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  • 1 mind

    s 1.pamćenje, sjećanje 2. mišljenje, mnijenje, nazor; misao 3. namjera, nakana, volja, želja; sklonost, raspoloženje 4. duh, duša; um, razum, pamet, mozak, glava / to bear (keep) a the in # = držati što na umu; to bring (call) a th to # = dozvati u sjećanje, podsjećati na što; to come to # = pasti na pamet; to go (pass) out of (from) one's# = ispasti iz misli it passed completely from my = potpuno sam smetnuo s uma; to turn one's # to = svratiti pažnju na; to keep one's # on a th = ne odvraćati pažnje od čega; to take one's # off = odvratiti pažnju od; to have a th on one's # = biti zabrinut zbog čega; to put a p in # of a th = podsjetiti koga na što; to read another's # = čitati, pogađati tuđe misli; to speak one's # = otvoreno kazati svoje mišljenje; to make up one's # = odlučiti, stvoriti odluku; pomiriti se s čim (to a th); to be of a p's = dijeliti s kim mišljenje; to be of one # (about a th) = biti istoga mišljenja (o čemu); to be of the same # = misliti isto, dijeliti mišljenje (s drugima); ne mijenjati (svoje) mišljenje; to change one's # = predomisliti se; to open one's # to = povjeriti komusvoje misli, osjećaje; to be in two # s about a th = biti neodlučan, premišljati se; to give one's # to a th = posvetiti pažnju čemu; to give a p a piece of one's # = očitati komu bukvicu, reći komu svoje; to have half a # to = gotovo htjeti (što učiniti); to have a good # to = imati veliku volju (što učiniti); to know one's own # = znati što se hoće, biti odlučan; to set one's # on a th = silno željeti što, čvrsto sebi poduzeti što; to cast one's # back = vratiti se u duhu, u mislima (to one's childhood= u djetinjstvo); time out of # = davna prošlost; out of one's # = sišao s uma, lud; he is not in his right # = on nije pri zdravu razboru, on nije sasvim pri sebi; in the # 's eye = u duhu, u mislima; frame of # = (trenutno) raspoloženje; absence of # = odsutnost duha; presence of # = prisutnost duha; to one's # =po čijem mišljenju; po čijoj volji; [prov] out of sight, out of # = daleko od oka, daleko od srca; no two # s think alike = koliko ljudi, toliko mišljenja
    * * *

    brinuti se
    imati na umu
    način mišljenja
    obazirati se
    premišljati se

    English-Croatian dictionary > mind

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Eye color — is a polygenic trait and is determined by the amount and type of pigments in the eye s iris.Wielgus AR, Sarna T. Melanin in human irides of different color and age of donors. Pigment Cell Res. 2005 Dec; 18(6):454 64. PMID 16280011.] Prota G, Hu… …   Wikipedia

  • RIGHT AND LEFT — (right: Heb. יָמִין; Akk. imnu, imittu; Ugaritic, ymn; left: Heb. שְׂמֹאל; Akk. šumēlu; Ugaritic, (u)šmʾal; and common Semitic). The biblical usages of right and left are basically fourfold: right as opposed to left; directions (cardinal points); …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • eye, human — ▪ anatomy Introduction  specialized sense organ capable of receiving visual images, which are then carried to the brain. Anatomy of the visual apparatus Structures auxiliary to the eye The orbit       The eye is protected from mechanical injury… …   Universalium

  • Right- and left-hand traffic —   countries with right hand traffic …   Wikipedia

  • Eye examination — An eye examination is a battery of tests performed by an optometrist or ophthalmologist assessing vision and ability to focus on and discern objects, as well as other tests and examinations pertaining to the eyes.All people should have periodic… …   Wikipedia

  • Eye of Horus — The Eye of Horus (Wedjat) [Chapter 14, Egyptian Art in David P. Silverman, Ancient Egypt , Duncan Baird Publishers, 1997. p.228] (previously Wadjet and the Eye of the Moon; and afterwards as The Eye of Ra) [ Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache 1,… …   Wikipedia

  • Eye-gouging (rugby union) — For the general concept, see Eye gouging. Eye gouging is a serious offence in rugby union where a player uses hands or fingers to inflict pain in an opponent s eyes. The game s laws refer to it as contact with eyes or the eye area of an opponent… …   Wikipedia

  • right-eyed — adjective having only the right eye • Similar to: ↑eyed * * * ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective 1. : having the right eye dominant 2. : using the right eye rather than the left especially in sighting …   Useful english dictionary

  • right-eyed — SYN: dextrocular. * * * right eyed adj using the right eye in preference (as in using a camera or a monocular microscope) …   Medical dictionary

  • eye — or private eye [ī] n. [ME ey, eie < OE ēage, akin to Ger auge < IE base * okw , to see > Gr osse, eyes, ōps, face, eye, L oculus] 1. the organ of sight in humans and animals 2. a) the eyeball b) the iris [brown eyes] …   English World dictionary

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