1 Ring
1) (Finger\Ring) ring;einen \Ring am Finger tragen to wear a ring on one's finger;2) ( Öse) ring3) ( Kreis) circle;einen \Ring um jdn bilden to form a circle round sb;dunkle \Ringe [unter den Augen] dark rings [under one's eyes]6) (Box\Ring) ring;\Ring frei! seconds out!7) ( Kreis in einer Schießscheibe) ring -
2 Ring
Ring m BÖRSE pit* * *m < Börse> pit* * *Ring
(Aufkäufergruppe) corner, (Syndikat) syndicate, pool, combine, combination, trust (US);Ring
• von Händlern (Auktion) ring of dealers;
• Ringbahn circular railway (Br.);
• Ringbelieferung pool delivery (US);
• Ringbildung (bei Auktionen) knockout (Br.);
• Ringlinie (U-Bahn) circle line (Br.);
• Ringmitglied (Auktion) ringster;
• Ringsendung (Rundfunk) chain broadcast, hookup;
• Ringspeicher (Computer) ring memory;
• Ringstraße boulevard, circular road, ring-road (Br.);
• Ringtausch bartering;
• Ringverkehr circular traffic. -
3 Ring
Ring m 1. ring, circle (Kreis); 2. loop, ring, band (Öse und Schleife); 3. BT collar (Abstandsring, Manschettenring); 4. washer (Dichtungsring); 5. ring (Kette); ferrule (Eisenring); 6. VERK ring road (Ringstraße); 7. STAT toroid (mathematisch)Deutsch-Englisch Fachwörterbuch Architektur und Bauwesen > Ring
4 Ring
Ring m ring; collar; washerDeutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch der Elektrotechnik und Elektronik > Ring
5 Ring…
Ring… annular …Deutsch-Englisch Fachwörterbuch Architektur und Bauwesen > Ring…
6 Ring
7 Ring
m; -(e)s, -e1. allg.: ring; einen Ring anstecken put on a ring, put a ring on one’s finger; einen Ring im Ohr tragen wear a ring in one’s ear; die Ringe wechseln exchange rings; die olympischen Ringe the Olympic rings; Ringe unter den Augen fig. bags ( oder [dark] rings) under one’s eyes2. (Kreis) circle; einen Ring bilden form a ring ( oder circle); der Ring schließt sich fig. the wheel comes full circle3. SPORT, Boxen: ring; in den Ring steigen climb into the ring; Ring frei! Boxen: seconds out!; der Ring ist frei für neue Verhandlungen fig. the way is clear for further negotiations7. (Spionage-, Verbrecherring) ring8. (Lesering) book club9. (Wurfring) quoit, ring* * *der Ring(Boxsport) ring;(Kreisform) hoop; round; ring;(Schmuckstück) ring; circlet* * *Rịng [rɪŋ]m -(e)s, -e1) ring; (= Kettenring) link; (= Wurfring) quoit; (= Einweckring) seal, rubber; (= Rettungsring) life buoy, life beltdie Ringe tauschen or wechseln — to exchange rings
2) (= Kreis) (= Jahresring, Rauchring) ring; (auf dem Wasser, von Menschen) circle, ring; (= Ringstraße) ring road(dunkle) Ringe unter den Augen haben — to have (dark) rings under one's eyes
acht Ringe schießen — to score an eight
Ring frei! — seconds out or away!; (fig) clear the decks!
