Перевод: с финского на русский

с русского на финский


См. также в других словарях:

  • Porridge — Porridge, or porage, is a simple dish made by boiling oats (normally crushed oats, occasionally oatmeal) or another cereal in water, milk, or both. Dishes made from cornmeal to which boiling water is added are a variant of porridge, though these… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Christmas dishes — An oven roasted brine soaked turkey. This page is a list of Christmas dishes as eaten around the world. These food items are traditionally eaten at or associated with the Christmas season. Contents …   Wikipedia

  • Rice pudding — Ris a la mande being served during the traditional Scandinavian Christmas meal, in Denmark Rice pudding is a dish made from rice mixed with water or milk and sometimes other ingredients such as cinnamon and raisins. Different variants are used… …   Wikipedia

  • The Hoito — Restaurant (often referred to as “The Hoito” by locals) is a Finnish Canadian restaurant in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada established in 1918 and housed in the bottom floor of the historic Finnish Labour Temple. The Hoito has operated continuously …   Wikipedia

  • Bouillie — La bouillie est un plat très simple, à base de céréales mondées, souvent écrasées grossièrement (gruaux) ou transformées en semoule ou en farine, que l on prépare en les faisant bouillir le plus souvent dans de l eau, mais parfois aussi du lait… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Porridge — Bouillie La bouillie est un plat très simple, à base de céréales mondées, souvent écrasées grossièrement (gruaux) ou transformées en semoule ou en farine, que l on prépare en les faisant bouillir le plus souvent dans de l eau, mais parfois aussi… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Joulupukki — es el nombre finés para Santa Claus o Papá Noel. El nombre de Joulupukki literalmente significa Cabra de Navidad que procede de la tradicional imagen de la cabra como símbolo navideño en los países escandinavos. La palabra finesa pukki proviene… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Finnish cuisine — Karelian pasty (karjalanpiirakka) is a traditional Finnish dish made from a thin rye crust with a filling of rice. Butter, often mixed with boiled egg (eggbutter or munavoi), is spread over the hot pastries before eating. Finnish cuisine is… …   Wikipedia

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