republican form of government: He is not a monarchist - he is a republican; my republican friends.) republicano
    * * *
    [rip'∧blikən] n republicano. • adj republicano.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > republican

  • 19 repulse

    1. verb
    1) (to repel (an enemy).) repelir
    2) (to refuse to accept eg help from, or be friendly to.) recusar
    2. noun
    ((an) act of repulsing.) rejeição
    - repulsive
    - repulsively
    - repulsiveness
    * * *
    [rip'∧ls] n 1 repulsa, recusa. 2 rejeição. • vt 1 repulsar, repelir. 2 recusar, rejeitar. to meet with a repulse ser repulsado ou repelido.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > repulse

  • 20 grip

    [ɡrip] 1. past tense, past participle - gripped; verb
    (to take a firm hold of: He gripped his stick; The speaker gripped (the attention of) his audience.) segurar
    2. noun
    1) (a firm hold: He had a firm grip on his stick; He has a very strong grip; in the grip of the storm.) aperto
    2) (a bag used by travellers: He carried his sports equipment in a large grip.) valise
    3) (understanding: He has a good grip of the subject.) compreensão
    - come to grips with - lose one's grip

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > grip

См. также в других словарях:

  • rip current — noun a strong surface current flowing outwards from a shore • Syn: ↑riptide • Hypernyms: ↑current, ↑stream • Part Holonyms: ↑tide * * * ˌrip ˈcurrent 7 [rip current …   Useful english dictionary

  • rip — I. /rɪp / (say rip) verb (ripped, ripping) –verb (t) 1. to cut or tear apart in a rough or vigorous manner; slash; slit. 2. to cut or tear away in a rough or vigorous manner. 3. to saw (wood) in the direction of the grain. 4. Also, rip up. to… …  

  • rip — rip1 [ rıp ] verb ** 1. ) transitive to tear something quickly and with a lot of force: Jodie ripped the letter open. Stop pulling my shirt you ll rip it. rip something to shreds (=destroy something completely by tearing it): Her skirt was ripped …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • rip — Ⅰ. rip [1] ► VERB (ripped, ripping) 1) tear or pull forcibly away from something or someone. 2) tear. 3) move forcefully and rapidly. 4) (rip off) informal cheat (someone), especially financially …   English terms dictionary

  • rip-off — ˈrip off noun [countable] informal 1. something that is unreasonably expensive: • The survey found that most dieters thought diet programs were a big rip off. 2. something that is a copy of something else: • The high street stores are selling… …   Financial and business terms

  • rip cord — noun 1. : a cord by which the gasbag of a balloon may be ripped open for a limited distance to release the gas quickly and so cause immediate descent 2. : a cord or wire pulled manually or automatically in making a descent to release the pilot… …   Useful english dictionary

  • rip|ple — rip|ple1 «RIHP uhl», noun, verb, pled, pling. –n. 1. a very little wave: »Throw a stone into still water and watch the ripples spread in rings. SYNONYM(S): See syn. under wave. (Cf. ↑wave) 2. anything that seems like a tin …   Useful english dictionary

  • rip-off — rip ,off noun count usually singular INFORMAL something that is more expensive than it should be: Our meal in town was a complete rip off. rip off prices …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • rip-off — noun (C) informal something that is unreasonably expensive: Five pounds for a coffee? What a rip off! see also: rip off rip 1 …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • rip current — noun A strong flow of surface water, away from the shore, that returns water from incoming waves Syn: rip tide, riptide, rip …   Wiktionary

  • rip-roaring — rip ,roaring adjective only before noun INFORMAL very lively and exciting: The show was a rip roaring success …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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