in den Ring steigen (lit) — to climb into the ring; (fig) to enter the lists or the fray
4) (ASTRON, MET, CHEM) ring5) (= Vereinigung) circle, group; (von Großhändlern, Erzeugern) group; (= Bande) ring; (THEAT = Abonnentenring) theatre-goers' (Brit) or theater-goers' (US) group6) (liter = Kreislauf) circle, cycleder Ring schließt sich — the circle is completed or closed, the wheel comes or turns full circle
7) (= Sagenzyklus) cycleder Ring ( des Nibelungen) — the Ring (of the Nibelung)
* * *der1) (a drift or curl of smoke, mist etc: wreaths of smoke.) wreath2) (a small circle eg of gold or silver, sometimes having a jewel set in it, worn on the finger: a wedding ring; She wears a diamond ring.) ring3) (a circle of metal, wood etc for any of various purposes: a scarf-ring; a key-ring; The trap-door had a ring attached for lifting it.) ring4) (anything which is like a circle in shape: The children formed a ring round their teacher; The hot teapot left a ring on the polished table.) ring5) (an enclosed space for boxing matches, circus performances etc: the circus-ring; The crowd cheered as the boxer entered the ring.) ring6) (a small group of people formed for business or criminal purposes: a drugs ring.) ring* * *<-[e]s, -e>[rɪŋ]m1. (Fingerring) ringeinen \Ring am Finger tragen to wear a ring on one's finger2. (Öse) ring3. (Kreis) circleeinen \Ring um jdn bilden to form a circle round sbdunkle \Ringe [unter den Augen] dark rings [under one's eyes]6. (Boxring) ring\Ring frei! seconds out!7. (Kreis in einer Schießscheibe) ring* * *der; Ring[e]s, Ringe1) ring2) (BoxRing) ringRing frei zur zweiten Runde — seconds out for the second round
* * *1. allg: ring;einen Ring anstecken put on a ring, put a ring on one’s finger;einen Ring im Ohr tragen wear a ring in one’s ear;die Ringe wechseln exchange rings;die olympischen Ringe the Olympic rings;2. (Kreis) circle;einen Ring bilden form a ring ( oder circle);der Ring schließt sich fig the wheel comes full circlein den Ring steigen climb into the ring;Ring frei! Boxen: seconds out!;der Ring ist frei für neue Verhandlungen fig the way is clear for further negotiationsRinge rings;an den Ringen turnen exercise on the rings7. (Spionage-, Verbrecherring) ring8. (Lesering) book club9. (Wurfring) quoit, ring* * *der; Ring[e]s, Ringe1) ring2) (BoxRing) ring* * *-e m.circlet n.curl n.ring n. -
8 ring
m; -(e)s, -e1. allg.: ring; einen Ring anstecken put on a ring, put a ring on one’s finger; einen Ring im Ohr tragen wear a ring in one’s ear; die Ringe wechseln exchange rings; die olympischen Ringe the Olympic rings; Ringe unter den Augen fig. bags ( oder [dark] rings) under one’s eyes2. (Kreis) circle; einen Ring bilden form a ring ( oder circle); der Ring schließt sich fig. the wheel comes full circle3. SPORT, Boxen: ring; in den Ring steigen climb into the ring; Ring frei! Boxen: seconds out!; der Ring ist frei für neue Verhandlungen fig. the way is clear for further negotiations7. (Spionage-, Verbrecherring) ring8. (Lesering) book club9. (Wurfring) quoit, ring* * *der Ring(Boxsport) ring;(Kreisform) hoop; round; ring;(Schmuckstück) ring; circlet* * *Rịng [rɪŋ]m -(e)s, -e1) ring; (= Kettenring) link; (= Wurfring) quoit; (= Einweckring) seal, rubber; (= Rettungsring) life buoy, life beltdie Ringe tauschen or wechseln — to exchange rings
2) (= Kreis) (= Jahresring, Rauchring) ring; (auf dem Wasser, von Menschen) circle, ring; (= Ringstraße) ring road(dunkle) Ringe unter den Augen haben — to have (dark) rings under one's eyes
acht Ringe schießen — to score an eight
Ring frei! — seconds out or away!; (fig) clear the decks!
in den Ring steigen (lit) — to climb into the ring; (fig) to enter the lists or the fray
4) (ASTRON, MET, CHEM) ring5) (= Vereinigung) circle, group; (von Großhändlern, Erzeugern) group; (= Bande) ring; (THEAT = Abonnentenring) theatre-goers' (Brit) or theater-goers' (US) group6) (liter = Kreislauf) circle, cycleder Ring schließt sich — the circle is completed or closed, the wheel comes or turns full circle
7) (= Sagenzyklus) cycleder Ring ( des Nibelungen) — the Ring (of the Nibelung)
* * *der1) (a drift or curl of smoke, mist etc: wreaths of smoke.) wreath2) (a small circle eg of gold or silver, sometimes having a jewel set in it, worn on the finger: a wedding ring; She wears a diamond ring.) ring3) (a circle of metal, wood etc for any of various purposes: a scarf-ring; a key-ring; The trap-door had a ring attached for lifting it.) ring4) (anything which is like a circle in shape: The children formed a ring round their teacher; The hot teapot left a ring on the polished table.) ring5) (an enclosed space for boxing matches, circus performances etc: the circus-ring; The crowd cheered as the boxer entered the ring.) ring6) (a small group of people formed for business or criminal purposes: a drugs ring.) ring* * *<-[e]s, -e>[rɪŋ]m1. (Fingerring) ringeinen \Ring am Finger tragen to wear a ring on one's finger2. (Öse) ring3. (Kreis) circleeinen \Ring um jdn bilden to form a circle round sbdunkle \Ringe [unter den Augen] dark rings [under one's eyes]6. (Boxring) ring\Ring frei! seconds out!7. (Kreis in einer Schießscheibe) ring* * *der; Ring[e]s, Ringe1) ring2) (BoxRing) ringRing frei zur zweiten Runde — seconds out for the second round
* * *…ring m im subst1. im wörtl Sinn:Eisenring iron ring;Gardinenring curtain ring2. fig (Gruppe):Lesering book club;Rauschgiftring drug ring* * *der; Ring[e]s, Ringe1) ring2) (BoxRing) ring* * *-e m.circlet n.curl n.ring n. -
9 Ring
m <tech.allg> ■ annulusm < bekl> ■ ring -
10 ...ring
m, im Subst. -
11 Ring
Ring1 m ELEK ring -
12 Ring
13 Ring
m -
14 Ring
m1. circlet2. curl3. cycle4. ring5. torus -
15 Ring
m AUDIO band, MATH [Torus] toroid -
16 Ring...
17 Ring-LAN
Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch der Elektrotechnik und Elektronik > Ring-LAN
18 Ring-Synchron-Motor
Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch Engineering > Ring-Synchron-Motor
19 Ring-Kugelmethode
Deutsch-Englisch Fachwörterbuch Architektur und Bauwesen > Ring-Kugelmethode
20 Ring-und-Kugel-Methode
Deutsch-Englisch Fachwörterbuch Architektur und Bauwesen > Ring-und-Kugel-Methode
См. также в других словарях:
ring — ring … Dictionnaire des rimes
Ring 0 — Ring de Bruxelles Ring de Bruxelles … Wikipédia en Français
Ring — Ring, n. [AS. hring, hrinc; akin to Fries. hring, D. & G. ring, OHG. ring, hring, Icel. hringr, DAn. & SW. ring; cf. Russ. krug . Cf. {Harangue}, {Rank} a row,{Rink}.] A circle, or a circular line, or anything in the form of a circular line or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ring — may refer to: Ring (jewellery), a decorative ornament worn on fingers, toes, or around the arm or neck Contents 1 Computing 2 Entertainment 3 … Wikipedia
ring — [ riŋ ] n. m. • 1829; mot angl., proprt « cercle » 1 ♦ Vx Enceinte où se tenaient les parieurs dans les courses de chevaux. ♢ Vx Arène d un cirque. ⇒ piste. 2 ♦ (1850) Mod. Estrade carrée entourée de trois rangs de cordes, sur laquelle combattent … Encyclopédie Universelle
ring — ring1 [riŋ] vi. rang or Now Chiefly Dial. rung, rung, ringing [ME ringen < OE hringan < IE echoic base * ker > RAVEN1, CREAK, L corvus, crow] 1. to give forth a clear, resonant sound when struck or otherwise caused to vibrate, as a bell … English World dictionary
Ring — /ring/, n. a male given name. * * * I Circular band of gold, silver, or other precious or decorative material usually worn on the finger, but sometimes on the toes, the ears, or the nose. The earliest examples were found in the tombs of ancient… … Universalium
ring — Ⅰ. ring [1] ► NOUN 1) a small circular band, typically of precious metal, worn on a finger. 2) a circular band, object, or mark. 3) an enclosed space in which a sport, performance, or show takes place. 4) a group of people or things arranged in a … English terms dictionary
Ring — (r[i^]ng), v. t. [imp. {Rang} (r[a^]ng) or {Rung} (r[u^]ng); p. p. {Rung}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Ringing}.] [AS. hringan; akin to Icel. hringja, Sw. ringa, Dan. ringe, OD. ringhen, ringkelen. [root]19.] 1. To cause to sound, especially by striking, as … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ring — RING, ringuri, s.n. 1. Estradă ridicată la o înălţime regulamentară, de formă pătrată şi împrejmuită cu corzi sprijinite pe patru stâlpi, unde se dispută gale de box. ♦ p. ext. Box. ♦ Platformă, estradă sau spaţiu special amenajat într un local,… … Dicționar Român
Ring 2 — Données clés Réalisation Hideo Nakata Scénario Hiroshi Takahashi Acteurs principaux Miki Nakatani Hitomi Sato Kyoko Fukada Nanako Matsushima Pays d’origine … Wikipédia en Français